Kemas kini baru ditambahkan di bahagian bawah cerita ini …….

Kisah asal (diterbitkan pada 29 Jun 2020) berikut:

Android 11 adalah perbincangan baru di bandar ini, sekurang-kurangnya bagi mereka yang cukup bersemangat untuk mengawasi setiap rilis baru , beta atau stabil. Secara semula jadi, ramai peminat Xiaomi ingin mengetahui apakah dan kapan peranti mereka akan menerima kemas kini Android 11.

Google mengumumkan versi pratonton pembangun pertama pada bulan Mac dan sejak dilepaskan versi beta awam pertama. Tidak seperti yang pertama, yang terakhir dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja yang bersedia untuk menguji perairan menjelang pelepasan stabil mungkin mulai September.

Tetapi sebagai versi OS yang belum selesai, akses ke firmware ini masih terhad kepada kumpulan telefon tertentu dari pelbagai vendor peranti. Google, OnePlus , OPPO , Vivo , dan Xiaomi sudah memiliki perangkat dalam program ini dan dalam artikel ini, kami terus mengikuti perkembangan terakhir, baik itu beta atau rilis stabil.

Tahun lalu, Xiaomi mendaftarkan Mi 9 dan Mi MIX 3 5G ke dalam program beta Android Q. Tahun ini, lebih banyak peranti mengambil bahagian dalam program pengujian beta awal, yang bermaksud mereka sudah mempunyai akses ke Android 11 Beta 1. terbaru.

Untuk idea mengenai peranti Xiaomi yang kemungkinan akan ditingkatkan ke Android 11 , mungkin bermula akhir tahun ini, lihat artikel ini .

Kemas kini baru akan ditambahkan pada bahagian di bawah ini dan pelacak kemas kini Android 11 Xiaomi akan mengikuti selepas bahagian ini

Klik/ketuk untuk melihat 50 kemas kini pertama

Kemas kini 1 (29 Jun 2020)

Setelah menyediakan kemas kini untuk pemasangan manual, Xiaomi kini melancarkan Android 11 beta 1 ke Mi 10 dan Mi 10 Pro di udara tetapi masih terhad pada saluran beta.

( Sumber 1 , 2 )

Kemas kini 2 (6 Julai 2020)

Seorang moderator forum Mi telah mengesahkan apa yang telah kami jangkakan-bahawa Mi A2 tidak akan dikemas kini secara rasmi ke Android 11. Lihat kisah lengkap di sini .

Kemas kini 3 (7 Julai 2020)

Kemas kini ke Android 11 akan segera hadir ke Poco X2. Lihat kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 4 (8 Julai 2020)

Kemas kini ke Android 11 tidak akan tersedia untuk pemilik Redmi 8A, akhirnya tidak di kapasiti rasmi. Lihat kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 5 (9 Julai 2020)

Kami mempunyai beberapa berita buruk untuk Xiaomi Mi MIX Pemilik 2S mengenai kemas kini Android 11. Nampaknya, peranti ini tidak akan dikemas kini ke OS baru, sekurang-kurangnya tidak secara rasmi. Lihat kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 6 (10 Julai 2020)

Redmi Note 9S sudah diprapasang dengan Android 10 dan oleh itu layak untuk sekurang-kurangnya satu kemas kini OS utama ke Android 11. Tetapi hanya untuk membersihkan Thomas yang meragukan, Xiaomi telah menambahkan beberapa masalah mengenai perkara itu. Lihat butiran di sini .

Xiaomi juga telah mendedahkan bahawa kemas kini Mi A3 Android 11 akan memberikan sokongan untuk rakaman skrin asli. Pergi ke di sini maklumat lebih lanjut.

Kemas kini 7 (14 Julai 2020)

Menjawab Redmi Note 8 yang berkenaan pemilik, anggota Pasukan Peranti Mi di forum Mi telah mendedahkan bahawa perincian mengenai kemas kini ke Android 11 masih belum tersedia pada masa ini. Lihat kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 8 (26 Julai 2020)

Salah seorang moderator komuniti Mi kini telah berkongsi bahawa Redmi Note 9 Pro (global ) dan Redmi Note 9 Pro Max akan mendapat kemas kini Android 11 (Android R). Kepala di sini untuk liputan lengkap.

Kemas kini 9 (30 Julai 2020)

Redmi K30 Pro kini menerima kemas kini beta Android 11 baru. Kemas kini baru ini dilancarkan sebagai versi 20.7.30 dan tidak membawa perubahan besar. Sebaliknya, ia membawa beberapa pembaikan bug dan pengoptimuman. Lihat kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 10 (03 Ogos 2020)

Xiaomi kini telah mengeluarkan senarai telefon pintar dari portfolio yang akan mendapat kemas kini Android 11. Kumpulan kemas kini stabil Android 11 yang pertama akan disertakan bersama MIUI 12 dan akan dikeluarkan pada bulan September. Lihat kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 11 (14 Ogos 2020)

Nota Xiaomi Redmi 9 mungkin mendapat kemas kini Android 11 akhir tahun ini menurut moderator di Komuniti Mi. Namun, ia tidak akan mendapat Android 11 beta khusus, sebaliknya, ia akan mendapat Android 11 melalui kemas kini MIUI. Lihat maklumat lebih lanjut di sini .

Kemas kini 12 (20 Ogos 2020)

Ramai pengguna Xiaomi kecewa setelah mengetahui melalui senarai tidak rasmi bahawa peranti seperti Redmi Note 7 Pro dan Redmi Note 8 Pro tidak akan mendapat kemas kini Android 11. Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai perkara ini, terus ke sini .

Kemas kini 13 (22 Ogos 2020)

Senarai yang didakwa Peranti Android 11 yang layak dari Xiaomi telah muncul. Senarai ini menunjukkan semua telefon pintar dari Xiaomi yang mungkin mendapat kemas kini Android 11. Selanjutnya, ia juga menyebutkan beberapa peranti yang dikeluarkan baru-baru ini dari Xiaomi yang tidak akan menerima kemas kini. Lihat kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 14 (27 Ogos 2020)

Xiaomi Mi CC 9 Pro baru-baru ini mula menerima kemas kini beta Android 11 di China. Perlu diingat bahawa kemas kini pada masa ini hanya ditujukan untuk penguji, masih tersedia bagi sesiapa yang berminat untuk memuat turun dan memuat naik kemas kini ini pada Mi CC Pro mereka. Baca keseluruhan cerita di sini .

Kemas kini 15 (31 Ogos 2020)

IST: 03:05 pm: Kami telah melaporkan sebelumnya bahawa Xiaomi menjalankan program ujian dalaman Android 11 untuk beberapa peranti yang layak untuk kemas kini. Menurut maklumat terkini, Xiaomi menggunakan Android 11 untuk beberapa peranti seperti Redmi Note 9, Note 9 Pro (global), & Redmi 9A.

Perlu diingat bahawa maklumat tersebut tidak berasal dari sumber yang dipercayai kami, dan oleh itu, kami tidak dapat mengesahkan kredibilitinya pada masa ini. Baca kisah penuh di sini .

IST: 08:05 pm: Pengguna Poco F2 Pro masih menunggu untuk mendapatkan versi beta untuk versi Android yang akan datang. Seorang pengguna baru-baru ini pergi ke Forum Komuniti Mi untuk mengetahui kapan mengharapkan versi beta Android 11 untuk Poco F2 Pro.

Menanggapi pengguna, moderator telah menyebutkan bahawa versi Android 11 beta (AOSP) telah dirilis untuk Poco F2 Pro. Baca kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 16 (01 September 2020)

IST: 06:05 pm: Dalam perkembangan terbaru, kami telah mengetahui bahawa Xiaomi kini telah mulai merekrut penguji Mi Pilot untuk mencuba Android 11 pada Global Stable Beta ROM untuk peranti tertentu iaitu, Poco F2 Pro, Mi 10 & Mi 10 Pro. Baca liputan penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 17 (02 September 2020)

IST: 04:30 pm: Seorang moderator Komuniti Mi ketika ditanya mengenai ujian beta Android 11 pada Redmi Note 9 telah menjawab bahawa setelah Google melepaskan Android 11 secara rasmi, peranti yang memenuhi syarat mungkin akan mendapat ujian beta berdasarkan MIUI tidak lama kemudian.

( Sumber )

Kemas kini 18 (04 September 2020)

IST: 04:40 pm: Xiaomi nampaknya mengeluarkan Mi Note 8 dan Note 8 Pro dari peta jalan Android 11 mereka. Ini nampak jelas dari mod Komuniti Mi yang baru-baru ini mengesahkan bahawa kedua-dua peranti tidak layak mendapat kemas kini OS besar seterusnya. Baca kisah penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 19 (07 September 2020)

IST: 13:47 pm: Sekarang telah terungkap bahawa Xiaomi mungkin berencana untuk mengambil pendekatan non-China pertama dalam peluncuran Android 11. Makna, ROM lain (Global, India, Eropah, Rusia, dan Indonesia) mungkin datang sebelum kemas kini disiarkan di negara asal Xiaomi. Inilah kisah lengkapnya .

IST: 15:10 pm: Uji beta untuk Mi 10, Mi 10 Pro, dan Poco F2 Pro kemungkinan akan dimulakan tidak lama lagi, sebagai senarai pertama pengguna yang melamar untuk menguji kemas kini beta Android 11 telah langsung .

IST: 18:30 pm: Mengikut senarai tidak rasmi yang dikemas kini, ujian dalaman Android 11 telah dimulakan pada Mi 10 Ultra dan Poco C3 (dijenamakan semula Redmi 9C yang belum dilancarkan). Poco M2/Redmi 9 Prime telah ditambahkan ke dalam senarai peranti yang disahkan, sementara Redmi 10X 4G/Redmi Note 9 telah dikeluarkan. Butiran di sini .

IST: 18:30 pm: Daftar peranti Xiaomi yang tidak layak untuk kemas kini Andorid 11 telah muncul. Laluan di sini untuk maklumat lebih lanjut.

Kemas kini 20 (08 September 2020)

IST: 12:00 pm: Ramai pengguna yang telah mendaftar untuk mengambil bahagian dalam program beta Android 11 belum memberikan beberapa maklumat yang diperlukan. Oleh itu, amaran telah dikeluarkan untuk kumpulan Telegram Komuniti Mi Global rasmi. Kepala di sini untuk memeriksanya .

IST: 06:24 pm: Sebagai tindak balas kepada pertanyaan pengguna mengenai ketersediaan Android 11 pada Mi MIX 3, seorang moderator menyatakan bahawa masih terlalu awal untuk mengetahui sama ada kemas kini akan tiba pada Mi MIX 3 walaupun secara teknikalnya layak untuk kemas kini.

( Sumber )

Kemas kini 21 (09 September 2020)

IST 06: 15:00: Menurut maklumat yang dikongsi melalui kumpulan Berita Xiaomi & MIUI di Telegram, nampaknya Redmi K30 5G dan Mi 10 Youth Edition mengambil Android Kemas kini 11 beta bersamaan dengan versi beta MIUI 12 versi 20.9.8 baru-baru ini. Lihat cerita penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 22 (10 September 2020)

IST 01:23 pm: Xiaomi telah melancarkan kemas kini beta Android 11 dengan MIUI 12 di atas untuk varian Global Mi 10 Pro. Kemas kini baru akan dilancarkan kepada pengguna yang mendaftar untuk program beta sebagai versi Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut, menuju ke sini .

IST 06:25 pm: Xiaomi secara rasmi mengumumkan pelancaran kemas kini beta Android 11 untuk Mi 10 standard juga dengan MIUI 12 Global Beta Stable ROM versi

Kemas kini 23 (12 September 2020)

IST 05:36 pm: Menurut kepada moderator di Komuniti Mi, Xiaomi mungkin tidak merekrut pengguna untuk menguji MIUI 12 pada Redmi Note 9, tetapi mungkin merekrut pengguna untuk menguji Android 11 pada peranti. Liputan terperinci di sini .

Kemas kini 24 (14 September 2020)

IST 05:20 pm: Terima kasih kepada pembangun ROM khusus, pengguna Redmi K20 Pro kini dapat mencuba Android 11 dalam bentuk ROM khusus AOSP untuk peranti tersebut. Anda boleh menyemak dan memuat turun ROM dengan menuju ke di sini .

Kemas kini 25 (15 September 2020)

IST: 12:20 pm: Sebagai tindak balas kepada pertanyaan pengguna mengenai ketersediaan Android 11 untuk Redmi Note 8, forum Mi moderator menyatakan bahawa Android 11 tidak tersedia secara rasmi untuk Redmi Note 8. Mod tidak memberitahukan ETA untuk kemas kini.

IST: 02:35 pm: Pengguna Xiaomi Mi A3 akan kecewa kerana mengetahui bahawa kemas kini Android 11 untuk peranti mungkin tidak akan datang dalam masa terdekat setelah moderator menyatakan bahawa masih belum ada ETA untuk kemas kini pada peranti.

Kemas kini 26 (18 September 2020)

IST: 11:20 malam: Baru pengumuman menyatakan bahawa beberapa peranti termasuk Poco X2 telah digantung dari kemas kini v20.9.21 kerana versi utama Android sedang ditingkatkan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa Xiaomi akan segera melepaskan sekurang-kurangnya kemas kini stabil beta MIUI 12 berasaskan Android 11 untuk peranti ini.

Kemas kini 27 (21 September 2020)

IST: 11:41 pagi: Pengguna Poco F1 dan Mi A2 yang tidak mahu menunggu versi rasmi Android 11 kini boleh mencuba versi Android baru berkat ROM khusus ReloadedOS dan POSP (Android 11). Kepala di sini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut .

Kemas kini 28 (22 September 2020)

IST: 12:21 pm: Sebagai tindak balas untuk pertanyaan pengguna mengenai ketersediaan Android 11 untuk Redmi Note 8, mod kini telah menyatakan bahawa peranti tersebut tidak akan mendapat Android 11. Walaupun akan terus mendapat kemas kini berasaskan Android 10. Lihat keterangan lebih lanjut di sini .

IST: 06:48 pm: Xiaomi Redmi 4X dilancarkan dengan Android 6.0 Marshmallow onboard dan hanya menerima kemas kini ke Android 7.1.2 Nougat. Nasib baik, pengguna Redmi 4X dapat merasakan Android 11 pada peranti tersebut melalui ROM adat OS Revenge yang berasaskan AOSP. Muat turunnya di sini .

Kemas kini 29 (26 September 2020)

IST: 12:47 pm: Pada sesi kedua #POCOAMA, ketua syarikat telah mengesahkan bahawa Poco X3 pasti akan mendapat kemas kini ke Android 11, namun tidak jelas apakah ia akan mendapat Android 12. Cerita penuh di sini .

IST: 06:42 pm: Senarai peranti Android 11 yang diduga layak dari Xiaomi telah muncul sekali lagi dengan beberapa peranti baru bersama dengan maklumat mengenai status Android 11 untuk model tertentu. Pergi ke sini untuk menyemak keluar .

Kemas kini 30 (28 September 2020)

IST: 05:39 pm: Berdasarkan perincian dari Xiaomi tidak rasmi Senarai peranti Android 11, nampaknya ujian dalaman sedang dijalankan untuk Redmi K30i 5G, Redmi 10X Pro, Redmi 10X 5G, dan Poco X3 NFC.

( Sumber ) Klik/ketuk untuk memperbesar

Kemas kini 30 (30 September 2020)

IST: 12:21 pm: A Mi Community mod menjawab pertanyaan pengguna mengenai Android 11 untuk Redmi Note 9S dengan menyatakan bahawa kemas kini akan tersedia sebaik sahaja Xiaomi develo ps a ROM Android 11 berasaskan MIUI untuk peranti. Lihat keseluruhan respons di sini .

IST: 13:46 pm: Xiaomi masih belum mengeluarkan versi Android 11 yang stabil untuk perantinya. Namun, ia menguji Android 11 dengan MIUI 12 di atas dengan siri Mi 10. Ini bermaksud bahawa beberapa ciri Android 11 telah ditambahkan ke MIUI 12 menurut laporan .

Sebagai permulaan, gelembung Sembang ada dan dipertanggungjawabkan. Selanjutnya, tampilan Percakapan di panel pemberitahuan juga ditambahkan. Kemudian kami mempunyai ciri privasi dari Android 11 bersama dengan papan pemuka baru di Pusat Kawalan.

Tetapi kerana masih dalam tahap beta, ada banyak bug dan masalah yang menjadikan pengalaman itu agak tidak menyenangkan. Oleh itu, kita harus menunggu dan melihat apa yang ditawarkan oleh Xiaomi setelah kemas kini stabil dilancarkan.

Kemas kini 31 (01 Oktober 2020)

IST: 12:40 pm: Xiaomi telah memulakan program pengujian beta dalaman kemas kini Android 11 untuk Xiaomi Mi A3, Mi 10T, Mi 10T Pro, Mi 9 SE, Mi 9 Lite (aka Mi CC9) dan Mi CC9 Edisi Meitu. Kepala di sini untuk liputan terperinci.

IST: 01:23 pm: Xiaomi telah mulai melancarkan kemas kini Android 11 beta stabil bersama MIUI 12 untuk Mi 10 di China sebagai versi Kepala di sini untuk pautan muat turun dan perincian lebih lanjut .

IST: 18:53 pm: Kemas kini Android 11 yang stabil juga dilancarkan ke varian Cina Mi 10 Pro sebagai serta rakan sejagatnya. Terdapat lebih banyak perincian di sini .

IST: 19:23 pm: Hebatnya kemas kini Mi 10 dan Mi 10 Pro Android 11 adalah Redmi K30 Pro, juga dikenali sebagai Poco F2 Pro di pasaran di luar China. Kemas kini akan tiba sebagai V12.1.3.0.RJKCNXM. Butiran di sini .

Kemas kini 32 (03 Oktober 2020)

IST: 12:09 pm: Poco membuat pengumuman rasmi pada bulan Julai yang menyatakan bahawa kemas kini Android 11 untuk Poco X2 akan datang tidak lama lagi. Ternyata, masih belum ada tanda-tanda Android 11 untuk peranti tersebut. Kepala di sini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut .

Kemas kini 33 (05 Oktober 2020)

IST: 12:11 pm: Menjawab pertanyaan pengguna mengenai MIUI 12 dan Kemas kini Android 11 untuk Redmi Note 9 Pro, seorang moderator menyatakan bahawa kemas kini MIUI 12 akan segera dilancarkan, namun, kemas kini Android 11 mungkin memerlukan beberapa saat. Baca cerita penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 34 (09 Oktober 2020)

IST: 01:37 pm: Menurut ahli Pasukan Maklum balas Komuniti Mi, kemas kini Android 11 untuk Redmi Note 9 Pro dijadualkan akan dikeluarkan pada suku pertama 2021. Lihat lebih banyak butiran di sini .

IST: 06:50 pm: Seorang eksekutif yang menyokong Xiaomi mendakwa bahawa kemas kini Android 11 untuk Redmi 9 dijadualkan akan dilancarkan pada Februari depan tahun. Lihat lebih banyak lagi perinciannya di sini .

Kemas kini 35 (12 Oktober 2020)

IST: 06:25 pm: MIUI terkini 12 versi beta versi 20.10.12 telah mengaktifkan isyarat ketuk Kembali Android 11 pada telefon bimbit Xiaomi terpilih seperti Mi 10 dan Mi 10 Pro. Ia juga membawa beberapa ciri lain. Cerita penuh di sini .

Kemas kini 36 (14 Oktober 2020)

IST: 07:15 pm: Pembuatan Android 11 baru tersedia untuk Mi CC9 Pro dalam bentuk MIUI 12 beta 20.10.14 di China. Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut dan pautan muat turun, menuju ke sini .

Kemas kini 37 (17 Oktober 2020)

IST: 05:25 pm: Xiaomi mempunyai kebanyakan peranti yang menerima kemas kini Android 11 dalam bentuk beta atau stabil berbanding OEM bukan Google. Sebanyak tujuh tepat. Untuk melihat gambar penuh, menuju ke sini .

Kemas kini 38 (19 Oktober 2020)

IST: 12: 35 pm: Dalam sekelip mata harapan, nampaknya Xiaomi dapat melepaskan kemas kini Android 11 untuk Mi 8. Sudah tentu, mungkin memerlukan sedikit masa untuk sampai ke khalayak ramai. Lihat lebih banyak lagi perincian di sini .

Kemas kini 39 (20 Oktober 2020)

IST: 11:55 pagi: Xiaomi telah menambahkan Redmi K30 aka Poco X2 ke program Android 11 beta dengan versi terbaru MIUI 12 beta 20.10.19 setiap malam. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, menuju ke sini .

Kemas kini 40 (21 Oktober 2020)

IST: 12:04 pm: Kemas kini beta Android 11 untuk Mi 9T aka Redmi K20 kini tersedia melalui versi terbaru MIUI 12 Closed Beta 20.10.20. Maklumat lanjut di sini .

Kemas kini 41 (23 Oktober 2020)

IST: 01:58 pm: Perkembangan baru menunjukkan bahawa kemas kini Android 11 yang stabil mungkin tidak tersedia pada skala yang lebih luas untuk Mi 10, Mi 10 Pro dan Redmi K30 Pro/Poco F2 Pro kerana masalah kestabilan audio dan kemungkinan pepijat lain. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, menuju ke sini .

Kemas kini 42 (24 Oktober 2020)

IST: 04:03 pm: Xiaomi telah melancarkan kemas kini beta MIUI 12 baru yang nampaknya memperbaiki masalah keserasian aplikasi Muzik Mi pada peranti yang berjalan di Android 11. Head di sini untuk maklumat lebih lanjut .

Kemas kini 43 (26 Oktober 2020)

IST: 04:30 pm: An dasar kemas kini Xiaomi tidak rasmi kini tersedia yang menunjukkan jumlah kemas kini setiap siri telefon pintar dari Xiaomi. Oleh itu, mudah untuk mengetahui telefon mana yang akan mendapat kemas kini Android 11.

Kemas kini 44 (28 Oktober 2020)

IST: 06:45 pm: Kemas kini beta MIUI 12 terbaru di China telah membawa antara muka pengguna yang direka semula untuk beberapa bahagian dalam tetapan peranti. Pada masa ini, elemen UI yang direka semula ini diaktifkan pada semua telefon Xiaomi dengan kemas kini Android 11. Maklumat lebih lanjut di sini .

Kemas kini 45 (31 Oktober 2020)

IST: 12:45 pm: Xiaomi masih belum mulakan peluncuran kemas kini Android 11 yang lebih luas untuk Mi 10 dan Mi 10 Pro. Sekarang, kedua-dua peranti mempunyai memuat kemas kini keselamatan Oktober dan kemungkinan kemas kini seterusnya akan membawa Android 11.

IST: 01:43 pm: Menurut untuk maklumat dikongsi dalam kumpulan Telegram yang berfokus pada Xiaomi, kemas kini Android 11 untuk Mi 10 Lite kini berada di bawah ujian dalaman. Sudah tentu, ini adalah maklumat tidak rasmi dan mesti diambil dengan sebutir garam.

Kemas kini 46 (02 November 2020)

IST: 07:10 pm: < Chatter pada kumpulan Telegram menunjukkan bahawa ujian dalaman Android 11 mungkin telah dimulakan untuk Mi 9, Mi 9 Pro, dan Mi 9T Pro (aka Redmi K20 Pro) di China. Maklumat lanjut di sini .

IST: 07:54 pm: Xiaomi telah melancarkan kemas kini beta Android 11 untuk Mi 10 Ultra di China. Kemas kini baru ini disiarkan secara langsung dengan kemas kini MIUI 12 versi 20.11.2. Maklumat lanjut di sini .

Kemas kini 47 (04 November 2020)

IST: 05:43 pm: Xiaomi, seperti kebanyakan OEM lain, mempunyai pelbagai jenis/peringkat ROM MIUI yang ROM alfa/malam, beta, beta stabil, dan stabil. Kepala di sini untuk mengetahui semua mengenai peringkat ini/types.

Update 48 (November 06, 2020)

IST: 01:16 pm: It seems that Xiaomi has begun testing Android 11 on the Blackshark 2, Blackshark 2 Pro, Blackshark 3, Blackshark 3S, and Blackshark 3 Pro internally. Head here to know more.

Update 49 (November 09, 2020)

IST: 12:25 pm: Xiaomi may have also begun testing Android 11 on the Poco M2 and Poco M2 Pro according to new developments. This means that we can expect to see the company release Android 11 for the device sooner rather than later.

IST: 05:50 pm: The Mi 10 has bagged another Android 11-based MIUI 12 beta stable update in China as version It’s likely that the stable update may be released on a wider scale soon. More details here.

Update 50 (November 10, 2020)

IST: 02:17 pm: The new MIUI 12 beta update version 20.11.6 has added a new panel in the Camera app on Xiaomi phones running on Android 11. Head here to know what else the beta has to offer.

IST: 06:27 pm: New developments indicate that Xiaomi may release the Android 11 public beta update for the Redmi K30 Ultra, Redmi 10X 5G and Redmi 10X Pro soon. Head here to know more.

Update 51 (November 16, 2020)

IST: 05:01 pm: Based on new information, it seems that the Redmi Note 9 Pro along with some other eligible Redmi Note series devices will get the update to Android 11 early next year. More details here.

Update 52 (November 17, 2020)

IST: 02:00 pm: Xiaomi has reportedly released the Android 11 update for the Redmi K30 Pro Zoom with the stable MIUI 12 version in China. This new update is rolling out with a download size of around 3.3GB.

IST: 07:25 pm: A Poco official has now claimed that the company never advertised Android 11 for the Poco F2 Pro even though it did back in June. The device is yet to get Android 11 in beta or stable form. More details here.

Update 53 (November 18, 2020)

IST: 07:25 pm: Xiaomi seems to have released the stable Android 11 update with MIUI 12 version on top to Mi 10 units in China. The update was previously released last week but was rolled back, possibly due to bugs. More details here.

IST: 12:20 pm: Surprisingly, Xiaomi appears to have released the stable Android 11 update based on MIUI 12 for the Redmi Note 9 Pro (sold as the Redmi Note 9S globally). Head here for all the details.

IST: 06:10 pm: The latest MIUI 12 closed beta version 20.11.17 brings with it a new Power Menu for Xiaomi phones running on Android 11. Head here to see it in action.

Update 54 (November 19, 2020)

IST: 12:45 pm: Apparently, Xiaomi is “working hard” to release the Android 11 update for the Redmi Note 8 soon, according to a support representative for the company. Of course, support reps don’t have a flawless track record and thus the information should be taken with a grain of salt.

Update 55 (November 20, 2020)

IST: 10:20 am: Xiaomi introduced several new camera features with the Mi 10T series. New developments suggest that other Xiaomi phones might also get the features with the upcoming Android 11 update or future MIUI 12 builds. Head here for more details.

IST: 01:30 pm: It appears that Xiaomi has revamped the Volume Rocker UI in the recent MIUI 12 closed beta version 20.11.17. The new MIUI China System UI Controls App version V1.0.055 has been extracted from the build and users can try installing it on their devices.

Here’s a video of it:

MIUI 12 New Volume Rocker

However, it may only work on devices running Android 11 on the Chinese ROM. There may be bugs and issues if installed on the Global ROM. You can download the APK from here.

IST: 04:05 pm: While the Indian Redmi Note 9 Pro variant has picked up the update to Android 11. Other Redmi Note 9 series models are yet to bag it. You can head here to stay up to date with all the developments regarding Android 11 for the Redmi Note 9 series.

Update 56 (November 21, 2020)

IST: 05:50 pm: Xiaomi has reportedly begun rolling out the stable Android 11 update for the Redmi K30 Pro. The update is rolling out to users in China as version 12.2.1 and brings the October patch too.

IST: 05:59 pm: It now seems that the stable Android 11 update has begun rolling out for the Mi 10 Pro as well with the software version in China as per a report.

Update 57 (November 23, 2020)

IST: 10:10 am: According to a Mi Community mod, the development for the Mi MIX 3 series is slow and has thus asked users not to have high hopes. However, the mod has not dismissed the possibility of the device getting Android 11 at some point.


Update 58 (November 24, 2020)

IST: 10:15 am: The Android 11 update for the Redmi Note 8, Note 8T, and Note 8 Pro appears to be in its testing phase according to an unofficial report. Head here to know more.

IST: 10:39 am: Xiaomi has begun rolling out the stable Android 11 update for the global Mi 10 units as version Further, the Redmi K30 5G has also bagged the update in China. Full story here.

Update 59 (November 25, 2020)

IST: 12:30 pm: New details suggest that the first Android 11 builds for the Redmi 10X 5G, Redmi 10X Pro, and the Redmi K30 Ultra are now out for those who are part of the MIUI closed beta program in China. More details here.

IST: 02:00 pm: Poco F1 (Pocophone F1) users might be in for a treat since recent developments suggest that Xiaomi may end up rolling out the update to Android 11 for the device. More on this here.

IST: 06:28 pm: With the MIUI 12 update now released to all models of the Redmi Note 9 series, it’s likely that Xiaomi will begin focusing on the development of Android 11 for these devices now. Head here for more details.

Update 60 (November 26, 2020)

IST: 04:15 pm: Xiaomi has begun rolling out a new Android 11 update for the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro in China after the previous update was pulled. It is rolling out with the software version Head here for more details and the download link.

Update 61 (November 28)

IST: 05:50 pm: The latest MIUI closed beta update version 20.11.23 brings a bunch of new features for devices on Android 11 such as new Fingerprint-on-Display effects, a new Volume Bar, and more. Head here for the full story.

Update 62 (November 30)

(IST) 11:50 am: Poco F2 Pro is now fetching the stable Android 11 update, but only on limited global devices as of now. A wider rollout should follow soon. For the download link and other details, head here.

(IST) 03:50 pm: Mi 10 Pro Android 11 update is now out for the pilot tester. Those who didn’t participate in the beta program will have to wait more to get hands on the same. More information here.

Update 63 (December 03)

(IST) 12:05 pm: As per a recent report coming from someone who got in touch with the Xiaomi support, Android 11 is allegedly “on it’s way” for the Mi MIX 3 (non-5G) variant. However, things may take time to materialize.

(IST) 05:50 pm: Xiaomi Mi 10 users in Europe can rejoice since the company has begun rolling out the stable Android 11 update for the device in the region.

It comes with the software version with the MIUI 12 skin on top. More details and the download link can be accessed here.

Update 64 (December 04)

(IST) 11:25 am: Mi 10 Lite devices (global variants) are now receiving the Android 11 update. For the download link and other details, you may head here.

It’s also worth mentioning that Xiaomi also pushed the same for the Indian variants of Mi 10, but pulled the update in no time. But we still managed to get our hands on the download link. Details here.

Update 65 (December 05)

(IST) 05:50 pm: Xiaomi is preparing to release the stable Android 11 update for several devices. These are the Redmi K20/Mi 9T, Redmi K30/Poco X3, Redmi K30i 5G, Redmi Note 9 Pro, Redmi Note 9 Pro Max, Poco M2 Pro, and Mi A3 as per an unofficial report.

Update 66 (December 07)

(IST) 09:40 am: The latest alpha update for the MIUI 12 System Launcher brings a search box to add Gaussian blur on Android 11 along with a few additional tweaks. Check out the full story here.

(IST) 02:00 pm: It appears that Xiaomi is preparing the Android 11 open beta for Mi 10T Lite/Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G/Mi 10i, Redmi Note 9 4G/Redmi 9T/Redmi 9 Power, and Redmi Note 9 5G. Hear here for more details.

(IST) 07:10 pm: The Android 11 update has begun rolling out for the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro in Europe. It bears the software version Head here for the download link.

Update 67 (December 08)

(IST) 10:15 am: Poco has released the stable Android 11 update for the Poco F2 Pro. The software version for this new update is Head here for the download link and more info.

(IST) 11:30 am: While reverting back to a user query, a device team member at the community recently said the Redmi Note 8 won’t get Android 11. However, it has earlier been highlighted that the update is undergoing internal testing on the device.

Right now, we’re not sure about what has lead to this contradictory statement, but we’ll be looking for more info regarding this.

Update 68 (December 09)

(IST) 05:15 pm: New developments indicate that Xiaomi has begun testing the stable Android 11 update for the Poco X3, Mi Note 10 Lite, Redmi 10X 4G/Redmi Note 9, and Redmi 9. Head here to know more.

Update 69 (December 10)

(IST) 10:30 am: The wider rollout of the stable Android 11 update appears to have begun for the Mi 10 in India. Xiaomi’s MD for the country made the announcement via a post on Twitter. Head here to check out all the details.

IST: 02:45 pm: Xiaomi recently pushed the Android 11 update for the Indian variants of the Redmi Note 9 Pro (aka the Redmi Note 9S globally). And now, the company’s VP Manu Kumar Jain has shared the same shall land on the other Redmi and Mi devices soon. Head here for the detailed coverage.

IST: 06:05 pm: The Redmi Note 8 and Redmi Note 8 Pro have bagged the final Android 10-based MIUI 12 beta update thus suggesting that the update to Android 11 is around the corner. Check out more details here.

Update 70 (December 11)

IST: 06:40 pm: Xiaomi has confirmed that the Android 11 update is being prepared for several smartphones. These are the Redmi Note 8, Redmi Note 8 Pro, Redmi K20 Pro, Redmi K30S Ultra, Mi CC9, Mi CC9 Meitu Edition, Mi 9SE, Mi 9, and Mi 9 Pro 5G.

Therefore, the beta version 20.12.9 will be the last beta update based on Android 10 for these devices as per an announcement.

Update 71 (December 15)

IST: 11:25 am: According to a Poco executive, the Android 11 update for the Poco F2 Pro is currently being “tuned” and it will be available for the device soon. More details here.

Update 72 (December 19)

IST: 01:10 pm: We have created a dedicated Xiaomi Android 11 update bugs and issues tracker that you can go through to get the latest updates on the topic.

Update 73 (December 21)

IST: 01:27 pm: Xiaomi is rolling out the stable Android 11 update to the Mi 10 Lite Zoom (aka Mi 10 Youth Edition) in China. Head over here for the download link in case you want to install the latest update manually.

Update 74 (December 24)

IST: 01:05 pm: A Mi Community moderator has stated that Poco devices running Android 11 will get support for Android 10 gesture bar. The same will also be made available to Poco devices running Android 10 afterwards. Check out the full story here.

Update 75 (December 25)

IST: 01:12 pm: The European Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite variant has also bagged the Android 11 update as version Head over here for the download link if you want install the update manually.

Update 76 (December 28)

IST: 05:30 pm: According to a recent from a Mi Community moderator, Xiaomi has rolled back the Indian Redmi Note 9 Pro Android 11 update as it was buggy. Check out the full story here.

Update 77 (December 30)

IST: 05:30 pm: Reports coming in can confirm that Android 11 update has entered public beta testing on the Xiaomi M9, Mi 9 SE, Redmi K20 Pro/Mi 9T Pro, Redmi K30S Ultra/Mi 10T, and Redmi Note 9 5G in China.

Update 78 (December 31)

IST: 03:25 pm: The Mi A3 is now receiving the official update to Android 11, but the rollout is still limited. Full story here.

Update 79 (January 01)

IST: 04:14 pm: Xiaomi has halted the rollout of the Android 11 update for the Mi A3 due to the issues users were facing after installing it. Head here for all the details.

Update 80 (January 04)

IST: 11:10 am: The 4G variant of the Redmi K30, which also goes by the name Poco X2 in India, is receiving the update to Android 11 in China. See details here.

Update 81 (January 05)

02:43 pm (IST): The update to Android 11 is now rolling out to the Mi CC9 Pro (aka Mi Note 10/Pro) in China. See the full story here.

05:30 pm (IST): Xiaomi has resumed rolling out Android 11 update to the Mi A3. See more details here.

Update 82 (January 06)

01:53 pm (IST): Xiaomi Mi CC9 aka Mi 9 Lite and Mi 9 Pro 5G are the latest entries into the ongoing Android 11 beta testing program. See details here.

03:53 pm (IST): Shortly after reports emerged that the upgrade to Android 11 was delaying the release of MIUI 12.5 beta for Redmi Note 8, Note 8 Pro, Note 9 4G and Note 9 Pro 5G, Xiaomi has rolled out the first Android 11 build for the Redmi Note 8. More details here.

Update 83 (January 11)

11:40 am (IST): The European variant of the Mi A3 is now receiving the update to Android 11. See the full story here.

06:16 pm (IST): Xiaomi has recently released the closed beta version of MIUI 12.5 based on Android 11 for the Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G aka Mi 10T Lite 5G/Mi 10i 5G. See details here.

Update 84 (January 12)

17:46 pm (IST): The Redmi Note 8 Pro is the latest device to join the beta testing program of Android 11 (with MIUI 12.5). See the full story here.

Update 85 (January 18)

IST: 12:11 pm: A moderator recently shared an APK that brings the new MIUI 12.5 new volume panel & power menu controls to MIUI 12 devices running Android 10 or 11. You can download that here.

Update 85 (January 18)

IST: 19:37 pm: Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro Android 11 stable update has been re-released in Europe following a halt due to unmentioned bugs and issues. The Redmi K30i 5G now bags it too in China. Read more about it through this link.

Update 86 (January 21)

11:05 am (IST): Android 11 is now rolling out for global units of Mi Note 10 Lite. The update carries a weight of around 2.5 GB and brings a minor fix along as well (Optimization: Noise could be heard when the screen was turned off in some cases).

Click here to download the recovery update zip file.

Update 87 (January 21)

12:45 pm (IST): Following Android 11 rollout for the Indian Redmi Note 9 Pro, a Xiaomi FAQ has revealed that others from the Redmi Note 9 series will receive it soon as well. Read more from here.

13:08 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Redmi Note 9 Pro has been re-released in India after being halted temporarily. More info here.

Update 88 (January 22)

05:28 pm (IST): The European units of the Mi Note 10 Lite are now receiving the Android 11 update just a few days after the global variant. For details, head here.

Update 88 (January 23)

11:04 pm (IST): Poco X2 Android 11 stable update with January security patch has gone live following months of delays. Read on from this link.

15:17 pm (IST): Android 11 beta build for the Redmi Note 9 4G (Redmi 9T/Redmi 9 Power) is finally out. For more info and to download, head over to this link.

Update 89 (January 26)

10:25 am (IST): The Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro Android 11 update was released with a December security patch but then rolled back. Soon after, it was re-released but then rolled back again probably due to app crashes.

And now, there’s yet another roll-out and hopefully this time the update fixes all of the problems and stays for good.

Update 90 (February 01)

05:58 pm (IST): Xiaomi has started rolling out Android 11 update to the global variant of the Redmi Note 9S. See full details here.

Update 91 (February 02)

11:45 am (IST): Following a period of beta testing, the Android 11 stable update is now rolling out for the Mi 10 Ultra in China. For more details, head here.

Update 92 (February 03)

02:04 pm (IST): Android 11 based MIUI 12.5 stable update rollout may be delayed by around 2 weeks as Xiaomi is set to suspend beta development in China. More details here.

06:24 pm (IST): The Android 11 stable update has begun rolling out to the Xiaomi Mi 10T/10T Pro in India. For further info and download link, head here.

Update 93 (February 05)

02:04 pm (IST): After a long wait, the global variant of the Redmi Note 9 Pro is finally set to receive the Android 11 update this month itself, says a forum mod. For details, head here.

Update 94 (February 08)

12:05 pm (IST): The Android 11 based kernel sources for Mi Note 10/10 Lite, Redmi K20, and K30 are now out and users may expect custom ROM development to commence/speed up after this.

12:31 pm (IST): The European units of the Xiaomi Mi 10T/10T Pro are now receiving the Android 11 update as well after its Indian units bagged it a few days back. For download link and further details, head here.

Update 95 (February 09)

11:31 pm (IST): We highlighted yesterday how kernel sources were made available to some Xiaomi devices. Now, they have been released for the Motorola Moto E7/E7 Plus as well. More details here.

01:11 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Mi 10 is finally slated to receive a wider Android 11 rollout at around February-end, as per a company executive. More details here.

Update 96 (February 18)

03:24 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out to global units of the Xiaomi Mi 10T Lite 5G and the Chinese Redmi 10X 4G. For more info and download links, head here.

Update 97 (February 20)

11:04 am (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out to Turkish units of the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Lite. To download, and for more info, head here.

02:04 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out for the Redmi Note 8 in China. It is based on MIUI 12 and signals an imminent global rollout. For download link and other details, head here.

Update 98 (February 22)

02:22 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Mi Note 10/10 Pro is now receiving the Android 11 update based on MIUI 12.1 in Europe. The build is a beta stable but should be rolled out globally soon. For more details and download link, head here.

Update 99 (February 26)

04:49 pm (IST): The Russian units of the Mi Note 10 Lite are now receiving the Android 11 update in the form of a beta stable. For details and download link, head here.

07:54 pm (IST): The Mi 10T Lite is now receiving a beta stable Android 11 update in Europe following a global rollout. For details, head here.

Update 100 (February 27)

07:19 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Redmi Note 9S has been delayed due to some unnamed bugs but should be released soon. More info here.

07:36 pm (IST): The Indian Redmi Note 9 Pro is now receiving the Android 11 update following a scattered beta stable rollout back in January. Download link and further details can be found here.

Update 101 (March 01)

04:05 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi K20, aka Mi 9T globally, has finally received the Android 11 update based on MIUI 12 in the form of a stable beta. Of course, other variants will follow suit. For details and download link, head here.

Update 102 (March 03)

02:11 pm (IST): The Mi 10 may not have bagged Android 11 on its expected date for all users, but the update is in its final testing stages as per a company executive, and should hence roll out real soon. For more details, head here.

Update 103 (March 06)

02:08 pm (IST): The Redmi Note 9, which is also known as the Redmi 10X in China, is slated to bag the Android 11 update based on MIUI 12 prior to a MIUI 12.5 release. More details here.

Update 104 (March 08)

01:04 pm (IST): The Mi MIX 3 may never see the light of both Android 11 or MIUI 12.5 if a mod comment is to go by. More details here.

06:23 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Mi 10 first arrived as V12.2.1.0.RJBEUXM alongside October 2020 security patch, but this was pulled back shortly after.

The update was then re-released as version V12.2.4.0.RJBEUXM with December 2020 patch, but again, this was pulled.

And now there is a new version V12.2.7.0.RJBEUXM rolling out in Europe with the February patch. To download and check out the complete changelog, head here.

Update 105 (March 09)

01:10 pm (IST): The road to Android 11 has sure been a bumpy one for the global variant of the Redmi Note 9 Pro with plenty of delays and rollbacks. But a recent comment left by a mod has shed some new light on the matter. Read on to know more.

02:55 pm (IST): The Android 11 kernel sources for the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Redmi K40/K40 Pro have been released. If interested, you can check them out from this GitHub page.

Update 106 (March 10)

11:30 am (IST): The Poco X3 NFC has now bagged Android 11 in Europe following which it should roll out to other regions soon enough as well. The update comes with the version of MIUI and its download link and more details can be found here.

02:34 pm (IST): The global variant of the Mi 10T/Pro is now bagging the update to Android 11. See details here.

Update 107 (March 11)

11:30 am (IST): It’s now coming to light that the Android 11 update hasn’t been released for all the Mi 10 5G devices in Europe due to bugs. For more details on the matter, head here.

Update 108 (March 12)

04:42 pm (IST): The global units of the Mi Note 10 and Note 10 Pro are now receiving the Android 11 update in the form of a beta stable. For details and download link, head here.

06:40 pm (IST): A mod has stated that Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max Android 11 rollout won’t take long if the current internal testing goes well. More details here.

Update 109 (March 15)

01:07 pm (IST): Much speculation has been doing rounds about Android 11 for the Redmi Note 8T & now a Xiaomi moderator has shed some new light on the matter. According to them, an Android 11 update is ‘unlikely’ for the device. More details here.

Update 110 (March 18)

07:27 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out to the Turkish variant of the Mi 10T/10T Pro and the Redmi K30S Ultra in China.

Update 111 (March 19)

07:17 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now being rolled out to the Mi 10 in Indonesia. For more details and download link, head here.

07:30 pm (IST): The Android 11 kernel sources are now out for the Redmi Note 10 following the availability for the Redmi Note 10 Pro. For more details, head here.

Update 112 (March 26)

04:45 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G is now rolling which means that the same isn’t too far for the Mi 10i. For more details and download link, head here.

06:54 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Indonesian and Russian variants of the Mi Note 10/10 Pro is now rolling. For download links and more details, head here.

Update 113 (March 31)

02:00 pm (IST): Android 11 update just went live for pilot testing in India for the Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G which means that a stable rollout isn’t too far off. For more details, head here.

06:39 pm (IST): Xiaomi Mi 9 SE has finally bagged the Android 11 update in China, and has also become the third device to run MIUI 12.5 stable. For more details, head here.

Update 114 (April 01)

04:25 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out to the Taiwanese variant of the Mi 10T/10T Pro. For more details, head here.

Update 115 (April 07)

01:41 pm (IST): Turns out that both the Redmi Note 9 Pro and the Redmi Note 9 Pro Max are set to bag Android 11 stable in the last week of April. For details, head here.

Update 116 (April 12)

06:56 pm (IST): Android 11 is now rolling out for the Mi 10T/10T Pro in Indonesia. For more details and download link, head here.

Update 117 (April 30)

05:59 pm (IST): The Android 11 update has finally been released for the Redmi 10X 5G as a China Stable ROM and you can download it from here.

Update 118 (May 12)

03:23 pm (IST): The Redmi 10X Pro has now been treated to Android 11 after the Redmi 10X 5G. For details and download link, head here.

Update 119 (May 13)

02:38 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Xiaomi Mi 10i has gone live with the April security patch in India. For more details, head here.

Update 120 (May 14)

04:48 pm (IST): After much delay, the Android 11 update has made it out of pilot testing and is being rolled out to select Redmi Note 9S users.

Update 121 (May 15)

01:59 pm (IST): A wider Android 11 release for the Xiaomi Mi 10i has purportedly been delayed further due to the rollback of the MIUI update. Details here.

Update 122 (May 18)

05:59 pm (IST): Just a few days after the pull back, the Android 11 update has been released once more for the Mi 10i. For further details and download link, head here.

Update 123 (May 26)

02:42 pm (IST): The Android 11 stable update (MIUI 12) has been released for Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Global Pilot Testers. For details and download link, head here.

Update 124 (May 27)

01:13 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 (merlin) has finally gone live as Pilot Testers stable and a wider rollout shouldn’t be far off. Head here for details.

Update 125 (May 29)

12:02 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi K20 aka Mi 9T has now received the Android 11 update as a Global Pilot build. To download and further details, head here.

Update 126 (June 01)

04:27 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi 9 has now bagged the Android 11 stable update in China. To download, head over to this link.

06:39 pm (IST): The Android 11 stable update is now rolling out for regular users of the Redmi Note 9 Pro (Global).

07:20 pm (IST): The Android 11 updates for the Xiaomi Mi CC9, Mi CC9 Meitu Edition, Redmi Note 8 Pro, and Mi 9 Pro 5G could face some delays as Xiaomi says that they do not meet the company’s full internal OTA upgrade quality standards currently. Details here.

Update 127 (June 03)

06:11 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Xiaomi Mi 10T Lite 5G s now rolling out in Taiwan. To download, head here.

Update 128 (June 07)

12:41 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S is now receiving the Android 11 update in Europe. For download link and further details, head here.

Update 129 (June 08)

11:02 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9T has bagged the stable Android 11-based MIUI 12.5 update in Europe. More global regions are to follow soon.

01:29 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi K20 has now bagged the Android 11 update in India as a Pilot build. To download, head here.

04:43 pm (IST): The Global Poco X3 NFC has now bagged the stable Android 11 update. To download and for further details, head here.

Update 130 (June 09)

04:45 pm (IST): A community mod has now revealed that the Android 11 update for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro has been delayed due to adaptation issues. Other affected models include Xiaomi Mi CC9, Mi CC9 Meitu Custom Edition, and Mi 9 Pro 5G. Details here.

Update 131 (June 10)

04:22 pm (IST): A community mod has revealed that the Poco X3 will bag the Android 11 update this month in India, if all goes well.

Update 132 (June 16)

03:54 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out for the Redmi 9 in India for the Mi Pilot Tesers. For details, head here.

Update 133 (June 19)

12:28 pm (IST): The MIUI 12.5 update based on Android 11 is now rolling out for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro as stable in China. To download, head here.

04:51 pm (IST): The Android 11 stable update is now rolling for the global and European Redmi note 9. To download, head here.

Update 134 (June 22)

12:48 pm (IST): Xiaomi has released the Android 11 update for the European variant of the Redmi Note 9 to Mi Pilot testers. This comes after the company rolled out the update for the Russian, and Global variants. Head here for all the details.

Update 135 (June 24)

01:30 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro is now receiving the Android 11 update through the Mi Pilot Testers program in Indonesia. Details here.

Update 136 (June 25)

07:08 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max is now receiving the Android 11 update through the Mi Pilot Testers program in India. Details here.

07:11 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi 9 is receiving the Android 11 update in Europe. Head here for details.

Update 137 (June 28)

03:52 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out to the regular users of the Indonesian Redmi Note 9 Pro following a period of pilot testing.

Update 138 (June 30)

05:06 pm (IST): The global variant of the Xiaomi Mi 9 is now receiving the Android 11 update widely. It is based on MIUI 12.5. Details here.

Update 139 (July 01)

03:46 pm (IST): The global variant of the Xiaomi Redmi 9 is now receiving the Android 11 update. Details here.

Update 140 (July 02)

10:55 am (IST): The EEA variant of the Xiaomi Mi 9 SE is now receiving the Android 11-based MIUI 12.5 update outside of the Pilot Testers program.

06:10 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 4G in China. Head here for details.

Update 141 (July 07)

12:29 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro is now receiving the Android 11 update in Indonesia widely. To download fastboot ROM, click here.

Update 142 (July 08)

04:28 pm (IST): The Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro has now bagged the Android 11-based MIUI 12.5 stable update. Head here for details.

Update 143 (July 10)

11:50 am (IST): A moderator says that the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 will receive the Android 11 update anytime this month.

No ETA. For now, Global, EU and RU ROM variants have been updated to Android 11. Hopefully this update will be pushed to IN, ID and other variants soon, hopefully in a month.

04:50 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Poco M2 Pro is set to go live this month according to a community moderator. Details here.

Update 144 (July 12)

12:14 pm (IST): The Poco X3 NFC has still not been treated to a complete global Android 11 rollout despite the initial build for the same rolling out a month ago. This has prompted a bunch of posts from impatient users but a reason for the hold-up is still nowhere to be found.

Update 145 (July 13)

02:56 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out in Russia for the Redmi Note 9 Pro (joyeuse). Head here to download.

Update 146 (July 14)

06:10 pm (IST): The Android 11 kernel source code for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9, Redmi 9, and the Poco M2 was uploaded today indicating that the Poco M2 is set to bag Android 11 really soon.

Update 147 (July 16)

12:04 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Xiaomi Redmi 9A is set to be released anytime now, now that the Redmi 9 has gotten it, as per a moderator. We will be updating this tracker when it arrives so stay tuned.

Update 148 (July 19)

03:56 pm (IST): Xiaomi’s rolling out the Android 11 update for the Redmi Note 8 models sold in Europe. Head here for more details.

Update 149 (July 21)

06:25 pm (IST): The Redmi Note 9T units in Russia are finally getting the update to MIUI 12.5 based on Android 11. For more details and ROM download link, check out this coverage.

06:45 pm (IST): The MIUI 12 update based on Android 11 is now out for the global Redmi Note 8 units. However, the said OS update is only meant for Mi Pilot program member. Head here for the ROM download link and more details on the same.

Update 150 (July 24)

01:48 pm (IST): The MIUI 12.5 update based on Android 11 has been rolled out in Russia for the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro. To download, click here.

Update 151 (July 26)

01:37 pm (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling out for the European Xiaomi Redmi 9. Head here for details.

Update 152 (July 27)

12:47 pm (IST): The Android 11 update along with MIUI 12.5 is now rolling out for the Xiaomi Mi 9 in Russia. To download, head here.

Update 153 (July 28)

10:45 am (IST): Redmi Note 8 Pro users in the EU can rejoice as the company has begun rolling out the Android 11 update alongside MIUI 12.5 for the device in the region. More details here.

03:55 pm (IST): The Android 11-based MIUI 12.5 stable update is now rolling out for Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Mi Pilot Testers in India. To download, head here.

Update 154 (July 29)

10:34 am (IST): The MIUI 12.5 update for the global variant of the Xiaomi Mi 10T Lite may already be out for some, but that hasn’t stopped Xiaomi from re-releasing an Android 11-based MIUI 12 build for some reason.

Update 155 (July 30)

11:05 am (IST): The Android 11 update is now rolling outside of the Pilot Testers program for the Global Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S (MIUI 12) and for the Indian Poco X3 (MIUI 12.5). Do keep in mind that it is in the stable beta stage.

Update 156 (July 31)

05:22 pm (IST): The Android 11 update along with MIUI 12.5 is now rolling out outside of the Mi Pilot program for the Russian Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro. Head here for details.

Xiaomi Android 11 update tracker (continuously updated)
Device/Android 11 updateBETASTABLENOTESMi 10 Released Released – Beta (China, Global)
– Stable (China, Global, Europe, India, Indonesia) Mi 10 Pro Released Released – Beta (China, Global)
– Stable (China, Global, Europe) Mi 10 Lite — Released – Stable (Global, Europe, Taiwan) Mi CC9 Pro Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China) Mi Note 10 — Released – Beta stable (Europe, Global)
– Stable (Indonesia, Russia)
Device/Android 11 updateBETASTABLENOTESMi 10 Ultra Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China) Redmi K30 5G Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China) Redmi K20 Pro/Mi 9T Pro Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (Russia) Mi A3 — Released – Stable (Global, Europe) Redmi K30 Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China)
Device/Android 11 updateBETASTABLENOTESMi 10T Pro Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (India, Global, Turkey, Taiwan, Indonesia) Mi 9 SE Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China, Global, Russia, Europe) Mi 9 Lite (aka Mi CC9) Released — – Beta (China) Mi CC9 Meitu Edition Released — – Beta (China) Redmi 9 — Released – Stable (China, India, Europe, Global) Mi 10T Lite 5G — Released – Stable (Global, Europe, Taiwan)
Device/Android 11 updateBETASTABLENOTESMi 9 & Mi 9 Pro Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (Global, Russia) Blackshark 2 Released — – Beta (China) Blackshark 2 Pro Released — – Beta (China) Blackshark 3 Released — – Beta (China) Blackshark 3S Released — – Beta (China)
Device/Android 11 updateBETASTABLENOTESRedmi 10X 4G Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China) Redmi Note 9 5G/Redmi Note 9T Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (Europe & Russia) Redmi K30S Ultra Released Released – Beta (China), Stable (China) Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China) Redmi Note 9 4G/9T/9 Power Released Released – Beta (China)
– Stable (China)

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