Pembaruan baru ditambahkan di bagian bawah cerita ini…….

Cerita asli (diterbitkan pada 30 Juni 2020) berikut:

OPPO bukanlah yang paling produktif dalam hal meluncurkan pembaruan OS Android yang tepat waktu. Faktanya, vendor China masih mengeluarkan pembaruan Android 10 beta untuk beberapa perangkatnya pada Q2 2020, namun pembicaraan tentang Android 11 sudah dilakukan di berbagai web.

Google telah merilis Android 11 versi beta publik pertama untuk pengguna Pixel dan perlahan-lahan menyebarkan cinta ini ke perangkat non-Pixel, tetapi tidak semua orang ada di kapal ini.

Namun, seperti tahun lalu, OPPO ikut serta dalam program pengujian beta Android R tahun ini. OPPO Reno standar adalah satu-satunya perangkat yang mengambil bagian dalam pengujian beta Android Q. Tahun ini, jumlahnya meningkat dua kali lipat, setidaknya pada saat penulisan ini.


Awal bulan ini, OPPO mengungkapkan bahwa Find X2 dan Find X2 Pro akan menjadi bagian dari tim beta yang menguji Android 11. Sekitar dua minggu kemudian, perangkat memang mengambil pembaruan Android 11 beta pertama mereka.

Harapannya adalah pembaruan OPPO Android 11 yang stabil akan tiba dengan ColorOS 8 di atasnya. Namun untuk saat ini, mereka yang beralih ke Android 11 beta di Find X2 dan Find X2 Pro mendapatkan ColorOS 7.2 di atas AOSP.

Karena banyaknya penyesuaian yang akan ditambahkan OPPO di atas Android 11 AOSP, kami tidak akan terkejut jika versi stabil mulai diluncurkan akhir tahun ini atau bahkan di awal 2021.

Namun seperti biasa, kami akan terus memantau perkembangan dan memperbarui tabel di bawah ini dengan berita terbaru saat dan saat perangkat OPPO menerima pembaruan Android 11 beta atau stabil.

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Pembaruan 1 (24 Agustus)

OPPO telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa pembaruan ColorOS 7.2 berbasis Android 11 untuk unit Global OPPO Find X2 akan tiba dalam waktu dekat. Namun, perusahaan tidak membagikan ETA untuk peluncuran tersebut. Lihat cerita selengkapnya di sini.

Pembaruan 2 (25 Agustus)

OPPO telah memulai perekrutan beta tertutup untuk pembaruan Android 11 untuk OPPO Ace2 di Cina. Sejumlah terbatas pengguna yang tertarik dapat mendaftar untuk program beta tertutup. Untuk detail lebih lanjut, buka di sini.

Pembaruan 3 (04 September)

IST: 06:15 pm: Oppo telah mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan memulai perekrutan penguji beta untuk pembaruan Android 11 pada Oppo Find X2, Find X2 Pro, Reno3, dan Reno3 Pro di luar China pada 7 September. Lihat detail selengkapnya di sini.

Pembaruan 4 (05 September)

IST: 11:30 am: Oppo Ace2 dan Oppo Ace2 EVA Limited Edition juga merupakan bagian dari rekrutmen Android 11 beta yang akan diluncurkan mulai September 7, 2020. Selengkapnya tentang di sini.

IST: 05:23 pm: Oppo telah mengumumkan bahwa mereka sekarang merekrut individu yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam program beta tertutup Android 11 (ColorOS 8) untuk Oppo Reno4 Pro di Cina. Kepala di sini untuk detail selengkapnya.

Pembaruan 5 (7 September)

IST: 11:28 pagi: Program rekrutmen Android 11 beta telah dihentikan sementara untuk seri Find X2 dan Ace2 di China karena beberapa masalah dengan server saluran rekrutmen OTA. Rekrutmen dikatakan dibuka kembali hari ini, yaitu 07 September sekitar pukul 18:00 CST.

IST: 07:30 pm: Program beta Android 11 (ColorOS 8) dimulai hari ini untuk perangkat Reno3 dan Reno3 Pro di Malasia, dengan harga terbatas kuota 2000 tempat. Tetapi karena masalah server saluran perekrutan, hal yang sama mendapat ditunda hingga 10:00 (GMT).

Pembaruan 6 (8 September)

IST: 02:14 pm: Oppo kini telah membuka rekrutmen untuk pengguna Oppo Find X2 dan Oppo Find X2 Pro di India, Indonesia, dan Thailand untuk Android 11 beta. Perusahaan telah menetapkan kuota 2000 pengguna untuk pembaruan ini. Head di sini untuk semua detailnya.

Pembaruan 7 (9 September)

IST: 10:07 am: Google akhirnya mengumumkan rilis Android 11 hari ini. Tidak seperti sebelumnya, pembaruan akan dirilis untuk perangkat tertentu dari Oppo dan beberapa OEM lainnya bersama dengan smartphone Pixel milik Google sendiri. Kami akan memperbarui pelacak setelah Android 11 mulai diluncurkan untuk ponsel Oppo yang memenuhi syarat.

Android 11 akan mulai diluncurkan hari ini di ponsel Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO, dan realme tertentu, dengan lebih banyak mitra yang meluncurkan dan meningkatkan perangkat dalam beberapa bulan mendatang

IST: 10:36 am: Oppo telah memutuskan untuk mengganti nama skin yang akan datang berdasarkan Android 11. Daripada menamakannya ColorOS 8, Oppo secara resmi menamakannya ColorOS 11 dan akan diluncurkan pada 14 September.

Pembaruan 8 (11 September)

IST: 12:05:Program rekrutmen Android 11 beta untuk Reno4 Pro dimulai minggu lalu. Pergi dengan perkembangan terbaru, rekrutmen tahap kedua sedang berlangsung. Daftar pengguna yang dipilih akan keluar pada 14 September, tiga hari setelah itu, yaitu pada 17 September, pembaruan beta akan tersedia di perangkat yang dipilih.

IST: 18:50: Sekilas ColorOS 11 (atau Android 11) beta yang berjalan di Find X2/X2 Pro bersama dengan perbandingannya dengan ColorOS 7.2 telah muncul dalam video. Buka rel di sini untuk liputan lengkap.

Pembaruan 9 (14 September)

IST: 04:06 pm: Oppo telah secara resmi meluncurkan skin ColorOS 11 berbasis Android 11 secara global dan juga telah membagikan timeline untuk peluncuran yang baru kulit ke perangkatnya. Seperti yang diharapkan, Find X2 dan Find X2 Pro akan menjadi yang pertama mendapatkannya.

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Oppo akan meluncurkan skin baru ke total 28 smartphone dari portofolionya. Selanjutnya, ColorOS 11 akan menghadirkan sejumlah fitur baru. Kami telah mencantumkan beberapa yang utama di bawah ini:

– Asisten Google & lensa google terintegrasi dalam ColorOS 11
– Berbagi di sekitar
– AOD yang sangat dapat disesuaikan
– Mode hemat daya super & siaga super malam hari
– Pelindung baterai (kecepatan pengisian daya adaptif)

IST: 05:35 pm: Oppo kini memiliki memulai putaran kedua rekrutmen penguji beta untuk Android 11 (ColorOS 11) pada seri Oppo Find X2. Pengguna di Thailand, India, Indonesia, Kamboja, Vietnam, Filipina, Mesir dapat mendaftar untuk mencoba versi beta.

Pembaruan 10 (15 September)

IST 02:57 pm: Oppo belum merilis Android 11 beta bersama ColorOS 11 di wilayah EEA dan UE saat ini karena masalah kepatuhan GDPR. Sebagai gantinya, ia akan merilis pembaruan Android beta untuk pengguna di Eropa mulai November sesuai dengan timeline resmi.


(Sumber) Klik/ketuk untuk memperbesar gambar

IST 19:30: Pembaruan ColorOS 11 menghadirkan banyak fitur baru ke perangkat Oppo. Penambahan baru utama adalah opsi penyesuaian Mode Gelap baru, FlexDrop, Oppo Relax 2.0, Berbagi Terdekat, dan opsi penyesuaian Tampilan Selalu Aktif yang baru. Kami telah menambahkan beberapa gambar di bawah dibagikan oleh Oppo untuk menyoroti beberapa fitur baru.

ColorOS 11 kustomisasi



ColorOS-11-Relax 2.0

Pembaruan 11 (16 September)

IST 01:26 pm: Oppo telah membagikan daftar aplikasi yang saat ini tidak mendukung Android 11. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi ini akan crash atau lag jika Anda mencoba menggunakannya pada perangkat yang berjalan di Android 11. Kami telah menambahkan daftar aplikasi yang tidak kompatibel di bawah ini:


(Sumber) Klik/ketuk untuk memperbesar

IST 05:40 pm: Sekarang terungkap bahwa tidak seperti sebelumnya, perangkat Oppo Reno 10x Zoom akan mendapatkan semua fitur ColorOS 11 kali ini, sesuatu yang dilaporkan tidak terjadi dalam kasus ini ColorOS 7. Informasi tersebut berasal dari moderator di grup obrolan telegram ColorOS resmi.


Pembaruan 12 (24 September)

IST 04:38 pm: Oppo kini telah memulai rekrutmen beta publik Android 11 ColorOS 11 untuk Reno4 Pro 5G, Ace2, dan Temukan seri X2 di China. Ini akan menjadi perekrutan gelombang kedua untuk seri Ace2 dan Find X2.

Pembaruan 13 (29 September)

IST 16:54: Dilaporkan, Oppo akan meluncurkan pembaruan ColorOS 11 berbasis Android 11 untuk Oppo F17 Pro di India. Pengguna yang tertarik akan dapat menginstalnya mulai 30 September.

Pembaruan 14 (30 September)

IST 06:51 pm: Tampaknya Oppo tetap pada rencananya dan akan merilis pembaruan beta ColorOS 11 berbasis Android 11 untuk Oppo Reno3, Oppo Reno3 Pro, Oppo Reno4 5G, dan Oppo F17 Pro hari ini sendiri. Buka di sini untuk semua detail.

Pembaruan 15 (05 Oktober)

IST 03:57 pm: Oppo telah menggoda bahwa mereka akan menggunakan Quantum Animation Engine 2.0 baru dengan pembaruan ColorOS 11 (Android 11) untuk meningkatkan pengalaman visual pada perangkat yang didukung. Selengkapnya detailnya di sini.

Pembaruan 16 (Oktober 08)

IST 01:57 pm: Perkembangan terbaru menunjukkan bahwa beberapa fitur baru yang ditemukan di ColorOS 11 tidak akan tersedia di perangkat tertentu yang memenuhi syarat ColorOS 11 (Android 11) karena keterbatasan perangkat keras, peraturan daerah, dan faktor lainnya. Lihat semua detailnya di sini.

Pembaruan 17 (Oktober 09)

IST 02:01 pm: Oppo mengklaim bahwa fitur UI First 2.0 baru yang dimasukkan ke dalam ColorOS 11 memungkinkan waktu pemuatan aplikasi hingga 15% lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan ColorOS 7. Lihat di sini.

Pembaruan 18 (10 Oktober)

IST 02:00 pm: Menanggapi pertanyaan pengguna tentang Android 11 untuk Oppo Reno4 Pro, pegangan Twitter Oppo Care India menyatakan bahwa pembaruan akan ditayangkan pada bulan November untuk perangkat.



Pembaruan 19 (15 Oktober)

IST 13:35: Telah diketahui bahwa batch pertama untuk penguji beta Oppo F17 Pro dan Reno3 Pro ColorOS 11 (Android 11) sekarang sudah penuh. Tetapi tidak ada kabar kapan rekrutmen untuk angkatan berikutnya akan dimulai. Cerita lengkap di sini.

Pembaruan 20 (19 Oktober)

IST 10:58 pm: Oppo kini memiliki mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan merilis ColorOS 11 beta untuk Reno4 Pro 5G pada 28 Oktober. Oleh karena itu, pengguna Reno4 Pro 5G dapat mengharapkan untuk mendapatkan pembaruan dalam waktu dua minggu.

IST 05:19 pm: Tampaknya pembaruan Android 11 untuk Oppo K3 mungkin tidak akan tiba karena perangkat tidak terdaftar di timeline resmi ColorOS 11 dan tim dukungan perusahaan India di Twitter juga telah mengkonfirmasi hal yang sama.

Namun, Oppo telah menyebutkan bahwa pembaruan akan tersedia pada lebih dari 28 model termasuk perangkat dari seri’K’. Oleh karena itu, laporan yang saling bertentangan ini membuat sulit untuk mengatakan apakah perangkat akan mendapatkan pembaruan atau tidak. detailnya di sini.

Pembaruan 21 (20 Oktober)

IST 06:46 pm: Oppo memiliki mengumumkan bahwa sekarang sedang mencari ColorOS 11 Alpha Testers untuk Oppo Reno4 Pro 4G di India. Kuota hanya 100 member. Jadi, jika Anda ingin menjadi Penguji Alfa, Anda mungkin ingin segera daftar.

Pembaruan 22 (27 Oktober)

IST 02:30 pm: Pembaruan beta ColorOS 11 terbaru untuk Oppo Find X2 telah menambahkan fitur baru yang disebut FlexDrop yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk meluncurkan aplikasi apa pun sebagai jendela mengambang dan memindahkannya ke mana saja layar untuk multitasking yang lebih mudah. Anda dapat melihat demonstrasinya di sini.

Pembaruan 23 (28 Oktober)

IST 15:05: Oppo sekarang rekrut pengguna Reno4 Pro 5G untuk menguji ColorOS 11 beta di UEA dan Arab Saudi. Kuota ditetapkan untuk 4000 pengguna dan pengguna dapat mendaftar ke program hari ini.

Jika aplikasi berhasil, pengguna akan mendapatkan pembaruan dalam waktu tiga hari. Ingatlah bahwa untuk menerima versi beta, Anda harus menginstal versi CPH2089PU_11.A.19 atau yang lebih baru.

Pembaruan 24 (29 Oktober)

IST 05:09 pm: Pengguna Reno4 4G yang tertarik di Indonesia memiliki kesempatan untuk merasakan ColorOS 11 di perangkat karena Oppo sekarang mencari penguji untuk menguji ColorOS 11 Versi Alpha (Android 11) di negara tersebut.

Pembaruan 25 (03 November)

IST 15:40: Rupanya, pembaruan ColorOS 11 berbasis Android 11 sekarang diluncurkan dalam bentuk stabil untuk Oppo Find X2 dan Find X2 Pro. Saat ini, ini hanya tersedia bagi mereka yang merupakan bagian dari program beta. Lebih detail di sini.

Pembaruan 26 (November 05)

IST 06:35 pm: Tampaknya Oppo telah mulai merekrut pengguna Oppo A52 di India untuk menguji ColorOS 11 versi Alpha di perangkat mereka. Kuota ditetapkan hanya untuk 100 pengguna. Jadi, buka di sini untuk mengetahui semua tentang pembaruan ColorOS 11 untuk perangkat.

Pembaruan 27 (November 07)

IST 08:40 pm: Oppo Reno4 5G dan Oppo Reno4 Pro 4G diharapkan mendapatkan pembaruan ColorOS 11 beta bulan ini. Buka di sini untuk mengetahui semua status update Android 11 di kedua perangkat.

Pembaruan 28 (12 November)

IST 11:10 pagi: laporan menunjukkan bahwa Oppo telah mulai meluncurkan pembaruan ColorOS 11 yang stabil berdasarkan Android 11 untuk seri Oppo Ace2 di Cina. Pengguna harus memiliki versi perangkat lunak terbaru, yaitu A.24 yang diinstal agar dapat memperbarui perangkat mereka dengan perangkat lunak baru.


IST 11:23: Pengguna Oppo Find X2 di India juga melaporkan bahwa mereka mulai menerima pembaruan ColorOS 11 berbasis Android 11 di perangkat mereka sebagai versi C.06. Buka di sini untuk detail selengkapnya.

IST 01:17 pm: Oppo UK telah membagikan timeline rilis ColorOS 11 untuk seri Oppo Find X2 di wilayah tersebut. Menurutnya, Oppo Find X2 dan Find X2 Pro akan mendapatkan pembaruan pada bulan Desember sedangkan Find X2 Neo akan mendapatkan pada Q1, 2021. Lebih detail di sini.

IST 07:05 pm: Pembaruan ColorOS 11 untuk Find X2, Find X2 Pro, dan Oppo F17 Pro kini tersedia di beberapa negara. Ini diluncurkan sebagai versi A.19 untuk F17 Pro di India dan sebagai versi A.41 untuk seri Find X2. Lebih detail di sini.

Pembaruan 29 (16 November)

IST 10:23 am: ColorOS 11 menghadirkan banyak fitur dan peningkatan baru dibandingkan ColorOS 7 atau ColorOS 7.2 dalam hal ini. Dan sedang diterima dengan baik oleh pengulas teknologi populer berkat animasi yang halus dan opsi penyesuaian di antara hal-hal lainnya.

Pembaruan 30 (19 November)

IST 10:28 pagi: Oppo sekarang rekrut pengguna Oppo F11 Pro di India untuk menguji versi alfa ColorOS 11 untuk perangkat. Kuota ditetapkan hanya untuk 100 anggota dan hari ini adalah hari terakhir untuk mendaftar.

Pembaruan 31 (20 November)

IST 12:09 pm: Pengguna Oppo F11 dan Oppo F11 Pro di Indonesia yang ingin menguji ColorOS 11 di perangkat mereka sekarang dapat daftar untuk program Pengujian Alfa untuk skin berbasis Android 11.

Pengguna yang tertarik dapat mendaftar antara 20 November (hari ini) dan 23 November. Hanya 100 pengguna yang akan dipilih untuk program ini dan akan mendapatkan versi beta 3 hari setelah mereka berhasil mendaftar.

Pembaruan 32 (27 November)

IST 13:35: Pembaruan ColorOS 11 untuk Oppo Find X2 Pro tampaknya diluncurkan di Prancis dalam bentuk pembaruan beta. Seorang pengguna telah membagikan tangkapan layar pembaruan yang diluncurkan sebagai versi C.05.

IST 07:40 pm: The ColorOS 11 beta program has now been kick-started for the Oppo Reno4 5G in Australia with a set quota of 2000 users. Head here for more details.

Update 33 (December 01)

IST 03:05 pm: Oppo has begun recruiting beta testers in India, Indonesia, and Vietnam for the ColorOS 11 (Android 11) beta program for the Oppo Reno4 4G and the Oppo Reno4 Pro 4G. Check out additional details here.

IST 04:55 pm: Oppo has opened up the ColorOS 11 beta program based on Android 11 for the Oppo Reno4 Pro 5G in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Thailand, and Russia. Users must have the A.31 software version on their devices to install the beta.

Update 34 (December 04)

IST 09:55 am: The ColorOS 11 beta and stable rollout timeline for December is here. The company has revealed the dates from which the devices will start receiving the beta or stable update. Check it out below:


Click/tap to view in full size


Click/tap to view in full size


Click/tap to view in full size


Click/tap to view in full size

IST 06:50 pm: Oppo has begun recruiting A92 users for the ColorOS 11 beta program in Indonesia. There is a 5000 user quota and interested folks must have the A.49 software version installed to participate.

Update 35 (December 11)

IST 09:55 am: Oppo A52 users in India and Indonesia can rejoice since the company has kick-started the ColorOS 11 beta program in the two countries. Head here for more details.

IST 05:25 pm: The company has announced that it is recruiting Oppo Reno4 Z 5G users in Thailand, Philippines, and Australia to try out the ColorOS 11 beta update based on Android 11. The recruitment started today and will continue till December 14.

Update 36 (December 15)

IST 10:15 am: Oppo has confirmed that the ColorOS 11 beta based on Android 11 is available for the Oppo F11 Pro in India and Indonesia. Those who enrolled for the beta should be receiving it now.

Update 37 (December 16)

IST 01:45 pm: Oppo A9 users in India can rejoice since the company has kick-started the ColorOS 11 beta program for the device. Interested users can enroll for the beta starting today till December 19.



IST 06:35 pm: Oppo has opened up the ColorOS 11 beta program for the Oppo F11 in India. Interested users will be able to sign up for the beta starting today and have until December 19 to apply.

According to the official announcement, users would have to make sure their device is running on the C.33 software version in order for them to receive the Android 11 beta update.

Update 38 (December 17)

IST 10:38 am: The stable Android 11 update alongside ColorOS 11 has been released for the Oppo Reno4 5G in Australia as per a fresh announcement from the company.

Update 39 (December 18)

IST 10:36 am: The Oppo UK Twitter handle has recently tweeted that the EE Oppo Find X2 Pro variant will start getting the ColorOS 11 update this week followed by other networks.


(Source 1, 2)

IST 12:25 pm: Oppo has started rolling out the stable ColorOS 11 (Android 11) update to Oppo Reno3 and Oppo Reno3 Pro outside of China. The update comes as version C.12 and offers a bunch of new features and improvements.

Update 40 (December 23)

IST 01:10 pm: Oppo has released the ColorOS 11 update based on Android 11 Official Version for Oppo A72 in Kazakhstan. The latest OS update comes as version C.66 and users must be on version A.53 in order to get the same.

Dear ColorOS Superfans,
The long-awaited Official version of A72 ColorOS 11 based on Android 11 Official Version finally kicks off. So hurry up & don’t miss it.

Update 41 (December 24)

IST 04:40 pm: The official version of the ColorOS 11 update based on Android 11 has been released for Oppo Reno3 in Philippines. The same has been announced by the ColorOS Global Twitter handle.

The official version of ColorOS 11 based on Android 11 update for Reno3 4G in the Philippines has been released.

Update 42 (December 25)

IST 01:38 pm: The ColorsOS 11 (Android 11) update official version is now rolling out to Oppo Reno4 and Oppo Reno4 Pro in India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, and Philippines.

The long-awaited Official version of Reno4/Reno4 ProColorOS 11 based on Android 11 Official Version finally kicks off. So hurry up & don’t miss it.

Update 43 (December 29)

IST: 1:10 pm: Users of the Oppo Find X2 Pro in the Netherlands are receiving an update that brings Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to their devices. More on that here.

Update 44 (December 31)

IST: 1:10 pm: Users of the Reno4 Pro in Italy report receiving an update that brings Android 11-based ColorOS 8 to their devices. More on that here.

Update 45 (January 02)

IST: 1:40 pm: Oppo has now shared the Q1 2021 update roadmap of ColorOS 11 and the list includes devices like Reno3 5G, A92s, A52, Reno2, Reno2 Z, Oppo K5, K7, A72 5G, A91, Reno 10x Zoom, Reno Ace, Reno3 Pro 5G, Reno4 SE 5G, and Reno3 Vitality Edition. Head here for the complete coverage.

IST: 04:00 pm: The Oppo A52 devices are now fetching the stable Android 11 update as version CPH2061_11_C.17. For more details, head here.

Update 46 (January 05)

IST: 1:20 pm: New reports now indicate that users of the Oppo Reno Ace are bagging an update, PCLM10_11_F.01, that brings Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to their devices.

IST: 3:00 pm Oppo is reportedly rolling out Android 11-based ColorOS 11.1 to the Oppo F11 and F11 Pro. This brings the stable version of this skin to these devices, more on that here.


Update 47 (January 06)

Oppo has announced its plan for the deployment of Android 11 to its eligible devices for the month of January 2021. Below is how these stable and beta builds will be deployed.

Update 48 (January 12)

Oppo has laid bare some of the features that users should expect with the update to Android 11-based ColorOS 11. These include:

– Always-on-Display
– FlexDrop
– Multilevel dark mode
– Inventive Wallpapers

Update 49 (January 15)

IST: 2:00 pm Oppo Reno4 Z users in France are getting an update that brings Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to their devices. The update weighs in at 2.9GB and bears software version number CPH2065NV44_11_C.05.

Update 50 (January 21)

IST: 4:00 pm Users of the Oppo Reno3 Pro in Pakistan are in luck as the company has reportedly released the Android 11 update for Reno3 Pro in their region. You can find the new version by going to Settings > Software Update.

Update 51 (January 22)

IST: 10:00 am Users of the Oppo Find X2 Pro in Singapore should be getting updates to Android 11-based ColorOS 11 soon as the company has rolled out the update.

IST: 1:00 pm Users of the Oppo A9 2020 expected to receive an Android 11-based ColorOS 11 beta update sometime in January. However, Oppo seems to have had a change of heart as that build is now expected to come in the second quarter of 2021. More on that here.

Update 52 (January 22)

IST: 04:00 pm Oppo Reno2 F Android 11/ColorOS 11 open beta early access program has now kickstarted for India devices. More details here.

Update 53 (January 25)

IST 12:30 pm: Oppo is reportedly rolling out Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Reno3 Pro in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

IST 1:30 pm Oppo has reportedly rolled out the ColorOS 11 Beta to users of the Oppo F11 in Egypt.

Update 54 (January 26)

IST 12:30 pm Oppo has announced that it is accepting applications from users of the Reno 10x Zoom in India and Indonesia who would like to take part in ColorOS 11 Beta program. Users need to be running the latest C.33 or C32 firmware and test builds will start rolling out in a weeks time.

Update 55 (January 28)

IST 01:00 pm Users of the Oppo Find X2 Pro in the UK are reporting receiving an update to the new Android 11-based ColorOS 11.

Update 56 (January 29)

IST 12:28 pm: Oppo is inviting users of the Oppo F15 in India that would like to take part in COlorOS 11 Beta testing to sign up for a slot. The sign-up window will run from January 29 to February 1. More on that here.

Update 57 (February 02)

IST 11:28 am: Users of the Oppo Find X2 Neo aka Oppo Reno3 Pro 5G are receiving an update that brings ColorOS 11.1 Beta to their devices. This is ahead of the March release date of stable build. More on that here.

Update 58 (February 03)

IST 10:41 am: New reports now suggest that Oppo has made its Android 11-based custom skin, ColorOS 11 available to the Oppo Find X2 Pro in Germany.

IST 11:10 am: Oppo has just confirmed that it is rolling out Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo A9. More on that here. This shouldn’t be confused with the Oppo A9 2020 whose Android 11 beta build is expected in Q2.

Update 59 (February 06)

IST 12:44 pm: Oppo has shared its plans for the rollout of ColorOS 11 in beta and stable form for the month of February. Head here to check out all the details.

IST 01:25 pm: As per information shared by the smartphone vendor on Twitter, the ColorOS 11 beta update has been released for the Oppo F11 Pro in Egypt.

The official version of ColorOS 11 beta version based on Android 11 update for OPPO F11 Pro has been released in Egypt. (Source)

IST 01:25 pm: The company has also released ColorOS 11 for the Oppo Reno4 Pro in the UAE as per details shared by the ColorOS team on Twitter.



Update 60 (February 10)

IST 01:00 pm: The stable version of ColorOS 11 based on Android 11 is now live in Pakistan for Oppo Reno4 Pro 4G users. Details here.

A similar update is also rolling out to the Find X2 Pro in Spain and Australia. See details here.

Update 61 (February 11)

IST 05:45 pm: Oppo has apparently started rolling out the ColorOS 11 update in batches for the Oppo Reno2 F in India. Check out more details here.

Update 62 (February 12)

IST 05:46 pm: The company has failed to mention any details regarding the availability of ColorOS 11 for the Oppo F17. However, to help you stay in the loop, we’ll be tracking all developments regarding the update here.

Update 63 (February 15)

IST 05:20 pm: Responding to a user’s query regarding the availability of ColorOS 11 for the Oppo Reno3 Pro 4G in Egypt, Oppo has claimed that the update has been released in the region.



Update 64 (February 17)

IST 12:20 pm: In responce to user queries on the state of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 for various devices, Oppo goes to confirm that the update is rolling out to users of the Oppo Reno3 Pro 4G in India and Oppo Reno3 4G in the Phillipines.

Update 65 (February 22)

IST 13:14 pm: ColorOS’ Global Twitter handle has just confirmed that the company has rolled out a stable build of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to the Oppo A93 in Malaysia. More on that here.

Update 66 (February 23)

IST 11:14 am: Oppo continues to roll out Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to its devices and now, users of the Reno4 5G in France are getting the update to ColorOS 11.

12:11 pm (IST): Users of Oppo Find X2 Pro in France are now getting the update to Android 11-based ColorOS 11. More on that here.

Update 67 (February 24)

02:11 pm (IST): Oppo is reportedly rolling out ColorOS 11 based on Android 11 to users of the Oppo Reno3 Pro in Kenya and the Phillipines. More on that here and here.

Update 68 (February 25)

07:16 pm (IST): The beta version of ColorOS 11 based on Android 11 is now available for the Oppo A91. See details here.

Update 69 (February 26)

02:16 pm (IST): A user of the Oppo Find X2 Neo on Reddit reports that he has been able to update his device to Android 11-based ColorOS 11 in the EU by connecting his VPN to Netherlands. More on that here.

Update 70 (March 2)

12:16 pm (IST): Oppo has announced a list of its devices that are slated to bag the stable release of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 come March 9. These include:

– Reno 10X Zoom
– Reno Ace
– Reno3 Pro 5G
– Reno2
– Reno4 SE 5G
– Oppo K7

More on that here.

02:02 pm (IST): Users of the Oppo Reno4 in Kenya are getting an update on their devices that brings with it the stable build of Android 11-based ColorOS 11. More on that here.

Update 71 (March 3)

10:16 am (IST): Oppo’s ColorOS 11 roadmap for the month of March 2021 outlines how the company plans to rollout ColorOS 11 Open Beta for the Oppo Reno2, Oppo Reno2 Z, Oppo K5, and Oppo A72 5G. More on that here.

11:20 am (IST): Users of the Oppo F11 in the Phillipines have something to smile about as reports now indicate that Oppo is rolling out the Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to their devices.

Update 72 (March 4)

09:16 am (IST): Oppo has shared its Android 11-based ColorOS 11 March 2021 update roadmap for India and Europe. More on that here.

Update 73 (March 5)

12:29 pm (IST): Users of the Oppo Reno 10X Zoom report getting a new Android 11-based ColorOS 11 Beta build on their devices with build number CPH1919_11_F.40. This update brings a bunch of improvements and bug fixes.

12:54 pm (IST): Users of the Oppo Reno4 in the Phillipines are an excited lot as they’re finally receiving an update to Android 11-based ColorOS 11 on their devices. More on that here.

Update 74 (March 9)

11:06 am (IST): Users of the Oppo Reno4 in Cambodia are in luck as the company is reportedly rolling out Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to their devices. More on that here.

02:39 pm (IST): Oppo has begun recruiting Oppo Reno2 users in India and Malaysia for the ColorOS 11 beta program. Check out all the details here.

04:38 pm (IST): Oppo Reno 10x Zoom users can rejoice since the company has started seeding the stable ColorOS 11 update for the device according to plan. Head here for all the details.

Update 75 (March 10)

01:06 pm (IST): Users of Oppo Reno 4 in the UAE and users of Oppo Reno4 F in Indonesia are getting updates that bring Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to their devices.

Update 76 (March 11)

03:13 pm (IST): Users of the Oppo Reno2 F in India are an excited batch after oppo announced the availability of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 for their device. Wider rollout is still slated for March 16. More on that here.

Update 77 (March 12)

05:32 pm (IST): Oppo’s new Android 11-based ColorOS 11.2 has just been released with the company’s 2021 flagships, the Oppo Find X3 and X3 Pro. More on that here.

Update 78 (March 13)

01:44 pm (IST): New developments indicate that Oppo has released the official ColorOS 11.1 update based on Android 11 for the Oppo F15 in India. Check out our detailed coverage here.

Update 79 (March 15)

11:14 am (IST): Users of the Oppo Reno2 Z in India are now able to sign up for a Beta build of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 between March 15 and March 18. More on that here.

Update 80 (March 18)

12:40 pm (IST): Oppo is rolling out stable Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of Oppo Find X2 Neo in Spain. More on that here.

Update 81 (March 21)

08:16 am (IST): Users of Oppo F11 in India are in luck as the company is reportedly rolling out Android 11-based ColorOS 11 Beta to their devices.

Hey there, The official version of ColorOS 11 beta version based on Android 11 update for OPPO F11 in India has been released. Please go to Settings > Software update to get the update.

Update 82 (March 22)

14:16 pm (IST): Oppo, through its official ColorOS Twitter handle just confirmed that it is rolling out stable build of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo Reno4 Pro 5G in France.

IST 14:32 pm: Oppo is rolling out stable builds of Android 11 based ColorOS 11 to users of Oppo Reno3 Pro in India.

IST 15:02 pm: Stable Android 11 based ColorOS 11 is rolling out to users of the Oppo Find X2 in France.

Update 83 (March 24)

IST 13:10 pm: Users of the Oppo A52 are getting an update that brings with it the stable build of Android 11-based ColorOS 11.1. More on that here.

IST 13:23 pm: Oppo is rolling out the Beta build of Android 11 ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo F15 in Indonesia.

IST 13:31 pm: Users of the Oppo Find X2 Neo in France finally have something to smile about as the company is rolling out stable Android 11-based ColorOS 11.

Update 84 (March 26)

IST 12:29 pm: Oppo appears to have started rolling out the stable Android 11 update with ColorOS 11.1 on top for the Find X2 Lite in Germany. Check out all the details here.

Update 85 (March 27)

IST 06:29 pm: Oppo officials explain the reason why it takes longer to release stable ColorOS 11 (Android 11) updates to the devices. Head here to read the complete coverage.

Update 86 (March 30)

IST 16:27 pm: Users of the Oppo Find X2 Pro in Japan are receiving an update that brings with it the Android 11-based ColorOS 11 update.

Update 87 (March 31)

IST: 1:20 pm: New reports now indicate that users of the Oppo Reno Ace are bagging an update, PCLM10_11_F.01, that brings Android 11-based ColorOS 11.1 to their devices.

Update 88 (April 7)

IST: 9:20 am: Oppo has announced its April 2021 rollout plan, outlining how it plans to rollout Beta and stable builds of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to its devices. Mored on that here.

Update 88 (April 8)

IST 12:28 pm: Users of the Oppo A72 in Itali are getting an update that brings ColorOS 11.1 based on Android 11, build number CPH2067_11_C.74. Thanks to one Stefano for the tip.

IST: 13:30 pm: Oppo is rolling out stable Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo F11 in India.

Update 89 (April 09)

IST 10:32 am : Users of the Oppo Reno2 F in Indonesia are getting an update that brings Android 11-based ColorOS 11.

IST 05:35 pm : Oppo has commenced the rollout of ColorOS 11 (Android 11) update for the Oppo A91, Reno2 Z, and Reno3 A units. Head here to read the complete coverage.

Update 90 (April 12)

IST 07:48 pm : Days ahead of the promised date, the ColorOS 11 (Android 11) beta update is rolling out for the Oppo A73 and Oppo Reno Z units. Head here to know more.

Update 91 (April 14)

IST 05:12 pm : The list is only expanding. It’s time for the Oppo A5 and A9 2020 users from India and Indonesia to receive the ColorOS 11 beta update. Oppo A32 gets beta recruitment in China. Find more here.

Update 92 (April 16)

IST 01:12 pm : Oppo is reportedly rolling out Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Reno4 Pro 5G in Italy.

IST 05:45 pm : Optus is apparently testing the Android 11 update for the Oppo A72 in Australia. Users can expect to see the stable update go live soon.

Update 93 (April 20)

IST 02:38 pm : Japan’s Softbank has confirmed that it will be sending out the Android 11 update for the Oppo Reno3 5G starting today. Head here for more details.

IST 04:05 pm : Oppo is rolling out the Android 11 update for the Reno4 Pro in Belgium too. More details here.

Update 94 (April 22)

IST 1:18 pm : Oppo is rolling out Android 11-based COlorOS 11 to users of the Reno2 in various regions including India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philipphines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan. More on that here.

Update 95 (April 26)

IST 10:40 am: Oppo is reportedly rolling out Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo F11 Pro in the Phillipines.

Update 96 (April 27)

IST 13:47 pm: Oppo is kickstarting the Beta program for Android 11-based ColorOS 11 for users of the Oppo A53 in India and Indonesia. More on that here.

Update 97 (April 29)

IST 12:21 pm: Oppo is reportedly rolling out stable Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo F11 Pro in India. More on that here.

IST 12: 40 pm: Oppo is reportedly rolling out the first batch of Beta builds of ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo Reno Z in Saudi Arabia.

Update 98 (April 30)

IST 13:06 pm: New reports now indicate that Oppo is kickstarting the public beta program for the China-exclusive Oppo K7x. More on that here.

Update 99 (May 10)

IST 10:31 am: Users of the oppo Reno Z in Saudi Arabia and the UAE are getting an update that brings with it the Android 11-based ColorOS 11 update. More on that here.

IST 06:47 pm: According to the official ColorOS Twitter handle, Oppo Find X2 Pro and Oppo A72 have started receiving the Android 11-based ColorOS 11 update in Malaysia and France respectively.

Update 100 (May 11)

IST 14:30 pm: Optus’ update tracker has been updated to indicate that the Australian carrier is done testing out ColorOS 11 for the Oppo A72.

Update 101 (May 12)

IST 11:36 am: It is now coming to light that users of the Oppo A5 2020 and those of Oppo A9 2020 3GB RAM variants will not get updated to Android 11. More on that here.

IST 4:35 pm: Oppo has announced that considering the first batch of Reno Z based on the Android 11 operating system, the ColorOS 11 public beta recruitment is limited, and some users did not apply, so it opened the public beta of the phone again. More on that here.

IST 5:41 pm: The official ColorOS Assistant account on Weibo has now shared the ColorOS 11 Upgrade and Adaptation plan for the month of May for a bunch of devices in China.

Update 101 (May 13)

IST 9:36 am: Oppo is reportedly kickstarting the public beta recruitment program for users of the Oppo A32 in China.

Update 102 (May 18)

IST 10:36 am: Thanks to a tip from one of our readers, we are made to believe that the Oppo F11 Pro is getting an update to Android 11-based ColorOS 11.1 in Pakistan.

coloros 11 f11 pro pakistan

IST 06:45 pm: According to the official ColorOS Twitter handle, the ColorOS 11 update based on Android 11 has been finally released for Oppo F11 Pro in Cambodia.

Update 103 (May 21)

IST 12:28 pm: Users of Oppo F11 Pro in Algeria are getting an update on their devices that brings Android 11-based ColorOS 11.1.

f11 pro a11 algeria

Thanks to one of our readers, one Aymen Baddadi for the tip!

Update 104 (May 22)

IST 12:28 pm: Oppo Reno4 Pro 5G users in Portugal can finally grab the ColorOS 11 update based on Android 11, as per the official ColorOS Global Twitter handle.

Update 105 (May 24)

IST 01:28 pm: Oppo is rolling out stable Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo A9 2020. More on that here.

IST 07:40 pm: Oppo has opened the applications for the beta version of ColorOS 11 based on Android 11 for Oppo F17 users in India and Oppo A73 users in Thailand and Malaysia.

Update 106 (May 25)

IST 02:26 pm: Oppo has officially announced the stable release of Android 11-based ColorOS 11 to users of the Oppo A9 2020 and Oppo A 2020. For more on that, check out the official release statement here and here.

Update 107 (May 26)

IST 12:44 pm: The wait for Android 11 for Oppo A73 5G users is now over as the ColorOS 11 stable update is now rolling out for the device in select regions.

IST 05:16 pm: The ColorOS 11 update has now gone live for the Oppo Reno2 in Germany and Spain.

Update 108 (May 27)

IST 02:13 pm: The ColorOS 11 update is now rolling out for the Oppo Reno Z in China and for the Oppo F11 Pro in Malaysia.

Update 109 (May 28)

IST 03:49 pm: The Oppo A9/A9X and Oppo A11/A11X have now bagged the Android 11-based ColorOS 11 update in China as per an official post on Weibo.

Update 110 (June 01)

IST 06:26 pm: A second batch for the beta testers program for the ColorOS 11 update for the Oppo A53 has now opened. For details, head here.

Update 111 (June 07)

IST 03:29 pm: The Android 11 update is allegedly under testing for the Oppo A91 in Australia. The Vodaphone Australia site has listed the info, although the device has mistakenly been listed as the Oppo R91.

Update 112 (June 08)

IST 01:22 pm: The Android 11-based ColorOS 11 update release details for the Oppo A53, A54, Reno, and Reno2 Z are now out with June rollout plans.

Update 113 (June 10)

IST 10:50 am: The Android 11 update is now reportedly rolling out for the Oppo Reno2 Z in Switzerland signaling the start of a European rollout.

Update 115 (June 16)

IST 03:01 pm: The recently launched Oppo A54 is now finally being treated to the Android 11 update as part of a beta program in India. For details, head here.

Update 116 (June 17)

IST 06:53 pm: The ColorOS 11 update for the Oppo A53 is set to roll out today, confirms Oppo on Twitter. For details, head here.

Update 117 (June 18)

IST 05:45 pm: The ColorOS 11 update for the Oppo A91 is currently under testing for the Vodafone Australian variant.

IST 06:05 pm: Unfortunately, the ColorOS 11 update for the Oppo A53 has been delayed and will be released sometime before June 24.

Pembaruan baru akan ditambahkan di bagian di bawah dan pelacak mengikuti setelah itu

Oppo ColorOS 11 (Android 11) update tracker table follows

Device/Android 11 update BETA STABLE Notes
Oppo A52 Alpha testers recruitment (India)
Beta program (India and Indonesia)
Limited Public Beta in January 2021
Released Beta was expected in December
Oppo Reno 10x Zoom Beta recruitment begins in India and Indonesia Beta expected in Q1, 2021
– All ColorOS 11 features will come (Update 11 in above section)
Stable release on March 9
– Stable for India and Indonesia expected on March 9
Oppo Reno2 Released (India and Malaysia) Released Stable Released in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philipphines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Spain, Germany, and Kazakhstan
Oppo Reno2 F Beta early access live Rolling out (Indonesia) Open Beta in March 2021
Stable expected on March 16
Oppo Reno2 Z – Rolling out (India) Released (Indonesia, Switzerland) – NEW Open Beta on March 10, 2021

For a rough idea of if your OPPO device will receive the official Android 11 update, check out this tentative list of eligible devices.

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Categories: IT Info

Device/Android 11 update BETA STABLE Notes
Oppo A73 Beta program (Thailand & Malaysia)
Oppo A9X Released (China)
Oppo A11X Released (China)
Oppo A11 Released (China)
Oppo A54 Beta program (India)