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La skin One UI 3.0 di Samsung su Android 11 deve ancora essere rilasciata al pubblico come aggiornamento stabile. Non sorprende che Samsung non abbia nemmeno partecipato al programma beta di Android 11 insieme a Google.

Pertanto, gli utenti della serie Samsung Galaxy S20 e della serie Samsung Galaxy Note 20 hanno avuto la possibilità di provare la versione beta di One UI 3.0 basata su Android 11 solo dopo Google ha implementato l’aggiornamento stabile.


Samsung Galaxy S20

Il programma beta One UI 3.0 è stato avviato per la prima volta per la gamma Samsung Galaxy S20 nel suo paese d’origine, la Corea del Sud, e poi si è esteso ad altre regioni, tra cui la Germania e USA .

Al momento, Samsung ha implementato sei aggiornamenti beta di One UI 3.0 con l’ultimo con il numero di versione del software ZTKA.

Detto questo, puoi controllare il nostro tracker dedicato per saperne di più sul rilascio di One UI 3.0 for all smartphone Samsung idonei .


Ora, anche se One UI 3.0 è fresco sul blocco, è probabile che vedremo Samsung debuttare con la sua skin One UI 3.1 basata su Android 11 entro i prossimi due mesi.

Più precisamente, potremmo vedere la nuova skin il 14 gennaio 2021, secondo Jon Prosser, che ha affermato che Samsung avrebbe annunciato la serie Galaxy S21 in quella data.

Ora, se ti stai chiedendo cosa c’entra l’annuncio della serie Samsung Galaxy S21 con la skin One UI 3.1, ascoltaci.

Samsung ha l’abitudine di lanciare nuove ammiraglie con una versione leggermente più recente della sua skin interna.

Prendiamo ad esempio la serie Samsung Galaxy S9, entrambi i dispositivi hanno ottenuto l’aggiornamento a One UI 1.0. Quindi, quando Samsung ha lanciato la serie Galaxy S10, è stata precaricata con One UI 1.1.


Allo stesso modo, il gigante sudcoreano ha rilasciato la serie Galaxy S20 con la skin One UI 2.1 e la serie Galaxy Note 20 con One UI 2.5 pronta all’uso.

Quindi, a meno che Samsung non decida di cambiare la tendenza esistente che abbiamo appena evidenziato, è più che probabile che la serie Samsung Galaxy S21 arriverà con la skin One UI 3.1 preinstallata.

Ciò significa che avremo tre smartphone-Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21 + e Galaxy S21 Ultra-con One UI 3.1 all’inizio del prossimo anno.


Galaxy Note 20 Ultra

Dato che mancano ancora un paio di mesi al lancio previsto, ci sono poche o nessuna informazione su cosa aspettarsi dall’imminente skin di Samsung.

Tuttavia, è probabile che Samsung perfezionerà alcune delle funzionalità esistenti e forse ne aggiungerà alcune nuove per migliorare l’esperienza dell’utente.

Le funzionalità attuali come la modalità Luna e la modalità Notte potrebbero subire alcuni miglioramenti con la nuova skin, come evidenziato qui .


Samsung Galaxy S20 +

Inoltre, puoi aspettarti di vedere alcune funzionalità della serie Samsung Galaxy S21 trasferite su telefoni Samsung meno recenti come le serie Galaxy S20 e Note 20 con l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1.

Ma vale la pena notare che non tutte le funzionalità che Samsung potrebbe introdurre con la gamma Galaxy S21 sarebbero disponibili sugli smartphone meno recenti a causa di limitazioni hardware.

Ovviamente, non aspettarti di vedere alcuna revisione importante dell’interfaccia utente poiché l’aggiornamento a One UI 3.1 da One UI 3.0 non è importante.

Per quanto riguarda i dispositivi che riceveranno l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1, prevediamo che Samsung rilasci l’imminente skin per tutti gli smartphone idonei per l’aggiornamento One UI 3.0 basato su Android-11.

Tuttavia, la maggior parte delle informazioni che abbiamo sull’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 si basa su speculazioni e tendenze passate e quindi non devono essere trattate come affermazioni ufficiali.

Come al solito, continueremo a cercare eventuali sviluppi riguardanti la skin One UI 3.1 di Samsung e pubblicheremo un aggiornamento non appena emergeranno nuovi dettagli.

Aggiornamento 1 (3 dicembre)

<” IST 11:45: mentre risponde a una query dell’utente riguardante un errore relativo alla modalità notturna , un membro del team Samsung ha risposto dicendo che Google risolverà il problema entro la fine di questo mese (cioè dicembre).

Hanno anche aggiunto che Samsung andrà avanti con ulteriori miglioramenti dopo il rilascio di One UI 3.1. Questo suggerisce che One UI 3.1 potrebbe apparire prima del previsto?


Ecco una traduzione del messaggio nello screengrab:

La modalità notturna non viene applicata quando viene ricevuto un messaggio di emergenza. Ciao? Questo fenomeno verrà corretto da Google alla fine di dicembre e, dopo il rilascio ufficiale di One UI 3.1, procederemo con un ulteriore miglioramento del S/W.

<” IST 11:45: la funzione di copia e incolla cross-device degli appunti (che è già supportata su Galaxy S20)-arriverà su altri dispositivi insieme all’aggiornamento One UI 3.1. Ciò significa che gli appunti verranno sincronizzati su tutti i dispositivi (telefoni e schede).

Le informazioni erano rivelato da un moderatore della community Samsung.


Ecco una traduzione dello screenshot condiviso dagli utenti:

Sono responsabile della tastiera Samsung. Prima di tutto, 1. Gli appunti saranno collegati tra telefono e tablet nella versione 3.1 di UNA UI. Molte persone stanno lavorando duramente per questo, quindi per favore aspetta un po’. 2. Gli elementi di impostazione della tastiera Samsung (come forse già saprai) possono essere spostati dal telefono esistente al telefono corrente tramite lo smart switch.

Aggiornamento 2 (15 dicembre)

<” IST 18:00: Nuovo sviluppi indica che Samsung fornirà agli utenti la possibilità di scegliere tra Google Discover e Samsung Free/Samsung Daily come pannello laterale sulla schermata iniziale con l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1.

Aggiornamento 3 (5 gennaio)

IST 15:35 pm: grazie a un nuovo video pubblicato da Jimmy is Promo su YouTube, ora puoi dare un’occhiata ad alcune delle nuove funzionalità che saranno viene fornito con One UI 3.1 come nuovi video in background per le chiamate, continuazione dell’app su altri dispositivi e diverse funzioni della fotocamera.

Aggiornamento 4 (9 gennaio)

<” IST 11:40 am: presumibilmente Samsung introdurrà un’applicazione di condivisione di file basata su blockchain denominata Condivisione privata con l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 che dovrebbe essere preinstallato sul Galaxy S21. Vai a qui per tutti i dettagli.

Aggiornamento 5 (16 gennaio)

<” IST 11:05: Samsung ha lanciato la linea Galaxy S21 con la sua skin One UI 3.1 a bordo dei dispositivi. Ed è ora confermato che One UI 3.1 porta il feed di Google Discover.

Inoltre, le nuove ammiraglie vengono fornite con l’app Google Messaggi preinstallata. Inoltre parte di One UI 3.1 è la possibilità per gli utenti di trasmettere le loro chat video di Google Duo alle smart TV Samsung come da report .

Aggiornamento 6 (18 gennaio)

<” IST 17:00 pm: secondo un recente report , l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 di Samsung include una versione migliorata del menu di alimentazione di Android 11. Il menu di alimentazione One UI 3.1 offre molto di più funzioni di casa intelligente rispetto a quella su Android di serie.


Aggiornamento 7 (19 gennaio)

<” IST 14:30: Con nostra sorpresa, Samsung ha iniziato a seminare l’aggiornamento di Android 11 a Galaxy Tab S7, S7 + e S7 + 5G in Corea . Tuttavia, invece di portare la skin One UI 3.0, l’aggiornamento include l’ultima skin One UI 3.1.

Aggiornamento 8 (20 gennaio)

<” IST 12:29 pm: anche se Samsung deve ancora specificare quali telefoni riceveranno l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1, abbiamo condiviso un elenco di telefoni altamente rischia di insaccare la nuova pelle. Vai a qui per verificarlo.

Aggiornamento 9 (21 gennaio)

<” IST 10:40 am: Samsung secondo quanto riferito avvia l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per le varianti Galaxy S10 e Galaxy Note 10 a partire da marzo. Le informazioni sono state condivise da un rappresentante di Samsung Corea in risposta alla domanda di un utente in merito all’aggiornamento.

Aggiornamento 10 (25 gennaio)

IST 16:15: l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per le varianti Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 offre una serie di nuove funzionalità tra cui la funzione Second Screen, Wireless Keyboard Sharing e Cambio automatico.

Al momento, l’aggiornamento è ora disponibile in Thailandia per il Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 + 5G e in Canada per Tab S7 come da dettagli condivisi sul database di SamMobile.

Aggiornamento 11 (26 gennaio)

<” IST 12:39 pm: Samsung ha riferito ha iniziato a distribuire l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 basato su Android 11 per il Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 + 5G in Germania. L’aggiornamento porta la patch di sicurezza di gennaio e pesa circa 2,4 GB.

Aggiornamento 12 (27 gennaio)

<” IST 15:33: gli utenti di Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 e Tab S7 + in Spagna sono secondo quanto riferito sta ottenendo l’aggiornamento ad Android 11 con la skin One UI 3.1 in cima.

Aggiornamento 12 (29 gennaio)

<” IST 09:45: utenti Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 in UK e in Messico stanno iniziando a ricevere l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 basato su Android 11 come da nuovi rapporti degli utenti.

<” IST 11:23 am: Verizon ha iniziato a distribuire l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per il Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 + 5G negli Stati Uniti Ulteriori dettagli qui .

IST 11:29 am: Samsung ha aggiunto il menu di controllo dell’alimentazione di Android 11 ai suoi telefoni e schede con l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1, tuttavia, la funzione non lo è”t disponibile nel menu di accensione secondo un rapporto .

È invece possibile accedervi dal menu delle impostazioni rapide, sotto il pulsante Dispositivi, insieme ai controlli SmartThings. Devi scegliere tra i due controlli della casa intelligente.

<” IST 17:40 pm: sembra che gli utenti con unità Galaxy Tab S7 + solo Wi-Fi sbloccate negli Stati Uniti stiano ottenendo l’aggiornamento ad Android 11 con il Una skin dell’interfaccia utente 3.1. Un utente ha confermato di aver ricevuto l’aggiornamento su Reddit . L’aggiornamento è disponibile anche in Italia secondo un nuovo rapporto .

Aggiornamento 13 (30 gennaio)

<” IST 19:09 pm: gli utenti di Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 + riceveranno anche l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 in Canada. Un utente ha confermato lo stesso tramite un post su Reddit.

Aggiornamento 14 (1 febbraio)

<” IST 09:45: Samsung ha anche rilasciato l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 basato su Android 11 per il solo Wi-Fi Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 negli Stati Uniti A l’utente ha confermato di aver ricevuto l’aggiornamento tramite un post su Reddit.

Aggiornamento 15 (2 febbraio)

IST 10:52 am: l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 e Tab S7 + ha iniziato a essere lanciato a Dubai come da rapporto su Reddit.

<” IST 02:15 pm: Samsung sembra aver iniziato a distribuire l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per il Galaxy Tab S7 + in India secondo un suggerimento di uno dei nostri lettori. Di seguito abbiamo condiviso uno screenshot della pagina delle informazioni sul software come riferimento:

samsung-galaxy-tab-s7 +-one-ui-3.0-android-11-india

Fai clic/tocca sull’immagine per visualizzarla a grandezza naturale

Molte grazie per il suggerimento, Udayveer Singh!

<” IST 19:49 pm: Samsung ha iniziato a seminare l’aggiornamento a One UI 3.1 basato su Android 11 per Galaxy Tab S7 e S7 + nelle Filippine. Un utente ha confermato di aver ricevuto l’aggiornamento tramite un post su Reddit.

Aggiornamento 16 (4 febbraio)

<” IST 11:32 am: One UI 3.1 di Samsung porta a una pagina delle impostazioni Galaxy Buds aggiornata che, secondo quanto riferito, non è troppo diversa dall’app Pixel Buds. È innegabile che sembra carino.

Aggiornamento 17 (5 febbraio)

<” IST 13:14: Samsung ha rilasciato un”Film introduttivo ufficiale”per la skin One UI 3 basata su Android 11 che mostra tutte le nuove funzionalità trovate su una UI 3.0/3.1. Puoi guardare il video qui .

Oltre a questo, la società ha anche iniziato a seminare l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 e Galaxy Tab S7 + in Australia. Un utente ha confermato di aver ricevuto l’aggiornamento tramite un post su Reddit.

<” IST 18:40: Samsung ha rilasciato Android 11 per Galaxy Tab S7 e Tab S7 + in Germania come da dettagli condivisi sul database di SamMobile. Un utente ha anche confermato di aver ricevuto l’aggiornamento tramite un tweet .

Aggiornamento 18 (6 febbraio)

IST 17:26 pm: il gigante sudcoreano ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per i modelli Wi-Fi Galaxy Tab S7 e Tab S7 in Turchia. Un utente è passato a Reddit per confermare ricevere l’aggiornamento.

Aggiornamento 19 (9 febbraio)

<” IST 19:25: sembra che Samsung stia testando l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per le serie Galaxy S20, Galaxy S10, Galaxy Note 10, Galaxy Z Fold2, Galaxy Fold e Galaxy Z Flip internamente. Vai a qui per la storia completa.

Aggiornamento 20 (10 febbraio)

13:50 (IST): gli utenti di Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 5G con modelli Verizon avranno una sorpresa da quando il corriere ha iniziato a distribuire l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 basato su Android 11 per il dispositivo. Ulteriori informazioni su questo qui .

15:45 (IST): Samsung ha iniziato a distribuire l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per Galaxy S20 FE 5G in Europa insieme alla patch di sicurezza di febbraio. Vai a qui per la storia completa.

Aggiornamento 21 (12 febbraio)

13:59 (IST): per motivi sconosciuti al momento di questo aggiornamento, Samsung ha interrotto il lancio dell’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per il Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. Maggiori dettagli qui .

Aggiornamento 22 (15 febbraio)

17:45 pm (IST): l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 basato su Android 11 è ora disponibile per i modelli AT&T Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 5G negli Stati Uniti Maggiori dettagli qui .

Aggiornamento 23 (18 febbraio)

12:10 pm (IST): Samsung ha iniziato a seminare l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per la serie Galaxy S20 a Kirea. La società lancerà anche One UI 3.1 per una serie di dispositivi, inclusi alcuni della serie Galaxy A e Galaxy S10, Note 10, S20, Note 20 a partire da oggi. Vai a qui per la nostra copertura dettagliata.

13:10 (IST): l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 è ora disponibile per gli utenti di Samsung Galaxy Note 20 in Germania e Russia. Vai a qui per maggiori dettagli.

17:05 (IST): un nuovo report conferma che l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 non porta il feed di Google Discover su alcun dispositivo che riceve o riceverà l’aggiornamento nel futuro prossimo. La funzione sarebbe limitata ai dispositivi forniti con One UI 3.1.

18:23 (IST): Novità sviluppi indicano che Samsung ha iniziato a distribuire nuovamente l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per Galaxy S20 FE. Inoltre, update è disponibile anche per il Galaxy Z Flip in Australia , Galaxy Z Flip 5G nel Regno Unito e Galaxy Z Fold2 in Germania.

Aggiornamento 24 (19 febbraio)

13:50 (IST): Samsung ha apparentemente rilasciato l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per il Galaxy Z Flip in India. L’aggiornamento porta il numero di build DUB4 e pesa 1323,44 MB. Un utente ha confermato di aver ricevuto l’aggiornamento sui forum della community dell’azienda.

Aggiornamento 25 (20 febbraio)

10:00 am (IST): l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 è stato rilasciato agli utenti di Galaxy Z Flip in Corea. Un paio di utenti ( 1 , 2 ) hanno confermato di aver ricevuto l’aggiornamento sui forum della comunità coreana dell’azienda.

18:39 (IST): Fido ha confermato che rilascerà l’aggiornamento One UI 3.1 per Samsung Galaxy Note 20 e Note 20 Ultra il 3 marzo. Lo stesso potrebbe anche è il caso TELUS e altre unità di trasporto in Canada.

Aggiornamento 26 (22 febbraio)

10:29 am (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is reportedly rolling out to Vodafone and T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S20 units in the Netherlands. The update bears the build number DUB5 and the security patch is left unchanged since the February patch was released earlier for the devices.

Update 27 (February 23)

09:45 am (IST): Apparently, Samsung has rolled out a new beta update for Galaxy A51 5G users in Korea that brings the One UI 3.1 skin to the device. The update carries the build number ZUB6.



12:45 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy S20 series users in India have begun receiving the One UI 3.1 update. The update also enables the highly-requested eSIM support on the devices. Check out all the details here.

12:57 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is now available Galaxy S20 users in Italy too. One of our readers with the Galaxy S20 Ultra has also confirmed receiving the update.

Thanks for the tip, Samuele Trainotti!

01:49 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update for the unlocked Galaxy Z Fold2 5G in the United Kingdom as well. The update bears the build number DUB5 and brings the February patch too. A user has confirmed receiving the update as well via a post on Reddit.

07:24 pm (IST): As per a tip from one of our readers the One UI 3.1 update is rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S20 users in Bulgaria.

Thank you for the tip, Rumen Moysev!

Update 28 (February 25)

12:38 pm (IST): Reports coming in can confirm that One UI 3.1 update is live for Galaxy Note 20 devices on T-Mobile and Sprint in the U.S., Qatar and Romania on Orange network, although the latter is still limited to Smart Switch.

The update has the changelog below:

– Extract the date and address from the event title and recommend automatic registration.
– Receive notifications from SmartThings devices that also have specified schedule notifications.
– The performance of Camera has been improved
– Eye comfort shield function has been added.
– The color temperature of the screen automatically adjusts for the time of day.

[Buds Auto Switching]
– Support Buds auto switching between Galaxy phone and tablet.
– Extract the date and address from the reminder memo and recommend to register automatically, and remind important information by situation.
[Share Sheet]
– It is now possible to protect your privacy by deleting the location information of previously taken photos before sharing or posting them on social media.

[Social Platform]
– Synchronize valid links created on devices with the same registered Samsung account.
– The use of social media services has been simplified. It is possible to share profiles, photos, notes, schedules, and more with friends simply by logging in to your Samsung account.
[Photo Editor]
– Object eraser feature has been added to Labs in Photo Editor.
– Using Erase Objects allows you to erase an object which you want in the photo.



Below are links to the official release notes, where available:



Even more refreshing reports reveal that the wireless Samsung DeX support that was previously limited to select Galaxy devices on One UI 2.5 is now expanding to more devices with the One UI 3.1 update.

01:25 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is also live for the Galaxy Note 10+ in Germany, as reported by SamMobile. The same update is also available for Galaxy Z Flip users in multiple regions, as listed below:

05:30 pm (IST): More regions are receiving the One UI 3.1 update on the Galaxy Note 20 series, with units sold through Spectrum Mobile in the U.S. as well as 4G and 5G variants in the Netherlands and Belgium joining the party.

Over in France, owners of the Galaxy Fold are now picking up the same One UI 3.1 update as version F900FXXU4EUBF and with it comes the latest March 2021 security patch.

Update 29 (February 26)

11:10 am (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is now live for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series from Verizon including the Galaxy S20 FE. It has also been released for the Galaxy Z Fold2. Check out all the details here.

03:25 pm (IST): SamMobile reports that the One UI 3.1 update has begun rolling out for the Samsung Galaxy S10+ in Europe. It’s likely that the update will go live for the standard S10 and the S10e soon. Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ users in India have also confirmed receiving the One UI 3.1 update.

Further, the update has been released for Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra users with models from Verizon in the U.S. A couple of individuals have also confirmed receiving the update in Portugal and in the UK on the Sky network.

Update 30 (February 27)

01:25 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy S20 users with US Cellular models have also started receiving the One UI 3.1 update on their devices. Further, the update has been released for Galaxy Z Fold2 5G units in the Netherlands as per a fresh report.

Update 31 (March 01)

06:00 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 has been released for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+ 5G in Australia as per a user report. It’s also rolling out to Galaxy Z Fold2 users in the Phillipines and to unlocked Galaxy S20 units in the U.S.

Update 32 (March 02)

07:46 pm (IST): Samsung is now rolling out the One UI 3.1 update to unlocked Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra models in the Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon as well as the U.S. as per fresh reports (1, 2, 3).

The update is also hitting Galaxy S10 units in Romania, Netherlands, and Belgium. Further, Galaxy Z Fold2 5G users in Jordan have also bagged the update.

Update 33 (March 03)

10:30 am (IST): Samsung has reportedly released the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 LTE a couple of months ahead of schedule. Moreover, it gets the One UI 3.1 skin directly. The update is currently available in Germany with the build number CUB7.

11:27 am (IST): The One UI 3.1 update has started hitting Samsung Galaxy S10 units and Samsung Galaxy Fold units in Korea as per fresh reports from users.

03:00 pm (IST): Samsung appears to be rolling out the One UI 3.1 update to a bunch of devices in various regions. The Galaxy S10 series has got it in Turkey, Norwary, and Italy as per info on this Reddit thread. Galaxy Note 10+ 5G users are receiving the new skin in Korea.

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 users in Hong Kong have also confirmed receiving the update. Apart from that, Galaxy S20 users in in Bangladesh have also bagged One UI 3.1.

A new report also highlights that the update is rolling out for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Lite in France as version EUB3.

Update 34 (March 04)

12:05 pm (IST): Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy S20 series and Galaxy Note 20 series in Canada. Head here for all the details.

07:02 pm (IST): A fresh report highlights that the One UI 3.1 update has been released for the unlocked Galaxy Fold 5G in the UK with the build number EUBF. The February patch also tags along.

07:07 pm (IST): One of our readers has also tipped that the One UI 3.1 update has been released for the S20 family in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria as version G98xBXXU6DUB5.

Many thanks for the tip, أحمد إحسان

Update 35 (March 05)

09:50 am (IST): Samsung has started seeding the One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11 for the standard Galaxy A71 in Poland. It carries the build number BUB5 and weighs around 2.7 GB as per a report.

10:35 am (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is live for the AT&T models of the Samsung Galaxy S20 series and Note 20 series in the U.S. carrying the build number DUB5 and the February patch.

01:23 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy Note 10 Lite in India with the build number EUB3 and the March security patch. Check out our detailed coverage here.

This new skin is also rolling out to Galaxy S20 FE users in India, France, UK, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, and more countries according to listings in SamMobile’s database.

06:20 pm (IST): One of our readers has confirmed that the One UI 3.1 update is rolling out in Serbia. A couple of other PiunikaWeb readers has also confirmed that the update is live for the Samsung Galaxy A71 in Poland.

Thank you for the tips, Иван Кељевић, Ow, and Bartek Chojnowski!

Update 36 (March 06)

02:04 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11 has been released for the Galaxy A71 in Panama as well. Head here for more info.

06:44 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is now making its way over to the Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite in Spain. It is available with the firmware version number G770FXXU4EUBA as reported by SamMobile.

This Android 11-based update is also reportedly live for the Samsung Galaxy M51 in Russia. Samsung has skipped the One UI 3.0 update for the device and has directly released Android 11 for it with the new skin.

Update 37 (March 08)

11:21 am (IST): Samsung is expected to release the Android 11 update with One UI 3.1 pre-installed for the Galaxy A71 in Canada on March 16 as per details shared by Rogers. To know more, check out our detailed coverage here.

3:00 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update has been released for the Samsung Galaxy A50 in India. It also carries the March security patch. Head here for more details.

06:15 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is hitting Galaxy A71 units in Jamaica and Latvia. Further, new developments indicate that the Galaxy A80 will bag the One UI 3.1 update directly. More info here.

07:06 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A71 in the UAE and for the Samsung Galaxy M51 in Brazil as per tips from a couple of our readers.

Thank you for the tips, Vision® and Vanildo Eduardo!

Update 38 (March 09)

10:01 am (IST): The One UI 3.1 update has been released for the Samsung Galaxy A50s in Vietnam. The update is also hitting Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite and Galaxy M51 units in India as per reports from users.

05:28 pm (IST): AT&T Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G units have also bagged the One UI 3.1 update in the U.S. Apart from that, the update is also live for the Wi-Fi-only Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 in the U.S. and Germany as per a fresh report.

SamMobile’s database also indicates that the update is live for the LTE Galaxy Tab S6 in India. The Galaxy Z Fold2 5G has also bagged the update in Iraq highlighted by an individual on the company’s community forums.

05:42 pm (IST): New developments indicate that the update One UI Core 3.1 update is also live for the Samsung Galaxy M51 in the UAE.

Update 39 (March 10)

10:23 am (IST): Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.1 update for the Samsung Galaxy M31s in India with the February patch in tow. Check out all details here.

12:14 pm (IST): The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite has bagged the One UI 3.1 update in France and Bolivia. Along with the regular One UI 3.1 features, Samsung has also apparently added support for DeX mode on the device. Head here for all the details.

05:25 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy S10 models in Germany, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the UK as well according to information on SamFrew’s database. We’ve come across a few user reports (1, 2) highlighting the same.

Thank you for the tip, Jijo Mathew!

05:47 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is now hitting Samsung Galaxy A71 units in Vietnam and Israel according to user reports coming out from the respective countries. More on that here.

06:20 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is set to go live on March 16 for the Samsung Galaxy A71 in Canada as per Fido’s OS upgrade schedule.

Update 40 (March 11)

07:28 pm (IST): Koodo, via its OS upgrade schedule, has confirmed that the One UI 3.1 update will go live for the Samsung Galaxy A71 on March 16 in Canada.

The update is also live for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 in Greece according to a Redditor.

Update 41 (March 12)

01:54 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI Core 3.1 update with the March security patch for the Samsung Galaxy M31 in India. Head here for more details.

04:53 pm (IST): Samsung is rolling out the One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11 Galaxy A42 5G in the Netherlands with the build number BUB7 and the March security patch. Further, the update is live for the Samsung Galaxy A71 in Nigeria as well. More details here.

Fresh user reports also indicate that the update is also live for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in Brazil and South Africa.

Update 42 (March 13)

04:54 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update has made its way over to Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite units in Hungary as per a fresh report from a user on Reddit.

The new skin has also been released for the Samsung Galaxy M51 in the UK and Germany as per details available on SamMobile’s database.

06:44 pm (IST): Samsung appears to have released the Android 11 update with its One UI 3.1 skin for the Samsung Galaxy A71 in Ukraine and Kazakhstan too. Head here for more info.

Update 43 (March 15)

11:55 am (IST): Samsung support for India claims that the One UI 3.1 update for the Samsung Galaxy A50s would be released on April 21. Check out the complete details here.

04:17 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 skin is now making its way over to the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite in the Middle East, Peru, and the UK as per user reports on Reddit.

05:43 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A50s users in India have also begun receiving the update to One UI 3.1 with the March security patch. Check out the full story here.

06:24 pm (IST): Samsung has released the new One UI 3.1 skin for the Galaxy A50 in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Poland according to reports from users. More on that here.

06:35 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is also hitting Galaxy A50s units in Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam, and a few other countries.

Update 44 (March 16)

12:29 pm (IST): Galaxy A71 users in Mexico should start getting the One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11 soon if they haven’t already. The update began rolling out recently in several countries.

06:19 pm (IST): Samsung has started rolling out One UI 3.1 for the Samsung Galaxy A70 in Ukraine and Turkey. The update is also live for the Galaxy A71 in Canada and for the Galaxy A50 in the Middle East.

Also joining the list of devices running on One UI 3.1 is the Korean model of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite according to a user report.

Update 45 (March 17)

10:41 am (IST): AT&T and Verizon Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e as well as Galaxy Note 10, Note 10+, and Note 10+ 5G models have begun receiving the One UI 3.1 update in the U.S. Check out all the details here.

12:15 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 has finally started rolling out to Samsung Galaxy A71 users in India with the February patch. Head here for our detailed coverage.

06:24 pm (IST): Samsung is rolling out the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A71 in Australia, Greece, Chile, Spain, and Slovakia. The update is also live in Latin America for the Galaxy A50.

Furthermore, the company has updated its Android 11 schedule for Korea wherein it has mentioned that the Galaxy A50 and A90 will get the update in April. Check out all the details here.

Update 46 (March 18)

02:00 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update has been released for the Samsung Galaxy A51 5G and the Galaxy A71 5G in Korea. Head here for the full story.

07:13 pm (IST): Samsung is rolling out the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A50 in Iraq, Israel, and other Middle East countries. Further, the update is also live for the Galaxy A70 in Syria and the UK. More details here.

Apart from that, it seems the update is also live for the unlocked Galaxy Fold in the U.S. as well as Verizon and AT&T models according to SamMobile’s database.

Update 47 (March 19)

01:02 pm (IST): Samsung and Verizon have released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A71 5G in the U.S. with the March security patch. Check out all the details here.

06:50 pm (IST): It seems that Samsung Galaxy A71 and Galaxy A50 users in the Philippines have also bagged the One UI 3.1 update.

Thank you for the tip, Mark Jayron Villaruz!

Update 48 (March 20)

05:00 pm (IST): It seems that T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S20 users are also getting the One UI 3.1 update with the build number DUB5 and the February patch.



Apart from that, Galaxy Tab S6 users with the LTE models in Korea have also confirmed receiving the new skin.

05:15 pm (IST): Fido and TELUS have confirmed that the One UI 3.1 update would be released for the Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e on March 30 in Canada. The update is also live for the Galaxy A71 in Malaysia.

Update 49 (March 22)

11:38 am (IST): Samsung Galaxy A50 users in Pakistan have also bagged the One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11. Users elsewhere can expect to get it in the following days or weeks.

05:50 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A40 users are getting the One UI 3.1 update in Germany and Galaxy A80 users are getting the new skin based on Android 11 in France. Check out all the details here.

Update 50 (March 23)

05:50 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update has been released for the Samsung Galaxy A50 in Germany too according to user reports. More on this here.

04:24 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ in Canada as well. Head here for all the details.

06:13 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is now rolling out for Galaxy A70 units in India, Poland, the Philippines, and the Middle East. Galaxy A71 users are getting it in Chile and Galaxy A50 users have bagged it in Turkey. More on this here.

Update 51 (March 24)

03:12 pm (IST): The Verizon Samsung Galaxy A51 5G units are now getting the Android 11-based One UI 3.1 update with several new features and the latest Android security patch. Check out the complete coverage here.

05:42 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A50 in Korea, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Turkey, Caucasus countries, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Optus Australia has also confirmed that it is testing the new update for the A50.

The Galaxy Note 10 got it in Singapore, Galaxy A70 in the Netherlands, Galaxy A71 in Malta, and Galaxy A42 in the UK on the Vodafone network. More details here.

Update 52 (March 25)

11:08 am (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11 for the Galaxy A90 5G in Korea with the build number DUC3. The One UI 3.1 skin has also been released for the Galaxy S10 5G from Verizon in the U.S. More details here.

05:56 pm (IST): Samsung has released the Android 11 update for the Galaxy A70s in India with its One UI 3.1 skin on top. Check out more details here.

Apart from that, the new skin is now available for the Galaxy XCover Pro in Poland and Switzerland with the build number BUC6. The March 2021 patch is also present and accounted for.

06:27 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is hitting Galaxy A71 units in Serbia too according to a tip from one of our readers. More details here.

Thank you, Dániel Marušinac, for this tip.

Update 53 (March 26)

06:23 pm (IST): Several Samsung phones have bagged the One UI 3.1 update in various regions. To kick things off, the update is live for the Galaxy A71 in Romania, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, and the UK.

Galaxy A50 users in the UAE and Egypt have also received the update and Galaxy A40 users are getting it in the UK. More details here.

Apart from that, the update is also hitting Galaxy A80, Galaxy Fold, Galaxy S20 FE, and Galaxy S10 Lite units in the Middle East as per reports from users.

Update 54 (March 27)

05:38 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A50 users are getting the One UI 3.1 update in Saudi Arabia and the Balkans region. And Galaxy A70 users are also getting it in Bosnia and Herzegovina. More details here.

Update 55 (March 29)

06:45 pm (IST): The company is seeding One UI 3.1 to the Galaxy A50 in Italy and to Galaxy A40 users in Russia. More details here.

Apart from that, the update appears to be live for the U.S. unlocked variants of Galaxy Note 10 duo according to a tip from one of our readers.

Thank you for the tip, Ngoh Boriz!

Update 56 (March 30)

01:10 pm (IST): One UI 3.1 update is expanding its presence to a lot of new devices now. Samsung Galaxy A50 is receiving the One UI 3.1 update in Italy and Bulgaria while Samsung Galxy S10+ is receiving the same update in Iraq for the first time.

02:45 pm (IST): One UI 3.1 has now gone live for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 on T-Mobile’s locked and unlocked variants. The update packs security patches as well. Read the complete coverage here.

04:16 pm (IST): Samsung is on a streak of releasing One UI updates today as now the Samsung Galaxy A51 has started receiving the One UI 3.1 update.

06:05 pm (IST): The much awaited One UI 3.1 (Android 11) update for the Samsung Galaxy A80 has now begun rolling out in India. For more details, head here.

06:53 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy S10 series One UI 3.1 update has now been released in Canada but reportedly without wireless DeX support. More details here.

Update 57 (March 31)

04:28 pm (IST): Samsung has expanded the Android 11 (One UI 3.1) rollout for Samsung A50 to Bangladesh (South East Asia), Iran, Georgia, France, and the Netherlands.

Samsung A42 5G is also receiving the One UI 3.1 update in Malaysia (South East Asia).

07:17 pm (IST): The Samsung Galaxy M21 One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11 has now been released in India carrying the latest March security patch. For download link and more details, head here.

07:34 pm (IST): Samsung A21s units have started receiving the One UI 3.1 update starting from South Korea.

Update 58 (April 01)

04:55 pm (IST): Turns out that the early information regarding the missing DeX support on the Samsung Galaxy S10 series One UI 3.1 update released in Canada was false. More details here.

06:33 pm (IST): The Samsung Galaxy A50 One UI 3.1 update is now being rolled out in Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, and Spain. The same has also been released for the A70 in Greece and Sri Lanka. Head here for more details.

Update 59 (April 02)

06:49 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is now rolling for the Samsung Galaxy A70 in Brazil and for the Samsung A50 in Austria, Sweden, Greece, Croatia, and Spain. The same has also been released for the Samsung A40.

Update 48 (April 03)

02:19 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is now rolling for the Samsung Galaxy A70 in the UAE.

The is coupled with a release for the Samsung Galaxy M31s in Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Tunisia as version M317FXXU2CUB1 with Security patch level February 2021.

Update 49 (April 05)

12:47 pm (IST): Samsung is expanding the Android 11 rollout wave for Samsung Galaxy M51 to regions in US, starting with Panama.

06:42 pm (IST): A list has been made available that gives out a rough date for One UI 3 update releases for Q2 2021 for several devices including A12, A02s, A01, A11, A30, A31, and others. Details here.

Update 50 (April 06)

10:50 am (IST): One UI 3.1 is making its way to Samsung Galaxy A50 handsets from Verizon in the U.S. The update also brings the March 2021 security patch. Check out all the details here.

06:35 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A50 in Belarus and Mexico while Galaxy A80 users in Korea have bagged it as well. More details here.

Update 51 (April 07)

06:47 pm (IST): Android 11 is making its way to Samsung Galaxy A70 users in Spain, Romania, and Italy according to user reports. Check out more details here.

Update 52 (April 08)

06:25 pm (IST): Samsung is rolling out the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A70 in Germany as well.

Update 53 (April 09)

10:40 am (IST): Samsung and Verizon are sending out the One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11 to Galaxy A51 users in the U.S. It also brings the March 2021 security patch. Check out all the details here.

06:05 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is rolling out to Galaxy A50 users in the UK, Galaxy A51 users in Russia, and Galaxy A70 users in Trinidad and Tobago and Kazakhstan. More details here.

It’s also live for the M21 in Bangladesh and for the Galaxy A71 in Brazil. Further, the update has started rolling out to Galaxy Tab S5e users in Russia and the UK as per a fresh report.

Thank you for the tips, José Ricardo Guimarães de Souza and Abhirup Tapadar!

Update 54 (April 10)

11:04 am (IST): Samsung Galaxy A51 and Galaxy A50 users in Canada can expect to get the update to Android 11 with One UI 3.1 on April 20. Check out more details here.

Update 55 (April 12)

07:30 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is making its way on to Samsung Galaxy A40 handsets in Korea. More details here.

The update is also live for the Galaxy Note 10 models in the UK according to a user report on Reddit.

Update 56 (April 13)

11:03 am (IST): Samsung is expected to release the Android 11 update, likely with One UI 3.1, for the Galaxy A70 in Canada soon according to Fido. Check out more details here.

12:55 pm (IST): According to Koodo’s software update schedule, the Samsung Galaxy A50 and A51 will get the Android 11 update on April 20. More details here.

06:28 pm (IST): New developments indicate that the One UI 3.1 update is live for the Galaxy A51 in Indonesia and Bosnia and Herzegovina too.

Apart from that, Galaxy M31 users in Bangladesh are also getting the One UI 3.1 package.

Update 57 (April 14)

10:29 am (IST): Samsung Galaxy M30s users are getting the One UI 3.1 update in India with the March security patch. Check out all the details here.

05:28 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A51 users can get the One UI 3.1 update in India via the Smart Switch tool right now. The OTA update should be following soon. More details here.

06:20 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 update is live for the Galaxy A71 in Pakistan, Ghana, and Nigeria. Galaxy A60 users in China have also got the new update based on Android 11 and Galaxy A51 users have got it in Malaysia. More details here.

Apart from these, Samsung Galaxy S10 users in Brazil are also getting the new skin as per reports on Reddit.

06:50 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is expected to go live for the Galaxy A50 and A51 on April 20 according to Fido’s OS upgrade schedule too.

Update 58 (April 16)

05:25 pm (IST): According to details available on Optus’ software updates page, the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy A71 is currently under testing.

Apart from this, the update is live for the Galaxy M21 in Vietnam too.

Update 59 (April 17)

01:11 pm (IST): TELUS has confirmed, via its software update scheduled, that Samsung will be rolling out the Android 11 update for the Galaxy A70 on April 27 in Canada. Head here for the full story.

05:15 pm (IST): Samsung is sending out the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy A71 in the Middle East and Bangladesh as per reports from users on it’s community forums.

Update 60 (April 19)

10:40 am (IST): Samsung Galaxy A31 users in South Korea have begun receiving the Android 11 update with the company’s One UI 3.1 skin. Head here for all the info.

06:28 pm (IST): The One UI 3.1 skin is now rolling out to Samsung Galaxy A40 users in the Netherlands, Portugal, Ireland, and a few other countries.

It’s also live for the Galaxy A71 in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey as well as for the Galaxy A50 in Poland. Check out more details here.

Thank you for the tips, Shabbeer Ahmad, Mohammad Hosseini, Selman Dedeakayoğulları, and Juan Ackermann!

Update 61 (April 20)

06:38 pm (IST): Koodo has also confirmed that it will release the Android 11 update for the Galaxy A70 on April 27.

Update 62 (April 21)

01:30 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A51 and Galaxy A50 users in Canada have started receiving the One UI 3.1 update based on Android 11. More details here.

05:21 pm (IST): Samsung is rolling out the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy M40 and Galaxy A21s in India. Head here for all the details.

07:20 pm (IST): Samsung has reportedly released the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy Tab Active 3. At present, the update is live for the LTE variant sold in Switzerland.

Apart from that, the update is live for the Galaxy A21s in Mexico and Chile. The Galaxy A60 has picked it up in Taiwan and Hong Kong too. Further, Galaxy A50 users in Peru have also bagged the update. More details here.

Update 63 (April 22)

06:05 pm (IST): Samsung has begun rolling out the One UI 3.1 update for the Galaxy Tab S5e in Korea, Germany, Turkey, China, and Iraq.

The update is also live for the Galaxy A51 in Iran, Galaxy A50 in the Czech Republic, and Galaxy A21s in Bangladesh. More on that here.

Samsung One UI 3.1 (Android 11) update tracker table
Device/Country South Korea United States UK Germany India Canada Notes
Samsung Galaxy A60 Released in China
Samsung Galaxy A60 Released
Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 3

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