Seja para ir ao trabalho, ir à loja ou apenas para se divertir, vale a pena dar uma volta com uma das melhores scooters elétricas. Esses meios de transporte modernos são ótimos para quando está muito longe para andar, mas muito curto para dirigir. Eles são rápidos e silenciosos, e também muito mais portáteis do que bicicletas.

As scooters elétricas variam em preço de modelos para crianças que custam menos de US $ 150 a US $ 2.000 com suspensão total de última geração que podem levar você a até 40 milhas por hora. Testamos vários dos modelos top para apresentar a você nossas escolhas para as melhores scooters elétricas.

Quais são as melhores scooters elétricas?

Depois de pegar um número de modelos para uma rodada, achamos que a melhor scooter elétrica no geral é a Unagi Model One (E500). Esta scooter tem motores em cada uma das rodas, o que lhe permite subir encostas melhor do que os outros modelos que testámos. O Unagi tem uma tela grande e brilhante, controles fáceis de usar, uma buzina embutida e luzes frontais e traseiras brilhantes. Ele também tem um design elegante que certamente chamará a atenção, e você pode até obter uma capa personalizada como um complemento. No entanto, o modelo Unagi custa US $ 990.

Se você precisa de uma scooter que vá longe, recomendamos o Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Max. Apesar de pesar mais de 18 quilos-mais pesado do que a maioria dos modelos-, ele tem uma bateria que dura até 64 quilômetros com carga, o que é o dobro de muitas outras scooters. E é poderoso o suficiente para subir colinas bastante íngremes.

Procurando algo compacto? A melhor scooter elétrica para os viajantes é a Glion Dolly, porque ela se dobra de forma mais compacta do que as outras, e ainda tem uma alça e duas rodinhas que permitem carregá-la como uma mala de rodinhas quando você não está andando nela.

No momento, estamos testando o Segway Ninebot Air T15-uma scooter elétrica ultraportátil-bem como a Glion Balto, uma scooter que tem um assento e uma cesta para carregar mantimentos. Fique ligado nas nossas análises!

As melhores scooters elétricas que você pode comprar hoje

melhores scooters elétricos: Modo Unagi l Uma scooter elétrica

Unagi Model One (Crédito da imagem: Guia do Tom)

1. Unagi Model One

A melhor scooter elétrica em geral


Tamanho (dobrado): 37,8 x 16,5 x 15 polegadas

Tamanho (desdobrado): 43,3 x 37,8 x 16,5 polegadas

Peso: 26,5 libras

Motor: Dual 250 watts

Velocidade máxima: 15 mph

Alcance: 15 milhas

Peso máximo do piloto: 275 libras


Razões para comprar

+ Design elegante + Poderoso + Limpar exibição

Razões para evitar

Passeio mais duro do que outras scooters caro

Graças aos seus motores duplos de 250 watts, o Unagi Model One sobe colinas com autoconfiança, voando duas vezes mais rápido que outras scooters com apenas um motor. O uso de ambos os motores (você pode optar por usar apenas um) faz com que a vida da bateria caia significativamente abaixo do alcance anunciado de 15 milhas da scooter.

A Unagi também tem uma ótima tela que é brilhante o suficiente para ver facilmente até mesmo à luz do dia; também gostamos de seus controles intuitivos e da buzina alta e elétrica. Ele tem luz frontal e traseira, a última piscando rapidamente quando você pisa no freio.

Também ficamos encantados com o design elegante do Unagi; seu poste frontal de fibra de carbono muda em geometria de um círculo para uma forma triangular, criando um visual intrigante. E, no site da Unagi, você personaliza o look com skins customizadas.

Tudo isso tem um preço: o Modelo Um custa US $ 990. No entanto, A Unagi agora tem um programa de aluguel de scooters em Nova York, Los Angeles, Austin, Miami, Nashville, Phoenix, Seattle e San Francisco, que permite que você alugue uma de suas scooters por US $ 49/mês, ou US $ 39/mês com uma assinatura anual.

Leia nosso Crítica Unagi Model One .

melhores scooters elétricos: Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Max

Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Max (Crédito da imagem: Tom’s Guide)

2. Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Max

A melhor scooter elétrica para longas distâncias


Tamanho (desdobrado): 45,9 x 18,6 x 47,4 polegadas

Tamanho (dobrado): 45,9 x 18,6 x 21,0 polegadas

Peso: 41,2 libras

Tamanho da roda: 10 polegadas, inflável

Velocidade máxima: 18,6 mph

Alcance: 40 milhas

Peso máximo do piloto: 220 libras

Motor: 350 watts, w traseiro impulso do calcanhar

Bateria: 42V, 2,9 A

Tempo de carregamento: 6 horas


Razões para comprar

+ Passeio confortável + Poderoso + Grande alcance + Campainha alta e fácil de usar

Razões para evitar


O Segway Ninebo t Kickscooter Max é grande e pesado-mais de 40 libras-mas é tudo o peso da bateria. Com um alcance estimado de 40 milhas, a Kickscooter Max tem mais do que o dobro do alcance da maioria das outras scooters, tornando-a a melhor scooter elétrica para quem tem viagens longas.

E, com um potente motor de 350 watts com tração traseira e grandes pneus infláveis ​​de 10 polegadas, o Kickscooter Max não só será capaz de subir colinas com facilidade, mas também o fará confortavelmente. Em nossos testes, ele ficou atrás apenas do Unagi em manter sua velocidade enquanto subíamos inclinações íngremes. Também gostamos muito do sino do Kickscooter Max, que era forte e alto o suficiente para tirar as pessoas do nosso caminho.

Leia nosso Revisão do Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Max .

Melhores scooters elétricos: Swagtron Swagger 5

Swagtron Swagger 5 Elite (Crédito da imagem: Guia do Tom)

3. Swagtron Swagger 5 Elite

Melhor scooter elétrico de médio porte


Tamanho: 45,3 x 41,5 x 17 polegadas

Peso: 27,5 libras

Velocidade máxima: 18 mph

Intervalo: 11 milhas

Peso máximo do piloto: 320 libras


Razões para comprar

+ Acessível + Suporta pilotos maiores + Barato

Razões para evitar

decolagens lentas lentidão nas inclinações

A Swagtron Swagger 5 Elite é outra scooter acessível, embora esta seja um pouco mais rápida a uma velocidade máxima de 18 mph. É bem equipado, com um chassi dobrável, um motor de 250 watts e um pneu dianteiro cheio de ar, o que torna a viagem tranquila.

O Swagger 5 pesa 27,5 libras e suporta até 320 libras na jornada. Ele também vem com uma mola absorvente de choque e um suporte para telefone, que você pode usar para monitorar a velocidade máxima do Swagger e a energia da bateria junto com o aplicativo complementar Swagtron. No entanto, seu alcance é um pouco mais limitado e ele luta para subir colinas mais do que scooters como a Glion Dolly.

Leia nosso completo Revisão do Swagtron Swagger 5 .

Melhores scooters elétricos: Glion Dolly

Glion Dolly (Crédito da imagem: Guia do Tom)

4. Glion Dolly

A melhor scooter elétrica para passageiros


Tamanho: 36,2 x 11,8 x 5,9 polegadas

Peso: 28,7 libras

Velocidade máxima: 15 mph

Intervalo: 15 milhas

Peso máximo do piloto: 255 libras


Razões para comprar

+ Pop-out kickstand + portátil + farol brilhante

Razões para evitar

Rodas de borracha pequenas podem ser um passeio difícil acelerador sensível

Porque Devido ao seu design ultra-dobrável, a Glion Dolly é a melhor scooter elétrica para quem precisa levá-la no transporte público. O Dolly é dobrável e, com 27,3 libras, é leve o suficiente para subir um lance de escadas no caminho de casa. Ele pode atingir velocidades máximas de 15 milhas por hora e dura cerca de 15 milhas de roaming, o que o torna uma boa opção para moradores de pequenas cidades.

O Dolly tem um farol brilhante e refletor traseiro embutido, útil quando se dirige para casa à noite ou nos meses de inverno quando o sol se põe muito cedo, bem como pára-lamas integrados para proteger as rodas. Você também pode transportar a Dolly como uma mala quando não estiver com ela, e ela vem com um suporte para que fique na vertical por conta própria.

Talvez a única desvantagem da Glion Dolly sejam suas pequenas rodas de borracha dura e a falta de suspensão, o que torna o passeio mais acidentado do que outras scooters elétricas.

Leia nossa completa análise de Glion Dolly .

melhores scooters elétricos: Apollo Explore

Scooter elétrico Apollo Explore (Crédito da imagem: Guia do Tom)

5. Apollo Explore

A melhor scooter elétrica para quem quer andar rápido


Tamanho (desdobrado): 48 x 47 x 9 polegadas

Tamanho (dobrado): 46 x 17 x 9 polegadas

Weight: 52 pounds

Wheel size: 10-inch, inflatable

Max Speed: 31 mph

Range: 34 miles

Max Rider Weight: 265 pounds

Motor: 1000W (1400W peak), rear-wheel drive

Battery: 52V 18.2aH

Charging time: 6 hours

Reasons to buy

+Super fast+Great range+Cool colored lights

Reasons to avoid

Hard to read display in sunlightRear fender flaps going over bumps

This is one fast electric scooter. Thanks to its 1,000-Watt motor, the Apollo Explore can hit speeds of up to 31 miles per hour, more than fast enough to keep up with local traffic. The beefy motor also takes you up hills with ease. And, because it has dual suspension and air-filled tires, it offers a smooth ride, even when going over the bumpiest of roads. We also liked the Explore’s colorful display, but it was hard to read in daylight.

Turn on the Apollo Explore’s lights, and you’re in for a visual treat: Blue running lights along both sides of the scooter will make everyone turn their heads. But all this comes at a price: The Explore costs $1,299, and, at 52 pounds, is a lot to lug up stairs. But on the road, this scooter is a beast.

If you want something even faster, check out our Apollo Ghost review: That model goes up to 35 MPH and has a range of up to 39 miles, as well as a key ignition lock.

Read our full Apollo Explore review.

best electric scooters: GoTrax XR Ultra

GoTrax XR Ultra (Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

6. GoTrax XR Ultra

An affordable mid-range electric scooter


Size (folded): 43.3 x 17.1 x 14.6 inches

Weight: 26.5 pounds

Max Speed: 15.5 mph

Range: 16 miles

Max Rider Weight: 220 pounds

Motor: 300-watt, front-wheel drive

Battery: 37V, 7aH

Charging time: 3-4 hours

Reasons to buy

+Affordable+Good performance for price

Reasons to avoid

No rear brake lightA little tricky to assemble

You won’t win any drag races on the GoTrax XR Ultra, but this affordable electric scooter will get you where you ne ed to go. Its 8.5-inch air-filled tires provided a comfortable ride, even without any extra suspension, and its 300-Watt motor was powerful enough to get us moving.

We wish the XR Ultra had a rear brake light, but in this price range, that’s a feature you don’t often find. Weighing 26.5 pounds, the XR Ultra isn’t too heavy, so most people should be able to carry it up a flight of stairs. However, we found the locking mechanism on the rear fender to be a bit temperamental. Overall, though, it’s a good electric scooter at a good price.

Read our full GoTrax XR Ultra review.

best electric scooter: Razor E100 electric scooter

Razor E100 (Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

7. Razor E100

Best electric scooter for kids


Size: 36 x 32.5 x 16 inches

Weight: 22 pounds

Wheel size: 8-inch inflatable (front), 4.9-inch rubber (rear)

Motor: 100-watt, rear-wheel chain drive

Battery: Dual 12-volt

Max Speed: 10 mph

Range: 10 miles/40 minutes

Max Rider Weight: 120 pounds

Reasons to buy

+Inexpensive+Fun to ride+Easy to learn

Reasons to avoid

Loud chain-drive motorNo reflectors or bells

The Razor E100 is the best electric scooter for parents who want to get a scooter for their kids to safely ride around town. It comes in a variety of colors and features twist-grip acceleration controls, as well as a hand-operated front brake. The E100 tops out at 10 mph but offers enough torque for heading uphill or over steep bumps. And with 40 minutes of drive time, that’s plenty to get to school and back with a pit stop in between.

The Razor E100 is available in a variety of colors and styles, so you should be able to find a model that best fits your child’s personality. Just remember to get them a helmet. One caveat of the E100 is that it uses a chain-drive motor, which can be noisier than hub motors, and could require some maintenance over time. Also, the E100 lacks a bell or reflectors of any kind, so you’ll want to purchase some at a bike shop to help make your child more visible on the road.

Read our full Razor E100 electric scooter review.

Razor EcoSmart Metro HD electric scooter review

Razor Ecosmart M etro HD (Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

8. Razor Ecosmart Metro HD

The best electric scooter for those who want to stay seated


Size: 56.3 x 45.3 x 20.7 inches

Weight: 72.3 pounds

Motor: 350W, rear-wheel drive

Max Speed: 15.5 mph

Range: 12 miles/60 minutes

Max Rider Weight: 220 pounds

Reasons to buy

+Large basket in back+Comfortable to ride+Good price

Reasons to avoid

No lights, reflectors, or bellsHard to adjust seat height

If you’d rather sit while riding, the Razor EcoSmart Metro HD is your best option. This scooter features a seat and a large bamboo deck for resting your feet while riding, as well as a rack on the back of the vehicle for carting around things like groceries.

It’s not going to break any speed records, but the Metro HD scooted us around fast enough, and thanks to its plush seat and large tires, was a very comfortable ride—perfect for a quick trip into town to pick up some groceries. I’s a good option for casual commuters and first-time scooter riders.

Read our full Razor EcoSmart Metro HD review.

Best electric scooters: Levy Electric Scooter

Levy Electric Scooter (Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

9. Levy Electric Scooter

The best electric scooter with a removable battery


Size: 49.5 x 41.5 x 17 inches

Weight: 27 pounds

Wheel size: 8.5 inches

Max Speed: 18 mph

Range: 15 miles

Max Rider Weight: 230 pounds

Motor: 350-watt, front-wheel drive

Battery: 36V, 6.4aH

Charging time: 3.5 hours

Reasons to buy

+Smooth ride+Replaceable battery+Bright display

Reasons to avoid

Non-adjustable headlightVague power readings

We loved riding the Levy electric scooter; its 8.5-inch air-filled tires handled sidewalks and potholes with ease, and its powerful 350-Watt motor got us up the steepest of hills. The Levy also has a good range, but if you have to go longer distances, you can swap out its battery—a feature almost all other electric scooters lack.

The Levy electric scooter also has a bright display that was easy to read in daylight, and a handy cruise control feature, so you don’t have to hold down the accelerator when traveling long distances. We also liked that its taillight flashes when you hit the brakes — an important safety feature. And, at $500, the Levy is one of the best electric scooters at this price.

Levy has a newer model, the Levy Plus ($699), which has a larger 10.4aH (374wH) battery and 10-inch tires, in case you’re looking for something with a longer range.

Read our full Levy electric scooter review.

best electric scooters: Slidgo X8 electric scooter

(Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

10. Slidgo X8

Solid-wheeled, removable battery


Size (unfolded: 43 x 17 x 47 inches

Weight: 30 pounds

Wheel size: 10 inches

Max Speed: 19 mph

Range: 16-20 miles

Max Rider Weight: 250 pounds

Motor: 350-watt, front-wheel drive

Battery: 10.4Ah; 12.8Ah

Charging time: 4 hours

Reasons to buy

+Affordably priced+Replaceable battery+Solid tires don’t get flats

Reasons to avoid

Rides can get bumpyCan’t use in rain

In many ways, the Slidgo X8 is a lot like the Levy electric scooter; it has a removable battery, a similar design, and an equivalent price. However, where the Levy’s battery is fully encased in the downtube, the Slidgo’s sits on the outside. It’s a less sleek look, but makes it easier to remove.

The Slidgo X8 also has rubber, rather than inflatable tires, which makes them more durable, but also results in a rougher ride over potholes. As with the Levy, we enjoyed riding the Slidgo X8 around town; it made it a lot easier to get places that were previously just a bit too far to walk.

Read our full Slidgo X8 review.

best electric scooters: Nanrobot D4+

(Image credit: Nanrobot)

11. Nanrobot D4+2.0

A high-end model with impressive range and speed


Size: 49 x 45 x 10 inches

Weight: 70 pounds

Max Speed: 40 mph

Range: 45 miles

Max Rider Weight: 330 pounds

Reasons to buy

+Very fast+Quick acceleration

Reasons to avoid

Very heavyExpensive

If you are set on splurging for an electric scooter, the Nanrobot D4+ is one of the better deals in the $1,200 and up price range. But this shouldn’t be your first pick if you’re a novice scooter rider.

Since this scooter can reach speeds of up to 40 mph, the D4+ features both front and rear suspension, along with two shock absorbers on the rear and four on the front. This all helps contribute to a smoother ride than most models and will be comfortable to ride even on pothole-ridden roads.

What’s more: the D4+ features two 1000-watt electric hub motors — one in each wheel — which provide enough torque and power to reach its top speed. And since this is likely to be your primary ride around town, the Nanrobot D4+ is equipped with a bright headlight for seeing ahead even on poorly lit streets.

The D4+ has an LCD readout at the handle, so you know how fast you’re going, how much time you have left before you need a charge, and which gear is propelling you forward. The D4+ can take you far, too, with up to 45 miles of travel with the included 52-volt battery pack. That’s more than twice most other scooters.

Best electric scooters: Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro

Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro (Image credit: Razor)

12. Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro

This stylish scooter looks like an old-school Vespa


Size: 50 x 30 x 18 inches

Weight: 62 pounds

Max Speed: 15 mph

Range: 10 miles

Max Rider Weight: 170 pounds

Reasons to buy

+Kids can sit down for the ride+Underseat storage

Reasons to avoid

Chain-driven motor requires a bit of maintenance

For stylish kids who prefer to sit while trekking across town, Razor’s Pocket Mod miniature electric scooter is a real treat. The high-performance Pocket Mod features twist-grip throttle for a motorcycle-like feel and 12-inch pneumatic tires with a rear-suspension system, so it’s as comfortable to ride as it is cute to look at. It comes in a variety of colors, and there’s a cubby underneath the seat for storing books and other things.

The Pocket Mod can manage a cool 15 mph for a sustained 40 minutes of riding time. Some Amazon customers complained of flat tires and the scooter’s snail’s-pace crawl up hills, but for the most part, this is a popular product for kids who want a bit of independence when riding around the block.

How to choose the best electric scooter for you

For the most part, you can tell which class of scooter you’re looking at based on the price.

  • $100 to $300: These scooters tend to be of the budget variety and come with smaller motors, low-capacity batteries and simple braking mechanisms, though they don’t require maintenance and are great for getting the feel of the electric scooter.
  • $300 to $600: These scooters can be considered as either midrange or entry-level commuters, and they tend to include bigger wheels, slightly longer ranges, fast-charging batteries and the ability to scale hills.
  • $600 and up: These scooters are in the premium range. You can expect a longer, more comfortable ride, along with larger tires, faster speeds, disc brakes and tighter suspension.

How we test electric scooters

There are dozens of varieties of electric scooters on the market, but only a few are worth bringing home to ride.

For entry-level and commuter scooters, we primarily considered things like portability — how easy it is to fold up to bring on the bus or other types of public transportation, or how light it is to cart up a long stretch of stairs — along with range and top speed.

Commuter scooters don’t need to be the fastest things around, but it helps if they can manage at least 15 mph for a sustained time so that you’re not holding up anyone in the bike lane. We also looked at braking mechanisms, including hydraulic disc brakes, which are the best for stopping quickly and safely at top speeds, and mechanical disc brakes, which are considered the second best for their reliability. Extra features like headlights, reflectors and available speedometer also factored into our commuter picks.

For the performance-based, higher-end rides, we considered range, speed and braking mechanisms, but we also looked at suspension. If you’re paying upward of $1,000 for an electric scooter, it should be comfortable to ride and able to scale curbs, hills and bumpy roads. We also verified our picks by cross-referencing reviews between Amazon, manufacturer’s sites, and in some cases, Walmart.

For our picks for kids, electric scooters in this category don’t offer the same bells and whistles as commuter models. For instance, many of the child and preteen picks don’t fold up for portability, so we considered overall weight and size for kids with longer rides to school. We also stuck with scooters that topped out at 15 mph for utmost safety. And like our commuter and high-performance picks, we pored over reviews from parents where accessible.

Lastly, we called in some of the top performers and took them for a ride, noting how they handled both on pothole-filled city streets and hilly, leafy suburbs. We also considered such things as the brightness of their lights, ability to climb hills, controls, portability, and price.

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