Se están agregando nuevas actualizaciones al final de esta historia …….

La historia original (publicada el 15 de noviembre de 2020) a continuación:

YouTube es fácilmente la plataforma para compartir videos más popular en casi todos los países del mundo.

El sitio afirma que tiene más de 2000 millones de usuarios registrados mensualmente. y cada día se consumen más de mil millones de horas de video.


A pesar de haber tenido una buena cantidad de controversias, YouTube sigue siendo el primer lugar al que la mayoría de las personas que buscan compartir o mirar videos también se encuentran. Y es posible que esto no cambie pronto.

Pero no todo funciona como debería y, por lo tanto, a veces los espectadores, o incluso los creadores, tienen problemas o tienen que lidiar con errores molestos que aparecen de vez en cuando en YouTube.

Ayer mismo, YouTube fue desactivado para muchos usuarios de todo el mundo durante unas horas. Los espectadores recibieron un mensaje de error cuando intentaban reproducir videos en el sitio según varios informes.

YouTube reconoció la situación y solucionó el problema para todos. usuarios y proporcionó un comentario de seguimiento con una disculpa por la interrupción.


Afortunadamente, problemas importantes como este no ocurren con frecuencia; sin embargo, los errores menos impactantes molestan a los usuarios con mayor frecuencia.

Recientemente informamos sobre algunos errores y problemas en el sitio/aplicación, como el error que activa los subtítulos automáticamente y el Error AS-10 en la monetización del canal entre otros.

Por lo general, YouTube hace un buen trabajo reconociendo la mayoría de los errores y problemas que encuentran los usuarios y los corrige en cuestión de horas o unos días, según la cantidad de usuarios afectados.


También publica actualizaciones periódicas para la aplicación en Android e iOS para asegurarse de que se solucionen los errores que puedan estar presentes.

Dicho esto, no siempre es fácil realizar un seguimiento de los errores que se han reconocido o corregido y cuáles aún están pendientes de reconocimiento.

Por lo tanto, en esta publicación, realizaremos un seguimiento del estado de todos los errores existentes, problemas y mejoras pendientes de la mejor manera posible para ayudarlo a ahorrar tiempo.

El rastreador a continuación se actualizará periódicamente a medida que surja un nuevo error o cuando haya algún desarrollo sobre errores existentes, problemas o mejoras pendientes en YouTube, por lo que sería prudente estar atento a esta publicación con regularidad.

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Nuevo las actualizaciones se agregarán en la sección siguiente y el rastreador sigue después de eso:
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Actualización 1 (17 de noviembre)

IST 11:00 a. m.: varios usuarios informan que no pueden reproducir ciertas canciones que estaban disponibles anteriormente en YouTube Music. Aparece el mensaje”La canción no está disponible”cuando se intenta reproducir estas canciones al azar. Jefe aquí para obtener más información.

Actualización 2 (18 de noviembre)

IST 13:45: parece que los editores y administradores asignados de los canales de YouTube no pueden subir videos al canal. En una nueva respuesta a una consulta en Twitter, TeamYouTube afirmó que su equipo todavía está trabajando para solucionar el problema.

Actualización 3 (19 de noviembre)

IST 10:15 am: algunos usuarios de Google Pixel 3a/3a XL e incluso algunos usuarios de Pixel 4a informan que la reproducción de audio se entrecorta o se detiene por completo después de que se bloquea la pantalla. Vuelve a la normalidad una vez que se desbloquea la pantalla. Dirígete a aquí para saber más.

IST 04:30 pm: los usuarios de YouTube Music se han dado cuenta de que no tienen la opción de desactivar la función de reproducción automática cuando agregan una sola pista a la cola. Esto, por supuesto, ha dejado a muchos usuarios frustrados. Head aquí para obtener más detalles y algunas soluciones.

Actualización 4 (21 de noviembre)

IST 09:50 a. m.: TeamYouTube se ha puesto en contacto con otra persona que se ha visto afectada por el error que impide que los administradores y editores suban videos al canal.


En su tweet, TeamYouTube ha afirmado que la creación de un nuevo canal utilizando el correo electrónico asociado con la cuenta de YouTube afectada debería resolver el problema temporalmente. Desafortunadamente, el tweet no incluye detalles sobre cuándo se solucionará el problema.

Hemos visto informes similares de editores/administradores de canales designados. La creación de un nuevo canal con el correo electrónico asociado con la cuenta de YouTube afectada debería permitirle subir mientras tanto como solución alternativa
( Fuente )

Actualización 5 (24 de noviembre)

IST 07:45 p. m.: algunos usuarios de YouTube informan que no pueden transmitir porque sigue apareciendo el error”La transmisión en vivo no está disponible en este momento”. Jefe aquí para obtener más información sobre el problema.

Actualización 6 (25 de noviembre)

IST 01:40 pm: YouTube aún debe solucionar el problema por el cual el volumen de los anuncios es demasiado alto en comparación con el volumen del video real. Este problema ha existido durante varios años. Dirija aquí para saber más sobre el problema y por qué es el caso.

IST 02:55 p. m.: Los usuarios de YouTube Premium que utilizan el servicio en sus televisores inteligentes informan que todavía se les muestran anuncios a pesar de que se supone que YouTube Premium ofrece una experiencia sin anuncios.. Más detalles aquí .

Actualización 7 (27 de noviembre)

IST 07:20 pm: muchos usuarios de la web de YouTube informan que la opción de tema sigue cambiando al modo claro incluso después de seleccionar el modo oscuro a través de la configuración. YouTube ha reconocido el problema y pronto se lanzará una solución. Cobertura completa aquí .

Actualización 8 (28 de noviembre)

IST 11:50 am: YouTube afirma que ha solucionado el problema por el cual los editores y administradores de los canales de YouTube no podían subir videos. Compartimos una captura de pantalla del comentario que hizo TeamYoutube en Twitter:

Actualización 9 (1 de diciembre)

IST 05:35 pm: parece que muchos usuarios se enfrentan a un problema en el que la función de reproducción automática continúa funcionando incluso después de que se haya desactivado en los navegadores. Afortunadamente, parece que YouTube está al tanto del problema y se está trabajando en una solución.

Actualización 10 (3 de diciembre)

IST 09:35 a. m.: algunos creadores de YouTube afirman que no reciben ningún”Me gusta”en sus videos recientes, aunque a la gente realmente le han gustado estos videos. Dirija el objetivo aquí para saber más sobre el problema y por qué puede estar sucediendo.

IST 04:17 am: algunos de los usuarios de YouTube (principalmente en Europa) ahora están bloqueados para que no vean ciertos videos con un mensaje solicitando información como detalles de tarjetas de crédito y documentos relacionados con la verificación de edad.. Para obtener más detalles sobre el asunto, diríjase a aquí .

Actualización 11 (4 de diciembre)

IST 06:00 pm: muchos creadores de YouTube no pudieron ver el recuento de vistas en tiempo real en YouTube Analytics y aún no pueden ver las estadísticas durante un período de tiempo determinado. YouTube está trabajando actualmente para solucionar el problema para todos. Dirígete aquí para conocer la historia completa.

Actualización 12 (5 de diciembre)

IST 13:15 p. m.: Aquellos que se registraron para la prueba gratuita de YouTube Premium tienen dificultades para encontrar una manera de cancelar sus suscripciones. Head aquí para saber más sobre el problema y una posible solución.

IST 06:10 pm: los usuarios de YouTube TV informan que su pantalla se congela cuando comienza a reproducirse el anuncio de Metro by T-Mobile. El problema ha sido reconocido oficialmente y se está trabajando en una solución. Lea la historia completa aquí .

Actualización 13 (7 de diciembre)

IST 01:15 pm: Después de molestar a los usuarios durante meses, el equipo de Youtube ahora ha confirmado que el error AS-10 en la monetización del canal ya se ha solucionado. Dirígete aquí para obtener más detalles .

IST 06:55 pm: muchos usuarios afirman que la función de vista previa del enlace de YouTube ya no funciona en aplicaciones como WhatsApp. Sin embargo, algunos dicen que el problema se solucionó mediante una actualización reciente de WhatsApp. Lea nuestra historia completa aquí .

Actualización 14 (11 de diciembre)

IST 04:30 p. m.: algunos usuarios de YouTube afirman que la función de reproducción automática vuelve a estar activada de forma predeterminada incluso después de inhabilitarla manualmente varias veces. Dirígete aquí para saber más sobre el problema.

Actualización 15 (14 de diciembre)

IST 05:25 pm: parece que YouTube, junto con la mayoría de los otros servicios de Google, son abajo en todo el mundo . Los usuarios han acudido en masa a Twitter para compartir las noticias utilizando el hashtag #GoogleDown entre otros.

Actualización 16 (17 de diciembre)

IST 01:00 pm: El problema de vista previa del enlace de WhatsApp aún persiste según muchos usuarios que no pueden obtener una vista previa de los enlaces de YouTube en la aplicación. Head aquí para conocer más detalles, incluida una nueva solución.

Actualización 17 (18 de diciembre)

IST 05:12 pm: varios usuarios han informado que no pueden reproducir videos 4K en YouTube en sus televisores inteligentes Samsung. Los videos siguen almacenándose en búfer y tienen una resolución predeterminada de 360p. Consulte la historia completa, que también incluye posibles soluciones, aquí.

Actualización 18 (21 de diciembre)

IST 05:52 p. m.: Después de los informes de que los comentarios no funcionan o no se muestran en las sesiones de chat en vivo, el soporte de YouTube afirma que están trabajando para solucionar el problema. Dirígete a aquí para ver la historia completa.

IST 06:18 pm: El problema de congelación al pausar un video de YouTube en el Apple TV de tercera generación parece haberse solucionado con la Actualización de software de Apple TV 7.6.2. Más detalles aquí .

Actualización 19 (22 de diciembre)

IST 12:00 pm: parece que el problema de la vista previa del enlace de YouTube se ha abordado en las versiones beta recientes de WhatsApp para Android. Sin embargo, este no es el caso de la última versión beta de WhatsApp para iOS. Más detalles aquí .

IST 05:30 p. m.: YouTube ha solucionado por completo el problema del recuento de visualizaciones en tiempo real en YouTube Analytics. La empresa ha comenzado a informar a los usuarios afectados de la misma. Consulte todos los detalles aquí .

Actualización 20 (26 de diciembre)

IST 03:17 p.m.: algunos propietarios de canales de YouTube afirman que no pueden usar la pestaña de la comunidad incluso después de cruzar 1,000 suscriptores y mantenerlos durante más de una semana.

Afortunadamente, el soporte de YouTube ha reconocido el problema y afirma que lo está investigando en este momento. Esto significa que los usuarios afectados pueden esperar obtener la función de pestaña de la comunidad pronto.

Actualización 21 (31 de diciembre)

IST 06:21 pm: algunos usuarios enfrentan un caso grave de problemas de desplazamiento en la aplicación de YouTube en Android, así como en el sitio de escritorio en macOS. Como resultado, ha habido una gran cantidad de quejas en varios foros y subreddits.

Lea todo al respecto a través de este enlace .

Actualización 22 (5 de enero de 2021)

IST 04:38 p. m.: YouTube había comenzado a solucionar el problema de los videos descargados o sin conexión que faltaban en 2018, pero informes recientes sugieren que todavía está presente años después. Obtenga más información al respecto a través de este enlace .

Actualización 22 (23 de enero)

IST 11:29 am: un grupo de usuarios de PlayStation 4 informaron que se encuentran con una pantalla negra al intentar ver YouTube en la consola. Afortunadamente, YouTube ya está trabajando para solucionar el problema según este tweet ..

IST 11:46 am: varios usuarios de Twitter informaron que no podían cargar vistas previas de YouTube después de copiar y pegar un enlace de Twitter. La buena noticia es que el problema se solucionado lo suficientemente rápido.

IST 11:55 am: varios usuarios de YouTube informaron que no pudieron cambiar los elementos de la pantalla final en videos antiguos ya publicados. Siempre aparecía un mensaje de error”el elemento de la pantalla final es demasiado pequeño”al intentar hacerlo.

Una vez más, tal como está, YouTube actual fijo el problema.

Actualización 23 (27 de enero)

IST 12:26 p. m.: Han surgido varios problemas en el pasado reciente, algunos de los cuales ya se han abordado mientras que otros esperan que YouTube los solucione.

Si hay alguien que experimenta una congelación ocasional de la aplicación ESPN en YouTube TV, bueno, el problema se ha solucionado. La historia es la misma para el problema con el cambio de cuenta en Android.

Actualización: Se solucionó el problema de congelación de ESPN en YouTube TV. Háganos saber si ve lo contrario.

Si la versión de su aplicación ya es 16.03, el problema al cambiar de cuenta debe solucionarse. Además, suele ser útil cerrar la sesión y volver a iniciarla. Háganos saber cómo va.

Por otro lado, los usuarios de YouTube cuyos videos han desaparecido misteriosamente de su lista de reproducción y aquellos con una lista Ver más tarde estropeada pueden esperar soluciones a estos problemas en un futuro cercano.

Apreciamos la información: hemos recibido informes similares y estamos investigando el problema. Le informaremos una vez que tengamos una actualización.

Lamento escuchar el problema. Hemos visto informes similares sobre este problema y actualmente lo estamos investigando. Enviaremos una actualización una vez que tengamos más información para compartir. Mientras tanto, gracias por su paciencia.

Actualización 24 (28 de enero)

IST 12:58 p. m.: El problema de los videos que faltan en la lista de reproducción de YouTube finalmente se solucionó según los tweets recientes del equipo de YouTube.

Actualización: se solucionó el problema de los videos que faltaban en las listas de reproducción. Háganos saber si ve lo contrario.

IST 01:14 pm: varios usuarios habían estado informando desde los últimos días acerca de que la opción de búsqueda de YouTube dentro de las páginas del canal no funcionaba. Hacer clic en él no devolvería nada. La buena noticia es que finalmente se corregido .

IST 01:19 pm: Ha habido varias quejas haciendo rondas sobre YouTube en vivo que no funciona en Roku y Fire TV Stick. Pero por alguna razón, el chat en vivo continúa mostrándose.

La buena noticia es que YouTube es consciente del problema y está trabajando para solucionarlo mientras hablamos.

IST 01:22 pm: algunos usuarios también informaron que tienen problemas para conectarse a través del chat en vivo. Esto podría estar relacionado con el problema anterior. Afortunadamente, esto también está siendo investigado .

Actualización 25 (30 de enero)

IST 03:54 pm: The live stream chat issue given right above has finally been fixed as per YouTube’s Twitter handle.

IST 04:01 pm: There have been many reports doing rounds about sudden appearance of inappropriate/obscene/adult ads on YouTube across many platforms. Good news is that the issue has already been acknowledged.

IST 04:07 pm: YouTube is currently working on fixing the ‘unable to switch accounts’ issue that has been bothering many users on Android.

Update 26 (February 01)

IST 01:04 pm: There have been a bunch of recent reports about comments not loading and disappearing immediately after commenting. YouTube is apparently aware of the issue and is working on a fix already.

Update 27 (February 09)

IST 05:17 pm: Many YouTube channel owners report that they’re unable to set a custom URL even after meeting eligibility requirements and here’s the likely reason.

Update 28 (February 13)

IST 05:17 pm: YouTube’s website appears to support picture-in-picture (PiP) again on all browsers with the latest iOS 14.5 beta. Thus, if you are on iOS 14.4, you should see the fix rollout within a month or so. For more details, head here.

Update 29 (February 15)

IST 02:20 pm: Team YouTube has confirmed that devs are looking into into reports about eligible channels not having their community tab enabled. Details here.

Update 30 (February 16)

IST 12:06 pm: Some YouTube users on Android are having trouble accessing and updating their Watch Later playlist on the app and the good thing is that the issue is already being looked into.

Appreciate the details – our team is already working to fix the issue with watch later and playlists not updating. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.


(Source 1, 2)

Update 31 (February 17)

IST 02:35 pm: Responding to affected users on Twitter, Team YouTube says developers are looking into missing playlist subcategories and the inaccurate revenue report in YouTube Analytics for February 8.

Appreciate the follow up – the revenue reported in YouTube Analytics for February 8th is not accurate. This will be adjusted in the next few days. Team is working on a fix. Thanks for your continued patience.



Update 32 (February 18)

IST 03:12 pm: Team YouTube says the issue where creators say new uploads fail to appear in subscription feeds has been fixed. As for the broken search functon, a fix is still in the works.

Update 33 (February 20)

IST 07:24 pm: YouTube website picture-in-picture (PiP) mode, only recently re-enabled with the iOS 14.5 beta update, has stopped working again. For details and workarounds, head here.



Update 34 (February 23)

IST 06:25 pm: Team YouTube says the issue where the miniplayer fails to update when new videos are added/deleted from a playlist has been fixed.


(Source 1, 2)

Update 35 (February 26)

IST 06:25 pm: A YouTube glitch has led to many videos having a negative number of likes or dislikes and many are perplexed. Fortunately, we have an explanation for it all. More details here.

Update 36 (February 27)

IST 03:00 pm: Many users report that their child’s YouTube gets redirected automatically to YT Kids and we have an explanation along with a couple of workarounds that may help, here.

Update 37 (March 02)

IST 01:40 pm: Some YouTube users are now reporting a strange issue where they can hit both the like and dislike buttons at the same time. Details here.

Update 38 (March 05)

IST 05:20 pm: YouTube is aware of the YouTube Premium showing ads, Featured sections not working, and the YouTube app crashing on PS4 issues. The company is currently looking into the issues and has already fixed the ads issue partially. Check out more details here.

Update 39 (March 09)

IST 02:30 pm: YouTube users have been facing the annoying “Oops! Something went wrong” monkey error for a while now and even though nothing official, you may want to try these workarounds.

Update 40 (March 10)

IST 12:16 pm: YouTube app is not playing or loading videos and instead showing a black screen on numerous platforms including PS4, PS5, Xbox, Android TV, Roku TV, Amazon Firestick, and even Blu-ray players. Check out the full coverage here.

IST 03:06 pm: For those still experiencing YouTube PiP issues in iOS 14.5 beta when accessed via a web browser can check out a new workaround here.

Update 41 (March 12)

IST 04:00 pm: Several users are reporting that their YouTube Android app isn’t loading at all and instead displays a blank screen with an infinitely spinning circle.

Thankfully, the issue should be gone now as a Community Manager on the YouTube forum says that it has been fixed.

Update 42 (March 13)

IST 05:07 pm: There have been several reports from at least YouTube desktop users saying that thumbnails aren’t loading for them. Thankfully, YouTube is already aware of the issue and is working on a fix.

Update 43 (March 15)

IST 04:01 pm: Some Android users are reporting that the YouTube app no longer respects the screen timeout settings after a video stops playing.

A fix for the issue might be in the works, however, there are a few workarounds available too. Head here for the full story.

IST 04:22 pm: Team YouTube says the issue where users could hit both the like and dislike button has now been fixed. Details here.

Update 44 (March 17)

IST 06:03 pm: Some users are unable to upload their videos to YouTube because it gets stuck while processing the HD version of the video. Thankfully, YouTube has confirmed that they’re aware of the issue about slow uploads and are working on fixing it.

Update 45 (March 18)

IST 11:03 am: YouTube has been quite busy responding to queries on Twitter regarding several issues at hand. We have rounded them up and shared the details below.

1. The issue where some YouTube creators are unable to create custom URLs even after meeting the requirements is being looked into. Details here.

2. Another annoying issue that YouTube is also looking into is one that causes YouTube Premium to show ads when it shouldn’t. Details here.

IST 07:35 am: It seems that folks on all platforms (1, 2, 3) are having an issue with YouTube as the video quality automatically drops to 360p even after selecting higher quality video playback options. YouTube is yet to acknowledge the problem officially.

However, it seems that the issue might be due to the heavy load on YouTube servers as pointed out by an individual.

Update 46 (March 20)

IST 01:37 pm: The YouTube app has suddenly stopped working for many Apple TV users. It throws a “Something went wrong” error upon trying to watch any video.

Thankfully, Team YouTube has responded on Twitter saying that they’re already aware of the issue and a fix for the same will be rolled out soon.

IST 01:42 pm: Several users are having trouble adding their tax information on YouTube. The error code reads OR_AMF_04. Thankfully, this issue too has been escalated to Google.

IST 01:46 pm: There are a few reports doing rounds about YouTube videos flashing green and black randomly. Fortunately, YouTube is already aware of the problem and is working on a fix.

Update 47 (March 22)

IST 01:40 pm: Team YouTube can confirm that devs are aware of the HBO Max TV Everywhere login issue and is working to resolve it.

Confirming we’re aware of the HBO Max TV Everywhere login issue, and currently working to fix it.

Update 48 (March 24)

IST 02:08 pm: There have been some reports doing rounds about videos getting stuck in “checking” for monetization and the Studio home page not updating itself to the latest stats.

Fortunately, the team is already aware of the issue and has recommended signing out, clearing cache, and logging back in as a workaround. For more details regarding the new “checks”, head here.

Update 49 (March 26)

IST 12:57 pm: YouTube Kids recently got a new update that took away the cast button, but support says the matter has been escalated to devs for further investigation. Details here.

IST 17:51 pm: YouTube notes that the issue where YouTube Studio users were unable to switch accounts due to the menu not loading has now been resolved.

Update: The issue on the switch account menu not loading properly has been resolved. Let us know if you’re experiencing otherwise.

Update 50 (March 30)

IST 12:02 pm: Some YouTube users are now reporting that the progress bar now appears in yellow rather than the usual red. Details here.

Update 51 (March 31)

IST 04:08 pm: YouTube has acknowledged the yellow progress bar issue and says a fix is in the works. Details here.

IST 04:20 pm: Team YouTube can also confirm that they are aware of the playback issues on the YouTube app on Firestick and that a fix is in the works. For those experiencing black/green flashes on vidoes, the issue has been fixed.

Thanks for the details – confirming we’re aware that there are some playback issues on the YouTube app on Firestick. Our team is currently working on a fix. Appreciate your patience in the meantime.

Thanks for your patience – we’ve already resolved the reported issue about videos showing black/green flashes. Reach back out to us if you see otherwise.

Update 52 (April 01)

IST 02:08 pm: YouTube support on Twitter has now confirmed the yellow progress bar glitch has been addressed and the problem has been fixed.

Update 53 (April 02)

IST 03:56 pm: Some users are getting the ‘Oops, something went wrong’ error message when trying to access the YouTube Studio but the issue should be resolved now.

Update 53 (April 05)

IST 12:30 pm: Team YouTube has officially confirmed the screen time-out bug and is looking into the matter. More details here.

IST 02:24 pm: YouTube Analytics has seemingly messed up something up leading to missing statistics for March 14 for several users. Thankfully, the issue has been acknowledged.

Update 54 (April 06)

IST 12:20 pm: Several YouTube users are reporting that comments are no longer showing or loading on desktop/PC but there is a workaround which you can look up here.

Update 54 (April 07)

IST 01:50 pm: 1. Team YouTube is now looking into the comments section not showing up issue on YouTube desktop. More details here.

2. The YouTube PS4 (PlayStation 4) app updated yesterday and it has been crashing ever since for some users. Thankfully, YouTube is already working on a fix for the bug.

3. Some users have recently been reporting that their YouTube Premium is not getting activated even after being charged for it. The issue is being worked upon.

Update 55 (April 09)

IST 05:36 pm: As per several user reports from the Google Support community, Google Home devices are not allowing kids to play songs on YouTube Music. Check out the complete coverage here.

IST 07:01 pm: Likes on own YouTube videos keep disappearing but thankfully, YouTube is already working on a fix for the issue. Details here.

Update 56 (April 12)

IST 02:28 pm: YouTube creators have stumbled upon a bug where earned likes on their videos have vanished all of a sudden. The issue is already known and a fix is in the works, says support.

Update 57 (April 13)

IST 06:43 pm: In case you continue to face the YouTube Premium not working issue even after being charged, then you would want to head here to process a refund [Source].

Update 58 (April 14)

IST 12:49 pm: Several users report YouTube TV says ‘Outside your home area’ or asks to verify area but Google has shared how to fix the issue. Details here.

Update 59 (April 15)

IST 05:06 pm: Several users have reported that embedded playlist are not working on YouTube. The workaround is to remove “videoseries” from the standard embed code. Also, YouTube is already looking into the issue.


IST 05:12 pm: YouTube premiere function has been crashing for some but YouTube is already working on a fix.

Update 60 (April 16)

IST 03:15 pm: 1. PlayStation 5 and Xbox One users report that most of the tabs that run along the sidebar on the YouTube app are missing. Subscriptions aren’t showing up either and the only tabs that are showing up are the generic ones like gaming, music, and news.

Thankfully, YouTube is already aware of the issue and working on a fix.

2. There is a discrepancy between likes and dislikes on the watch page and YouTube Analytics that’s affecting many channels and the YouTube dev team is aware of the issue and already working on a fix.

Update 61 (April 19)

IST 12:05 pm: 1. Some users report that video uploads are getting stuck on the “Running checks” stage. YouTube is already aware of the issue and is investigating it.

2. Some users report that video chapters are failing to work on YouTube but the dev team is already looking into the matter.

3. The YouTube app for Xbox keeps crashing for some users and the only way to work around the problem is by re-installing the app, which can be quite frustrating. For this, YouTube has said the following:

If you’re playing a video and launch a game using the ‘app switcher’ the console may shut down due to a Microsoft firmware bug (they’re working to fix it). To get around this, start the game directly from the Home screen or exit the video before using the app switcher.

Update 62 (April 20)

IST 12:41 pm: 1. Some users report that their subscribers data is being underreported by Analytics for some days to which YouTube responded that they’re already aware of the issue and are working on a fix.

2. The YouTube app issue that prevented screen timeout/sleep after a video ended has been fixed. More details here.

IST 04:13 pm: Several YouTube users report that all the thumbnails on the Android app are blurry except for the first two from the top. Thankfully, YouTube has already acknowledged the issue.

Update 63 (April 21)

IST 01:09 pm: YouTube TV Roku app seems to be having issues lately wherein live channels aren’t working. Thankfully, the issue has already come to YouTube’s attention.

Update 64 (April 22)

IST 06:24 pm: A couple of issues with YouTube have now been fixed. The YouTube mobile app blurry thumbnail one has been addressed combined with the black screen issue on YouTube TV.

Update 65 (April 23)

IST 07:25 pm: YouTube’s video quality settings recently got updated with new options for the media player menu and a new section in the app settings but some users are not liking this change. Check out the complete coverage here.

Update 66 (April 24)

IST 01:25 pm: Some users report that their subscriber change is stuck at 0 for around a month to which YouTube responded that they’re aware and working on a fix.

IST 01:31 pm: Some users report that manual drag and drop within a YouTube playlist has stopped working recently to which YouTube replied that they’re aware and working on a fix.

Update 67 (April 26)

IST 05:54 pm: YouTube just suffered a short outage seemingly across the world – opening it threw a blank screen with nothing but the error 429 on it. Thankfully, things returned to normal in minutes. More details can be found here.

Update 68 (April 27)

IST 06:16 pm: Some users report that they keep getting “returned error” messages that cause comments to be deleted on YouTube. Thankfully, the issue has been resolved.

Update 69 (April 28)

IST 03:02 pm: 1. Several creators have reported a severe drop in revenue from short uploaded YouTube videos to which YouTube has replied the following:

Wanted to clarify: an issue starting mid-April caused pre-roll ads not to serve on videos 2 mins long – this didn’t impact video recommendations on Up Next or Home, but exclusively affected pre-roll ad serving. It was fixed yesterday & revenue should normalize within a few days

2. Several users have also reported an issue with downloaded videos due to which they’re unable to play offline. The bug is being looked into.

Update 70 (April 29)

IST 01:02 pm: 1. The YouTube issue wherein longer playlists did not shuffle properly is now fixed. Details here.

2. The issues about getting an age-restricted error and history tab not being synced when using living room devices has been fixed. Details here.

3. The reported issue with likes/dislikes discrepancy has been resolved for YouTube creators.

Update 71 (May 04)

IST 02:02 pm: 1. The YouTube issue where restricted videos did not work on PlayStation and Xbox has been fixed as per Team YouTube on Twitter.

2. YouTube live stream is reportedly not working. Trying to do so results in a “Live streaming isn’t available right now” error message. Thankfully, YouTube is already investigating the matter.

3. A fix is finally in the works for the captions turning on automatically issue on YouTube. More details here.

4. The missing tabs issue on the YouTube app on smart TVs has finally been fixed. More details here.

Update 72 (May 08)

IST 04:35 pm: 1. The reported issue with the voice over feature on DVR recordings has been resolved as per YouTube.

2. Also, the reported issue with the error “YouTube TV is playing on 3 devices” has been resolved.

Update 73 (May 12)

IST 01:33 pm: Some users report that the recent uploads are not appearing on YouTube search. Fortunately, YouTube has stated that they’re already working on a fix for the “No results found” issue.

Recent uploads aren’t the only thing that the search function isn’t displaying as a few users have also reported that latest videos (including live streams) are not appearing on search results. YouTube is working on fixing this as well.

Update 74 (May 13)

IST 02:15 pm: Some users are having trouble posting into the YuTube Community Tab as posts keep disappearing. Thankfully, YouTube is already aware of the issue.

Update 75 (May 15)

IST 12:35 pm: Some YouTubers have reported that their uploaded videos are taking hours to check for restrictions to which YouTube has responded that it is due to the ‘complexity of the system’ but they’re already on top of it.

Update 76 (May 17)

IST 12:43 pm: YouTube now says that the disappearing likes issue has been fixed. For more details, head here.

IST 12:48 pm: Some users report that they’re getting a black screen and video not loading issue upon opening up any video. YouTube is already aware of the issue.

IST 12:50 pm: In case you’re still facing it, you will be pleased to know that YouTube is working to fix the playback issue of the YouTube app on an Amazon Firestick.

Update 77 (May 18)

IST 06:08 pm: YouTube has now reported that the “Checks” running longer than usual issue has finally been fixed.

Update 78 (May 19)

IST 08:45 am:YouTube users are getting “An error occurred, please try again later” notification. What’s good is the team is looking into the matter.

IST 01:41 pm: YouTube has acknowledged reports of YouTube not working properly and crashing for the past few hours saying that the problem has now been fixed and you should be able to access the service without any issues.

Update 79 (May 20)

IST 11:49 am: YouTube has been showing earned revenue as zero recently. Thankfuly, YouTube has confirmed that they’re aware of the missing revenue data and are working on a fix.

IST 11:55 am: Some YouTubers report that subscribers are not getting notifications for new videos to which YouTube responded that they’re investigating the matter.

Update 80 (May 24)

IST 04:10 pm: YouTube has still not fixed the Premium subscription activation issue even after around 9 weeks since it started looking into the problem. Head here for all the details.

IST 04:27 pm: Some users have reported that they’re unable to watch their own uploaded videos on YouTube when signed in to which YouTube has responded that they’re aware of the issue.

IST 04:32 pm: Some users report that they’re notification settings for various YouTubers got reset on its own. YouTube is currently investigating the issue.

IST 04:35 pm: A few users report that YouTube premiere is currently broken/not working for them. YouTube is yet to acknowledge the problem:

IST 04:41 pm: YouTube chapters and ads are not working for some but YouTube is already investigating the matter.

Update 81 (May 25)

IST 01:48 pm: The YouTube watch history isn’t getting updated for some users. YouTube is already investigating the issue.

IST 01:40 pm: YouTube has confirmed that they’re aware of incorrect upload date/time for newly published vids and are working on a fix.

Update 82 (May 26)

IST 03:48 pm: YouTube was about to enter another controversy with the dislike button being removed and dislike counts not displaying to users, but it appears there’s a different story behind it. Head here to find out more.

IST 04:50 pm: Several users have reported blurry, bad quality streaming on YouTube TV and MSNBC. thankfully, YouTube is already investigating the matter.

Update 83 (May 27)

IST 02:20 pm: Some users report that the YouTube Analytics is unresponsive and has the view count stuck at 0 to which support responded saying that they’re aware of the issue and are currently investigating it.

IST 03:57 pm: Some Roku users say YouTube TV is gone or not working for them, but thankfully, the issue is a known one and a fix is in the works already. Details here.

Update 84 (May 29)

IST 12:01 pm: YouTube says they’re rolling out a fix for the YouTube TV issue on Roku devices. We’re yet to come across reports from users confirming that the issue has been fixed. More details here.

IST 12:15 pm: Responding to a user’s complaint about the restricted mode bug, TeamYouTube says that they’re looking into the issue. However, there’s still no ETA for a fix.

Update 85 (June 01)

IST 10:58 am: Some users are reporting that their like count isn’t showing accurately or keeps decreasing. Others say that their subscribers are missing. Both of the issues are being investigated.

Update 86 (June 04)

IST 02:05 pm: The YouTube Watch Time stats missing data issue has finally been fixed by YouTube.

IST 02:07 pm: Some users say that they’re being restricted from YouTube videos on PS4. YouTube is already investigating the matter.

Update 87 (June 07)

IST 12:23 pm: 1. YouTube TV users are now reporting black screen issue on smart TVs. The issue is being worked upon.

2. Some YouTube TV users are also reporting high audio static when watching stuff on ESPN. YouTube says that they’re working on a fix.

Update 88 (June 10)

IST 12:23 pm: Several users have complained lately about a few music videos that fail to show up on YouTube search. Thankfully, the issue has now been fixed.

Update 89 (June 12)

IST 12:45 pm: The video chapters not working issue on YouTube finally has an official workaround:

Our team is still working on a fix for Chapters issue. For now we recommend re-editing the video, making sure that it has least three timestamps listed in ascending order. Length of each chapter is at least 10 seconds. Let us know how that goes.

Update 90 (June 14)

IST 01:05 pm: Some users say that the playback error for ‘more than 3 devices’ is still happening despite a fix rolling out a while back for the same.

IST 01:13 pm: Some YouTube TV users say that the playback controls for some shows are messed up. The title of the show is wrong and the entire timeline for the episode is scrunched into a tiny portion in the right-hand portion of the bar.

YouTube/YouTube Music bugs/issues and pending improvements tracker:

YouTube bugs and issues tracker
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
YouTube Down (November 12) All platforms Fixed
Unable to turn on comments on YouTube channel All platforms Workaround
Error AS-10 Google Chrome Resolved
Too many foreign language videos All platforms Workaround
Captions turn on automatically All platforms Fix in works
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Watch history issue Multiple platforms Possible fixes
YouTube app on Apple TV freezing Apple TV Possibly fixed
Error saving video data Multiple platforms Workaround
Restricted mode does not turn off All platforms Acknowledged
YouTube Analytics incorrect real-time views Multiple platforms Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Shuffle feature does not work with longer playlists All platforms Fixed
Unable to create new YouTube stream keys Multiple platforms Workaround
PlayStation 4 (PS4) YouTube sign-in error PS4 Official workaround
Old watched videos keep getting recommended All platforms Possible solution
YouTube Library tab broken and sidebar missing Android App Acknowledged
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Merch shelf issues Multiple platforms Acknowledged
Unable to watch restricted videos on YouTube PS4/XBOX Fixed
Editors and Managers unable to upload videos All platforms Fix in the works
“Live streaming isn’t available right now” error All platforms Workaround
YouTube Premium users seeing ads Multiple platforms Fix in the works
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Community tab not getting enabled All platforms Acknowledged
YouTube app/site scrolling issues Android/macOS Unacknowledged
Missing offline/downloaded videos Android/iOS Issue persists
PS4 black screen Several consoles Fix in works
YouTube link preview on Twitter not working Android/iOS Fixed
Can’t change endscreen elements Windows Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
ESPN freezing on YouTube TV All platforms Fixed
Watch Later List has been borked Android/iOS Acknowledged
Videos deleted from playlist All platforms Fixed
Switching accounts issue Android Fixed
Channel search function broken Desktop Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
YouTube live not loading Roku and Fire TV Stick Acknowledged
YouTube live chat not working All platforms Fixed
Random inappropriate/obscene/adult ads All platforms Acknowledged
Unable to switch accounts Android Fix in works
Comments section not loading All platforms Fix in works
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Unable to comment (keeps disappearing) All platforms Acknowledged
Custom URL missing even after meeting eligibility All platforms Fix in works
Picture-in-picture not working in YouTube website iOS 14 Fixed, Workaround
Inaccurate revenue report in YouTube Analytics for Feb. 8 Multiple platforms Acknowledged
New uploads do not appear in subscription feeds Multiple platforms Fixed
Broken search function for channels Multiple platforms Fix in the works
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Playlist isn’t updating when videos are added/deleted Multiple platforms Fixed
Some videos have negative number of likes/dislikes Multiple platforms Unacknowledged
YouTube gets redirected automatically to YouTube Kids Multiple platforms Workarounds
Both like and dislike buttons get highlighted at the same time Desktop Fixed
YouTube Premium users are being shown ads Multiple platforms Acknowledged
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
YouTube app crashes on PS4 Multiple platforms Acknowledged
YouTube Featured sections not working Multiple platforms Acknowledged
YouTube “Oops! Something went wrong” monkey error Desktop Workarounds
YouTube app black screen issue Multiple platforms Fixed
YouTube app blank screen issue Android Acknowledged
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Thumbnails not visible on YouTube Desktop site Acknowledged
YouTube app screen timeout issue Android app Fixed
Stuck on processing HD version during upload Desktop Acknowledged
YouTube video defaults to 360p automatically Multiple platforms Unacknowledged (Refer update 45)
YouTube app not working on Apple TV Apple TV Acknowledged
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Switch account menu not loading YouTube Studio Fixed
Yellow progress bar for playing videos Desktop Fixed
Playback issues on the YouTube app on Firestick Fire TV Stick Fix in works
“Oops! Something went wrong” error YouTube Studio Fixed
Missing stats on Analytics YouTube Analytics Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
YouTube comments not showing YouTube desktop/PC Acknowledged
YouTube Premium not getting activated even after payment All platforms Fix in the works
YouTube app update leads to crashes on PS4 PlayStation 4 Acknowledged
YouTube likes not registering on video All platforms Acknowledged
YouTube likes disappearing from video All platforms Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
YouTube TV says ‘Outside your home area’ YouTube TV Workaround
YouTube embedded playlists not working YouTube desktop Workaround
YouTube premiere function crashing YouTube desktop Acknowledged
YouTube sidebar tabs missing YouTube app on PS5/Xbox/Smart TV Fixed
Likes and subs discrepancy in Watch Page vs. YouTube Analytics YouTube Analytics Fin in works
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Uploads stuck in “Checks running” YouTube desktop Acknowledged
Xbox YouTube app crash Xbox Fix in works
Video chapters not working YouTube desktop Workaround
Subscribers being underreported YouTube Analytics Fix in works
YouTube app thumbnails blurry YouTube app Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Live channels not working YouTube TV Roku YouTube support aware
YouTube subscriber change stuck at 0 YouTube Analytics Acknowledged
Drag and drop videos within a playlist not working YouTube Acknowledged
Opening app throws error 429 Android/iOS Fixed
Comments deleted automatically when adding links Desktop Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Less revenue from 2-minute long clips N/A Addressed
Downloaded videos unable to play offline Mobile Acknowledged
History tab not being synced and age-restricted error Living room devices Fixed
Likes/dislikes discrepancy YouTube Fixed
Issue with voice over feature on DVR recordings YouTube Fixed
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
“YouTube TV is playing on 3 devices” error YouTube TV Persists
Live streams and recent uploads not appearing on search YouTube mobile Fix in works
Can’t post in Community Tab YouTube mobile Acknowledged
Playback issues Amazon FireStick Acknowledged
Black screen and video not loading YouTube mobile Acknowledged
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
YouTube crashing/not working properly All platforms Fixed
Missing or zero transactional revenue figures YT Analytics Fix in works
Subs not getting notifications for new videos YT Analytics Acknowledged
YouTube Premiere not working properly YouTube Premiere Unacknowledged
Can’t watch own uploaded videos All platforms Acknowledged
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Notification settings reset YouTube mobile Acknowledged
Chapters not working YouTube desktop Acknowledged
YouTube watch history not updating YouTube mobile Acknowledged
Incorrect upload date/time for newly published vids YouTube mobile Acknowledged
Dislike button removed/Count not showing YouTube mobile Reason why
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Blurry, bad quality streaming YouTube TV Acknowledged
Analytics unresponsive with views stuck at 0 YouTube Analytics Acknowledged
YouTube TV gone from YouTube app Roku Fix rolling out
Like count inaccurate All platforms Acknowledged
YouTube subscribers missing Analytics Acknowledged
YouTube pending improvements tracker
Suggested/Official features & functions Platform Status
Go to channel option from 3-dots menu removed Multiple platforms Workaround
Default video quality setting Android Testing
Ads volume way too loud All platforms Unacknowledged
YouTube Music bugs and issues tracker
Bug/issue Affected platform Status
Song is unavailable issue All platforms Workaround
Media playback issues when screen is locked Android Workaround
Eligible channels not having their community tab enabled All platforms Acknowledged
Watch Later playlist not updating Android Acknowledged
Google Home devices not allowing kids to play songs on YouTube Music Google Smart Home Escalated
Checking for restrictions taking too long YouTube desktop Explained

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