Elegir uno de los mejores servicios de alojamiento web debe ser uno de sus primeros pasos al crear un espacio en línea. En esta era centrada en Internet, es fundamental para el éxito de cualquier negocio tener un sitio web, y al arrendarle parte de los recursos de su servidor, los servidores web ayudan en este proceso, alojando su sitio web en Internet para que pueda aprovechar al máximo lo la web puede ofrecer.

Sin embargo, con una multitud de proveedores, y con las necesidades de cada empresa que varían de una a otra, no existe un proveedor perfecto para todos. Si no está al día con el mercado y los diferentes paquetes de alojamiento disponibles, puede ser difícil identificar qué servidor y qué tipo de alojamiento es mejor para usted.

Decidir cuál es el mejor servicio de alojamiento web para usted o su empresa depende completamente de una variedad de factores clave, a saber, el tipo de alojamiento que necesita; la naturaleza de su negocio; cuánta escalabilidad se requiere; y qué tipo de soporte necesitará.

Estamos aquí para ayudarlo con esta importante decisión, y esta guía analiza y compara los mejores servicios, proveedores y paquetes de alojamiento web, para que pueda seleccionar el el host correcto y el paquete correcto.

Los tres mejores servicios de alojamiento web en este momento

¿Qué hace que sea el mejor alojamiento web?

Bluehost ofrece el mejor servicio de alojamiento web en términos de características, confiabilidad, soporte y precios en este momento. Sus planes de alojamiento compartido comienzan en solo $ 2.75 al mes, y el alojamiento de WordPress administrado con Bluehost comienza en $ 9.95 al mes. La compañía ofrece una excelente escalabilidad y muchas características adicionales independientemente del plan elegido, pero con el alojamiento de WordPress, la instalación automática y el soporte continuo valen la pena el precio.

Sin embargo, la competencia está cerrada. Hostinger e InMotion ocupan fácilmente el segundo y tercer lugar, y luego son seguidos por otros proveedores, incluidos DreamHost, SiteGround, Namecheap, GreenGeeks, GoDaddy y Hostwinds. Mientras tanto, si está buscando un servicio de alojamiento web que funcione como creador de sitios web, Wix y Weebly son excelentes opciones.

Los mejores servicios de alojamiento web que puede comprar hoy

Mejor alojamiento web: página de inicio de Bluehost

El alojamiento web de Bluehost mantiene una alta reputación después de dos décadas en el sector (Crédito de la imagen: Bluehost)

1. Bluehost

Alojamiento web superrápido con gran tiempo de actividad


Precio: $ 2.95 al mes

Almacenamiento: 50GB

Ancho de banda: Sin medir

Razones para comprar

+ Planes con muchas funciones y ancho de banda ilimitado + Soporte las 24 horas por teléfono y chat + Gran rendimiento

Razones para evitar

Los planes carecen de personalización Creador de sitios web básico Fuerte aumento de precios después del primer año

Propiedad de Endurance International Group, Bluehost es una empresa de alojamiento web con servidores ubicados en Utah. Ofrece alojamiento compartido, servidores privados virtuales y alojamiento dedicado, tanto administrado como no administrado. Los planes comienzan en solo $ 2.95 al mes y ofrecen uso de ancho de banda sin medidor.

Bluehost tiene más de dos décadas y mantiene una gran reputación entre los proveedores de alojamiento web. También viene con soporte 24/7 a través del teléfono y chat en vivo, en el caso imprevisto de que se encuentre con un problema.

Bluehost’s no es el servicio más personalizable del mercado, pero está repleto de funciones. los planes están bien configurados y bien respaldados. Sus puntos de venta más fuertes son la velocidad y el tiempo de actividad, que son primordiales para cualquier sitio web en crecimiento.

Lea nuestro Bluehost completo revise para obtener más información sobre por qué lo clasificamos como el mejor servicio de alojamiento web en este momento.

Mejor alojamiento web: página de inicio de Hostinger

Hostinger tiene su sede en Lituania y tiene más de 30 millones de clientes s (Crédito de la imagen: Hostinger)

2. Hostinger

Alojamiento web para pequeñas empresas


Precio: $ 0,99 al mes

Almacenamiento: 30GB

Ancho de banda: 100GB

Razones para comprar

+ Instalador automático para sus aplicaciones web favoritas + Gran base de conocimientos + Rendimiento sólido

Razones para evitar

Los planes básicos limitados ofrecen poco almacenamiento y ancho de banda Atención al cliente lenta Funciones adicionales disponibles a un costo

Con sede en Lituania, Hostinger tiene oficinas en todo el mundo y es el hogar de más de 30 millones de clientes. Su plan básico cuesta $ 0,99 al mes durante el primer año y ofrece 30 GB de espacio de almacenamiento. Si bien eso no es mucho, sigue siendo bueno para sitios web de una sola página y pequeñas empresas.

Para aquellos que quieren más, Hostinger ofrece planes desde $ 2.19 al mes hasta $ 69.99 al mes. Los planes comerciales vienen con más recursos y copias de seguridad diarias para su sitio web. Sin embargo, vale la pena señalar que estos precios aumentan considerablemente después del primer año, a veces hasta en un 100%.

Hostinger viene con un instalador automático de un clic para todas sus aplicaciones web favoritas, incluido WordPress. Esto hace que sea sumamente fácil para los usuarios novatos comenzar a construir su primer sitio web, y también incluye Creador de sitios web Zyro que es lo suficientemente poderoso como para competir con los creadores de sitios web líderes.

Lea nuestro reseña de Hostinger para obtener más información, o brinde nuestro Entrevista de hospedaje web de Hostinger con CMO Daugirdas Jankus una lectura.

Mejor alojamiento web-Planes de precios de InMotion

InMotion ofrece todo tipo de servicios de alojamiento desde $ 5,99 al mes (Crédito de la imagen: InMotion)

3. Alojamiento InMotion

Alojamiento caro, pero hardware premium


Precio: $ 5,99 al mes

Almacenamiento: 50GB

Ancho de banda: Sin medir

Razones para comprar

+ Admite varios sitios web en el plan base + Excelente soporte técnico + Configuración de hardware de sonido

Razones para evitar

Precios superiores a la media Rendimiento medio en las pruebas Caro después del descuento introductorio

InMotion Hosting ofrece planes de alojamiento compartido starti ng desde $ 5,99 al mes. Esto es significativamente más alto que el estándar de la industria, pero con soporte para dos sitios web y 10 direcciones de correo electrónico, así como mucho espacio de almacenamiento y ancho de banda ilimitado, este plan compensa con creces el precio adicional.

Aparte del alojamiento compartido, InMotion también ofrece servidores virtuales y dedicados por $ 17,99 al mes y $ 57,50 al mes respectivamente. El alojamiento de WordPress administrado comienza en $ 6.99 al mes. Nuevamente, los precios más altos siempre están respaldados por características adicionales, así como por un equipo de soporte amigable.

Las ofertas de hardware y software de InMotion son mejores que las que ofrecen muchos rivales, lo que se refleja en el estructura de precios más alta. Sin embargo, si no le importa pagar un poco más, su servicio vale la pena.

Lea nuestro Revisión de InMotion Hosting .

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Dreamhost ofrece uno de los mejores servicios de alojamiento administrado para WordPress en el mercado (Imag e crédito: DreamHost)

4. DreamHost

Perfecto para usuarios de WordPress


Precio: $ 2.59 al mes

Almacenamiento: 50GB

Ancho de banda: Sin medidor

Razones para comprar

+ Ancho de banda ilimitado + Conocimientos técnicos atención al cliente + Rendimiento impresionante

Razones para evitar

Instalaciones limitadas con un solo clic El plan base carece de correo electrónico gratuito Soporte en vivo no 24/7

Fundada en 1996, DreamHost es una de las empresas de alojamiento web más antiguas del mercado. Su base de clientes equivale a más de 1,5 millones de usuarios a la fecha. El rendimiento es excelente, sin tiempo de inactividad y con buenas velocidades.

DreamHost ofrece una gama de servicios de alojamiento, desde compartido hasta dedicado y administrado hasta no administrado. El alojamiento compartido comienza en $ 2.59 al mes, con ancho de banda no medido para un sitio web. Una mejor oferta es quizás el plan Shared Unlimited por $ 3.95 al mes, que ofrece ancho de banda no medido y almacenamiento.

El soporte técnico está bien versado en una variedad de temas y está disponible por teléfono, chat y un sistema de tickets, aunque el chat en vivo no está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. También hay una base de conocimientos muy útil con respuestas a preguntas frecuentes. Si está buscando uno de los mejores servicios de alojamiento web para WordPress, DreamHost es totalmente recomendable.

Puede leer nuestro DreamHost review para obtener más información.

Mejor alojamiento web: página de inicio de SiteGround

Los precios de SiteGround son superiores, pero de calidad el apoyo hace que valgan la pena (Crédito de la imagen: SiteGround)

​​ 5. SiteGround

Alojamiento compartido de alta calidad


Precio: $ 6,99 al mes

Almacenamiento: 10GB

Ancho de banda: Sin medidor (~ 10,000 visitas mensuales)

Razones para comprar

+ Ancho de banda no medido + Alojamiento compartido repleto de funciones + Le permite elegir s ubicaciones de erver

Razones para evitar

Sin alojamiento VPS o dedicado Los precios son relativamente más altos Expensive shared hosting plans

Founded in 2004 in Bulgaria, SiteGround has servers located in the USA, UK, Amsterdam, and Singapore. It specializes in shared hosting and cloud hosting only, with its shared hosting plans among some of the best in the market.

Initially priced at $6.99 a month, the starter plan quickly skyrockets after the first year to $14.99 a month. While that may seem like a downer, SiteGround’s shared hosting plans are all managed, meaning that you can expect quality support for any problems related to WordPress or WooCommerce.

Performance is solid, with great speeds and constant uptime on every plan. The lack of VPS and dedicated hosting options is not great for enterprise clients, though.

You can read our full SiteGround review for more information on the platform.

Best web hosting-Namecheap's homepage

Namecheap provides an affordable hosting service marred by low speeds and poor performance (Image credit: NameCheap)

6. Namecheap

Attractive prices, with a few caveats


Price: $1.58 a month

Storage: 20GB

Bandwidth: Unmetered

Reasons to buy

+Low prices+30 free email accounts+Auto-installer and website builder

Reasons to avoid

Inconsistent performanceWeak managed hostingRestrictive base plan

Like GoDaddy, Namecheap is known primarily for its domain registration service. However, it also offers a range of paid hosting services at attractive prices. For just $1.58 a month, Namecheap gives you 20GB of space, 30 email accounts, one free domain, and 24/7 support. The plan also comes with unmetered bandwidth and a free website builder.

If this sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is, a little. The $1.58 a month introductory pricing spikes up to $2.88 a month from the second year. Free domain name registration is a lucrative plus, but you cannot opt for a.com or.net domain with a starter plan, and are restricted to store,.online,.site, etc.

Namecheap’s biggest downside is the low speeds and poor performance. While uptime is indeed 100%, response times are unusually slow. Thankfully, 30 days of free trial provides ample time to judge performance on a case-by-case basis.

Read our full Namecheap review to learn more about the service.

Best web hosting-GreenGeeks'homepage

GreenGeeks offers eco-friendly hosting services by investing in renewable energy (Image credit: GreenGeeks)

7. GreenGeeks

Eco-friendly web hosting for businesses


Price: $2.49 a month

Storage: 50GB

Bandwidth: Unmetered

Reasons to buy

+Eco-friendly renewable energy plan+Unmetered bandwidth and storage+Decent value for money

Reasons to avoid

No 24/7 support via phonePoorly configured enterprise plansUnderpowered VPS and dedicated plans

Did you know that data centers are responsible for enough global carbon emissions to rival the airlines industry? GreenGeeks, as the name suggests, is an eco-friendly web hosting service that invests in renewable energy to keep its operations carbon neutral.

With its great shared hosting plans, GreenGeeks doesn’t force you to choose between hosting quality and environmental benefit. In fact, all plans come with unmetered traffic count and storage space to boot. Free website migration, domain registration, and auto installation are other features worth mentioning.

With GreenGeeks, the tradeoff is in the form of after-sales phone support, which isn’t 24/7, though a round-the-clock live chat is available, as well as the somewhat limited high-end plans.

Read our full GreenGeeks review to discover more about the eco-minded web host.

Best web hosting-GoDaddy's web hosting webpage

GoDaddy offers cheap hosting and domain registration services, but support isn’t 24/7 (Image credit: GoDaddy)

8. GoDaddy

Cheap domain registration and hosting service


Price: $2.99 a month

Storage: 100GB

Bandwidth: Unmetered

Reasons to buy

+Unmetered bandwidth+Lots of storage space+One-click WordPress installation

Reasons to avoid

Daily backups cost extraNo cloud hostingSSL certificate not included

Famous for its domain registration service, GoDaddy also offers feature-packed personal and business web hosting services at very affordable prices. The company is currently home to over 20 million customers and 80 million domains.

GoDaddy offers a range of hosting solutions, both managed and unmanaged. This includes shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, Linux/Windows hosting, and even standalone email hosting. For just $2.99 a month, you get 100GB of storage and unmetered bandwidth, as well as a free domain name and Microsoft 365 email-but this price is for the first three years, after which it increases to $8.99 a month.

The biggest complaint from users when it comes to GoDaddy used to be a bout the after-sales support, but that has improved greatly in the last few years. However, security features included as standard with other providers are charged for.

To learn more about the company and its hosting services, make sure you read our full GoDaddy hosting review.

Best web host ing-Hostwinds'homepage

Hostwinds’ unprofessional website does a poor job of selling its powerful hosting services (Image credit: HostW inds)

9. Hostwinds

Solid but underrated hosting provider


Price: $5.24 a month

Storage: Unmetered

Bandwidth: Unmetered

Reasons to buy

+Solid performance+Unlimited everything+Lots of free goodies

Reasons to avoid

Unprofessional website doesn’t inspire confidencePricing isn’t very transparentKnowledge base average at best

For $5.24 a month, Hostwinds offers unlimited bandwidth, disk space, databases, emails, and subdomains. There’s a range of additional goodies on offer, including a free domain name, web app auto installer, regular backups, and Weebly’s website builder.

Because the base plan is so powerful, the only advantage of upgrading your shared hosting plan is to be able to host more websites, though there are managed hosting options alongside VPS and dedicated hosting services, available for those who want more resources. You can also choose between Linux and Windows hosting.

Hostwinds’ support website does a poor job of helping customers, with broken links, and the pricing structure overall is questionable. However, its hosting solutions do a fine job of serving existing customers.

Read our full Hostwinds review for more information.

Best web ho sting-Wix's homepage

Wix is a web hosting service and a website builder wrapped in a single package (Image credit: wix)

10. Wix

Web hosting and website building in one package


Price: $14 a month

Storage: 3GB

Badwidth: Unmetered

Reasons to buy

+Intuitive website builder+Free templates and image editor+Free domain name and SSL certificate

Reasons to avoid

Expensive pricingLow on storage spacePoor customer support

Wix isn’t just a hosting service, it’s a website builder. Whereas the services mentioned so far merely provide resources for storing your website on their servers, Wix goes the extra mile with a comprehensive website-designing application and content delivery system for novice users.

Because of this, Wix’s base plan costs a lot more than your typical shared hosting, at $14 a month. For that price, the service gives you access to 3GB of storage space, 30 minutes of video storage per clip, a free domain and SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate, 500 free design templates, and an image editor with over 50 Instagram-style filters.

Apart from the expensive pricing structure, there is not a lot to complain about with Wix. However, the website builder can prove to be a little complicated for beginners.

To find out more about Wix’s website builder, read our comprehensive Wix review.

Best web hosting-Weebly's homepage

Weebly’s website builder isn’t as glamorous as others, but there are lots of good features under the hood (Image credit: weebly)

11. Weebly

Perfect for ecommerce websites


Price: $6 a month

Storage: 500MB

Bandwidth: Unmetered

Reasons to buy

+Intuitive website builder+Free templates and image editor+Free domain name and SSL certificate

Reasons to avoid

Expensive pricingLow on storage spaceLimited design flexibility

Weebly, like Wix, is a website builder. While it may appear a bit plain compared to the extravagant list of features offered by Wix, a quick look under the hood proves that this is not the case. It is also a really great option for starting an online store.

Weebly offers a free plan that serves as a great way of evaluating the service. Beyond that, the Personal plan costs $6 a month, whereas the Pro and Performance plans cost $12 and $26, respectively. All of these plans include ecommerce capability, including the free plan.

Whereas the base plan only allows you 500MB of storage space and displays ads from Weebly, Pro, and Performance offer unlimited storage to all users with no advertisements.

Weebly’s website builder may not be as feature-rich as some of the other providers, but the service offers ample space to create a basic website or ecommerce store, and the unlimited hosting plan takes care of your growing website needs.

To find out more about Weebly’s website builder, read our full Weebly website builder review.

What is the best web hosting service available today?

The best all-around web hosting provider is Bluehost. It offers a selection of hosting solutions, including beginner-friendly shared hosting, managed and unmanaged VPS hosting, and managed and unmanaged dedicated servers.

On top of this, Bluehost is affordable, one of the most popular choices for those seeking hosting for the first time, and backed by an excellent reputation. Its customer service is excellent, and there are numerous impressive features to help you get the most out of your new website.

What is the cheapest web hosting service right now?

The cheapest reliable web hosting service comes from Hostinger, another industry leader. Its budget shared hosting plans are a little basic, but they come with excellent security integrations, great customer service, and beginner-friendly management tools.

With prices starting at just $0.99 a month, you won’t find cheaper comparable hosting services anywhere else in the world. Make sure you also check out the best deals currently available, by taking a look at our monthly round-up of the best web hosting for cheap.

What is web hosting and why do I need it?

Web hosting refers to the servers and other infrastructure that are used to store a website’s files and deliver them when people navigate to a site. This can be a little complicated to understand, though, so we’ve broken it down into simpler terms.

To start with, you need to understand that a website is basically a composition of files. Think text files, code files, image files, and so on. When linked together appropriately, these combine to create an attractive, highly functional site.

However, these files need to be stored somewhere, so that people can access them when they click through to your site. This is where web hosting comes into the equation.

Hosting providers offer various solutions that enable you to store and access your site’s files. Usually, your site will be stored on what’s known as a server, which is basically a specialized computer.

Servers are connected to the internet, and when someone loads your site, the relevant information is delivered straight to their device. The bottom line: web hosting is a must if you want to create a new website, online store, blog, or anything else of the sort.

What types of hosting are available?

Traditionally, the three main types of hosting were shared, virtual private server (VPS), and dedicated server. However, options such as cloud hosting have entered the market recently, offering increased flexibility and scalability for website owners.

Shared hosting is the simplest option, and it involves your site being hosted on a server with numerous others. This tends to be cheap, but performance and security can suffer.

More advanced VPS hosting also involves multiple sites on the same server. However, you will be allocated a pre-defined amount of server resources, which reduces the impacts that the other sites will have on yours. Check out our guide to the best VPS hosting providers to see who we rated highest.

Dedicated servers are exactly what their name suggests—an entire server dedicated to you and your business.

Finally, cloud hosting is highly scalable, offering flexible solutions for businesses of all sizes. With it, you can purchase the exact amount of storage, bandwidth, RAM, and other resources you need. As your business grows, simply add more resources to your plan to ensure optimal performance is maintained. See our guide to the best cloud hosting services to find out which providers we recommended.

There are also separate options for WordPress hosting, Windows-specific and Linux hosting: learn more about the best providers for each by reading our guides to the best WordPress hosting, the best Windows hosting providers, and the best Linux web hosting services.

How do I choose a web hosting provider?

Without industry experience, choosing the best web hosting service for your needs can seem like an impossible task. Along with the popular options covered in this guide, there are countless other providers, and many are attractive in their own right. Most providers offer various hosting options: so how do you go about selecting the right host for you or your business?

The best web hosting is fast and secure, offers sufficient scalability to allow your website to grow as your business expands, and provides decent support to help you navigate potentially difficult situations as and when they arise. Good hosting providers also offer plenty of additional features and functions as well.

To start with, you need to identify your budget. There’s no point looking for a high-end hosting option if you only plan to spend a few dollars per month, because you simply won’t find one.

On the same note, pay careful attention to price structures. Some providers advertise very low introductory prices, but you will often have to pay for two or three years in advance to access these. You will also often be faced with significantly higher prices when it comes to renewing your contract.

Next, pay careful attention to the features and security integrations included. In some cases, you will find a website builder that will make it extremely easy to create your site, with many ranking among the best website builders. Other features like automatic backups and proactive malware scanning are worth looking out for, and a free domain name is always a bonus.

Finally, think about how much storage and bandwidth you need. These are the two most important parameters when choosing a hosting service, storage referring to the amount of space that your website needs to exist online, where as bandwidth defines the total amount of resources used, based on both file size and traffic.

A good hosting provider offers ample bandwidth and storage, while also leaving room for expansion as your website grows. Some providers come with quite limited server resources, which can be constraining for those who want to build a large site with a lot of content.

Should I use free web hosting?

Although there are a few decent options out there, no free hosting service even comes close to the cheapest paid service in terms of features. Usually, you will be faced with major storage and resource limitations, non-existent security integrations, and customer support that is basic at best.

However, if you’re focused on looking for free hosting, view our guide to the best free web hosting services to find out more about the services we recommend.

How to choose the best web hosting for you

The best web hosting for your requirements will depend greatly on your needs as a business: from the amount of traffic you expect, to the levels of after-sales support you need. There’s a range of hosting plans to choose from, starting with shared hosting services—where you rent a part of a server housing thousands of other websites—all the way to dedicated servers exclusive to your business.

A personal or small business website could probably do with a shared hosting service, but larger organizations and serious professionals would want to opt for VPS or dedicated hosting for more resources and better support.

Finally, you’d also have to consider your own technical know-how. Website managers with advanced technical knowledge can probably opt for unmanaged hosting and take care of the day-to-day maintenance by themselves, whereas novice users would probably want to go with managed hosting for a content management system like WordPress.

Categories: IT Info