圖片:WB Games

隨著霍格沃茨遺產到達舊遊戲機,遊戲已經收到了 PS5、Xbox Series X|S 和 PC 的最新補丁。它增加了一種新模式和數量驚人的修復。新的 Arachnophobia 模式可以在輔助功能選項中找到。它採用電影中的技巧,通過給蜘蛛溜冰鞋來減輕對蜘蛛的恐懼,同時從遊戲中刪除某些聲音和視覺效果。 Avalanche Software 表示碰撞檢測在移除視覺效果後仍保持完整,以確保玩家不會意外卡住。

Arachnophobia 模式(根據 WB 遊戲)

圖片:WB Games

無障礙選項中添加了 Arachnophobia 模式。當切換

改變所有敵方蜘蛛的外觀 減少並移除蜘蛛掠過和尖叫聲 移除小型蜘蛛地面效果產卵器 使世界中的靜態蜘蛛屍體不可見 碰撞仍然有效以防止玩家被卡住當

開發人員將最新補丁描述為解決“整體遊戲體驗和穩定性改進”。這是輕描淡寫的說法,至少可以說補丁說明包含 500 多個修復。顯然,該團隊一直在傾聽社區的意見,並努力完善遊戲。遊戲中還添加了一個新的 Ronen 教授主題裝飾裝備。 PC 用戶需要注意的幾件事是,所有三個升頻器(DLSS、FSR 和 XeSS)都已更新到最新版本,並且 XeSS 已設置為 Intel Arch 顯卡的默認設置。

Build 1140773 補丁說明:


解決了 Lodgok 的 Urtkot 任務鎖定頭盔,防止玩家
繼續任務 在學生們指出長袍看起來很髒後洗了衣服 修復了多個保存遊戲 確定並解決了多個收藏和現場指南頁面問題 解決了多個可能導致玩家脫離世界的問題


解決了多個潛在的崩潰問題 性能修復和優化

以及 500 多個額外修復。您可以閱讀下面的完整詳細說明。



在線 解決了在命名角色時限制非攻擊性玩家名稱的問題:HL-50 更新了以色列 EULA 從 ae-AR 到 en-GB 的映射” 遊戲玩法 任務 解決了不同位置存在的牆壁之間的間隙 解決了在不同位置的碰撞相關問題和非戰鬥解決了收集高布石後的重生問題:HL-1894 已解決的化身在使用 Windgardium Leviosa 時能夠將燈籠移動到無法到達的位置,從而無法進行。解決了在擊敗所有敵人後仍然存在的古代魔法屏障解決了韋斯萊教授醒來後不在拉文克勞宿舍入口的問題解決了飛來球失敗任務卡住的問題解決了玩家能夠像布萊克教授一樣逃離霍格沃茨解決了玩家能夠擊敗Leander 和 Nellie 與 Incendio,他們將繼續積極移動 解決了斯萊特林公共休息室入口的碰撞問題始終存在 解決了使用准入鑰匙的任務失敗導致鑰匙消失:HL-974 解決了將裝有寶藏的飛來寶盒直接放在普通盒子下方時,相機會不受控制地晃動的問題解決的任務沒有在最后區域通過“擊敗敵人”解決塞巴斯蒂安在 Devil’s Snare 隧道側區域旋轉:HL-518 解決了商店屋頂 Dogweed & Deathcap 右側沒有碰撞的問題:HL-3046 通過使用 Wingardium Leviosa 解決了鐘樓樓梯後面卡住的一個鐘 解決了 Fig 教授教室附近出現的間歇性霧氣 解決了 Fig 教授教室附近出現的霧氣問題校長辦公室:HL-12376 解析體積水計算不正確:HL-47 解決了取消跟踪和激活時任務圖標在地上的問題解決了 Hogwarts South Battle Arena 在完成後沒有復選標記的問題:HL-7777/a> 解決了在不同位置無法收集的箱子解決了打開籠子後無法拯救籠子裡的野獸:HL-1390 解決了開放世界中不同位置地面上可見的縫隙 解決了寒鴉的雕像有可能不會掉落,仍然無法進入的問題。解決了當 Avatar 進入書中時離開遊戲可能會阻止進度的問題:HL-2953解決了在解開謎題後在開放房間內重新加載時會導致化身重生被困的問題。已解決的化身通過霍格沃茨西谷附近的一個地點掉出世界 已解決的 Graphorn 在戰鬥中消失。解決了客觀描述發現和返回 Rabe 魔杖錯誤的問題。解決了在滑輪被摧毀後懸掛的箱子需要很長時間才能掉下來的問題解決了在半人馬到達的電影之後 Dorran 無法移動的問題解決了一個音符在化身對它施放 Confringo 後從身體消失的問題解決了西廳-藝術-遊戲玩法可調查的網格缺失並且與相關指南頁面不匹配已解決擊敗 Ranrok 的忠誠者而不被發現並使用幻滅塊任務進程: HL-11365 解決了使用骨頭簇的問題,這意味著另一部分的拼圖阻礙了任務 解決了圖書館附近中央大廳的隱形碰撞 解決了化身和 NPC 由於隱形碰撞而卡住一段時間的問題在 Hogsmeade 的 J. Pippin’s Potions 外面的台階上解決了時鐘塔的鐘擺的目標鎖定被放錯了位置阻止化身在其旁邊施法時解決了化身在輸掉比賽后通過在平台上保存而卡在循環中的問題並關閉標題:HL-11476 如果化身在地精戰鬥中死亡 解決了 Kogawa 在任務之間被困在外面 解決了在中央大廳的肖像中看到 Helga Hufflepuff 解決瞭如果玩家在至少兩次失敗後通過“跳過試驗”提示選擇跳過它們的比賽不會被跳過在故事難度中移除了在開放世界中在水面上觀察到的意外飛機解決了將野獸釋放到動物園時出現的黑屏解決了目標更新觸發延遲和權威人物在解鎖第一扇門後出現延遲解決了化身擋住了波比所在的岩石上的位置應該爬,否則會導致她走開而不是爬上岩石已解決的召喚寶箱在打開後不給出戰利品:HL-3868 解決了無花果在任務開始時使用掃帚卡在屋頂上的問題成為校長 解決了中央大廳柱子上可見的縫隙 解決了前往霍格莫德的任務步驟被延遲的問題 解決了 Reparo 橋在修復時沒有任何動畫的問題 解決了 Reparo 橋在修復後閃爍的問題 解決了三個火把無法點亮的問題任務完成後解決的消耗品如果在波浪之前用完,在重新啟動/退出北海岸戰場後不會恢復到原來的數量校長室的固定門解決了 Vivarium 動畫並在更新遊戲時保存鎖定:HL-6449 解決了跟踪任務時的誤導路徑 解決了 Mountain Cave Ruins 停止播放的問題當玩家在過渡期間加載遊戲時解決任務不會出現在任務日誌中,如果阿凡達在擊敗 Selwyn 後與 Clothilde 互動解決玩家在擊敗巨魔後從上次保存重新開始時獲得遊戲結束屏幕解決世界標記在玩家需要時脈衝返回草藥學課程 如果玩家在另一項任務後快速旅行,則不會發生支線任務的控制鎖定問題解決了鳳凰在被 Depulso 擊中時能夠逃離山洞解決了當化身接近辦公室時 Kogawa 辦公室的知識筆記和箱子消失解決了化身可以通過跳過岩石越界解決了解決了 Ominis卡在地下室的天花板上,無法完成任務 解決了在收集月光石後沒有與 Poppy 交互的交互提示任務已解決 Deek 出現在“需求房間”的牆內,阻礙了任務進程解決了玩家可以在任務目標之間使用等待功能,阻止玩家開始魁地奇球場掃帚試驗解決了沒有任何導航網格的問題玩家商店內 解決化身飛行時魔杖箱流出 解決學生站在掃帚上,在任務期間加載時沒有臉在被摧毀的房子上施放 Reparo 解決了當 Avatar 到達意外區域時古代魔法無法正常工作解決了在沒有跟踪任務的情況下交出衛星導致顯示不正確的月球要求解決了戰鬥內外的碰撞相關問題解決了塞巴斯蒂安薩洛在圖書館閒置任務解決後,即使沒有餅乾,阿凡達也能夠將餅乾送回加納夫能夠在沒有“返回任務區域”倒計時的情況下跳出城堡進入界外地點解決了用戶無法直接在地圖中跟踪/取消跟踪“天空是極限”任務的問題解決了免費瞄準教程在幾乎完成任務後出現 解決了從地下港進入電梯時丟失的交互提示 解決了頭像能夠從 Irondale 磨坊前房子的一角掉落到地下洞穴內的 OOW 解決了一個丟失的蜘蛛巢穴不出現在開放世界解決了化身在拉克姆金庫入口處陷入碰撞,將被迫重新開始遊戲解決了化身卡在椅子、沙發和箱子之間的問題,位於 Pitt-Uppon Ford Hamlet解決了任務失敗後路標消失的問題解決了寒鴉雕像卡在貓頭鷹屋木地板內的問題,阻礙了任務的進展解決了在加載“與安妮和所羅門對話”後製作的自動保存時被阻止的問題解決了在學習 Wingardium Leviosa 消失後出現在盒子裡的解決了的項目當頭像在他們身上使用 Accio 解決了頭像的腳明顯剪裁 解決了當頭像站在金庫入口時可見的世界之外 解決了頭像能夠使用 Highwing 進入水中,除非它安裝掃帚否則不會出來 解決盒子剪裁通過收藏家洞穴地牢最後 Lumos 拼圖區域的 Depulso 平台 解決了懸崖基地在地面之上,允許化身看到邊界外 解決了南瓜遊戲後與寒鴉的最終對話觸發之前的長時間延遲 解決了丟失的碰撞戰鬥挑戰外的一棵樹完成“黑藝術競技場”後解決,被擊敗一次導致敵人在重試時不產卵解決當化身在酒館外遇到 Lodgok 時,他轉身返回霍格莫德,步行返回霍格莫德解決小川從她身邊失踪辦公室解決了離開和重新進入地牢可能導致門口被阻塞的問題: HL-2199 解決了頭像卡在牆壁和旋轉門之間的問題。已解決的門保持打開時間過長以幫助流式傳輸解決了當 Avatar 施放 Revelio 時鬧鬼的門突出的問題:HL-6617 世界事件 解決了當舞鞋 WOW 事件觸發時可見的黑色調試平面 解決了仍然在商店中的舞鞋被觸發 解決了第一次與Ice Garden 凍結遊戲 從遊戲中移除 Ice Garden 世界事件 解決 Zonko 在 WOW 事件結束時用門剪裁 解決 WE_ICE_GARDEN_RUNAWAY 不產卵並阻止所有變化 NPC 解決角色產卵方向錯誤或錯誤地解決了不正確或不穩定的路徑和導航 解決了跑步機問題 優化調整以縮短 NPC 在前往霍格莫德、霍格沃茨和其他地點的途中的距離 解決了漂浮在克拉格瑪海岸海上的供應商:HL-4636 解決了 NPC 的手漂浮在桌子上方的問題,並帶有特定的動畫轉換 解決了偷獵者遊騎兵在化身施放幻滅效果時踩到牆上的問題並在過場動畫後隱藏 解決了碰撞精靈導致 NPC 繁殖並堆疊在南瓜上 解決了阿凡達與“Clifford Cromwell”交談的問題,他會再次自我介紹 解決了 Brood and Peck 中的 Ellie Peck 有 3 個供應商圖標 解決了站錯位導致NPC 不與欄杆互動 解決了放錯位置導致 NPC 與沙髮夾在一起的問題 解決了幽靈在霍格莫德畫畫的動畫問題 解決了使用某些站點的 NPC 放錯位置,在萬聖節期間明顯漂浮在空中NPC 無所事事 解決 NPC 在環境中使用站點剪輯 解決地精 NPC 消失的動畫問題 無法正確顯示 解決通用 Prefect NPC 在進入雅典娜之前看到在房間半空中行走 解決一個學生被看到站在旁邊播放器,而布萊克教授宣布房屋杯冠軍 解決了由於 Honeydukes 附近的冬季裝飾而導致的漂浮 NPC 解決了 Ronen 的長時間延遲 解決了 Grindstone 在地表下的問題,使 Helen Thistlewood 穿過地面然後突然出現在 Upper Hogsfield 解決了世界不流動在打開 Venomous Tentacula 房間內的傳奇寶箱後加載標題時:HL-807 解決了 Lucan 在完成任務後卡在同一個地方的問題 解決了在人口稀少的情況下 NPC 不會在不同地點之間轉移的問題 解決了在第一次進入動物飼養場時與 Deek 的互動可以跳過電影並產生問題的問題 解決了 Sebastian Sallow 的行為問題在被抓住並重試任務後不正確 解決了 Thornback Matriarch 在產卵後卡在動畫之間的循環 解決了 Natty 走開並被卡住 向後走上山 解決了頭像在下降時能夠用 Depulso 推動懸掛的箱子,影響著陸解決 Diffindo 在敵人掉落或躺在地板上時無法正確瞄準敵人解決了通過在 Marmaduke 的石棺上施放某些法術使其消失的能力解決了 Levioso 沒有正確摧毀黃色盾牌解決了學生與阿凡達相撞並卡住解決了解決了與供應商互動,導致意外的攝像機角度 解決了放錯位置導致 NPC 與沙髮夾在一起的問題 解決了學生 NPC 在完成任務後不離開教室的問題Alfred Lawley 從牆的另一邊得到警報時無限期地靠在牆上 戰鬥 八眼巨蛛產生的已解決的蜘蛛不斷攻擊競技場的勝利屏幕:HL-5171 解決了當使用 Glacius 和 Confringo 傷害 Inferi 時,它不會移除其無敵狀態 解決了當 Avatar 處於靠近牆壁解決了當閃避巨魔的第一次揮桿時閃避招架第二次攻擊將傳送到化身面前解決當閃避第一次揮桿時下一次砸在地面上的攻擊將無法被巨魔阻擋解決了化身在第一次遭遇敵人時死亡的問題,敵人會重新出現在不同的位置。解決了即使化身贏得決鬥後敵人也能夠激活他們的盾牌解決的岩石牆不再在早期突出顯示手動目標解決了化身失敗的問題,一旦假人起床就會觸發第二次失敗解決的角色涉水部分潮濕不顯示 解決了 DW Animagus 轉換被破壞 解決了在與“偷獵者 Animagus”戰鬥並施放 Levioso 然後轉換時,敵人不會變回原來的形式 優化延遲 Death FX 解決的巨魔能夠在執行 Swift 閃避翻滾後攻擊 Avatar 時衝刺距離過長:HL-3853 已解決森林巨魔在強盜營地中脫離戰鬥 為蜘蛛擠壓終結動畫添加了垂直根部運動 移除了蜘蛛擠壓終結動畫主控件上的 180 度旋轉 在簡單模式下,玩家可以在不破壞對手的情況下擊敗對手盾牌 已解決的蜘蛛——處於可爆炸的“著火狀態”時,在空中受到致命一擊傷害時不會爆炸假人的紋理在被 Glacius 擊中然後擊中地面後拉伸 解決了蜘蛛網在化身對它們施放 Glacius 時產生凍結的方形紋理 解決了女巫墓最後一部分的問題 當站在 Depulso 平台上時,陰屍不攻擊化身在南海岸戰鬥競技場中解決,能夠讓裝甲巨魔卡在一個地方解決 Victor Rookwood 在魔杖連接期間站在屏幕外解決問題與敵人(霍格沃茨保護者/監護人)在被能力擊中時沒有正確動畫解決訓練假人當被 Expelliarmus 擊中時沒有正確反應 解決了河流巨魔在一定距離內不攻擊化身 解決了化身無法在瞄準時執行遠古魔法終結 解決了狼形態的阿尼馬格斯在空中時受到變形的影響不會恢復到他們的正常形式 解決了拾取器被摧毀 解決了在與 Pensieve Guardian 的最後一場戰鬥之前,敵人可以在與他們戰鬥時消失,導致任務延遲 解決了敵方戰鬥人員消失 解決了巨魔被化身擊中時腐敗效果消失解決了 Dugbogs 在被舌頭抬起時不會受到傷害解決瞭如果化身在任務失敗之前使用古老的魔法終結者解決了敵人陷入恐懼動畫解決了能夠將板拉出門而不破壞板,導致門無法打開解決快速前往 Grand Staircase Floo Flame 時通用學生 NPC 跑步機 解決了 Dorothy Dencourt 被卡在她家門口的問題,導致她在 Upper Hogsfield 完成例行步行後無法進入 解決了一個敵人盾牌的延遲在任務 Resolved Troll Lair 巨魔脫離戰鬥並穿過牆壁 解決蜘蛛巢穴只產卵小蜘蛛在爬過洞穴中的洞時加入戰鬥解決了 Pensieve Guardian 的藍色球體攻擊無法被反擊解決了巨魔能夠在戰鬥中卡在標誌上電影解決了隨機的機會T4 Student 出現在角色之間:HL-7500 已解決的 Claire Beaumont 動畫表情過渡解決了 Adelaide Oakes 在過場動畫期間強烈的長袍剪裁問題 解決了 Kogawa 過場動畫在淡出過渡期間過早開始 解決了在過場動畫期間化身的魔杖在他們手中可見的問題 解決了 Hecat 教授在設置決鬥桌之前滑到她的位置 解決了 Ronen 教授和電影中漂浮在空中的化身 已解決的塞巴斯蒂安在與 Garlick 教授的最後一部電影中被定位在鏡頭前 已解決的 Niamh Fitzgerald 在地圖室的肖像中失踪已解決化身的長袍在 Fig 使它們出現之前出現:HL-11993 已解決解決了在開始前與 Garreth Weasley 交談後,頭像的手沒有正確定位的問題 解決了在開始之前與 Garreth Weasley 交談後相機凍結在一個地方的問題跳過某些過場動畫時缺少黑屏過渡解決了過場動畫期間召喚師法庭平台上出現的黑線解決了進入拉文克勞房間時在過場動畫結束時用相機剪裁的化身解決了羅南教授在過場動畫結束時不合適的問題年電影:HL-11595 解決了 Onai 教授的手鐲穿過她的前臂 解決了NPC 在過場動畫期間眼睛沒有對齊:HL-316 解決了跳過決賽的問題電影將頭像放在房間中間 解決了在過渡到過場動畫期間基座上的書消失的問題 解決了預覽視頻加載異常長時間的問題 解決了頭像能夠在電影中施放 Revelio 解決了紋理的缺失部分在贏得南瓜遊戲後頭像的左腋窩解決了當使用跳過功能時頭像被發送到世界之外的問題解決了圖在電影的一部分中沒有這本書解決了在電影中走在 Cressida 前面的隨機 NPC 解決了黑色電影中出現在頭像背面的閃爍解決了在電影中能夠打開工具輪和法術選項卡解決了電影中頭像長袍上的黑色閃爍,其中 Field Guide 被提供給了頭像解決了頭像的舌頭被看到剪斷當他們說話時他們的牙齒解決了一個黑屏,允許化身進行基本的施法和咒語可以出現而不是電影解決洞穴入口出現在電影魷魚門播放之前優化以加速對話的初始化解決了 Sophronia Franklin 的相機角度問題,任務給予者,阻礙了最終的電影 解決了在電影期間關閉標題時無法繼續任務 拼圖 解決了 Fig 教室附近的飛蛾消失,當化身將它帶到 Mothframe 解決了 Lumoths 忽略旋轉器並且不附加如果 Avatar 在開始任務之前完成月光石拼圖,則無法找到已解決的 Snidget:HL-4430 解決了霍格沃茨的低 LOD 火災難題解決了 Incendio 拼圖立方體旁邊牆上缺失的碰撞解決了通過將 Accio 平台放置在橋樑拼圖中間並重置房間來阻止進程解決了拼圖立方體不會重生並多次卡在半空中解決瞭如果梅林試驗在互動前完成,角色在對話中消失的問題對話解決了一般對話時間問題解決了在她房間外與 Kogawa 互動時導致頭像的問題被傳送回她的房間 解決對話中頭像突然彈出 解決電影在樓梯上出現放錯位置的相機的機會 解決在與 Natsai 對話期間頭像上下移動 解決 Ominis 在不同對話中將兩根魔杖握在一根魔杖上 解決 Natsai 和在三把掃帚的對話中塞巴斯蒂安的脖子短暫地向上伸展:HL-11584 已解決與 Natty 談話後閃爍的燈光 解決了 Thomas Brown 的手臂在快速跳過對話時穿過他的身體 解決了 Sacharissa Tugwood 的手臂在與 Avatar 交談時做出奇怪的動作 解決了對話期間 Sharp 和 Avatar 臉上的微妙閃爍 解決了開始後與 Niamh Fitzgerald 的談話任務,相機卡在右柱子上解決了對話期間手與肩膀的夾子問題解決了對話期間相機一直鎖定在 Dorothy Sprottle 上的問題角色解決了齒輪和頭髮組合的一般剪裁實例:HL-4080 已解決的環境野獸無法恢復正常形狀已解決的雪松鉚釘手套和Forest Rivet Gloves having unexpected textures Orange Eye of Newt Goggles appearing identical to the Brown Eye of Newt Goggles: HL-1117 已解決的 Intro 裝備和長袍默認情況下在您的 Gear Appearances 中不可用:HL-4880 為 Spider 的蜘蛛恐懼症版本創建模型 – 網格和紋理為 Arachnophobia 模式創建八眼巨蛛氣球模型解決了在最終存儲庫顯示創建、更新和支持後無花果的長袍穿過他的軀幹的問題男性和女性的新 Ronen 主題裝備通過更換她的 SRXO 解決了 Dorothy Dencounrt AO 問題在她的手上解決了施放幻滅後頭像頭部位置錯誤的陶瓷面具解決了頭像的衣服看起來很髒:HL-344 頭像 解決了頭像卡在遊戲中不同位置的問題 解決了頭像問題垂死跳過欄杆解決瞭如果玩家在拿下隱形斗篷並加載另一個保存文件後退出任務,頭像不會提醒敵人解決了頭像卡在一些廢墟牆之間並失去所有控制輸入解決了頭像的陰影沒有連接到他們的腳解決了 Lumos 光線穿過頭飾並照亮頭像的頭部優化以移除/刪除頭像重生點位置的對像以避免卡住:HL-2911 解決了在潛水點洞穴內跳躍後頭像卡在游泳動畫中的問題解決了游泳時頭像在水面上彈跳的問題:HL-47 解決了水車輪附近的頭像卡在水下的問題 解決了頭像卡在樓梯欄杆上的問題leads to the’Room of Requirement’Resolved avatar getting stuck in a toilet cubicle in the Witch’s Bathroom Resolved bad robe issue on avatar Resolved avatar getting stuck in a pile of packages after using Reparo on them Resolved the avatar having a lazy eye: HL-316  Resolved avatar headtracking Resolved the avatar being controlled during the cinematic of the door of the Room of Admittance Resolved the avatar becoming stuck/trapped between a telescope and railing in the Astronomy Tower Resolved the avatar being able to jump off the bridge while being the Headmaster Resolved the avatar getting stuck behind the elevator at the end of the dungeon Resolved avatar headtracking abruptly focusing on more than one point upon entering Underground Harbor Resolved the avatar getting stuck at the entrance of a goblin tent Resolved the avatar headtracking abruptly focusing on more than one point upon entering Underground Harbor Resolved avatar being able to reverse the rotation of the Shifting Stairs which can lead to OOW content Resolved the avatar being able to glide and stay in midair at the dungeon Resolved the avatar being able to get trapped between a chariot and some rocks Resolved the avatar getting stuck and it being impossible to go out without turn off the title Resolved the avatar getting stuck in the roof of the shop “Flutes and Lutes” due to a missing collision Resolved the avatar being able to fall OOW through some textures of the mountain next to a Puffskein Den Resolved avatar not interacting with the crate after falling on the floor instead the grid Resolved the avatar being rejected by the common room door Resolved the Ancient Magic meter capping at two bars when loading a save from the main menu: HL-11989  Flight Resolved broom flight boosting and vertical animation: HL-8140  Resolved light fading in and out on Moon Trimmer Broom Resolved while mounting a broom, the player is performing an Ancient Magic throw will freeze the thrown object in place and it can be thrown again Resolved avatar being able to climb to the top of the mountain surrounding the Tower Tunnel dungeon, allowing them to fly OOW Resolved avatar flying out of bounds under barrier behind Falbarton Castle Resolved hole in no-fly allowing player to enter old Forest region Resolved avatar entering vault castle while flying in a broom Resolved avatar being able to fly out of world through wall with broom Updated new fly volumes Resolved No Fly Zone border not appearing correctly Resolved Headmaster’s Office can be accessed via broom Resolved getting stuck while trying to enter the San Bakar’s Tower while mounting the Graphorn Resolved the avatar being able to fly OOW through a missing collision in the mountain next to a Puffskein Den Achievements/Trophies Resolved Game not progressing after collecting the Guide Page Resolved progress not given toward Challenges when defeating Inferi by using the’Transformation’and’Depulso’spells: HL-2980  Resolved the chests not being able to be collected in various locations Updated location some Hogwarts items Resolved “Combat” and “Quests” challenges remaining at 99% when completed , blocking the Avatar from reaching level 40 and 100% completion: HL-5331  Resolved an issue defeating all named enemies did not complete challenge: HL-2980  Resolved Great Hall Demiguise statue after patching game Resolved Goblet of Fire Casket’s Revelio Page respawning after patching game Resolved issue with “A Forte for Achievement” being unlocked too earlier: HL-5331 Resolved “The Merlin’s Beard!” achievement being collected without completing all the Merlin trials Resolved the Overland’s Collection Chests total counter only updating after all the Hogwarts and Hogsmeade chests are collected Spells/Talents Resolved the “Confringo Mastery” talent not breaking the shields with the small fiery projectiles Resolved Alohomora VFX can be spammed with auto solve button Resolved Wooden gate becoming stuck after using Transformation spell. Resolved Revelio incorrectly revealing/highlighting Astronomy tables after they have been solved Resolved issue when using Wingardium on objects, the objects do not break when hitting enemies Resolved Diffindo spell not working inside the undercroft Resolved using any spell that has an AoE effect near any animal will count towards the combo counter and will drop ancient magic particles Resolved the user not being able to give any input to the character if hard quitting the title when learning Crucio Resolved Glacius causing an odd behaviour on Ashwinders clothes when cast Resolved issue with forgotten statue can grow in size after casting Reparo multiple times Resolved player being able to break shields with the basic cast Resolved Inferi tutorial needing a hold A to continue instead of tap A Resolved Marmadukes sarcophagus incorrectly revealed/highlighted by Revelio when accessing the dungeon outside of the quest Resolved AoE spells affecting enemies without entering a cooldown when used while aiming without targeting them Resolved casting Descendo on a recently transformed enemy will cause it to fall through the ground Resolved casting Depulso on the tree while levitating causes it to flip and float in the air Resolved the avatar being able to cast Alohomora to the door leading to long hallway even though the lock is on the other side of the door Resolved using Depulso on objects, they sometimes don’t break on other enemies if they’re too close Resolved casting Accio to the hanging crate will make the crate fall in the floor making the avatar unable to interact with the crate blocking the progress Resolved the ability to hit the ghost ‘Nearly Headless Nick’ with a vase using Accio Resolved Hogwarts forgotten statue already repaired before the Player repairs it Resolved Daedallian house chests being highlighted with Revelio even when they are in a different house Resolved the statue not being rebuilt with Reparo Resolved issue with Glacius not affecting the water Resolved Wingardium Leviosa be able cast on targetable objects within Hogwarts, making the camera move in odd angles Resolved player not being able to cast Accio or Wingardium Leviosa on the bones Resolved an issue in getting stuck in one of the Reparo objects after Reparo’ing it Resolved the avatar getting stuck on one of the Reparo objects during the Troll fight Resolved Sebastian sitting on nothing at the end of the mission after learning Transformation Resolved Crucio spell missing if the spell is cast too close to an enemy Resolved the Swift talent spawning in a brighter light as VFX at night Resolved cast basic attacks against the second crystal wall generating a light issue on basics VFX Resolved weird Reparo animation when casting it on the wooden bridge Resolved the second Reparo bridge during mission having an odd animation while being repaired Resolved blue outlines being seen in incorrect locations when using Revelio on Merlin Trials VFX Resolved VFX Ring not being present when using “Wait” at a Mission Entry Point Resolved whirlpool VFX issue when using swimming teleport Fixed Wingardium excessive range Resolved the Incendio VFX coming out in the wrong direction after rolling Resolved issue with shield effects not showing Resolved altering the Alcove visual style for the first time the VFX becomes misplaced Updated timing of VFX to unlock triptych Resolved issue with water/steam VFX disappearing briefly based on the angle of the camera Resolved iteration transition effect is too intense on room architecture Resolved Incendio Dragon Braziers (floor & wall mounted) briefly having a pixelated flame when ignited Resolved particle effects for Ancient magic pickups remaining on indefinitely Optimized rainbow VFX Resolved no candy being visible in the avatar’s hand when eating Whizzbees candy from a bowl Optimization Troll Swing Cascade VFX Resolved Wendelin the Weird Painting missing VFX Resolved explosive barrels not exploding even though they are lit and then just disappear Added new set of incinerate VFX for arachnophobia-mode spiders Resolved ancient magic crater inside the dungeon havig a red halo flickering with white noise textures Resolved volumetric wind not working Resolved volumetric fog suddenly appearing when walking out the map chamber Resolved when customizing the alcoves in the ‘Room of Requirement’ the VFX will be displayed on the wall to the right of the alcove and distort the Avatar’s hand Resolved issues with Guardian’s attack(AM re-activate/recovery radial blasts VFX could be tilted to the side Resolved the glow of the Deathly Hallows disappearing when moving the camera Resolved fire VFX is not present in the fireplace inside the library Resolved Felix Felicis potion remaining on after using a previous save Resolved unnatural water behavior in the Green houses interior pond Resolved dust VFX popping far away from the Graphorn Resolved fire VFX is missing on campfires and candelabras Updated the shadowy VFX particles on Death Appear and Disappear during the final combat sequence Resolved there being a white fire in professor Weasley’s office chimney Resolved some Ancient Magic Hotspots not finishing VFX at the end cinematic after completing them Resolved Inferius’ VFX missing when it is defeated and its body just disappearing abruptly Resolved the dirt appearing misplaced when the avatar puts the Mandrake into the pot Removed odd VFX over Pensieve guardians before starting the combat Owl Mail The letter overlays the UI of the Owl Post Accessibility Resolved the ‘Audio Visualiser’s ‘Ambient Conversation’ icon lingering on screen when fighting Inferi Added Arachnophobia mode to the Accessibility option Resolved the Fireplace not having any UI interaction despite being highlighted in High Contrast Gameplay Resolved Teacup not having any UI interaction despite being highlighted in High Contrast Gameplay Removed Corruption VFX from the Arachnophobia mode spider version Removed small crawling spiders for Arachnophobia mode Adjusted the spider corpse assets that are already present in dungeons and lairs will remain on screen even if Arachnophobia mode is turned on Resolved assets of small crawling spiders in the dungeon stages and in the open world when arachnophobia mode is active Resolved issue with Arachnophobia Mode enabled spiders emitting a screech when burning causing discomfort to people with Arachnophobia Resolved an issue of Arachnophobia mode not defaulting to Off Resolved the ‘Arachnophobia Mode’ accessibility option not resetting to the default value when using the ‘Reset to Defaults’ menu feature Resolved the animation after killing small spiders and exploding normal spiders still showing normal spider legs with the Arachnophobia mode On Resolved spiders having texture issues when toggling Arachnophobia Mode on or off during battle Resolved the body of the spider for the WE_ICE_GARDEN world event failing to be displayed correctly when activating Arachnophobia mode Resolved spiders in dungeons not remaining unchanged with Arachnophobia mode is on UI Resolved minimap pathing displaying correctly Updated minimap functionality: HL-7913  Fixed field guide locking Resolved localization of Japanese line breaking rules not displaying correctly for low screen resolution Resolved Map Changing to a black screen if the Player Presses the Pause Button During the Map Tutorial Resolved minimap breaking after leaving poacher tent: HL-12306  Resolved icons disappearing from the map when quickly zooming in or out Resolved Player losing ability to fast travel after abandoning quest while competing in broom races Resolved damage numbers that are 5+ digits/figures are cutoff on Death’s Trolls Resolved issue when wearing a robe’s hood, equipping a gear item will cause the hood icon to appear on all slots. Resolved Field Guide page challenge counters not being consistent: HL-2376  Resolved floo flames missing for fast travel Resolved holding the purchase key before the wand UI appears causing the cinematic to be black Resolved an issue with giving a custom name to any beast causes its description to appear as debug/placeholder text while selling them to Brood and Peck: HL-8818  Resolved floo flames not being unavailable when loading an autosave after learning an unforgivable spell in the Undercroft: HL-5739  Resolved issue with quest beacons/icons flickering Resolved cursor in the Menus to disappearing Resolved missing house on the Hogsmeade map Resolved reward icon remaining in the challenge after collecting the reward Chance the item/tool wheel may become inaccessible after using Ancient Magic Throw Resolved the pathing in the HUD changing and misleading the player Resolved the Room of Requirement’s Floo Flame UI guiding the avatar to the observation deck in the Astronomy Tower Resolved the story difficulty “Skip Sequence” prompt for Astronomy Tables is missing its description instead showing its Title/Header twice Resolved options in the Main Menu reverting to default after rebooting the title Resolved fast traveling before mail tutorial causing busy state blocker Resolved the text on the Giant Purple Toad’s offspring cutting off at the top when font size is set to large Resolved debug text [QUEST_GT01_01_THIEFRING] appearing when the player loot the “Signet Ring” item during mission Resolved notes throughout the game not opening properly when interacted with Resolved the message of the day text cooldown is very long and defaulting size always Resolved the loading screen going pitch black for 22 seconds after using a Floo Flames Resolved spell diamond not displaying spells correctly Resolved an overlapping issue for location names in saved games section in main menu Resolved floo flames being accessible on map when not visible Resolved a virtual cursor being available during gameplay if the Avatar open and closes the Field Guide Map quickly using the Touchpad button Resolved beast names “Gwyneira the Diricawl” and “Biscuit the Mooncalf” being cut off in Breeding Pen screen Resolved Keenbridge hamlet not showing the Field Guide pages counter on the collectables tracker Resolved text cutting off when choosing a breeding pair in Breeding Pen menu when text size is set to large Resolved Fwopper den having a double icon Resolved UI displaying an incorrect number of defeated enemies for a moment when a wave starts at the Battle Arena Resolved locking up of the Pause Menu when trying to exit by pressing several buttons Resolved Flying Page at the Fountain in Hogwarts Grounds not counting towards the Map counter or The Bell Tower Wing sector: HL-2376  Resolved Lucan appearing with two mission icons above his head Resolved crash Fast Traveling to Hogsmeade after mission Resolved the update history always displayed on the default English language instead of being localized to supported languages Resolved female – Gear icon is missing and showing up as a red exclamation mark Resolved Felix Felicis potion UI being slightly displaced and can causing an erratic animation when switching potions Resolved red debug lines on top of the Hogwarts north combat challenge battle arena Resolved icons not matching the spells when swapping to a new spell set during a battle Resolved map counter for Collection Chests increasing for the Astronomy Wing area, instead of the counter for the Library Annex area Resolved an issue with the mission UI updating even though the player doesn’t start it Resolved gear comparison when trying to sell unidentified gear displaying correctly Resolved hood icon appearing on each equipment after activating and re-open the Gear menu Resolved Leopold Babcocke’s store being misplaced in the minimap Resolved the minimap inside the underwater vault being inaccurate Resolved ‘Gregory the Smarmy’ Revelio page does not count as collected on the UI Resolved enemy damage numbers’ option stops working when the ‘Show Enemy/Target Info’ option is set to off Resolved pause menu getting stuck in transition when map is disabled Resolved the player hanging on the MAP’s menu if they select the Hogwarts map before the map tutorial going to Hogmeade asks for it Resolved the player getting stuck in the shopping interface after attempting to interact with a vendor while Natsai’s ‘Owl Post’ letter is being read Resolved UI not popping up after completing mission Audio Resolved VO mission triggers and lines not delivering correctly Resolved mission VO not playing naturally Resolved pressing the skip button during the reveal of the next pensive will cause the audio and the subtitles to vanish. Resolved skipping dialogue can lead to characters remaining in silence Resolved skipping dialogue can lead to characters remaining in silence Resolved many locations having no audio ambience Resolved attenuation on the big waterfall Resolved missing SFX in female antigravity hat animations Resolved some Lodgok dialogue issues Resolved straining one-sided Goblin door lacking any audio Resolved location specific lines not playing correctly Resolved caged Kneazle having no sound when crying for help Adjusted cooldown of certain lines General audio performance and optimizations enhancements Resolved issue with Hogsmeade related dialogue playing when exiting location but should only play when entering Resolved certain audio lines not being reproduced Resolved generic NPC Prefect girl missing dialogue when detecting the avatar Resolved lip sync missing throughout the game Resolved VO dictionaries edge cases Resolved audio and subtitles issues for optional strings for playerfemale-male and playermale-female not being played Resolved no SFX being heard when the Hedge Maze retract after finding the chest at any Hedge Maze Resolved Nora’s dialogue line not being played at her location Resolved every character besides the avatar is missing their lip-sync in Brazilian Portuguese Resolved spamming triangle button making several Protego SFX reproduce simultaneously on the controller speaker Resolve1d an issue with the avatar’s mission VO starting to play while the shop is open Resolved dialogue option about the tasks to learn Flipendo being available after having learnt the spell Save Game Fixed save game inconsistencies: HL-2953  Resolved reloading issues with missions Resolved reloading the last save file after finishing the mission before collecting its related Field Guide Page will cause it to become uncollectable Resolved online save transfer causing player to load in with spell diamond automatically filled Resolved destroyed boxes respawning after doing a reload causing the Avatar to become stuck Resolved reloading a mission after defeating enemies causes enemies to spawn inside tent Resolved issue of platforms stop reading previously saved data Resolved avatar spawning OOW when loading a save made inside one room of the Slytherin Common Room: HL-71  Resolved reloading a save in Kogawa’s Office makes the Avatar go OOW: HL-6216  Resolved restarting from last save after completing mission causes arena walls to reappear and linger Resolved avatar spawning OOW after loading a save on the corridor between the Library and Central Hall: HL-2650  Resolved reloading a save made during the Reparo objective after the troll fight fails the mission Resolved saving and loading a save while inside the stone pillars type of Vault traps the avatar permanently Resolved being unable to generate manual and autosaves: HL-3622  Resolved an issue generating two auto saves once the game opens Resolved an issue where flushing the auto save cache wasn’t going through the compression process Resolved an issue with the save file leading to an infinite loading screen after the game is closed during Weasley’s conversation: HL-7000  Resolved inconsistences found on the save data when transferring saves from Gen8 to Gen9 consoles Resolved title generating two auto saves once the game opens Resolved modification of the option “Upscale Sharpness” not correctly saving when the player restarts the game: HL-3153  Resolved reloading a save made right before talking with Grace, the mission becomes stuck on the “Return to Grace” mission step: HL-5684  Resolved issue to progress after placing a lantern on a pedestal then loading a save file. Resolved when reloading a save after completing the astronomy table the table is not interactable Resolved a save being reloaded after reading Jackdaw’s clue will not advance mission step Resolved loading a save created after having defeated Fastidio’s for the final time causing him to attack the player even though he’s already defeated Resolved autosaves not showing the save icon and closing and opening the title creates progression loss Resolved mission getting stuck on after restarting from last save Resolved issue when creating a new character while having previous save data causing loading issues when selecting previous save Resolved progression getting stuck when reloading an autosave during missions Resolved abandoning quest sees the avatar fall to the ground when gameplay resume Resolved pop-up message when there’s not enough available space to save not pausing the title and maintaining controller input Resolved the title remaining in a black screen if the avatar loads an autosave made after completing mission and solving the astronomy table for a second time Resolved title generating corrupted manual and autosaves that makes the game crash when reloading it Resolved reloading a save made on a corner of the Faculty Tower makes the avatar go OOW: HL-11915  Resolved reloading an autosave before the first encounter with Ranrok, leaves the player stuck behind closed doors Performance Resolved general platform crashes Resolved memory leak with object state Added general mission performance updates Added general streaming optimization and updates Resolved streaming of content causing avatar to be OOW Optimization update for NPCS Resolved graphical corruption issues at various locations of the game Resolved dying and reloading a manual save from inside the Water causing a brief Soft Lock for the Avatar Resolved crash on failure initiating online access Resolved memory leaking when using Jinx cool down Optimization to VFX for enemy & avatar shields Optimization to Gear DB queries Resolved a LoadMap crash Resolved crash with getting damage over time Optimization to several hitches within game Resolved crash while navigating mission Resolved crash fast travelling to the Central Hall Resolved a crash when gameplay kept referencing the old world Resolved crashes when using the fast travel after defeating the River Troll Resolved crash in with water related volumes Optimized sun fading issue in intro Resolved hitch happening when hitting goblins with Stupefy Resolved crash with Incendio Resolved crash when accessing inventory items Resolved crash for times when fog is turned off Optimization reflection captures Optimization to bad reflection popping on water Resolved performance issues with ancient magic squash finisher on elevated Thornback Ambusher in Rune Door arena Optimization with lighting Optimization DB queries Optimization to fix for infinite loop caused by running out of memory Performance improvements at the end of the missions Optimization in moving NPC VFX to soft references Animation optimization Resolved crash with critical finisher Resolved infinite load screen when attempting to mission Resolved load times of up to five minutes when entering the sanctuary Resolved crash when running movies Resolved crash when running destructible meshes Resolved spell tool crash Resolved crash with wizarding world linking Resolved crash when loading save game in PerksTree Resolved hitches happening multiple times a frame General performance and optimization to stations Resolved infinite loading screen after force shutting the game during the conversation with Weasley: HL-7000  Resolved crash after getting caught by death Resolved general proxy and LOD updates/optimizations Resolved crashes while finding references and garbage collection Resolved poor performance occurring when certain trees are on-screen while Ray-Tracing is enabled Resolved a crash with spell caster Resolved TargetInfo crash Optimization to shaders Resolved a crash with navlinks Fixed and cleaned up the library airlock Resolved crashes during the boot sequence when launched on the bare minimal initial payload Resolved hitches with Broom Enemy spawner Optimized bink player url open to async thread for ambient paintings Resolved extreme tile streaming issues being observed in the open world Resolved a wheel item crash Wingardium crash fix Fixed crash with characters visibility Fixed crash accessing HUD Resolved UI loading screen crash Resolved crash for LookingActor functionality Resolved ‘Something went wrong’ message being displayed when trying to start the game without enough available space Resolved several crashes during combat encounters Resolved a crash with chaos collision Resolved crash when reloading a save file after exiting to the main menu Resolved a crash when accessing wand linking Resolved a crash when accessing initializing tools Resolved infinite loading screen if fast travelling to the Room of Requirement Resolved being stuck in an infinite load after disconnecting controller while fast travelling Resolved streaming issues with wall and several assets from a house when looking through outside the door in Irondale Resolved streaming issue of furniture and other elements of Pitt-Upon Ford house when the avatar passes by the door Optimization turning certain NPCs visibility mesh being considered for ray tracing Resolved PhysicalMaterial crash Resolved coastal entrance taking too long to stream in, blocking the avatar permanently if they fly through the tunnel Resolved significant performance drops and hitches before entering vault twelve Resolved last bridge on the way to the Dragon’s nest presenting streaming issues Resolved title crashing if the avatar uses ‘Avada Kedavra’ on ‘Cassandra Manson’ at the beginning of the boss fight Resolved crash after casting Diffindo at a goblin in the southern battle arena Resolved a soft lock happening when talking to Professor Weasley at the end of mission Resolved a major hitch while following Professor Binns Resolved general hitch issues throughout the game Resolved crash when attempting to enter Horklump Hollow Resolved crash during the first Knight fight Removed Online Chat Plugin because it has a chance to crash game Resolved general platform crashes Resolved crash when fast traveling to Hogsmeade floo flames Added spell impact optimization to fix hitches Optimization when streaming in different wand styles at Ollivander’s Resolved one of the rooms leading to the first astronomy table having a streaming delay Resolved hitches when the avatar loots any transfiguration or trait chests Resolved door connecting the North Hall with Transfiguration Courtyard having streaming issues Resolved the stairs leading to the Hufflepuff Basement having LOD issues and taking a while to load Resolved the interior of the owlery not streaming in when the avatar looks through the top window Miscellaneous Resolved directional light popping on/off at certain times of day – Fixing up sun/moon Changes and additions made to the game credits Resolved light changing abruptly when the Avatar moves around near the Tower Tunnel Resolved flickering lighting on the window left of the Demiguise in Fig’s office Resolved sparkle seaweed roughness. Resolved Blue Light occurring outside of the Astronomy Tower After speaking to Amit Resolved the camera experiencing intense vibrations when the platform overlaps the bridge Resolved unintended shadow effect after casting Lumos Resolved window’s light streaming in and out when walking near the door that led to the Transfiguration Courtyard at day Resolved sunlight streaming in and out when the Avatar is climbing the ladder to the Divination Classroom Resolved issue with avatar casting no shadow in Gringotts vault Resolved physics simulation crashes PlayStation 5 Performance UDS optimizations Added PS5 Controller Firmware out of date popup for DualShock on PC Platforms Updated a valid CachedSaveGameListInfo structure to help avoid PS5 from being overburdened and crashing. Resolved transferring save data from PS4 to PS5 causing a suspended and unresponsive screen to appear for more than 30 seconds. Trophies Resolved Levioso Statue page already collected respawning again after importing a PS4 save file to PS5 Audio Resolved when using the original audio setting on a PS5 set to any language with VO available other than English, the character’s lip-sync will not match the audio language Xbox Series X/S Performance Resolved graphical corruption issues at various locations of the game. Resolved the user no longer being able to return to the main menu after disconnecting and reconnecting the controller on the ‘Installation Progress’ screen. PC Performance Resolved graphical corruption issues at various locations of the game Optimizations for Apparate for PC low settings Optimizations for DisApparate for PC low settings Optimizations for Spell/AOE for Low PC Resolved Avada Kedavra spell VFX not being visible with effects quality set to Low Reduced spell VFX in Deathly Hallows Resolved a framerate drop around the manor on Steamdeck Resolved a frame drop from intro section of game up to reaching Hogwarts on Steamdeck Resolved ChromaSDKPlugin Update crash. Updated NRD  Improved minimum pool sizes to prevent textures from getting too blurry  Shader type compilation optimization Shader compilation performance updates and functionality enhancements Achievements Resolved issue with achievements do not follow Steam language  Controllers Resolved back audio channels not playing and converting to ‘vibration’ when a ‘DualSense’ controller is set as the audio output  Resolved rumble vibration feature not functioning on Sony controllers  Dualsense controller support for PC  Resolved Xbox prompts showning when playing with a PS5 DualSense Edge controller  Resolved the d-pad interacting with the settings menu while the EULA is opened  Resolved Switch Pro Controller spell diamond action keys incorrectly replicating the Xbox controller  Display Resolved avatar appearing in the right corner of the screen during the Hogwarts invitation letter when using an Ultrawide monitor Resolved localization of Japanese line breaking rules not displaying correctly for low screen resolution   Upscalers Update DLSS to 3.1.2  Set XeSS as default upscaler for Intel Arc GPUs  Added warning to be shown when using outdated drivers on the Intel Arc GPU. Updated to FSR 2.2  Updated to XeSS 1.1  Raytracing Fixed issue with RTAO and decals being black Adjusted lighting and shadows  Resolved Ray tracing making odd or extremely bright visual effects on affected textures in certain areas: HL-9198  Resolved Ray Tracing shadows creating a hitch when moving in a specific area of Hogsmeade at night Miscellaneous Updated min driver recommendation for Nvidia cards   Resolved Ranrok’s Orbs not breaking on low-spec PC: HL-9076  Resolved GPU drivers warning prompt only appearing in English  Resolved the “Nvidia Reflex Low Latency” tooltip not providing information on its options 

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