Minecraft 擁有 2022 年您可以玩的所有流行沙盒遊戲中最多樣化和最廣泛的生物群。正因為如此,弄清楚所有這些沙盒遊戲的所有內容變得非常具有挑戰性。如果您遇到這種情況,那麼您來對地方了。我們已經介紹了 Minecraft 中的所有生物,從微小的 Endermite 到 Minecraft 1.19 中添加的可怕的新老闆 Warden。如果您對了解所有 Minecraft 生物群系更感興趣,我們已經為您準備好了指南。話雖如此,讓我們來看看 2022 年 Minecraft 中的所有 77 個生物。
Minecraft 中所有 77 個生物的完整列表(2022 年 7 月更新)
“生物”一詞包括所有Minecraft 中由人工智能驅動的生物。如果您想了解特定的暴民,請使用下表跳過並閱讀您感興趣的暴民。
Minecraft 中的生物類型
Minecraft 中的生物被編程為向玩家顯示固定的行為。考慮到這一點,我們將小怪分為三大類:
被動小怪:這些小怪從不攻擊玩家中立小怪:這些小怪攻擊玩家僅在觸發時。 敵對生物:這些生物默認對玩家具有攻擊性。
Minecraft 的被動生物
被動生物是您在 Minecraft 世界中可以遇到的最安全的生物。即使被激怒,他們也不會攻擊任何玩家。這些特徵的唯一例外是河豚,如果它們靠得太近,它們會無意中攻擊其他生物和玩家。
蠑螈是水生生物,只能在茂密的洞穴生物群系中找到,這是在 Minecraft 1.18 中引入的。它們有五種不同的顏色,其中一種是 Minecraft 中最稀有的蠑螈。所有蠑螈都喜歡待在水下。它們也可以在陸地上生存,但只能存活幾分鐘。不要忘記,它們在地面上移動時也非常緩慢。不過,如果下雨,蠑螈可以在陸地上無限期地盛行。
至於他們的行為,蠑螈對玩家是被動的,但他們攻擊幾乎所有的水生生物,包括溺水者。它們不攻擊海龜、海豚、青蛙和其他蠑螈。因此,如果您想創建一支水生戰士大軍,您可以使用我們的指南在 Minecraft 中馴服和繁殖蠑螈。
2021 年暴民投票的獲勝者,Allay 是 Minecraft 中的功能性飛行暴民。它從玩家那裡獲取物品並嘗試在 Minecraft 世界中找到這些物品的副本。然後,當它找到該物品的副本時,Allay 會撿起它們並將它們歸還給玩家。它是 Minecraft 中唯一可以執行如此高級任務的生物。
此外,Allay 也是 Minecraft 中唯一無需夥伴即可複制自身的生物。通過我們的專用指南深入了解 Allay 重複。關於實用性,Allay 很容易成為遊戲中用途最廣泛的生物之一。您甚至可以在 Minecraft 中使用 Allay 製作自動農場。唯一的限制是你的想像力。
蝙蝠是 Minecraft 中的被動飛行生物,使遊戲的地下區域更有趣。它們在洞穴生物群系和蔓延到洞穴中的主世界生物群系中生成。您會發現它們在飛行或倒掛在實心塊下。如果蝙蝠感覺到你的存在,它會立即飛走。它甚至可以在您隱形時檢測到您。
貓是 Minecraft 中可馴服的被動生物,它們只會在村莊和沼澤小屋中生成。 Minecraft 中有 11 種不同類型的貓,它們具有相同的特徵,但具有不同的皮膚。您必須在 Minecraft 中培育貓才能獲得所有這些變體。貓會自然而然地對幻影和爬行者發出嘶嘶聲,這兩者都避免靠近任何貓。
此外,貓還對 Minecraft 中的墜落傷害免疫,這使它們成為長時間冒險的絕佳夥伴。如果您在 Minecraft 中馴服貓,您甚至可以從他們那裡獲得隨機禮物戰利品。但要獲得禮物,貓必須能夠在你附近觸摸和睡覺。
儘管它們看起來很普通,但雞是 Minecraft 中有益的常見生物。它們是可食用的雞肉、羽毛和雞蛋的主要來源。關於行為,Minecraft 中的所有雞都會不規律地遊蕩,並且不會受到跌落傷害。他們可以通過拍打翅膀來無限期地減慢下落速度。但是雞自然會受到豹貓、野貓和狐狸的攻擊。
至於它們的繁殖,所有的雞都是從雞蛋中產生的。你可以撿雞蛋和扔雞蛋,偶爾會有一隻小雞跳出來。 Minecraft 中的雞無法馴服,但在 Minecraft 中養殖它們會產生有益的結果,至少在食物方面是這樣。
在 Minecraft 中,鱈魚是一種僅在海洋中產卵的魚。鱈魚通常以 3-7 個小怪為一組生成,可以殺死以獲得可食用的生鱈魚。鱈魚不能在水外生存,即使在大鍋水和浸水的樹葉和其他方塊中也會死亡。
奶牛是 Minecraft 中的常見生物,它們以小組的形式在草叢中生成。它們不會攻擊任何其他生物或玩家,而是會在受到玩家攻擊時試圖逃到安全的地方。它還可以避免水、環境危害和陡峭的瀑布。
您可以在 Minecraft 中對奶牛使用桶來從奶牛身上收集牛奶。但要獲得生牛肉或皮革,你必須殺死牛。儘管奶牛很有幫助,但沒有辦法馴化或馴服它們,這有點令人失望。但是您仍然可以使用小麥讓它們跟隨您並在 Minecraft 中飼養奶牛。
如果你想飼養一頭驢,你必須餵牠金蘋果或金胡蘿蔔。不過,您並不總是需要另一頭驢來繁殖。相反,如果附近有一匹馬,驢會與馬交配以產下騾子。馬和驢之間的繁殖過程是 Minecraft 唯一允許的雜交。
狐狸是 Minecraft 中臭名昭著的可馴服的生物,它們喜歡撿起掉在嘴裡的物品然後逃跑。他們一次只能攜帶一件物品。如果你想從狐狸那裡取回被盜的物品,你需要在狐狸附近丟下發光漿果或甜漿果。它比任何其他實體更喜歡食物。玩家也可以使用這兩種漿果來繁殖狐狸。
您可以在針葉林、古老的針葉林、白雪皚皚的針葉林和樹林生物群落中找到這些令人愉悅的生物。如果你想在 Minecraft 中馴服一隻狐狸,你必須採取一些殘忍的步驟。我們的鏈接指南深入介紹了馴服過程。
新添加的紅樹林沼澤的禮物,青蛙是僅在沼澤生物群系 的 Minecraft。根據其生成生物群系的溫度,青蛙可以生成三種不同的顏色(橙色、白色和綠色)。但無論顏色如何,每隻青蛙都有相同的特徵,都喜歡吃小岩漿塊和粘液。
如果青蛙吃掉一個小的岩漿立方體,它會掉落一個名為青蛙光的新物品,它的顏色與青蛙的顏色相似。在此基礎上,如果您手動將粘液球餵給青蛙,它們會進入愛情模式並將青蛙卵(雞蛋)放在水塊上。這些青蛙卵後來孵化成蝌蚪。與其他可繁殖的生物不同,青蛙沒有嬰兒變種。您可以在我們的分步指南中了解如何在 Minecraft 1.19 中培育青蛙。
馬是常見的被動生物,可以在 Minecraft 中馴服和騎乘。不像驢,你不能把箱子放在馬上。相反,作為替代方案,Minecraft 使您能夠為馬匹裝備盔甲,它們甚至比大多數生物跑得更快。這兩個功能都使馬在戰鬥中可靠,並且可以在您的 Minecraft 中的中世紀房屋創意中發揮作用。
您可以在平原和熱帶稀樹草原生物群系中找到多達 6 匹馬。在 Minecraft 中,每匹馬都有 35 種馬皮中的一種,可以有七種不同的顏色和五種不同的標記。要收集所有馬的變種,請使用金蘋果或金胡蘿蔔來繁殖它們。
哞菇是奶牛的變種,只在稀有的蘑菇地生物群系中產卵。它有從身體中長出的蘑菇,玩家可以用剪刀採摘。自然,Minecraft 中只會生成紅色哞菇。但是如果這個暴徒被閃電卡住了,它就會變成棕色哞菇,身上長出棕色的蘑菇。
就像奶牛一樣,您可以在 Minecraft 中使用水桶為 Mooshroom 擠奶。同樣,您也可以使用小麥來繁殖哞菇並讓它們跟隨您。但與牛不同的是,你也可以通過在哞菇上使用碗來燉蘑菇。
騾子是被動型生物,可以在 Minecraft 中騎乘、馴服和裝備箱子。它們不是自然生成的,只能通過用驢飼養馬來生成。騾子通常比普通的驢子快,但它們的移動速度在它們生成時是隨機設置的。
最後,Minecraft 中的騾子不能生育後代,因為已經發生了雜交過程。為了增加您的知識,這種機制與現實生活中的對應機制相似。
豹貓是稀有的貓科生物,僅在 Minecraft 的叢林生物群系中生成。遵循貓的特性,它們不會受到跌落傷害,並且可以將幻影和爬行者拒之門外,但與貓不同的是,它們對雞和小海龜懷有敵意。
鸚鵡是您可以馴服的稀有飛行被動生物。它們僅存在於 Minecraft 的叢林生物群系中,並且可以模仿敵對生物的聲音。您可以通過餵食小麥、甜瓜、南瓜或甜菜根種子來馴服一隻野鸚鵡。如果鸚鵡被馴服,它會在你周圍飛翔,甚至坐在你的肩膀上。
豬是 Minecraft 中的一種小型生物類型,在大多數草地生物群系中生成。它們也可以在村莊內的動物圍欄中找到。你可以殺死豬來獲得豬排,或者你可以在它們上面放置馬鞍來騎豬。但是你必須用大棒上的胡蘿蔔來驅動它。
就其獨特的機製而言,豬可以在雷擊時變成殭屍豬靈,一種中立的不死生物。但稍後會詳細介紹。最後,要在 Minecraft 中養豬,你必須餵牠們胡蘿蔔、土豆或甜菜根。
河豚是遊戲中一種獨特的被動型生物。他們是唯一可以傷害玩家的被動型生物,但他們這樣做是無意的。您只能在 Minecraft 的微溫海洋中找到河豚。與其他魚類不同,河豚單獨游泳而不是成群結隊,但它們也不能在水外生存或以任何方式繁殖。
就像 Minecraft 青蛙一樣,兔子也有不同的顏色變體,具體取決於它們的生成生物群系。你可以在沙漠中找到黃色的兔子,在雪地裡找到白色和黑白相間的兔子,在丘陵生物群系中找到黑色、棕色和棕色和白色的兔子。兔子通常漫無目的地四處亂跳,容易受到狼和狐狸的攻擊。
與鱈魚類似,鮭魚是 Minecraft 中常見的被動水生生物,在海洋和河流中產卵。被殺死後,它們是可靠的食物來源,您可以同時找到多達七條鮭魚來解飢餓。正如您所料,鮭魚不能像其他魚類一樣在陸地上生存或繁殖。
像其他家畜一樣,羊也不能在 Minecraft 中被馴服。但是你仍然可以用小麥來養羊。小羊的顏色是其父母顏色的混合。此外,作為複活節彩蛋,您可以將綿羊命名為“jeb_”,使其羊毛在所有可能的顏色中循環。
儘管它們看起來很嚇人,但 Minecraft 的骷髏馬是被動的不死生物。它們是馬的變種,當普通馬被閃電擊中時出現。這些骷髏馬可以由玩家騎乘和馴服,並且是 Minecraft 中最快的交通工具之一。他們甚至可以跳得比普通的馬匹和球員高得多。
魷魚是普通的水生生物,你可以在 Minecraft 的海洋和河流中找到它們。他們用觸鬚游泳,不能在水外生存。他們通常不會與玩家互動,並且在受到攻擊時會釋放空白墨水。您可以殺死它們以在 Minecraft 中獲得墨囊。但請確保不要過度,因為沒有辦法繁殖魷魚。
從已退役的 Minecraft Earth 遊戲中移植,發光魷魚是生成的水生生物在黑暗的水下區域。你可以在水下峽谷和深湖中找到它們。它們是普通魷魚的發光變體,但它們的亮度只有在使用 RTX 或使用這些最好的 Minecraft 著色器之一時才能真正顯示出來。 發光魷魚也不能繁殖。
即使 Minecraft 中沒有小青蛙,蝌蚪仍然存在。與現實世界中的同類一樣,它們處於青蛙的幼蟲階段 無法在陸地上生存。它們從青蛙卵(卵)中孵化出來並四處游動漫無目的,直到它們長成青蛙。你可以把它們放在水桶裡,或者用粘液球讓它們跟著你。
熱帶魚是 Minecraft 中最常見和最多樣化的水生生物。該遊戲有超過 2,700 個自然發生的變體。您可以嘗試在海洋、紅樹林沼澤和新的茂密洞穴生物群系中找到它們。您一次可以找到最多 9 條熱帶魚。它們無法繁殖或馴服,但您可以殺死熱帶魚以將它們作為可食用物品。
海龜,在基岩版中也被稱為“海龜”,常見於海灘生物群系中最多五個生物的小群中.但它們不會在白雪皚皚或石質海灘上產卵。 它們可以在陸地和水上生存。 你無法馴服海龜,但你可以在海草的幫助下繁殖它們。
進入戀愛模式後,海龜會產卵,然後孵化成小海龜。這些小海龜更喜歡水而不是陸地。一旦它們長成成年海龜,它們就會掉落盾甲,您可以用它來製作海龜頭盔和海龜大師的藥水。沒有其他方法可以在 Minecraft 中獲得這些盾牌。
無論你在我的世界中的技能如何,村民幾乎可以在任何情況下真正幫助你。它們很友好,可以與同類進行交易、繁殖和互動。在某種程度上,村民是遊戲中最聰明的被動生物,你可以在 Minecraft 的村莊中找到他們。
流浪商人在遊戲中有一個獨特的生成機制。從理論上講,他們與村民一樣,但您不必去村莊尋找他們。相反,這些流浪商人自然會在玩家 48 格半徑範圍內生成。它們總是與兩隻拴著的貿易羊駝一起生成。
蜘蛛是 Minecraft 中的中立生物,可以爬上游戲中的所有固體方塊。只要他們周圍的夜間等級為12或更高,他們就不會對玩家產生敵意。如果光照水平下降,蜘蛛就會變得敵對並試圖殺死玩家。你可以在主世界的所有生物群系中找到它們,除了蘑菇田和深邃的黑暗。
海豚 是 Minecraft 的水生生物,只在非冰凍的海洋。與其他魚類不同,海豚偶爾會跳出水面以獲取一些空氣以求生存。因此,如果不在它們之間移動,它們就無法在水中或水中生存太久。
Minecraft 的 Enderman 暴徒為 Slenderman 的互聯網神話賦予了創意。它看起來很嚇人,可以在遊戲中在所有三個維度中找到。它的主要能力包括傳送和拾取隨機塊。您可以在末影人周圍移動而不會隨時攻擊您。
山羊是 Minecraft 中的中立生物,只出現在雪坡、冰凍山峰和鋸齒狀山峰生物群落中。他們可以跳得很高並受到更輕微的跌落傷害。就像奶牛和哞菇一樣,您可以在它們身上使用桶來收集牛奶。山羊不介意玩家的存在,如果你攻擊它們甚至不會被觸發。
但如果你靜止不動幾秒鐘,山羊會撞到你。如果它成功擊中你,你將受到輕微傷害並被擊退九格。從高而窄的山頂被推開九個街區就足以讓你因墜落傷害而喪命。如果他們擊中少數固體塊中的一個,它可能會在 Minecraft(我的世界)中掉落山羊角,這是遊戲中的第一個樂器。
鐵傀儡是 Minecraft 中最大的生物之一。它們自然在村民周圍生成,也可以使用鐵塊和雕刻南瓜、南瓜燈或南瓜手動創建。不管是否自然,所有鐵傀儡都對 Minecraft 中的敵對生物懷有敵意。他們免疫墜落傷害和溺水。
美洲駝是中立的 Minecraft 生物,只在風吹草動的山丘和熱帶草原生物群系中生成。它們是唯一可以裝備箱子的中立生物。但與馬和驢不同的是,您必須放置地毯而不是馬鞍才能騎乘它們。而且由於美洲駝成群結隊地旅行,您可以帶領一隻美洲駝組成最多 9 只其他美洲駝跟隨您。如果你不能自然地找到更多的駱駝,你可以用乾草捆飼養兩隻駱駝。
美洲駝是移動 Minecraft 房屋和進行長時間冒險的最佳交通工具。默認情況下,所有美洲駝都是中立的,但會在暴徒或玩家攻擊它們時開始吐痰。羊駝的每一口唾液都會造成價值 1 點的傷害。此外,它們天生對野狼懷有敵意,它們總是逃離美洲駝。
Trader Llama
商人美洲駝是在流浪時生成的美洲駝的變種貿易商。他們天生對所有殭屍和災民懷有敵意(僅限 Java)。通常,除非玩家先攻擊他們,否則交易羊駝不會攻擊玩家。但如果玩家攻擊流浪商人,他們也會變得敵對。它們的吐痰傷害和其他特性與普通美洲駝相同。
熊貓是叢林生物群系獨有的中立生物。你可以在竹林中找到它們最常見的地方。與現實生活中的熊貓一樣,Minecraft 中的熊貓有不同的個性,包括:正常、懶惰、憂慮、頑皮、好鬥、虛弱和棕色。每隻熊貓,根據它的個性,行為不同。
只有攻擊性的熊貓才會在玩家和其他生物被擊中時攻擊他們。但Minecraft中的所有熊貓都喜歡竹子和蛋糕。如果玩家拿著竹子,熊貓會跟著他們。 Persisting their uniqueness, the pandas are the only mob in Minecraft with special breeding requirements and a gene system. You can find out more about the same on Minecraft Wiki.
Piglins are neutral mobs that only spawn in the Nether dimension. They are naturally hostile towards the players unless the player is wearing a piece of golden armor. If you don’t provoke them, you can grow gold ingots at them for bartering. The Piglins pick up the gold ingots and throw a random item in return.
Piglins in a group can also get provoked if you attack another Piglin or a Piglin brute. They can be easily distracted if you throw a gold ingot near them. Moreover, even though Piglins are from the Nether, they are not immune from lava or fire-based damage.
Zombified Piglin
As the name suggests, the Zombified Piglin is an undead variant of the regular Piglins. They are also exclusive to the Nether dimension, but if a pig gets struck by lightning in the overworld, it can turn into a Zombified Piglin. Unlike Piglins, Zombified Piglins are immune to fire and lava-based damage.
Fortunately, you don’t have to wear gold to avoid provocation of Zombified Piglins. They only get provoked when you attack them or one of their kind. Otherwise, they are passive. Moreover, they don’t attack villagers and wandering traders even though other zombie mobs do.
Polar Bear
Polar bears are one of the simplest mobs in Minecraft that spawn only in icy biomes. They can’t breed and don’t attack players unless they are attacked first. Naturally, they are only hostile towards foxes. If you kill a polar bear, it can drop raw cod or raw salmon. It’s best not to fight them in the water as their swimming speed is the same as the players.
Wolves are one of the most useful neutral mobs that you can tame and use in combat. The wild wolves are naturally hostile towards sheep, rabbits, foxes, baby turtles, and skeletons but don’t attack the players unless the player attacks them first. But if you tame a wolf by giving it bone, it will also attack every mob you attack. Though, they avoid attacking creepers and tamed mobs.
You can breed wolves using any meat in the game, including rotten flesh. The baby wolves that the player breeds are naturally tamed. All tamed wolves have a collar around their necks whose color can be changed with the help of dye.
Hostile Mobs
All hostile mobs in Minecraft are aggressive and attack the players as soon as they detect them. You can’t tame, ride or calm most of these mobs.
Blazes are hostile mobs that you will only find in the Nether fortresses. They spawn with the help of spawners in the fortresses and keep floating until they are killed. All Blazes are immune from fire, lava, and fall damage. Because their body is always on fire, Blazes can take damage from water, rain, snowballs, and powder snow.
The most common attack of the Blaze is the fireballs that they shoot if the target is in front of them. Otherwise, you also take melee damage by touching the Blaze. If you somehow kill a blaze, it might drop a single blaze rod. There is no other way to get blaze rods in Minecraft, and you need them to make blaze powder, which is used to power brewing stands.
Zombies are common hostile mobs that spawn during the nighttime in the overworld. They can also generate in underground low-light areas in groups of up to four zombies. At times, some zombies can also spawn equipped with weapons, tools, and even armor. If you kill the geared zombie, it might drop the supplied item. Moreover, if a regular zombie comes across the dropped items, it can pick and gear itself up too.
All zombies are easy to kill in small groups. However, they can easily overpower the player in more enormous swarms. But you only have to keep them at bay until sunrise as all zombies start burning under direct sunlight. This mechanic doesn’t work if the zombie is wearing head armor or is standing in water or cobwebs.
Chicken Jockey
Even though it might not look harmful, the Chicken Jockey is one of the most irritating mobs in Minecraft. They are a rare baby variant of zombie, Zombified Piglin, zombie villager, Husk, or drowned riding a chicken. Chicken Jockeys are extremely fast and hard to hit. In the Bedrock Edition, Chicken Jockey can also ride other mobs, including spiders.
Though, it’s worth noting that the Zombified Piglin chicken jockeys are not hostile. The rest will attack you as soon as you get in their line of sight. Once you kill the jockey, the chicken they were riding acts as a regular chicken.
Zombie Villager
Zombie villagers are a common variant of zombie mobs that spawn if a zombie kills a villager. They can also spawn alongside regular zombies at night in the overworld. If the zombified villager has a job before turning, their zombie version also has the costume related to that job. Luckily, you can quickly cure zombie villagers in Minecraft to turn them back into regular villagers.
Drowned is the underwater variant of zombies that spawn in the ocean, rivers, and water pools of the dripstone caves biome of Minecraft. It can also spawn if a regular zombie drowns. Unlike other zombie variants, the Drowned can survive on land and underwater. Though, what makes drowned truly special is their ability to spawn with tridents. There is no way to get a trident in Minecraft other than by killing a Drowned holding a trident.
Husks are a variant of zombies that only spawn in the desert biomes of Minecraft at night or in dark areas. Unlike zombies, they don’t burn under the sunlight. All of their other characteristics are identical to a regular zombie. If a Husk is drowned in water for 30 seconds, it automatically turns into an ordinary zombie.
Creepers are common hostile mobs in the overworld that spawn at night and in low-light areas. Unlike zombies, they don’t get damaged by sunlight. They don’t attack any mob in the game except the player. But if a player gets within a three block range of a Creeper, the Creeper explodes itself damaging the player.
The best way to avoid Creepers is by killing them before they explode or having a pet cat around to scare them off. If you successfully kill a Creeper, it drops gunpowder. Another exciting mechanic of Creeper is that their body starts to glow when they are struck by lighting. They become a “Charged Creeper.” This variant of Creeper causes a more powerful self-explosion than the regular Creeper.
Guardians are hostile aquatic mobs that only spawn around ocean monuments of Minecraft. They are naturally hostile towards the players, dolphins, squids, axolotls, and glow squids. Instead of melee combat, all Guardians use lasers to attack their enemies, which they charge every 3 seconds before firing.
Unlike other aquatic mobs, the Guardians can survive outside water too. But they still keep flopping around searching for water. They also have a defense mechanism similar to pufferfishes by extending the spikes on their bodies to attack their target. If you somehow kill the Guardian, it can drop raw cod and Prismarine crystals.
Elder Guardian
The Elder Guardians are the largest and strongest aquatic mob in Minecraft. They are a variant of the Guardians but much more robust and larger. Elder Guardians spawn only inside the ocean monument and don’t much away from their spawn area even while fighting. Like the Guardians, the Elder Guardians also have laser and spike attacks.
But in addition, they can also give mining fatigue to the players, which decreases the player’s attack and mining speed. The attack of mining fatigue can be inflicted through blocks, so there is no defense against it. When an Elder Guadian dies, it drops Prismarine shards, wet sponge, raw code, or Prismarine crystals.
Endermite – Smallest Hostile Mob of Minecraft
The Endermites are the smallest hostile mobs in Minecraft. They have a chance of spawning whenever a player throws an ender pearl. They are naturally hostile towards players. In the Bedrock Edition, the Endermites also attack Endermen and Iron Golems. Moreover, all Endermen are naturally hostile towards Endermites in all editions of Minecraft.
Staying true to their names, Skeletons are hostile mobs in Minecraft that are entirely made of bones. They always spawn with a bow in the light level of zero in the overworld and are hostile towards players and Iron Golems. Unlike players, Skeletons have unlimited arrows but can’t survive in sunlight.
Strays are a variant of the Skeletons that only spawn in frozen, ice, and snowy biomes. They replace 80% of the Skeletons spawning in those biomes. A regular Skeleton can also turn into a Stray if kept inside powder snow for 7 seconds. Other than endurance towards cold, Strays have the same characteristics as Skeletons.
Wither Skeleton
A Wither Skeleton is the most dangerous variant of the Skeletons that exclusively spawns in the Nether fortresses. Instead of bows, this mob uses swords that can inflict a poisonous Wither effect on its target. If you are not prepared, it’s best to avoid fighting them. But you must kill them if you want to collect Wither Skeleton skulls, as they allow you to spawn the Wither boss mob in Minecraft.
Skeleton Horseman
The Skeleton Horseman is a hostile mob that consists of a Skeleton riding a Skeleton horse. It is a rare undead mob that can only spawn if lightning strikes a skeleton trap horse in a natural thunderstorm. Besides the Skeleton, this mob can have a Stray or a Wither Skeleton riding the Skeleton horse. The only good thing about this dangerous mob is that you don’t have to worry about the horse part, which is passive and turns tamed when its rider dies.
Spider Jockey
The spider jockey features a Skeleton riding a spider similar to a chicken jockey. This rare mob can naturally spawn in the Nether and overworld dimensions. You can also find its variants in which a Stray or a Wither Skeleton is riding the spider or, sometimes, even a cave spider (Bedrock only). Other than the combined strengths of the two mobs, there is no unique mechanic related to this mob.
Pillagers belong to the family of Illager mobs that are sworn enemies of villagers in Minecraft. All of them are hostile towards players, villagers, snow golems, wandering traders, and Iron Golems. The Pillagers are the weakest members of Illagers and carry a crossbow to kill their targets. You can find Pillagers during raids, patrols, and around Pillager outposts. If you kill a Pillager, it can end up dropping a crossbow, ominous/Illager banner, and arrows.
Vindicators are the most vital members of the Illager family and the second strongest non-boss hostile mob. They spawn in woodland mansions and raid with an iron axe in their hand. Their axe is sometimes enchanted, making them even harder to fight. Other than that, they have the same characteristics as the Pillagers.
Evokers are the spell-casting member of the Illager family. They spawn during raids and within woodland mansions. Even with their rare spawn rates, they are the most sought-after of the Illagers as Evokers are the only source of the Totem of Undying in Minecraft. But don’t take them lightly; Evokers are pretty dangerous and summon fangs or Vexes to attack their enemies.
Vex is one of the smallest hostile mobs that carry a tiny iron sword and can fly through solid blocks. It only spawns when an Evoker summons the Vex for an attack. Because they are hard to hit, it’s best to avoid the Vexes if possible. They die after a few seconds of spawning anyways. So, unless there’s an Evoker alive to spawn the Vexes again, you don’t have to worry about them.
Ravagers are powerful and large hostile mobs that only spawn alongside the Illagers during raids. Most of the time, they spawn without a rider, but you can find Illagers riding them every now and then. Unlike most mobs in the game, Ravagers can even destroy a few weak plant-based blocks by charging into them.
They don’t carry weapons and rely solely on ramming attacks to hunt their enemies. Usually, it’s best to kill them while maintaining a distance. When ravagers die, they drop saddle and twenty experience orbs, the most amount of XP a non-boss mob can drop.
A witch is a common hostile mob that spawns during raids, in dark areas, in swamp huts, and if lightning strikes a villager. Regular witches are hostile toward the players. Meanwhile, the witches spawned during raids are hostile towards villagers, wandering traders, and iron golems.
Instead of weapons or melee attacks, witches use splash potions as short-range weapons. They can even heal themselves by drinking positive potions. If you kill a witch, it can drop sticks, glass bottles, glowstone dust, gunpowder, Redstone dust, spider eyes, and sugar. You can also get the Witch to drop bottles of potions if you kill it while it’s drinking a potion.
Exclusive to the Nether dimension, Ghasts are huge hostile mobs with a ghost-like appearance and white bodies. They shoot fireballs at their targets which explode on impact. All ghasts are only hostile towards the player and don’t attack other mobs intentionally.
If a ghast fires a fireball at you, you can send it back with a melee attack. Ghasts take damage from their own fireballs at a close distance. Bows are a much easier weapon to use against the Ghasts. Once a Ghast dies, it ends up dropping gunpowder or ghast tears.
Slimes are cube-shaped hostile mobs that spawn in swamp biomes at night or, in particular, “slime chunks” in underground areas. They are bouncy and divide into smaller slime when attacked. But if you kill the smallest slimes, they end up dropping slimeballs. The damage that a slime cause is directly proportional to its size, except for the smallest slime, which deals no damage.
All slimes are hostile towards players, Iron Golems, and snow golems. They attack them directly in melee combat. Even though slimes are slower than other hostile mobs, their attack speed is much faster.
Magma Cube
Magma Cubes are the Nether counterparts of the slimes. They also have a cube-shaped bouncy, dividable body and a hostile intention to kill players. But when compared to slimes, the Magma Cubes can jump much higher and deal more severe damage. Moreover, they are immune to lava, fire, and fall damage. Not to forget, even the smallest Magma Cubes significantly damage the players.
In Minecraft, Hoglins are the only breedable hostile mobs. In a way, they are the Nether version of the overworld pig but much more aggressive. They drop pork chops and leather when killed. You can easily find them in the crimson forests biome in a herd of up to four Hoglins. They also spawn in some bastion remnants.
Hoglins are naturally hostile towards the players. And if you attack one Hoglin, the entire group comes after you. To scare them off, you can use warped fungi, nether portals, and respawn anchors. Lastly, to breed these hostile creatures, you must feed them crimson fungi, which spawn in the Nether.
Zoglins are the undead or zombified variant of the Hoglins that come into form when a Hoglin leaves the Nether dimension. They are hostile towards all mobs except creepers, Ghasts, and other Zoglins. Like other zombie mobs, Zoglins only drop rotten flesh when killed and can’t be bred. Though, as a bonus of zombification, they are immune to fire and lava.
Hated by some and voted into the game by others, Phantoms are the controversial winners of Minecon 2017’s mob vote. They are flying undead mobs that spawn during the night if the player doesn’t sleep or die for more than three days in Minecraft. If you kill a Phantom, it might drop a phantom membrane. But another phantom will spawn the following night unless you sleep or die. Like zombies and skeletons, Phantoms can’t survive under sunlight and get set ablaze.
Shulkers are one of the unique hostile mobs that only spawn in the end cities. They hide in their block-like shell to blend with the surrounding blocks. All Shulkers are hostile towards players and shoot Shulker bullets to attack them. Their projectile bullets follow you and make you levitate if it hits you.
Moreover, killing the Shulker isn’t easy as they keep teleporting to avoid getting hit. But if you somehow kill the Shulker, it might end up dropping Shulker Shells which are the main ingredient to craft Shulker boxes.
Silverfishes are tiny hostile mobs that spawn in strongholds, igloo basements, and woodland mansions. A lot of times, they stay hidden inside stony blocks until the player breaks that block. Silverfishes are hostile towards players, Iron Golems, and snow golems and attack them in groups. Fortunately, Silverfishes are easy to kill and don’t drop anything but experience orbs.
Piglin Brute
The Piglin Brute is a hostile member of the Piglin family. They are much stronger than regular Piglins and appear in bastion remnants. You can’t barter with the Piglin Brutes, nor can you distract them. They attack the players even if they are wearing gold. Every Piglin Brute has a golden axe that may or may not spawn with enchantments.
You can try to kill the hostile mob to get its weapon. Besides the player, the Piglin Brutes also attack Wither Skeletons and Withers. Judging by the numbers, Piglin Brutes are the second strongest non-boss hostile mob alongside Vindicators in the game. The only stronger hostile mob is the Warden.
Warden – Strongest Mob of Minecraft
Warden is the strongest hostile mob in Minecraft that, under the right circumstances, can even kill the boss mobs. It deals the greatest melee damage among all mobs of Minecraft and can even fire sonic attacks at a distance. Warden is also the first blind mob in the game, relying on vibrations and smell to find its target.
Warden only spawns in the Ancient cities if a Sculk shrieker gets activated four times. It is uniquely hostile towards every single mob of Minecraft. You can learn everything you need about Warden through our dedicated guide.
Boss Mobs
Minecraft has two boss mobs that are extremely powerful and only spawn in particular circumstances.
Ender Dragon
Ender Dragon is, in a way, the final boss of Minecraft. She is also the largest mob in the game and naturally only spawns once in the End Dimension. You can resummon her by placing four end crystals on the edge of the exit portal in the End. It is the most resilient mob in the game that only takes damage from explosions and damage caused by the player.
On the offensive side, the Ender Dragon has multiple combat options, including direct charge, knockback, dragon’s breath, and fireball. Moreover, it’s almost impossible to kill the Ender Dragon without destroying the End crystals first, which constantly heal the dragon. When the Ender Dragon is killed, she drops 12,000 experience orbs and creates an exit portal with a dragon egg on its top.
Wither is a hostile boss mob that only spawns if a player creates them. It is extremely powerful and creates a large explosion when spawned. Wither attacks all mobs and players in the game with projectile Wither skulls. When the hit is successful, the target receives damage and the poisonous Wither effect. If you somehow reduce the health of Wither to half, it activates a shield making it immune to all attacks for a few seconds.
At the same time, it also spawns Wither Skeletons for support. Compared to other mobs, Wither has tremendous health in Minecraft, second only to the Warden. With all this information, fighting the Wither feels like a form of self-sabotage. However, it’s also the only way to collect Nether stars, which allows you to make a beacon in Minecraft.
Learn About Every Mob in Minecraft
With that, you are now equipped with the essential information about every mob in Minecraft. Whether you want to breed or kill them, our guide will come in handy for your Minecraft adventure plans. But, if you are interested in meeting all the rare mobs first, it’s time to use the best Minecraft commands. Some of these commands allow you to teleport in Minecraft to reach the mobs with ease, while others allow you to spawn them right in front of you. And for ones seeking more mobs in the game, our Minecraft 1.20 guide can give you a glimpse into the upcoming mobs of Minecraft. Having said that, which animal do you want to see as a Minecraft mob? Tell us in the comments!
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