De nouvelles mises à jour sont ajoutées au bas de cette histoire …….

L’histoire originale (publiée le 8 août 2020) suit:

Samsung a dévoilé le Galaxy Note 20 et le Galaxy Note 20 Ultra lors d’un événement Galaxy Unpacked 2020 le 5 août. L’événement a également accueilli les Galaxy Tab S7 et Galaxy Tab S7 +, Galaxy Z Fold2, Galaxy Watch3 et Galaxy Buds Live, mais une chose est sûre, du moins pour les fans de mises à jour logicielles.

Lors de l’événement, Samsung a révélé que le Galaxy Note 20 recevra trois mises à jour du système d’exploitation Android jusqu’à Android 13. C’est un exploit de Samsung, qui en propose deux Mises à jour du système d’exploitation pour tous les appareils Galaxy, quel que soit le prix.

Cela change à l’avenir. Et encore mieux, les Galaxy Note 20 et Note 20 Ultra ne sont pas seuls. Si vous possédez l’un des appareils des séries Galaxy S20, Galaxy Note 10 et Galaxy S10, vous avez également la garantie d’au moins trois mises à jour du système d’exploitation Android.


Samsung s’engage à 3 mises à jour du système d’exploitation Android

Oui, cela signifie que les mises à jour du système d’exploitation pour les séries Galaxy Note 10 et S10 ne s’arrêteront pas à Android 11, mais Android 12 est également sur les cartes. Mais en attendant, parlons de la dernière offre de Samsung-la mise à jour One UI 3.0 basée sur Android 11.

Les lecteurs réguliers de PiunikaWeb ont probablement rencontré nos liste des appareils Samsung Galaxy qui, selon nous, recevront la mise à jour One UI 3.0 . Étant donné que de nouveaux appareils sont toujours attendus dans un proche avenir, cette liste devrait continuer à s’allonger.

Mais bien sûr, tous les appareils éligibles ne seront pas mis à niveau vers Android 11 en même temps. En règle générale, les modèles haut de gamme des séries Galaxy S et Note prennent le pas sur les appareils de milieu de gamme et économiques des séries Galaxy A et Galaxy M.


Galaxy S10 pour recevoir les mises à jour du système d’exploitation jusqu’à Android 12

Dans cet article, nous gardons une trace de tous les appareils Samsung Galaxy qui ont pris en charge la mise à jour One UI 3.0 basée sur Android 11 jusqu’à présent, bêta ou stable. Comme d’habitude, nous tiendrons cet article à jour avec les dernières nouvelles chaque fois qu’un nouvel appareil Galaxy embarquera le nouveau système d’exploitation.

De nouvelles mises à jour seront ajoutées dans la section ci-dessous et le tracker suivra ensuite
Cliquez/appuyez pour afficher les 20 premières mises à jour

Mise à jour 1 (18 août)

Samsung a maintenant confirmé que la mise à jour stable d’Android 11 aux côtés de One UI 3.0 pour la gamme Galaxy S20 sera publiée plus tard cette année. Comme prévu, les modèles S20 seront les premiers appareils Galaxy à obtenir la mise à jour Android 11 avec d’autres bientôt. Voir plus de détails ici .

La société a maintenant a confirmé que quelques appareils de la série Galaxy A recevront jusqu’à 3 mises à jour majeures du système d’exploitation. Auparavant, il n’avait confirmé que 3 mises à jour du système d’exploitation pour ses appareils phares. Selon l’OEM, les Galaxy A51, A51 5G, A71, A71 5G et A90 5G seront les appareils qui embarqueront 3 mises à jour majeures du système d’exploitation.

Mise à jour 2 (7 septembre)

Le dernier développement suggère qu’Android 11 est en cours de test sur la série Samsung Galaxy S20 ainsi que sur les Galaxy M40 et A70S. Tête ici pour la couverture complète.

Mise à jour 3 (8 septembre)

< IST 10h42: Il semble que Samsung pourrait être prêt à publier bientôt la mise à jour One UI 3.0 basée sur Android 11. En effet, une cible la liste de la dernière mise à jour de l’application Galaxy Wearable montre quelque chose d’intéressant dans le journal des modifications:

Supporte R OS.
Correction d’une exception d’exécution.

Depuis que Samsung a mis à jour son application pour les appareils portables afin d’ajouter la prise en charge d’Android «R», c’est-à-dire Android 11, il est possible que l’entreprise publie la version bêta de One UI 3.0 sous peu.

Mise à jour 4 (9 septembre)

IST 20h10: Samsung a kick-started le programme bêta pour les développeurs One UI 3.0 (Android 11) pour la gamme S20 au moins en Corée, et les inscriptions sont maintenant ouvertes même pour la région des États-Unis. D’autres régions pourraient également l’obtenir bientôt.

Mise à jour 5 (14 septembre)

< IST 14:15: Selon une annonce de Samsung, la fonctionnalité du panneau d’applications sera déployée sur les appareils dotés de la mise à jour One UI 3.0/One UI 3.1. Cependant, il sera également disponible sur tous les téléphones Samsung avec la mise à jour One UI 2.5. Dirigez-vous ici pour plus de détails .

Mise à jour 6 (15 septembre)

IST 11h30: Samsung a commencé à déployer la mise à jour bêta One UI 3.0 basée sur Android 11 pour la série Galaxy S20. Comme prévu, il y a un tas de nouveaux changements et améliorations apportés par One UI 3.0.


Nous avons ajouté le journal des modifications exhaustif de la première mise à jour bêta ci-dessous:

Écran d’accueil
-Appuyez de manière prolongée sur une application pour ajouter un widget associé
-Éteignez l’écran en appuyant deux fois sur une zone vide de l’écran d’accueil. Vous pouvez l’activer dans Paramètres> Fonctionnalités avancées> Mouvement et gestes.
Écran de verrouillage
-L’écran de verrouillage dynamique comporte désormais plus de catégories et vous pouvez en sélectionner plusieurs.
-Les widgets de l’écran de verrouillage sont améliorés.

Panneau rapide
-Affichez vos conversations et vos contenus multimédias plus facilement dans leurs propres sections lorsque vous faites glisser votre doigt depuis le haut de l’écran.
-Always On Display les widgets sont améliorés.

-Accédez rapidement aux paramètres d’accessibilité les plus importants lors de la configuration de l’appareil.
-Obtenez les fonctionnalités d’accessibilité recommandées en fonction de ce que vous utilisez.
-Définissez l’accessibilité raccourci plus facilement dans les paramètres.
-Les détecteurs de son fonctionnent désormais avec vos appareils SmartThings tels que les téléviseurs et les lumières pour vous donner des alertes plus visibles lorsque la sonnette sonne ou qu’un bébé pleure.

Clavier Samsung
-Vous pouvez trouver le clavier dans les paramètres plus facilement sous Gestion générale dans Paramètres, et les paramètres ont été réorganisés pour mettre les plus importants en premier.
Samsung DeX
-Vous pouvez désormais vous connecter sans fil aux téléviseurs pris en charge.
-Les nouveaux gestes multiples du pavé tactile vous permettent de modifier plus facilement le zoom de l’écran et la taille de la police.

-Ajout de la possibilité d’empêcher les sites Web de vous rediriger lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton Retour.
-Ajout d’avertissements et d’options de blocage pour les sites Web qui ont généré trop de pop-ups ou notifications.
-Menus réorganisés pour faciliter la recherche.
-Ajout de plusieurs nouveaux modules complémentaires, dont un qui traduit des sites Web.

-Ajout d’une option pour masquer la barre d’état pour une expérience de navigation plus immersive.
-Augmentation du nombre maximum d’onglets ouverts à 99.
-Ajout de la possibilité de verrouiller et réorganiser les onglets.
-Amélioration de la conception de la barre d’onglets qui est désormais prise en charge sur tous les appareils.
-Fin de la prise en charge du panneau de bord Samsung Internet.

Contacts et téléphone
-Ajout de la possibilité de modifier plusieurs contacts liés à la fois.
-Ajout d’une option pour vous aider à supprimer rapidement les contacts en double.
-Amélioré l’expérience de recherche.
-La période de stockage de la corbeille a été prolongée de 15 à 30 jours.

Fond de téléphone/appel
-Ajout de la possibilité de personnaliser l’écran d’appel avec vos propres photos et vidéos.
-Création d’une corbeille pour stocker récemment supprimé messages.
-Appels et SMS sur d’autres appareils
-Ajout de la possibilité d’activer ou de désactiver les appels et les SMS sur d’autres appareils avec les routines Bixby.

-Les événements avec la même heure de début sont maintenant affichés ensemble dans la vue du mois et de l’agenda.
-Options réorganisées pour ajouter et modifier des événements.
-Mise en page améliorée pour les alertes plein écran.
-Mise en page améliorée pour les alertes plein écran

Bien-être numérique et contrôle parental
-Ajout de tendances à votre rapport hebdomadaire. Vous pouvez voir comment votre utilisation a changé depuis la semaine précédente et vérifier la durée d’utilisation de chaque fonctionnalité.
-Ajout de la durée d’utilisation du téléphone en conduisant au rapport hebdomadaire.
-Ajout d’un widget d’écran de verrouillage afin que vous puissiez vérifier votre temps d’écran sans déverrouiller votre téléphone.
-Ajout de profils séparés pour les modes personnel et professionnel afin que vous puissiez suivre votre temps d’écran séparément.

Appareil photo
-Amélioration de la mise au point et de l’exposition automatiques.
-Amélioration de la stabilisation lors de la prise de photos de la lune à des niveaux de zoom élevés.
Éditeur de photos
-Ajout de la possibilité de rétablir les images modifiées à leur version d’origine.

Routine Bixby
-Les routines prédéfinies groupées vous aident à démarrer rapidement et à apprendre à créer facilement vos propres routines.
-Vous pouvez maintenant voir quelles actions sont inversées lorsqu’une routine se termine.
-De nouvelles conditions ont été ajoutées, telles qu’une heure de début spécifique, la déconnexion d’un appareil Bluetooth ou d’un réseau Wi-Fi, un appel d’un numéro spécifique, etc.
-De nouvelles actions ont été ajoutées , y compris parler à Bixby et les actions d’accessibilité.
-Vous pouvez ajouter une icône personnalisée pour chaque routine et ajouter des routines à l’écran de verrouillage pour un accès rapide.

IST 13 h 27: Les utilisateurs qui se sont inscrits à la mise à jour pré-bêta pour développeurs One UI 3.0 (Android 11) aux États-Unis commencent maintenant à recevoir le nouveau skin de Samsung sur la série Galaxy S20. Pour plus de détails, allez ici .

IST 17:33: Il semble maintenant que le Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite soit testé avec Android 11. C’est parce que l’appareil a été repéré sur une liste Geekbench exécutant Android 11. Nous a ajouté une capture d’écran pour référence ci-dessous:

Mise à jour 7 (16 septembre)

IST 12:21 pm: Grâce à une vidéo publiée sur YouTube, nous avons maintenant un examen approfondi de certaines des fonctionnalités qui seront disponibles sur les appareils éligibles pour le nouvel Android 11 mise à jour One UI 3.0. Tête ici pour en savoir plus .

Mise à jour 8 (22 septembre)

IST 12:58 pm: Selon des rapports récents, Samsung a commencé le développement de la mise à jour One UI 3.0 basée sur Android 11 pour le Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2, Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy Note 20 et Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. Voir toutes les détails ici .

Mise à jour 9 (23 septembre)

IST 18h04: Un nouveau report suggère que la dernière mise à jour du module One Hand Operation + ajoute la prise en charge de One UI 3.0 et apporte également quelques corrections de bogues. De plus, il résout également le problème de détection des gestes longs sur la Galaxy Tab S7.

Mise à jour 10 (24 septembre)

IST 17h23: Samsung a dévoilé hier le Galaxy S20 Fan Edition ainsi que a déclaré que l’appareil recevrait jusqu’à 3 mises à jour majeures du système d’exploitation. Cela signifie qu’il obtiendra la mise à jour vers One UI 3.0 et deux autres mises à niveau majeures de la version Android. Pour savoir quels appareils Samsung font désormais partie du club des 3 mises à niveau du système d’exploitation, rendez-vous sur ici et ici .

Mise à jour 11 (26 septembre)

IST 12:50 pm : Si les informations flottant sur Weibo (y compris une capture d’écran-voir ci-dessous) doivent passer, la version bêta publique OneUI 3.0 pour les Galaxy S20, S20 + et S20 Ultra arrivera vers la mi-octobre, c’est-à-dire dans quelques semaines.


Voici le lien vers ce message Weibo dont nous parlons à propos.

Mise à jour 12 (29 septembre)

IST 11 h 38 : Samsung, via son page de la communauté coréenne , a fait une annonce affirmant que la version bêta de One UI 3 basée sur Android 11 arrive bientôt pour la série Galaxy S20 en Corée. Il ne s’agit pas d’une version bêta pour les développeurs et tous les utilisateurs intéressés peuvent donc en faire la demande.

IST 19h03 : si vous souhaitez voir tout ce qui est nouveau avec la mise à jour One UI 3.0 de Samsung basée sur Android 11. Vous pouvez consulter une liste exhaustive des modifications et des ajouts ici .

Mise à jour 13 (3 octobre)

IST 16h05 : sur la base de nouveaux développements, il semble que la mise à jour bêta publique de One UI 3.0 aux côtés d’Android 11 soit prête pour les séries Galaxy Note 20 et Galaxy S20. De plus, il est presque terminé pour les séries Galaxy Note 10 et S10. En savoir plus détails ici .

Mise à jour 14 (5 octobre)

IST 10 h 28 : certains produits phares de Samsung prennent en charge la fonctionnalité eSIM aux États-Unis, mais elle n’est pas activée par Samsung. Cette fonction peut facilement être activée via une mise à jour OTA à l’avenir, éventuellement la mise à jour One UI 3.0. Histoire complète ici .

IST 15h34 : il semble que Samsung est sur le point de publier la mise à jour Android 11 avec son nouveau skin One UI 3.0 bientôt puisque la page officielle de One UI 3.0 semble avoir été mise en ligne, mais n’est pas accessible pour le moment. Voir le histoire complète ici .

Mise à jour 15 (6 octobre)

IST 11h03 : de nouveaux détails sont apparus suggérant que la mise à jour bêta publique de One UI 3.0 sera déployée en tant que build ZTJ3 dans cette semaine ou mardi la semaine prochaine. De plus, la mise à jour peut également arriver dans 3 semaines ou moins pour la ligne Note. Histoire complète ici .

IST 13h41 : plusieurs applications Samsung propriétaires ont été mises à jour pour prendre en charge Android 11 (One UI 3.0). Il est donc probable que nous verrons la mise à jour One UI 3.0 le plus tôt possible. En savoir plus détails ici .

IST 16h52 : Samsung a enfin publié la version bêta publique One UI 3.0 pour la gamme Galaxy S20 via un annonce sur l’application Samsung Members en Corée. Comme nous l’avons signalé précédemment, il porte le numéro de build ZTJ3 et les utilisateurs intéressés peuvent participer immédiatement à la mise à jour.

Mise à jour 16 (7 octobre)

IST 12:41 pm : la mise à jour bêta publique de One UI 3.0 a commencé à être déployée en Corée hier, et maintenant, les utilisateurs de la série Samsung Galaxy S20 aux États-Unis ont également commencé à signaler l’arrivée de la version bêta mettre à jour. Voir tous les détails ici .

IST 17h05 : basé sur le nouveau détails , il semble que la version bêta publique de One UI 3.0 pour le Galaxy Note La série 20 pourrait sortir plus tôt que prévu.

Mise à jour 17 (8 octobre)

IST 12:21 pm : comme nous l’avons suggéré hier, la mise à jour One UI 3.0 pour la série Galaxy Note 20 pourrait être plus proche que prévu. Cependant, on ne peut pas en dire autant du nouveau Galaxy S20 FE (Fan Edition) puisqu’il semble que Samsung n’en ait pas encore entamé le développement. Histoire complète ici .

IST 18h15 : basé sur le nouveau rapports , il semble que les utilisateurs de la série T-Mobile Galaxy S20 puissent participer à le programme bêta One UI 3.0 et essayez tout de suite le nouveau skin basé sur Android 11.

Mise à jour 18 (9 octobre)

IST 11h54 : Il semble maintenant que le développement de One UI 3.0 (Android 11) a démarré pour la série Galaxy S10 aux États-Unis. En outre, le Samsung Keys Cafe Good Lock Le module pourrait également être publié prochainement. Voir le histoire complète ici .

Mise à jour 19 (10 octobre)

IST 16:15 : les utilisateurs intéressés peuvent désormais essayer les applications One UI 3.0 telles que l’horloge, la messagerie, le clavier et autres sur les appareils Samsung exécutant One UI 2.0+. Dirigez-vous ici pour les instructions .

Mise à jour 20 (12 octobre)

IST 10h59 : alors que nous avions précédemment souligné que le développement de One UI 3.0 pour la série Galaxy S10 avait commencé, un ambassadeur de Samsung Care a a affirmé que la mise à jour One UI 3.0 n’arrivera pas bientôt.

Cliquez/appuyez pour afficher les mises à jour 21-40

Mise à jour 21 (13 octobre)

IST 12h40 : il se dévoile ( 1 , 2 ) que Samsung est en train de déployer une mise à jour de correctif peu de temps après la publication de la version bêta publique de la mise à jour One UI 3.0. Voici le journal des modifications traduit:

Voici les nouvelles fonctionnalités:

Amélioration de la stabilité de l’appareil et corrections de bogues

Amélioration de la fonction ou ajout d’une nouvelle fonction

Amélioration des performances de l’appareil

Voici les gros correctifs:

Toucher le panneau latéral ne fonctionne pas

Le mouvement du domicile ne fonctionne pas bien avec le geste de la barre de navigation

En appuyant sur Power et en entrant dans l’écran de verrouillage, un écran noir s’affiche et ne touche pas-
Sélectionnez la touche Moa dans les paramètres du clavier et appuyez sur la touche Moa générée en bas pour Crash

Utilisation de l’écriture manuscrite et après non, vous pouvez utiliser le clavier
zoom 30 fois et 27,7 fois la pause fixe ou de numérotation dans geujjeum lorsque
Visualisation YouTube proposée lors de l’entrée rapide du panneau l’écran de réglage des détails-
-paramètres du widget horloge-divers menus sont visibles maintenant

Après avoir appliqué le thème, le numéro de téléphone et la touche retour saisis sur l’écran du clavier du téléphone ne sont pas clairement visibles

IST 12 h 40 : pour ceux qui attendent en Inde la mise à jour bêta de One UI 3.0, l’attente peut être plus longue que d’habitude cette fois-ci. En savoir plus ici .

Mise à jour 22 (14 octobre)

IST 10 h 59 : de nouveaux développements suggèrent que Google interdit aux OEM de mettre en œuvre des algorithmes de réglage du visage au moment du traitement de l’image. Samsung a donc supprimé l’effet de lissage du visage avec One UI 3.0. mettre à jour. Plus d’informations à ce sujet ici .

IST 17h51 : selon le nouveau développements , il semble que Samsung ait interrompu la dernière mise à jour du correctif logiciel One UI 3.0 en Corée en raison d’un problème majeur bogues qui ont entraîné des problèmes de vibration, un plantage de l’écran d’accueil, un chevauchement de texte, etc.

IST 17h54 : un nouveau rapport (en allemand) indique que Samsung a commencé à déployer la version bêta de One UI 3.0 pour les utilisateurs du Galaxy S20 en Allemagne avec le numéro de constructeur ZTJA. La taille du fichier de mise à jour OTA est de 1,8 Go.

Mise à jour 23 (15 octobre)

IST 11h49 : Apparemment, la dernière mise à jour de l’application Samsung Good Lock Theme Park a apporté la prise en charge de One UI 3.0. De plus, il apporte également de nouvelles fonctionnalités et optimisations. Dirigez-vous ici pour plus de détails .

IST 13h01 : Samsung a officiellement confirmed the release of the One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy S20 series in Germany. According to the announcement, the beta is limited to 1,000 users only.

IST 03:02 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta update is now available for unlocked Galaxy S20 models in the U.S. Further, the update brings support for RCS messaging through Jibe in the country. More details here.

IST 04:19 pm: Not only does the One UI 3.0 update bring the Double-tap to wake option, but it also brings the Double-tap to sleep function as well. Thus users can wake or put their device to sleep with two taps on the screen.

Update 24 (October 16)

IST 10:58 am: The Samsung Keys Cafe module is finally available for users to download via the Galaxy Store. Further, the Galaxy S10 has been spotted on Geekbench running Android 11. More details here.

IST 03:17 pm: Samsung has officially announced the imminent rollout of the One UI 3.0 beta for the Note 20 series via its community forum in Korea. The company hasn’t provided a specific date, rather, has stated it’s “coming soon”. Full story here.

IST 06:25 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta 2 update is now available for the Galaxy S20 series in the U.S. as firmware version G988U1UEU1ZTJA. It brings a few bug fixes and stability enhancements.

Update 24 (October 17)

IST 02:30 pm: New developments suggest that the Android 11 One UI 3.0 beta is now live for the Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy Note 20 Plus in India.

Further, an alleged conversation by an individual with a Samsung support agent suggests that the One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy Note 20 series in the U.S. will be open from tomorrow.



IST 02:55 pm: According to Samsung’s official One UI webpage, the Dual Preview and Rear Cam Selfie features will be available on the Galaxy Fold with the One UI 3.0 update.



IST 05:06 pm: As per the footnotes on Samsung’s official page for its skin over Android, the One UI 3.0 update will be available “from Nov. 2020 or later.” Therefore, we can expect to see the stable update go live next month.



Update 25 (October 19)

IST 10:45 pm: Samsung has begun rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S20 series and the Galaxy Note 20 series, albeit in beta. Thus, we’ve created a dedicated bug tracker in order to make it easier for you to track all reported issues with the update.

Update 26 (October 20)

IST 12:24 pm: It appears that Samsung has kick-started the One UI 3.0 beta program in the UK for the Galaxy S20 series. Interested users can register via the Samsung Members application.

IST 02:22 pm: The Samsung Galaxy Note 20 has bagged a new update with build number ATJ1 which is likely a prepatory package for the One UI 3.0 update. See more details here.

Update 27 (October 21)

IST 06:24 pm: Samsung opened up the registration for the One UI 3.0 beta in the UK yesterday. Those who successfully registered for it are receiving the beta update in the country. A user has also confirmed the same on Reddit.

Update 28 (October 22)

IST 10:26 am: Samsung has opened up registrations for the One UI 3.0 beta program to Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy Note 20 Ultra users in the U.S. Folks with the Sprint, T-Mobile, and unlocked models can register via the Samsung Members application.

IST 12:14 pm: Recent developments indicate that Samsung might be preparing to roll out the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S10 series and the Galaxy Z Fold 2. To know more, head here.

IST 12:40 pm: According to a recent report, the One UI 3.0 public beta update is now live for Galaxy S20 series users in Poland too. Interested individuals can simply register via the Samsung Members app to get the update.

IST 12:50 pm: The latest One UI 3.0 beta update for the Galaxy S20 Ultra appears to have improved the camera on the device. This update is live with the build number ZTJF.

IST 06:09 pm: Samsung has finally started recruiting One UI 3.0 beta testers for the Galaxy Note 20 series and the Galaxy S20 series in India. Users should be able to enroll via the standard process, i.e. the Samsung Members app.

Update 29 (October 23)

IST 10:30 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta 2 update is now available to Galaxy S20 series owners with build number ZTJG. The new update brings a few bug fixes and improvements. See more details here.

IST 03:23 pm: Apparently, users are beginning to report that they are now able to connect to a 5G network on their Galaxy S20 series devices running on the Android 11 (One UI 3.0) beta on the T-Mobile network.



IST 04:26 pm: Samsung has now kick-started the One UI 3.0 beta program for the Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra in Korea. Interested users can enroll for the beta and will get the update as build number ZTJH.

Adding to this, it also seems that Samsung has started the One UI 3.0 beta program for the Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra in Germany. Thus interested users can sign up via the Samsung Members app right away.

Update 30 (October 24)

IST 12:10 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta is now available for Galaxy S20 series users in Poland. Interested users can enroll via the Samsung Members application to get a chance to experience the One UI 3.0 beta. A user has confirmed receiving the update on Reddit.

IST 06:30 pm: It seems that Samsung might be close to releasing the stable Android 11/One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S20 series since the S20 LTE/5G model has recently received Wi-FI Alliance certification on Android 11.

Update 31 (October 26)

IST 01:36 pm: Samsung might be testing Android 11 (One UI 3.0) for the Galaxy Note 10+ since a new test build was spotted on the CheckFirm app. More details can be found here.

IST 05:45 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy S20 series is reportedly live in China now. The update is rolling out to those who enrolled for the beta with build number ZTJG.

IST 06:05 pm: While the changelog for the One UI 3.0 beta update does not mention any major changes, the update does bring some new UI elements and improvements. To know more, head here.

Update 32 (October 27)

IST 11:22 am: Sprint Samsung Galaxy S20 series users are beginning to receive the One UI 3.0 beta update in the U.S. according to a user report.

IST 12:56 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta has begun rolling out for the Galaxy Note 20 series in the U.S. Users who have signed up for the Public Beta will get the OTA update at any point now if they have not already received it.

Further, it seems that Samsung has begun testing Android 11 on the Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite as a new test build has popped up. See all details here.

Update 33 (October 30)

IST 04:17 pm: A user who installed the One UI 3.0 beta has shared some details regarding the One UI 3.0 update. For starters, the individual has confirmed that the skin smoothening has been removed when clicking images via the default camera.

Further, they claim that Good Lock works but only certain modules and the multitasking gestures have been improved considerably. Samsung has also removed the Android 11 Power Menu home controls feature from One UI 3.0. You can check out the complete thread here.

Update 34 (October 31)

IST 10:30 am: The third One UI 3.0 beta firmware is now live for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in Germany. It carries the build number ZTJN and also brings the November security patch according to a new report.

Update 35 (November 02)

IST 11:30 am: Chatter on Samsung’s South Korean forum suggests the One UI 3.0 stable update for the Galaxy S20 series may start rolling out in the month of November, at least in some regions. More details here.

IST 03:30 pm: Even Samsung’s own official website says One UI 3.0 may start rolling out November onward.

One UI 3 will be available from Nov. 2020 or later

Update 36 (November 04)

IST 10:54 am: Samsung has now begun rolling out the fourth One UI 3.0 beta update. It carries the firmware version G98xxXXU5ZTK1 with a download size of around 410MB. A report indicates that the update does indeed improve the camera. At present, the update is rolling out in Germany.

IST 11:05 am: A new report also indicates that the One UI 3.0 beta 3 update has begun rolling out for the Galaxy S20 series in the U.S.

IST 11:59 am: The third One UI 3.0 beta is now live for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in Korea as well. Therefore, it may take a few more days for the fourth beta to go live in the country.



IST 02:18 pm: Samsung has begun rolling out the One UI 3.0 beta 2 update for the Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra in the U.S. carrying build number ZTK1. The new beta update brings the November patch and a host of bug fixes.

Update 37 (November 05)

IST 12:10 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta 2 update was also released for the Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy Note 20 Ultra in India. This new update carries the build number ZTJQ and brings the November patch as per a report.

IST 12:52 pm: Samsung has also released the One UI 3.0 beta update 2 for the Note 20 series in Korea. It carries the build number ZTJQ and brings some new changes over the previous beta.

For starter, the app launching animations have been tweaked. Further, some sections of the Settings pages have been tweaked. The Volume Bar has also been tweaked in order to improve visibility. Head here to check out all the details.

Update 38 (November 06)

IST 10:09 am: The latest One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy S20 series brings along with it CTS or Google Play certification. Therefore, users should be able to use banking and financial apps without a problem. This also indicates that the stable update may roll out soon. Full story here.

Update 39 (November 09)

IST 01:05 pm: New developments suggest that Samsung is already testing Android 11 for the Galaxy S20 Fan Edition. However, there’s still no information regarding when we can expect to see the One UI 3.0 begin rolling out for the device.

Update 40 (November 10)

IST 04:19 pm: It seems that Samsung is testing Android 11 on the Galaxy Z Fold2 with the software version F916USQU1CTJ5. This indicates that the stable rollout should start sooner rather than later.

IST 05:55 pm: New developments suggest that the One UI 3.0 beta 3 for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series has begun rolling out to beta testers in Poland and the UK. Do note that the beta 4 update is already live Germany.

IST 06:11 pm: As it turns out, the One UI 3.0 beta 4 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series is now available in South Korea too. A beta tester from the country has confirmed receiving the update on the company’s community forum.

IST 06:35 pm: Samsung has released the One UI 3.0 beta 5 update for the Galaxy S20 series as per a report. It carries the build number ZTK7 and brings fixes for several bugs.

Click/tap to view updates 41-60

Update 41 (November 11)

IST 10:15 am: Samsung is reportedly planning to release the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for up to 90 devices from its portfolio. Moreover, this number does not include the special 5G or 5W UW variants for example.

IST 12:25 pm: Galaxy Note 10 series and Galaxy S10 series users can rejoice since Samsung has announced that the One UI 3.0 beta (Android 11) program is going to kick-start soon for the devices.

IST 06:35 pm: It seems that the One UI 3.0 beta has begun rolling out for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 series in South Korea. A user has shared a screenshot of the update which has been released for their Galaxy Note 10+ 5G with the build number ZTK6.



IST 06:45 pm: Samsung has also reportedly announced the One UI 3.0 beta program for the Galaxy Z Flip as well. Therefore, we can expect to see the beta start rolling out in the following days and weeks.

IST 06:50 pm: Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy Note 20 Ultra users in the beta program are also getting a new update. It is rolling out as version N98xxXXU1ZTK7 and brings a host of new bug fixes for the devices. Currently, the update is live in India and Germany according to a report.

Update 42 (November 12)

IST 10:08 am: Samsung is yet to release the One UI 3.0 beta for the T-Mobile and Sprint models of the Galaxy Note 20 series. In an early announcement, the company claimed users with phones from either of the two carriers will be able to participate in the beta program. More details here.

IST 01:22 pm: It now seems that the One UI 3.0 beta update has begun rolling out for the unlocked Samsung Galaxy Note 10 series in the UK for those who signed up via the Samsung Members app. A user on Reddit has confirmed receiving the beta.

IST 01:30 pm: A Galaxy S20 user from Korea has also shed some light on some of the new features found in the One UI 3.0 beta 4 update. It brings a new homescreen animation, landscape game transition, unlock animation, and more. Check out the full review (in Korean) here.

IST 01:48 pm: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 users will also be able to get their hands on the One UI 3.0 beta update since the company has announced that the One UI 3.0 beta program will go live soon for the device.


Click/tap to view in full size

Update 43 (November 13)

IST 03:59 pm: According to a fresh report from a user, a new One UI 3.0 beta update has begun rolling out. It carries the build number ZTKA and is the sixth beta. It also appears to bring the December patch.


Update 44 (November 16)

IST 04:15 pm: New developments suggest that Samsung would be implementing the redesigned Android 11 power menu with the One UI 3.0 skin. This information comes from a conversation between Samsung support and a user. Head here to know more.

Update 45 (November 17)

IST 11:30 am: The One UI 3.0 beta 3 update for the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 series is now live in the US on T-Mobile and AT&T unlocked units. A user has taken to Reddit to confirm receiving the update.

IST 11:40 am: Galaxy Z Flip 5G users in Korea who have successfully enrolled for the One UI 3.0 beta are now beginning to receive the update as per a user report on the company’s Korean community forum.

Update 46 (November 18)

IST 10:40 am: Samsung has begun rolling out the One UI 3.0 beta 5 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in India. It bears the build number ZTKD and weighs in at 245.55 MB. This new build also carries the December security patch.

IST 10:49 am: According to Samsung’s Beta Operation Manager in Korea, the company is currently working on fixing some stabilization issues that were introduced with the One UI 3.0 beta on the Galaxy Note 10 series.



Once the issues are sorted, the beta program should go live for the Galaxy S10 series as well as per the comment from the Beta Operation Manager on the Samsung Korean community forum.

Update 47 (November 19)

IST 06:50 pm: Samsung is reportedly rolling out a new One UI 3.0 beta update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series. This update carries the firmware version G98xxXXU5ZTKF and also brings the December patch.

It is being seeded to devices in India and Germany and could possibly be the final beta update before the stable update goes live. This is because the update notice mentions that users will not be able to rollback to Android 10 after installing this new firmware.

Update 48 (November 20)

IST 12:50 pm: The One UI 3.0 beta 6 update is now live in the U.S. with the build number ZTKE. It also carries the warning note which lets users know that they will not be able to roll back to Android 10 after installing it.



IST 04:35 pm: Samsung may begin rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series, Galaxy Note 10 series, Galaxy Z Flip, and Galaxy Z Fold 2 devices as early as next week according to a fresh report.

IST 04:40 pm: An individual has highlighted that the Galaxy Note 20 One UI 3.0 beta 3 update might have been delayed in South Korea due to battery draining issues.

It’s highly likely that the information might be true since Samsung has been rolling out One UI 3.0 betas for the S20 series left, right, and center. However, beta updates for the Note 20 series are coming in at a snail’s pace.

Update 49 (November 21)

IST 06:30 pm: Samsung has begun rolling out the One UI 3.0 beta 7 update for the Galaxy S20 family in South Korea. It carries the build number ending ZTKF and brings a few fixes. We’ve shared a translated version of changelog below:



Update 50 (November 23)

IST 04:50 pm: It seems Samsung has also kick-started the One UI 3.0 beta program for the Galaxy Z Flip in South Korea. Therefore, we can expect to see the beta go live soon in other countries as well.



Update 51 (November 25)

IST 12:00 pm: The stable One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 20 series might be close to rolling out since a forum moderator on the company’s community site in Korea has announced that the One UI 3.0 beta program is now closed for the Note 20 devices according to a report.

IST 03:00 pm: Users are now beginning to report (1, 2) that the One UI 3.0 beta update has begun rolling out for the Galaxy Note 10 series in India. Thus, those who registered for the beta should be receiving the OTA update now.

It carries the build number ending ZTKE and also brings the November patch to the device with a download size of 2209.58 MB.



Update 52 (November 26)

IST 10:05 am: Along with the Note 10 series, the One UI 3.0 beta program also went live for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series in India, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Users who enrolled in the beta program are receiving the beta with the build number ZTKF as per a report.

IST 02:20 pm: The second One UI 3.0 beta update has begun rolling out to Galaxy Note 10 users in South Korea carrying the build number ZTKE as per a new report.

IST 02:25 pm: Samsung Galaxy S10 users can now download the One UI 3.0 beta update based on Android 11 manually. Head here to find the download links and the guide to install the update.

Update 53 (November 27)

IST 11:35 am: It seems that the One UI 3.0 beta has been resumed for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 in Korea. As we reported earlier, the previous beta update prevented users from unlocking their smartphones. Therefore it’s likely that the problem has been fixed.

Update 54 (November 28)

IST 10:10 am: According to a Samsung mod, the stable Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series will start rolling out in early December. Therefore, users can expect to receive the update in the next couple of weeks. Full story here.

IST 02:30 pm: A Samsung moderator has confirmed that the company will share a detailed rollout plan for One UI 3.0 in Early December as per a report.

Further, another report highlights a couple of alleged screenshots of a user’s conversation with a Samsung support rep. According to the support agent, Samsung is working on the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S9 duo and bizarrely the Galaxy S8 duo as well.

We’ve shared both screenshots below:



Update 55 (November 30)

IST 01:15 pm: The One UI 3.0 Beta 4 update for the Galaxy Note 20 series is now out, at least in Korea. Following are the details:

Size: 541.51MB
Security patch level: December 1, 2020

To access more about this, head here, here, and here.

Update 56 (December 01)

IST 11:15 am: New developments suggest that the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series has begun rolling out for those who signed up for the beta program in the U.S.



IST 12:20 pm: The Android 11/R rollback program has been suspended for the Galaxy S10 series due to a bug that leaves both Samsung Pay and Samsung Pass unusable. More details here.


Update 57 (December 02)

IST 11:00 am: Samsung has released its One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update timeline for all eligible devices in Egypt. As expected the Samsung Galaxy S20 series will be the first models to receive it starting from December.

Following which, other flagships such as the Note 20 series and Galaxy Z Fold2, Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy S10 series (excluding the S10e) are expected to get in in January 2021 as per a report. We’ve shared the complete list below:

December 2020

– Galaxy S20
– Galaxy S20+
– Galaxy S20 Ultra

January 2021

– Galaxy Note 10
– Galaxy Note 10+
– Galaxy Note 20
– Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
– Galaxy S10
– Galaxy S10+
– Galaxy S10 Lite
– Galaxy Z Fold 2
– Galaxy Z Flip

February 2021

– Galaxy Fold

March 2021

– Galaxy A51
– Galaxy M21
– Galaxy M30s
– Galaxy M31
– Galaxy Note 10 Lite
– Galaxy Tab S7

April 2021

– Galaxy A50
– Galaxy M51

May 2021

– Galaxy A21s
– Galaxy A31
– Galaxy A70
– Galaxy A71
– Galaxy A80
– Galaxy Tab S6
– Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

June 2021

– Galaxy A01
– Galaxy A01 Core
– Galaxy A11
– Galaxy M11
– Galaxy Tab A

July 2021

– Galaxy A30
– Galaxy Tab S5e

August 2021

– Galaxy A10
– Galaxy A10s
– Galaxy A20
– Galaxy A20s
– Galaxy A30s
– Galaxy Tab A 10.1
– Galaxy Tab Active Pro

IST 06:20 pm: New developments suggest that the stable One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 will begin rolling out for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series from tomorrow in Korea. More details here.

IST 06:35 pm: Samsung has kick-started the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) beta program for the Galaxy S20 FE 5G in Korea. Users can enroll for the beta program via the Samsung Members app. More details here.

Update 58 (December 03)

IST 09:55 am: Verizon has started seeding the stable One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+, and Galaxy S20 Ultra in the U.S., making them the first S20 models to get the Android 11-based skin. It’s likely that the update will begin rolling out elsewhere soon.

IST 03:10 pm: Latest reports suggest that the Samsung Galaxy S20 lineup in the US on T-Mobile network is expected to receive the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update starting December 11. Details here.

IST 06:00 pm: It seems that the One UI 3.0 stable update is now being seeded for the Galaxy S20 series across Europe with the build number CTKG. Germany, France, Italy, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Nordic countries are some regions where users have got it as per a report.

Further, the update has been released for S20 series users in Korea as well as we had expected earlier. Users are getting the new Android version with the build number CTKF according to some reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

IST 06:15 pm: Samsung Galaxy S10 users with unlocked T-Mobile and AT&T units are now beginning to receive the One UI 3.0 beta on their devices.

Update 59 (December 04)

IST 10:20 am: Samsung Galaxy S20 series users in Sweden have also begun receiving the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update on their devices according to a fresh report from a user on Reddit.

IST 10:25 am: Users with unlocked models of the Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ have also begun receiving the One UI 3.0 beta in the U.S according to few reports from users on this thread.

IST 10:50 am: Samsung has shared a new notice on the Samsung Members application for users in India. The notice contains a detailed timeline for the availability of the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 skin for all eligible devices sold in India.

– Galaxy S20 (Dec 20)
– Galaxy S20+ (Dec 20)
– Galaxy S20 Ultra5G (Dec 20)
– Galaxy Fold (Jan 21)
– Galaxy S10e (Jan 21)

– Galaxy S10(Jan 21)
– Galaxy S10+ (Jan 21)
– Galaxy Note 10 (Jan 21)
– Galaxy Note 10+ (Jan 21)
– Galaxy S10 Lite (Jan 21)

– Galaxy Z Flip (Jan 21)
– Galaxy Note 20 (Jan 21)
– Galaxy S20 FE (Jan 21)
– Galaxy Note20 Ultra5G (Jan 21)
– Galaxy Z Fold25G (Jan 21)

– Galaxy A70(Mar 21)
– Galaxy M30s (Mar 21)
– Galaxy A51 (Mar 21)
– Galaxy Note 10 Lite (Mar 21)
– Galaxy M31 (Mar 21)

– Galaxy M21(Mar 21)
– Galaxy A50 (Apr 21)
– Galaxy A50s (Apr 21)
– Galaxy A80 (Apr 21)
– Galaxy M51 (Apr 21)

– Galaxy Tab $7+(Apr 21)
– Galaxy Tab S7 (Apr 21)
– Galaxy A70s (May 21)
– Galaxy TAB S6 (May 21)
– Galaxy A71 (May 21)

– Galaxy M31s(May 21)
– Galaxy Tab-S6-Lite (May 21)
– Galaxy M40 (Jun 21)
– Galaxy A31 (Jun 21))
– Galaxy M11 (Jun 21)

– Galaxy A21s(Jun 21)
– Galaxy M01 (Jun 21)
– Galaxy A01-Core (Jun 21)
– Galaxy Tab-A (Jun 21)
– Galaxy A30 (Jul 21)

– Galaxy Tab S5e (Jul 21)
– Galaxy A10 (Aug 21)
– Galaxy A10s (Aug 21)
– Galaxy A20 (Aug 21)
– Galaxy A20s (Aug 21)

– Galaxy A30s (Aug 21)
– Galaxy Tab A8(2019) (Aug 21)
– Galaxy Tab A 10.1 (2019) (Aug 21)
– Galaxy M10s (Sep 21)
– Galaxy Tab A8 (2019) (Sep 21)

Thanks for the tip, Ramesh.

IST 03:10 pm: Android 11 based One UI 3.0 public beta update is now live for the US unlocked variants of Samsung Galaxy S10 lineup. Complete coverage here.

IST 07:10 pm: New developments indicate that the Galaxy Note 20 will get the stable One UI 3.0 update on December 14 whereas the Galaxy S20 FE will get it on December 27. Full story here.

IST 07:15 pm: Samsung has also shared its One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update plans for eligible devices in the U.S. According to the timeline, the Galaxy S10 series will get the update in February 2021. Check it out here.

IST 07:20 pm: In an alleged screenshot of a message from a Samsung support agent, it appears the Good Lock will bag One UI 3.0 (Android 11) support in February. Thus, some users may be slightly disappointed considering that the stable update has already begun rolling out.


Click/tap to view in full size

Update 60 (December 05)

IST 01:05 pm: Many users who have installed the One UI 3.0 stable update based on Android 11 on their S20 series devices are claiming that they still aren’t able to use Google Pay. This was an issue during the beta phase, however, should have been fixed already. Full story here.

IST 02:25 pm: According to Fido’s OS upgrade schedule, the Samsung Galaxy S20, S20+, and S20 Ultra are expected to pick up the One UI 3.0 update soon. It’s likely that it will begin rolling out this month itself. More details here.

IST 03:35 pm: Apparently, T-Mobile has started pushing the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series to users in the U.S. It bears the build number CTKH and weighs 2464.56 MB in size.

IST 06:30 pm: Samsung has shared a few more details about the new Android 11-based One UI 3.0 skin and how it takes the user experience to ‘new heights’ with its refreshed design, enhancements to everyday features, and customizability options amongst other things.

Click/tap to view updates 61-80

Update 61 (December 07)

IST 10:15 am: The second One UI 3.0 beta has been released for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 in Korea carrying the build number ZTL3 with a download size of 535.29 MB. Further, the stable One UI 3.0 update is now live for Galaxy S20 users in Poland as per a post on Reddit.

IST 11:30 am: The US carrier Sprint has begun testing the Android 11 updated for the Samsung Galaxy A50 devices. It’s worth mentioning that the device otherwise still awaits the One UI 2.5 release.

IST 06:45 pm: New developments indicate that the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series has begun rolling out to users in India and UAE. Full coverage here.

Update 62 (December 08)

IST 10:40 am: Sprint Galaxy S20 series users can get the Android 11 update on their devices by simply inserting a T-Mobile SIM to get the OTA update. The carrier has not rolled out the update otherwise. More info here.

IST 11:15 am: One UI 3.0 has added a new photo editing tool to the Gallery app. Unlike earlier, now until one specifies, they won’t get a copy of the original photo upon editing.

As for those who wish to save a copy of the original photo, they can do so by tapping the three-dot menu and selecting the “Save copy” option (as can be seen in the image below).


IST 02:55 pm: A Twitter user appears to have shared a screenshot of part of the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update timeline for eligible devices in Brazil. Therefore, those looking out for the One UI 3.0 timeline in Brazil should be able to see it in the Samsung Members app.



IST 05:05 pm: According to TELUS’ software update schedule, the Samsung Galaxy S20 series will get the Android 11 (One UI 3.0) update on December 15. More details here.

Update 63 (December 09)

IST 04:15 pm: Apparently, Samsung is already testing Android 11 for the Galaxy A90 5G even though the device is yet to bag the One UI 2.5 update. Head here to know all the details.

IST 06:45 pm: Samsung Galaxy S20 FE users in Europe may be a tad disappointed since the official roadmap for the Android 11 rollout in Germany indicates that the device will get the update in February. More details here.

IST 06:50 pm: The One UI 3.0 stable update is now live for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in Indonesia as per a user report.

Update 64 (December 10)

IST 11:11 am: Samsung has released the second One UI 3.0 beta update for the Galaxy S20 FE in Korea with the build number ZTL4 as per a user report. Further, the fifth beta is live for the Galaxy Note 20 in Korea as well with the build number ZTL4.

IST 05:35 pm: The One UI 3.0 timeline for Europe is now out (Via). Check it out below:

January 2021
– Galaxy Note 20, Note 20 Ultra
– Galaxy Note 10, Note 10+
– Galaxy Z Flip 5G
– Galaxy Z Fold2
– Galaxy Z Fold
– Galaxy S10 series(S10, S10+, S10e, S10 Lite)

February 2021
– Galaxy S20 FE
– Galaxy S20 FE 5G

March 2021
– Galaxy A51
– Galaxy Xcover Pro
– Galaxy M31s

April 2021
– Galaxy A40
– Galaxy A71

May 2021
– Galaxy A42
– Galaxy A50
– Galaxy A70
– Galaxy A80
– Galaxy Tab S6
– Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

June 2021
– Galaxy A21s
– Galaxy A31
– Galaxy A41
– Galaxy Tab Active 3

July 2021
– Galaxy A20e
– Galaxy Tab S5e

August 2021
– Galaxy A30s
– Galaxy A20s
– Galaxy Xcover 4s
– Galaxy Tab Active Pro
– Galaxy Tab A 10.1 (2019)

September 2021
– Galaxy A10
– Galaxy Tab A8 (2019)

IST 05:40 pm: Further, it appears that a hot fix update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 is also available for users in Korea.



IST 06:45 pm: It appears that the One UI 3.0 update is now live for Exynos Samsung Galaxy S20 devices in France as per a user report on Reddit.

Update 65 (December 11)

IST 09:30 am: Apparently, the next One UI 3.0 beta update has been postponed for the Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, and the Note 10 duo as well in Korea as per a report.

Further, Samsung Galaxy S20 series users with devices from Three in the UK are getting the stable Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update too according to a user’s claim.

And it seems that the Quickstar Good Lock module has now bagged support for One UI 3.0 too.

Update 66 (December 12)

IST 10:05 am: The One UI 3.0 update has begun rolling out for the AT&T branded Samsung Galaxy Note 20 in the U.S. It bears the build number CTL2. It’s likely that the update will go live elsewhere soon.

IST 01:20 pm: New developments indicate that Samsung might be planning to release the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9+ and Galaxy M20. Check out our detailed coverage here.

Update 67 (December 14)

IST 10:35 am: Apparently, the Android 11 update alongside Samsung’s One UI 3.0 skin will begin rolling out for T-Mobile variants of the Galaxy Note 20 series this month itself as per a T-Mobile support rep.



IST 01:05 pm: T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S20 series who haven’t installed the One UI 3.0 update yet may have to wait a while before they can get their hands on the new software since the carrier has paused the rollout.

IST 06:00 pm: New developments indicate that Samsung has opened up the One UI 3.0 beta rollout for the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note 10 line up since the Beta 2 and Beta 3 updates have begun rolling out to users in Korea respectively.

Update 68 (December 15)

IST 11:05 am: According to a fresh user report, the One UI 3.0 update is live for the unlocked Snapdragon Galaxy S20 series in the UK.

IST 03:40 pm: TELUS, Rogers, and Koodo have begun seeding the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in Canada as per fresh reports.

IST 03:46 pm: Samsung has begun rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in Taiwain as per a fresh report from a user on Reddit.

IST 05:00 pm: Apparently, US Cellular has listed that the latest software update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE is based on Android 11. According to the info shared by the carrier, it bears the build number ATL1. See more details here.

IST 06:45 pm: A new user report indicates that the One UI 3.0 update has begun rolling out for Samsung Galaxy S20 series users in Australia. It’s likely that the update will be released by all carriers soon.

Update 69 (December 16)

IST 10:05 am: Fido has begun seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series in Canada. The update is available over the air and you should get the notification soon if you haven’t already. More details here.

IST 11:12 am: It appears that Samsung Galaxy S20 series users in the U.S. with Xfinity models are now beginning to receive the One UI 3.0 update on their devices as per fresh reports.

IST 06:00 pm: A Samsung Galaxy S20 series user has taken to Reddit to confirm that the One UI 3.0 update has begun rolling out in South Africa.

IST 06:30 pm: Samsung has released the fourth One UI 3.0 beta update for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip LTE in Korea and has also begun another round of recruitment for the One UI 3.0 beta program for the S10 series in the country.

Update 70 (December 17)

IST 05:25 pm: Samsung Galaxy M30s One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update testing has started in India. Test build with version CTL9 has surfaced on CheckFrim. Head over here to check out the full coverage.

IST 07:55 pm: Recent reports suggest that the T-Mobile and Verizon Galaxy Note 20 series devices might start getting the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update from December-end.

Update 71 (December 18)

IST 09:43 am: It seems that Samsung has begun rolling out the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 20 series globally. It’s likely that we’ll see the update arrive in many regions soon as suggested by a new report.

IST 02:25 pm: The Android 11-based One UI 3.0 software update for the T-Mobile Galaxy Note 20 series appears to have started rolling out according to a user who claims to have received the update. More details here.

IST 03:50 pm: According to a new report, Samsung Galaxy S20 FE has started receiving the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update in Russia as version G780FXXU1BTL1. The latest update also brings along the December security patch.

IST 06:05 pm: Samsung Galaxy S20 users in Singapore have begun receiving the One UI 3.0 update on their devices as per a user report on Reddit.

Update 72 (December 19)

IST 12:00 pm: Samsung has released the 5th One UI 3.0 beta update for the Galaxy Z Flip LTE. The update version ZTL8 brings several improvements to the device in question.

IST 12:20 pm: According to recent reports, the Verizon Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy Note 20 Ultra units have started receiving the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update.

IST 05:30 pm: It seems that the Vodafone (VD2) Galaxy S20+ units in Germany have also received the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 pretty recently.

Thanks for the tip, Taieb Khouni!

Update 73 (December 21)

IST 11:58 am: According to a report from Reddit, Samsung Galaxy S20 series devices with Exynos SoC are getting the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update in Australia.

IST 04:28 pm: As per recent reports, Samsung has started rolling out the stable One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update to the Galaxy Z Flip. The update comes as version CTL6 along with the December security patch.

Update 74 (December 22)

IST 12:42 pm: As per recent reports, the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update is live for the unlocked Galaxy Note 20 Ultra units in the UK and US. The EE UK locked Galaxy Note 20 Ultra variant is also receiving the latest OS update.


And away we go.. Official ONE UI 3.0 on UK unlocked Note 20 Ultra

OneUI 3.0 live on EE in UK


(Source 1, 2)

IST 12:52 pm: Multiple user reports from Reddit suggest that Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update to the unlocked Galaxy S20 units in the US. Also, the latest OS update might be under testing for the Galaxy S20 series devices in Brazil.


(Source 1, 2)

IST 01:00 pm: According to recent reports, the Galaxy S10 Lite is also getting the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update. The latest OS update is available as versions DTL1 and CTL3 for the global and US Galaxy S10 Lite variants respectively.


(Source 1, 2, 3)

IST 01:14 pm: The One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update is out for the Galaxy Note 20 units on the Xfinity Mobile network. The info comes from Reddit where a user has shared that the latest OS update is live in Vermont.

IST 04:55 pm: According to a recent report, the Galaxy A50 units on Verizon and U.S. Cellular are being tested with the One UI 2.5 and One UI 3.0 (Android 11) builds. Head over here for more details.

IST 05:32 pm: The T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S20 and unlocked units are now getting a new One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11. The info comes from Reddit where users have shared that the new OS update rollout is now live.


(Source 1, 2)

IST 06:05 pm: New reports indicate that the One UI 3.0 update is live for the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 series in the UAE and in New Zealand. Further, it appears that Samsung is testing Android 11 for the Galaxy A70 as well. More on that here.

IST 06:59 pm: Samsung Galaxy S20 FE (Exynos) is now getting the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 in India. The info about the update being live in the country comes from Reddit.

Update 75 (December 23)

IST 11:00 am: Samsung has begun seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Exynos Galaxy Note 20 series in Malaysia and India as per fresh user reports.

IST 11:55 am: It appears that the One UI 3.0 beta program for the Samsung Galaxy A51 5G has gone live in the company’s home country. Further, it’s likely that Samsung would release the update earlier than expected for the device. Check out the full story here.

IST 03:00 pm: Right after starting the beta program for the Galaxy A51 5G, Samsung has opened up the beta for the Galaxy M31 in India. Interested users can enroll via the Samsung Members app.


Click/tap to enlarge image

IST 03:10 pm: The company has also begun rolling out the stable Android update for the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 series in Korea and Kenya as per user reports.

IST 03:10 pm: A new test build has surfaced for the Samsung Galaxy A71 5G in Korea indicating that Samsung may be close to releasing the One UI 3.0 beta for the device. Head here to know more.

Update 76 (December 25)

IST 11:14 am: According to recent reports, Samsung Galaxy S20 FE has started getting the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update in Greece and Netherlands. The EE UK Galaxy S20 FE 5G units are also getting the same.

IST 11:40 am: Samsung has also started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip units in Germany and Netherlands. The Galaxy S20 units in New Zealand are also getting the same.

Update 77 (December 26)

IST 09:40 am: The One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 has begun rolling out for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 4G in Indonesia as per a user on Reddit.

IST 01:45 pm: New developments indicate that Samsung has begun testing the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy A50s. Check out our detailed coverage here.

Update 78 (December 28)

IST 03:23 pm: The Android 11-based One UI 3.0 skin has now made its way over to Vodafone Samsung Galaxy Note 20 models sold in the UK and Ireland as per user reports.

IST 06:22 pm: New developments suggest that Samsung might add support for Android 11 (One UI 3.0) to Good Lock and its modules by next month itself. Head here for the full story.

IST 06:35 pm: The One UI 3.0 stable update has now begun rolling out for the Galaxy Note 20 series in Germany and Spain as per fresh reports from users.

Update 79 (December 29)

IST 09:40 am: Samsung Galaxy Note 20 series users in Belgium have started getting the One UI 3.0 OTA on their devices. Samsung has also begun rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the S20 FE in Germany.

IST 11:05 am: The Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update is now available to Galaxy S20 FE users in the UK, Ireland, and the Czech Republic.

Moreover, Galaxy Note 20 series users with devices on the O2 network in the UK have started receiving the One UI 3.0 update whereas the update is also available on the Note 20 series in Denmark.

IST 03:00 pm: Apparently, a new test build — CTL1 — has been spotted for the Indian variant of the Samsung Galaxy A50. According to the build details on CheckFirm, it’s based on Android 11.



Thanks for the tip, Mohd Fahad Moin!

IST 07:04 pm: New developments indicate that Samsung will be brining Second Screen/dual monitor support to the Galaxy Tab S7 series with the One UI 3.0 update. Head here for more details.

Update 80 (December 30)

IST 09:45 am: After installing the Android 11 update on their Samsung phones, many users were confused as to why they aren’t able to boot into recovery mode. Well, it turns out that it now requires a USB connection to boot into recovery mode. Check out our detailed story here.

IST 09:50 am: The Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra sold in Portugal are now picking up the Android 11 update as per a fresh report from a user on Reddit.

IST 10:55 am: Samsung support has allegedly confirmed that the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy A90 5G is currently undergoing inspection and is scheduled to release in March. More details here.

IST 01:10 pm: It appears that Samsung has begun seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 duo in Germany with the build number ETLL. Head here for our full coverage on the matter.

IST 01:30 pm: Samsung has started rolling out One UI 3.0 for the Galaxy S20 FE in Malaysia, Nepal, and to Vodafone subscribers in Romania.

Furthermore, Galaxy Z Flip users in the following regions are also getting the new update as highlighted on SamMobile’s database:

Philippines, Ukraine, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Russia, Cambodia, and Bangladesh.

IST 05:30 pm: Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite users in Bulgaria are receiving the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update as per fresh reports from users.

IST 05:35 pm: It appears that Samsung is having trouble rolling out new beta updates for the Galaxy S10 series, however, the Beta Operation Manager for Korea has claimed that the team is working hard to release the stable update.

We’ve shared an alleged screenshot of the Beta Operation Manager’s comment below (translated to English):



IST 06:45 pm: It seems that the One UI 3.0 update was also released for the Galaxy Note 10+ 5G in Spain and Switzerland. Head here for the full coverage.

Update 81 (December 31)

IST 10:10 am: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4G users in India have started getting the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update as per fresh reports on Reddit.

IST 02:55 pm: According to the Beta Operation Manager on the Korean community forums, Samsung currently does not have any plans to open up the One UI 3.0 beta program for any other Galaxy A series device. Head here for the full story.

Update 82 (January 01)

IST 01:50 pm: Koodo, in its software update schedule, has mentioned that it will be rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 20 in Canada on January 05.

IST 03:25 pm: It seems a new Android 11 test build has surfaced for the Samsung Galaxy A51 sold in India. This is not to be confused with the Galaxy A51 5G which is currently part of the One UI 3.0 beta in Korea.



Update 83 (January 02)

IST 11:00 am: Following the carrier locked devices, now the carrier-unlocked variants of the Galaxy S20 lineup in the U.S. are fetching the One UI 3.0 (or Android 11) update on a wider level.

IST 11:10 am: Also getting the One UI 3.0 update are the Galaxy Note 20 devices in Chile.

Update 84 (January 04)

IST 09:47 am: The One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 10 series is reportedly live in Indonesia. Further, a new report suggests that Android 11 has begun rolling out widely for the Galaxy S10 Lite in India too.

IST 11:45 am: Samsung has begun seeding the fourth One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy Z Fold2 in Korea. It’s rolling out to participants in the beta program with the build number ZTLL. Here’s the changelog:

The text below has been translated from Korean to English:
– Quick panel cannot be touched when Close> Open-When
switching to window mode, it moves to the bottom of the screen and does not move
– Security folder backup is not possible after FOTA-After
running the camera in the unfolding state> Lightly folding> FC
– Settings> All Selecting an app from the app to use as the aspect ratio does not apply.
– Multi Window operation error
– Quick panel> Music control bar cut off
– When calling apps> Blur may not be applied

IST 02:15 pm: Samsung has begun seeding the 2nd One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy M31 in India. A user has confirmed reciting the new update with the build number ZTLN.

Update 85 (January 05)

IST 09:49 am: Samsung has begun seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 10 series in Malaysia and the UAE as per fresh reports from users. Further, the update is also available for the Galaxy S20 lineup in Brazil.

IST 12:40 pm: It seems that the One UI 3.0 update is live for the Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra in Canada as users with unlocked models and TELUS-branded models have confirmed receiving the new Android version.

Update 86 (January 06)

IST 09:40 am: A new test build has been spotted for the Verizon Samsung Galaxy A50 which is likely based on Android 11 since it bears the build number DUA1 — a major bump up from the current official build number BTJ7.



IST 12:05 pm: It seems a new test build has also been spotted for the Samsung Galaxy A70 sold in Spain. The test software bears the build number DUA2. Head here for more details.

IST 01:55 pm: Samsung has started seeding the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for the Galaxy S20 FE in Brazil as per a fresh report from a user on Reddit.

IST 04:43 pm: Samsung is reportedly rolling out the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for the Galaxy S10e and the Galaxy S10 5G in Switzerland. It’s likely that the Galaxy S10 and S10+ will bag the update soon as well.

Update 87 (January 07)

IST 11:09 am: It seems that AT&T has allegedly started seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S20 FE in the U.S. as per user reports. Head here for the full story.

IST 05:55 pm: Samsung has started pushing the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 10 in India carrying the build number ETLL as per SamMobile’s database.

Thanks for the tip, Fainan Mujeeb!

IST 06:05 pm: It also seems that the South Korean giant is testing Android 11 on the Galaxy A51 sold in India as a new test build has popped up for the device.


Thank you for the tip and screenshot, Mohd Fahad Moin!

Update 88 (January 08)

IST 10:50 am: A new test build based on Android 11 has been spotted for the Samsung Galaxy A70. Given the number of test builds that have been spotted, it’s likely we may see the stable version go live soon.

IST 01:15 pm: Samsung Galaxy Note 10 users in Dubai are receiving the One UI 3.0 update as per fresh reports from users.

Further, it appears that Galaxy S10 users who participated in the beta program are now receiving the 3rd beta update in India.

IST 05:00 pm: Galaxy S10 users in the UK are also receiving the third One UI 3.0 beta update. It’s unclear why Samsung is still seeding beta updates when it has already rolled out the stable firmware in some regions.

Update 89 (January 09)

IST 09:55 am: Samsung has shared its One UI 3.0 schedule for all eligible devices in the UK and has also shared the names of devices that have received the new skin. Check out the screenshot below:


Update 90 (January 09)

IST 02:50 pm: Verizon has responded to a query that they are already working on updates that will enable RCS on Samsung devices running One UI 3.0 and planning to roll them out with a ‘phased approach’. Read all about it through this link.

IST 03:00 pm: TELUS has revealed that it will start rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G, Galaxy Fold 5G, and Galaxy Note 10+ on January 20. Head here for more details.

Update 91 (January 11)

IST 10:20 am: Samsung has started rolling out a new beta update for the Galaxy M31 which is currently part of the One UI 3.0 beta program. The update is rolling out with the build number ZTLN as per a user report.



IST 10:40 am: Android 11 along with One UI 3.0 might soon be available in stable form for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 since the company has ended the beta program for the device in Korea after rolling out the last beta update — build BTLL.

IST 11:44 am: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G users can rejoice since the company has started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for the device in Germany carrying the build number CTLL. Head here for our extended coverage.

IST 11:54 am: Galaxy S20 5G users on the O2 network in the UK have started receiving the update to Android 11 on their devices. A user has taken to Twitter to confirm receiving the new software.

IST 01:20 pm: Samsung has released the second One UI 3.0 beta update for the Galaxy A51 5G in South Korea as per a user who confirmed receiving the new update on the company’s community forums.


Translated from Korean to English

IST 04:50 pm: Some models from the Galaxy A series are expected to pick up the update to Android 11 in a few months. However, the company is already testing the new version on these devices. You can head here to know all about the status of One UI 3.0 for all eligible Galaxy A devices.

IST 05:20 pm: According to new details shared by Rogers, the carrier released Android 11 for the Galaxy Note 20 series on January 05 in Canada.

Update 92 (January 12)

IST 09:35 am: Samsung is yet to release the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 10 duo in South Korea. To shed some light on this, a moderator has allegedly claimed that due to several developments, the update will not be available immediately.

However, users need not get disappointed since the mod claims Samsung will release the stable update in January itself, albeit towards the tail-end of the month. We’ve shared a translated version of the screenshot below.

Click/tap to view in full size:



IST 09:55 am: The Android 11 update alongside One UI 3.0 is now available for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G in Korea. A couple of users (1, 2) have already taken to the company’s community forum to confirm receiving the update.

IST 04:29 pm: Fido has updated its OS upgrade schedule wherein it has mentioned that the Android 11 update for the Galaxy Z Flip 5G and Galaxy Note 10+ is coming soon.

Update 93 (January 13)

IST 01:55 pm: Once again, new test builds based on Android 11 have popped up for the Galaxy A70 and Galaxy A50 indicating that the devices may get the stable update soon. Head here for more details.

IST 05:10 pm: Samsung may release the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy A51, Galaxy M21, Galaxy M31, Galaxy Note 10 Lite, Galaxy Tab S7, and Galaxy Tab S7+ in February. Head here for all the details.

IST 05:35 pm: The One UI 3.0 update is now live for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G in Dubai and India as per fresh reports from users.

Further, it seems that Samsung Korea is preparing the third One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy S10 series that will be released next week as per the moderator in charge of the beta operation.

We’ve shared an alleged screenshot of the moderator’s comment below (translated from Korean):


Click/tap to view in full size

Update 94 (January 14)

IST 10:00 am: Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update to Galaxy Note 20 units in Australia and Galaxy S10 units in Germany as per user reports.

IST 10:55 am: The One UI 3.0 update has started rolling out to Verizon Samsung Galaxy S20 FE units and AT&T Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G units. Head here for more details.

IST 11:48 am: The One UI 3.0 update is now available in multiple regions for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series as users have started receiving the update all across the globe. These are some of the regions where the update has gone live recently as per SamMobile’s database:

Panama, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Luxembourg, Dubai

Thanks for the tip, Jijo Mathew!

Samsung has also released the fourth One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ in South Korea. The beta carries the build number ZUA2 and brings a few fixes and improvements.

IST 02:55 pm: Optus and Vodafone have begun seeding the One UI 3.0 update to the Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra in Australia. Head here to know all about the update.

Update 95 (January 15)

IST 09:50 am: The One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S10 is now available in Iran, Kosovo, and Egypt. Further, Galaxy S20 FE users are getting the update in Brazil

Thanks for the Kosovo region tip, Gazmend Xheladini!

IST 12:50 pm: Optus is currently testing Android 11 for the Galaxy Note 10+, Note 10+ 5G, and Galaxy A90 5G in Australia. More details here.

Further, Samsung Korea will be ending the One UI 3.0 beta for the Galaxy Fold this month. Thus, users can expect to see the stable update go live soon in the country and other regions across the globe.

IST 01:00 pm: New Android 11 test builds have popped up for the Galaxy A51 and Galaxy A70 indicating that the stable update might be around the corner. More details here.

IST 01:15 pm: It seems that Samsung will released the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for the Galaxy XCover Pro between February and March. More details here.

IST 01:55 pm: One UI 3.0 is now available on the Sprint/T-Mobile Galaxy Z Flip 5G, Galaxy S10 in the Netherlands, and on the Vodafone Galaxy Z Fold2 5G in the UK.

Update 96 (January 16)

IST 10:00 am: It appears that Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ users have started receiving the One UI 3.0 software update. More details here.

IST 03:50 pm: One UI 3.0 is now rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S10 units in Sweden, Galaxy Note 10 units in Sri Lanka, and EE Galaxy Z Fold2 5G units in the UK as per individual reports from users.

IST 06:05 pm: EE is set to release Android 11 for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series by the end of the month. It’s likely other carriers will seed the update around the same time.

Update 97 (January 18)

IST 11:13 am: According to a recent report from the Samsung community, the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 is finally rolling out to the Korean Samsung Galaxy S20 FE variant.

IST 03:32 pm: As per a recent report, Samsung is now rolling out the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 to the Galaxy Fold units sold in the UK, UAE, and France. Full coverage here.

IST 03:37 pm: The T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S20 FE units are now getting the update to One UI 3.0 based on Android 11. To know more about the latest OS update for the T-Mobile Galaxy S20 FE variant, head here.

IST 06:42 pm: The Samsung S10 series users in India along with beta testers have finally received the One UI 3.0 Android 11 update. Read all about it through this link.

IST 06:45 pm: As per a recent report from a Korean Samsung community moderator, the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 official version for the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 5G is expected to arrive this month in Korea.

As announced, the S10/S10 5G Android 11 official version is committed to completion within January.
As the beta operator responds to other posts, you know,
The S10 series is scheduled to open the third beta version next week for existing beta participants.
We hope that the inconvenience for the Android 11 beta version will be resolved.

IST 06:50 pm: After Europe, Samsung Galaxy Note 10 is now getting the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 in Saudi Arabia. The information comes from Twitter where a users has reported about the update being live in the region.

Update 98 (January 19)

IST 10:10 am: Verizon has started seeding the Android 11 update with the One UI 3.0 skin to the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G in the U.S. More details here.

IST 12:07 pm: It seems that Samsung has started rolling out the stable One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy M31 in India. However, the update is only available to those who were part of the beta program. Read our full coverage here.

IST 04:20 pm: Samsung is rolling out One UI 3.0 to the Galaxy Note variants in Italy and unlocked Galaxy S20 FE units in the U.S. Further, the stable Android 11 update is out for the Galaxy Z Flip LTE variant in Korea as per an official announcement.

IST 06:00 pm: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 users in Switzerland have also started receiving the One UI 3.0 update as per a fresh confirmation from a user on Reddit.

Update 99 (January 20)

IST 10:05 am: A new test firmware has been spotted for the Samsung Galaxy A70 model that’s sold in Spain. The build number is DUA8.

With all the new test builds surfacing for the device over the past few weeks, it’s likely we’ll see the stable update rolling out soon.

IST 12:45 pm: The One UI 3.0 update is now available for the Galaxy Fold in Norway and Philippines. Further, Galaxy Note 20 users in Brazil are getting the update and Verizon unlocked Galaxy Note 10 users are also confirming they have received the update.

IST 12:53 pm: Samsung has now released the third One UI 3.0 beta update to Galaxy S10 and Galaxy A51 5G beta testers in South Korea. The build numbers are ZUA3 and ZUA6 respectively.

IST 06:05 pm: Sprint has released the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE in the U.S. More details here.

IST 06:26 pm: A user with the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ on the TELUS network in Canada has confirmed receiving the One UI 3.0 update. Head here for more details.

Update 100 (January 21)

IST 10:04 am: Samsung has updated its Good Lock application and modules with support for One UI 3.0 based on Android 11. The new Good Lock 2021 app has bagged a slight UI overhaul as well. More details here.

IST 11:08 am: Bell has also started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for the Samsung Galaxy Fold in Canada. A user has confirmed receiving the new update on Reddit.

IST 05:20 pm: Fresh user reports indicate that AT&T has started sending the Android 11 update to Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ units in the U.S. More details here.

IST 05:55 pm: Samsung has reportedly halted the rollout of One UI 3.0 for the Galaxy S10 series without divulging any details regarding the move. However, it’s like that the update brought along some major bugs and issues.

Update 101 (January 22)

IST 10:30 am: AT&T has started rolling out Android 11 with One UI 3.0 on top for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G in the U.S. More details here.

IST 11:00 am: Rogers and Fido have started seeding the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 to the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G in Canada. Head here for more details.

IST 11:00 am: Samsung Galaxy S10 users with O2 UK models may have to wait a few days or even weeks before they get the One UI 3.0 update according to the carrier’s social media team.

We don’t have any timescales we can provide at present. We test updates as soon as they’re sent to us from the vendor and we aim to send our approvals (or fix requests) back to them within a week or so. At that point, it’s back in the hands of the vendors and can take days/weeks for this then to become available to customers. (Source)

It’s likely that this is directly related to the halt in the rollout of One UI 3.0 for the Galaxy S10 series that we had mentioned about yesterday.

IST 01:00 pm: Vodafone Australia has scheduled the testing for Android 11 on the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G. It’s likely that the carrier will release the stable update shortly.

IST 03:57 pm: A user has taken to Reddit to confirm receiving the One UI 3.0 update on their limited edition Star Wars Galaxy Note 10+ Exynos model.

IST 06:25 pm: New Android 11 test builds have surfaced for the Samsung Galaxy A70. The build number is DUA9. Head here for more details.

Update 102 (January 23)

IST 09:55 am: Verizon is rolling out the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 to the Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e in the U.S. Head here for more details.

IST 10:10 am: Optus is currently testing the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G, Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e as per details shared on its software updates page.

IST 10:49 am: TELUS/Koodo and Virgin Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ users in Canada are receiving the One UI 3.0 update as per fresh reports on Reddit.

IST 12:58 pm: TELUS is expected to release the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, S10e, and Z Flip on February 2 in Canada. Head here for our detailed coverage.

IST 03:39 pm: US Cellular has begun rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE according to an individual on Reddit.

IST 03:50 pm: Rogers‘ latest OS upgrade schedule reflects that the company released Android 11 for the Galaxy Note 10/10+, Galaxy Z Fold2 5G, and Galaxy Z Flip 5G on January 19.

Update 103 (January 25)

IST 04:08 pm: After mysteriously halting the Android 11 (One UI 3.0) stable update for the Samsung Galaxy S10, Samsung has finally given out a reason for the same. Read on to know more.

IST 06:13 pm: Samsung is reportedly seeding the One UI 3.0 update to the unlocked Galaxy Note 10 series in the Netherlands. The update bears the build number EUA5 and weighs around 2,300 MB.

Update 104 (January 26)

IST 12:55 pm: T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 users have started receiving the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 in the U.S. More details here.

IST 01:02 pm: Samsung has also updated the Lockstar module with support for One UI 3.0 as highlighted by a fresh report on Reddit.

IST 04:17 pm: According to Samsung’s Android 11 (One UI 3.0) timeline for Korea, the Samsung Galaxy S10 lineup, Galaxy Note 10/10+, and Galaxy Fold 5G are expected to bag the One UI 3.0 update in February.

It’s likely that Samsung would restart the One UI 3.0 rollout in regions where it had pulled the update for the Galaxy S10 series as well next month.



IST 06:13 pm: Samsung Galaxy Note 10 users from Australia are claiming that they are receiving the One UI 3.0 update on their devices. The update has also been captured on SamMobile’s database.

IST 06:30 pm: T-Mobile is currently testing Android 11 on the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 5G, Tab S7+ 5G, S10 5G, and Note 10 5G. More details here.

IST 07:20 pm: One UI 3.0 update has been re-released for the Galaxy S10 lineup after the pull back incident. For more details head, here.

Update 105 (January 27)

IST 09:35 am: It appears that Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 10 Lite in France as per a user on Reddit. It bears the build number DUA8 and carries the January patch too.

IST 12:13 pm: New developments indicate that AT&T has started seeding the update to Android 11 for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series in the U.S. Head here to check out all the details.

IST 04:00 pm: Optus has apparently started seedin the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ in Australia. More details here.

IST 04:20 pm: It appears that the Android 11 update is live for the Vodafone and Unlocked Samsung Galaxy Note 10 models in the UK as per details available on SamMobile’s database.

IST 05:30 pm: Fido has revealed that it will release the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series soon. More on that here.

IST 06:01 pm: Samsung has released the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 10 models from EE in the UK as per fresh user reports on Reddit.

Update 106 (January 28)

IST 10:17 am: The South Korean giant has reportedly started seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy F41 in India. The update bears the build number BUAC and brings the January security patch to the device.

IST 11:48 am: Samsung has started rolling out the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy M21 in India. Head here for all the details.

IST 12:15 pm: After the initially re-releasing the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S10 series in Switzerland, Samsung is now pushing the update to more countries. Head here for the full story.

IST 06:28 pm: It seems that Samsung has released a hot-fix update for Galaxy S10 users in Germany following the pullback of the One UI 3.0 update for the S10 series. A Redditor has confirmed receiving the update.

Update 107 (January 29)

IST 11:53 am: The internal testing of Android 11 for devices from the company’s A series appears to be in full swing since new test builds have surfaced for the Galaxy A50, Galaxy A51, and Galaxy A70. More details here.

IST 02:00 pm: Samsung has finally updated the Clockface, MultiStar, and Home Up Good Lock modules with support for One UI 3.0. Home Up finally allows users on One UI 3.0 to change the grid size in folders.

IST 05:20 pm: Samsung may release the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy A90 5G soon as an Australian carrier appears to have completed the software testing. Head here for the full story.

IST 06:00 pm: The One UI 3.0 update has been released for the Galaxy S20 FE in Saudi Arabia and for the Galaxy Note 10 in Brazil as per fresh reports.

Update 108 (January 30)

IST 05:47 pm: It appears that the stable Android 11 update for the Galaxy S10 series in Korea is undergoing verification. Further, the Galaxy Note 10 is also expected to bag the One UI 3.0 update soon in the country. Head here to know more.

IST 06:30 pm: Another Android 11 test build has been spotted for the Samsung Galaxy A50 indicating that the stable update is around the corner. Head here for more details.

IST 06:36 pm: Samsung has started seeding the One Ui 3.0 update to Galaxy S10 Lite units in Brazil as per a fresh user report. Further, it seems the Android 11 update for the Galaxy M31s is near as a new test build — CUA9 — was spotted on the CheckFirm app.

Thank you for the tip, Shashank!

Update 109 (February 01)

IST 09:50 am: The One UI 3.0 update is now rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S10 series users in Peru as per a recent user report.

IST 10:50 am: A Samsung mod has confirmed that the final verification process for Android 11 on the Galaxy S10 series is now complete and the update is expected to be released today in Korea.

The company has also ended the beta program for the Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ in the country and the official version is now available as build number EUA3. Check out all the details here.

IST 10:50 am: Samsung Gulf, on Twitter, has confirmed that the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S20 FE will start rolling out this month itself in the region.



IST 06:25 pm: The stable One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 has finally been released of the Samsung Galaxy S10 series. More on this here.

Update 110 (February 02)

IST 11:05 am: After pulling the One UI 3.0 update, the patched version is now rolling out to the Galaxy S10 series in India, Poland, Germany (Vodafone), UK (Vodafone, O2), and Ireland as per user reports.

Thanks for the tip about the rollout in India, Jijo Mathew!

IST 06:45 pm: Samsung Galaxy S10 users in Canada have begun receiving the update to Android 11 with One UI 3.0 on top. Users with unlocked and TELUS models have claimed to have received the update.

Further, the update is hitting Galaxy S10 series devices in Italy as well according to fresh reports from users.

Update 111 (February 03)

IST 11:40 am: The One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 is now rolling out to users of the Bell Canada network carrier on Samsung Galaxy S10.

IST 07:04 pm: Z Fold2 users in Hong Kong have now bagged the One UI 3.0 update as well. More details here.

Update 112 (February 04)

11:47 am (IST): The One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 is now rolling out to the Galaxy S10e users in Canada on the Rogers network carrier right after Telus bagged it.

01:06 am (IST): The One UI 3.0 update is now rolling out to Russian Samsung Galaxy A51 users following which it should hit other regions soon. To download and check further details, head here.

Update 113 (February 05)

10:00 am (IST): Samsung has started seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy Note 10 variants in South Africa with the build number ETLL as per a tip from one of our readers.

Thanks for the tip, Mike Theron!

The Android 11 update is also live for the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 models sold in China as per a fresh report on Reddit.

10:20 am (IST): Yet again, new Android 11-based test builds have been discovered on the CheckFirm app for the Samsung Galaxy A51 and Galaxy A70. More details here.

Thanks, Alex and Mohd Fahad Moin for the tips.

12:20 pm (IST): AT&T Galaxy Note 10+ 5G users and Verizon Galaxy S10 5G users have started getting the One UI 3.0 update in the U.S. More details here.

12:59 pm (IST): Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy XCover Pro in various countries including Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UAE, and the UK as per a report.

Update 114 (February 06)

09:35 am (IST): Android 11 with One UI 3.0 has been released for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Lite in multiple countries including Nigeria, Israel, Iraq, Poland, Thailand, Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Spain, and Hong Kong as per details on SamMobile’s database.

09:45 am (IST): New reports from users also suggest that the South Korean giant has released One UI 3.0 for the Galaxy M31 and the Galaxy M21 in Nepal. Further, the update is live for the Galaxy Fold in Korea, Germany, and the UK.

09:55 am (IST): Samsung Galaxy S10 users in Turkey and Brazil have also confirmed receiving the update on their handsets.

10:25 am (IST): Verizon has begun rolling out Android 11 for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip in the U.S. More details here.

11:35 am (IST): A new Android 11-based test build has surfaced for the Samsung Galaxy A71. It’s likely we may see the stable update go live in the following weeks. More details here.

05:05 pm (IST): T-Mobile has started seeding the Android 11 update for the Galaxy Note 10+ 5G. The update was under testing for a while. More details here.

05:19 pm (IST): The One UI 3.0 update has been released to Galaxy Note 20 series users in Hong Kong as per fresh reports on Reddit.

06:10 pm (IST): Koodo has also released the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series in Canada. More details here.

06:25 pm (IST): Vodafone Australia is currently testing the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G and has also scheduled testing for Android 11 update for the Galaxy Fold 4G. More details here.

06:55 pm (IST): Three UK has allegedly released Android 11 for the Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus and likely the S10 and S10e as well.

07:19 pm (IST): A new Android 11-based test build has also surfaced for the Samsung Galaxy A50. More details here.

Update 115 (February 08)

05:42 pm (IST): Samsung has started seeding Android 11 for the Galaxy A71 5G and the Galaxy A51 5G. Check out all the details here.

06:19 pm (IST): One UI 3.0 has been released for the Samsung Galaxy M30s in India. The update is rolling out with the build number CUAG. Head here for more details.

06:40 pm (IST): The South Korean giant has begun pushing Android 11 to the Galaxy M31 in the Netherlands as per a new report.

07:30 pm (IST): Rogers and TELUS have both confirmedthat they will be rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G on February 16 and February 17 respectively.

Update 116 (February 09)

09:40 am (IST): The Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update has been released to Galaxy Note 10 Lite users in Bosnia and in the UK as per fresh user reports. EE has released the update for the Galaxy Note 10 Lite too in the UK according to SamMobile’s database.

A Galaxy S20 FE user in Australia has also confirmed receiving the update.

10:30 am (IST): It appears that the One UI 3.0 update has started rolling out for the T-Mobile Galaxy Note 10+ units and the Sprint Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ variants. Head here for more details.

07:35 pm (IST): Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy M31s in Russia and Ukraine as per a fresh report. The update is rolling out with the build number CUB1 and brings the February patch to the device.

The update is also reportedly (in Chinese) live for the Galaxy Note 10 models in China and has also begun rolling out to users in Ireland.

Update 117 (February 10)

09:45 am (IST): Samsung is doling out the One UI 3.0 update to Galaxy S10 users in Jordan as per a fresh user report. The update is also live for Galaxy A51 users in Vietnam and Cambodia.

05:14 pm (IST): New test builds based on Android 11 have popped up for the Samsung Galaxy A80, Galaxy A70, Galaxy A71, and Galaxy A51. More details here.

05:40 pm (IST): Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ users with unlocked models in the U.S. have also started getting the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11.

Thanks for the tip, Liam Lavin!

06:10 pm (IST): Samsung has started seeding the One UI 3.0 Android 11 update for the Galaxy A51 in the UAE as well. A user has confirmed receiving the update via a post on Reddit.

06:30 pm (IST): Optus has apparently completed the testing of Android 11 (One UI 3.0) for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. More details here.

06:57 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy Fold users in New Zealand have started getting the One UI 3.0 update in New Zealand. A user has confirmed receiving the update via a post on Reddit.

Update 118 (February 11)

09:41 am (IST): Samsung Galaxy S10 users in the Philippines and Zambia have begun receiving the One UI 3.0 update as per fresh reports. Further, the update is live for the Galaxy M30s in Nepal too.

10:02 am (IST): A fresh Android 11 test build has surfaced for the Samsung Galaxy A90 5G (SM-A908N). More on that here.

10:43 am (IST): T-Mobile has reportedly started seeding the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series in the U.S. Head here for more details.

04:45 pm (IST): Users with unlocked Samsung Galaxy S10 models in Canada are claiming that they are receiving the One UI 3.0 update. Further, it appears that Galaxy Note 10 Lite users on the O2 network in the UK have also bagged the One UI 3.0 update.

07:00 pm (IST): New Android 11-based test builds have popped up for various models of the Galaxy A50s. Head here for more details.

Thank you for the tip, Lazuardi 2K17!

Update 119 (February 12)

09:50 am (IST): Another test build based on Android 11 has surfaced for the Samsung Galaxy A50. More on that here.

10:50 am (IST): Fido will be rolling out the Android 11 update with One UI 3.0 for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE on February 16 as per its official OS upgrade schedule.

07:10 pm (IST): CUB6 is the latest Android 11-based test build to pop-up for the Samsung Galaxy A50. More on that here.

Update 120 (February 13)

03:35 pm (IST): The Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update has been released for the Verizon variant of the Galaxy A71 5G. Head here for more details.

05:23 pm (IST): Vodafone will be rolling out the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series soon and has also scheduled the testing for Android 11. Head here for more details.

Update 121 (February 15)

05:08 pm (IST): Sprint and T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy A51 5G units are getting the update to One UI 3.0 in the U.S. Previously, the update was only available for the Verizon models. Head here for more information.

06:00 pm (IST): It appears that Vodafone Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e units have started receving the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11. Check out more details here.

06:51 pm (IST): A new Android-11 based test build has popped up for the Samsung Galaxy A71. Furthermore, the update is reportedly live for the Galaxy S10 series in Japan. Galaxy Note 10 users in the country have also confirmed (1, 2) receiving the update.

Samsung Galaxy Fold users with unlocked models in Australia have also started getting the update to One UI 3.0. A user confirmed receiving the update via a post on Reddit. Similarly, Galaxy S10 users with unlocked devices in the U.S. have also started receiving it.

Update 122 (February 16)

01:51 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy S10 series users in Indonesia have started receiving the One UI 3.0 update on their devices. Samsung has also reportedly released the update for the Galaxy Fold in the U.S. The update is rolling out for the SM-F900U1 model and bears the build number DUA3. It also carries the February security patch.

Thank you for the tip, Henry T. Wijay!

05:20 pm (IST): It appears that Samsung has started rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy A51 in India. Head here for all the details.

Update 123 (February 17)

09:46 am (IST): Samsung is rolling out the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 for the Galaxy A51 in multiple regions. These include Uruguay, Panama, Barbados, and the U.S. according to reports from users.

01:22 pm (IST): According to Koodo’s software update schedule, the carrier will be rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE in Canada today. More details here.

02:10 pm (IST): T-Mobile has also released the Android 11 update for the Galaxy A71 5G in the U.S. To know more, head here.

Update 124 (February 18)

10:18 am (IST): Freedom mobile Galaxy S20 FE users in Canada have bagged the One UI 3.0 update as per a user report on Reddit. Users with unlocked models have also confirmed receiving the update.

The update is also live for the Galaxy S10 series in Mexico for Telcel models.

03:45 pm (IST): Samsung will apparently start rolling out the Android 11 update for the Galaxy M31s, Galaxy M30s, Galaxy A71, Tab S6 Wi-Fi/LTE, and Tab S6 Lite Wi-Fi/LTE models between March and April as per Güncel miyiz in Turkey.

Update 125 (February 19)

09:35 am (IST): One UI 3.0 is now rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S10 series users with T-Mobile models in Poland, Vodafone models in the UK, and unlocked units in Sweden.

The update is also live for the Galaxy A51 in Dubai, Hong Kong, Israel, Taiwan, Serbia, New Zealand, Russia, and a few other countries as per details shared here.

Update 126 (February 20)

09:50 am (IST): Samsung is rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy A51 in a number of countries including the UK. Head here to check out all the details.

05:38 pm (IST): The One UI 3.0 update is now available for the Galaxy A51 in Germany. The update is also live for Galaxy Z Flip users in the U.S. with unlocked models. Further, a Galaxy M21 user has also confirmed receiving the update in Poland.

Update 127 (February 22)

10:14 am (IST): The One UI 3.0 update is now rolling out to Samsung Galaxy A51 users in the Netherlands and Belgium. More on this here.

06:45 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy S10 users with models from Sprint are also receiving the One UI 3.0 update in the U.S. Head here for more details.

Further, Boost Mobile users are also getting the update according to users on Reddit.

Update 128 (February 23)

10:51 am (IST): The One UI 3.0 update is rolling out to Samsung Galaxy A51 5G users with models from Cricket Wireless in the U.S. More details here.

Update 129 (February 24)

10:27 am (IST): A new test build has popped up for the Samsung Galaxy M51 as CUB7, up from the latest official build — BUA3 — for the SM-515F model sold in India. It’s likely that the device will get the One UI 3.0 update soon.



06:20 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A51 users with models from Bell in Canada should also be getting the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 soon if they haven’t already. Head here for more info.

06:52 pm (IST): As per a tip from one of our readers, Samsung has released the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S10 series in South Africa with the firmware version number G97xFXXU9EUA4. The January security patch also tags along.

Thanks for the tip, Willem Labuschagne!

Update 130 (February 25)

05:35 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A51 across the globe can rejoice as the One UI 3.0 update is expeditiously expanding to more countries now. The update hits Singapore, Jordan, Philippines, and Bangladesh as we speak.

05:50 pm (IST): Samsung S20 FE users in Australia can head towards the update center to receive the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update.



Update 131 (February 26)

12:05 pm (IST): It appears that the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 has been released for Samsung Galaxy S20 FE models from Optus in Australia according to information shared by the carrier.

Update 132 (February 27)

12:57 pm (IST): The One UI 3.0 update is hitting Galaxy A51 devices in Singapore and Jordan. It is also live for the Galaxy A51 5G model sold by AT&T in the U.S. Head here for more details.

Apart from that, the update is also rolling out to Galaxy S10 series users in Zimbabwe according to a user on Reddit and is live for the Galaxy M30s in Jordan too.

05:54 pm (IST): Vodafone Australia has confirmed that it is currently testing the Android 11 update for the Samsung Galaxy A51 4G model. More on that here.

Update 133 (March 01)

02:40 pm (IST): Samsung has released the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy A51 in multiple regions — Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Malaysia.

Samsung will release the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy A50 will be released between 25 March and 25 April. The Galaxy A70 and A80 will get between 30 March and 30 April. The Galaxy A71 will get it between March 15 and April 15. Head here for more details.

Update 134 (March 02)

07:28 pm (IST): It seems that the Samsung Galaxy A51 from Optus in Australia will soon get the update to Android 11 as the carrier has confirmed that it is testing the update for the device.

07:40 pm (IST): The Android 11 update for the Galaxy A51 5G, Galaxy A71 5G, and A90 appears to have been pushed back a month in Korea. The former two are expected to get the update in April while the latter will get the update in May. More details here.

Update 135 (March 03)

02:17 pm (IST): It seems that the One UI 3.0 has been released for the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G in Australia for models sold by Telstra. The January security patch also tags along.


Many thanks for the tip, Shri!

Update 136 (March 04)

07:17 pm (IST): As per a tip from one of our readers, the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 is live for the Samsung Galaxy M31 in Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, KSA, UAE, Morocco, and Egypt as version M315FXXU2BUAC.

Thank you for the tip, أحمد إحسان

Update 137 (March 05)

06:03 pm (IST): Samsung has released the Android 11 update for the Galaxy A51 in Guatemala and Ireland with the build number DUB1.

One UI 3.0 is also hitting the Samsung Galaxy M21 units in Iray, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, UAE, Morocco, and Egypt as version M215FXXU2BUAC as per a tip from one of our readers.

The South Korean giant has also shared a timeline for the Android 11 update in Sri Lanka.



Many thanks for the tip, أحمد إحسان

Update 137 (March 06)

02:00 pm (IST): Samsung’s Android 11 rollout plans for the Philippines is now available. The plan highlights a bunch of Galaxy A series and a few other devices that are expected to get the update in the following months. More on that here.

06:55 pm (IST): Samsung is finally rolling out the One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S20 FE in New Zealand according to a user report on Reddit. The update carries the build number BUA8 and weighs 1921.67 MB. The January patch also tags along.

Update 138 (March 08)

04:57 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A50 users have started getting the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11. The new firmware is available to users in India at the moment with the March security patch. Head here for our detailed coverage.

Update 139 (March 09)

03:42 pm (IST): The One UI 3.0 update is now live for the Samsung Galaxy M30s in the UK and Germany as well.

It is also live for the Galaxy M31s in the UAE, Romania, UK, Spain, Poland, Germany, Baltic, Slovakia, Portugal, Greece, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Ukraine, and Russia as per SamMobile’s database.

Update 140 (March 30)

01:01 pm (IST): Android 11 (One UI 3) is rolling out for Samsung A21s devices in South Korea two months ahead of its initially planned schedule.

03:52 pm (IST): Samsung Galaxy A71 (Luxembourg), Samsung Tab S6 lite (Russia), and Galaxy A90 5G (Switzerland) are also receiving the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update. Time to head towards your update centers if you belong to these nations.

Update 141 (March 31)

03:04 pm (IST): According to recent reports, the Comcast Samsung Galaxy A70 units are now getting the One UI 3.0 update based on Android 11 in the US. Check out the complete coverage here.

Samsung One UI 3.0 (Android 11) update tracker table
Device/Country South Korea United States UK Germany India Canada (Notes)
Samsung Galaxy F41 Stable eleased
Samsung Galaxy M21 Stable eleased
Samsung Galaxy M31s Released Released Stable released in Russia and Ukraine
Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G Released
Samsung Galaxy A51 5G Public beta program Released
Device/Country South Korea United States UK Germany India Canada (Notes)
Samsung Galaxy M51
Samsung Galaxy A21s Released

It’s worth noting that the available One UI 3.0 firmware as of this writing is the pre-beta version meant for developers in South Korea and the U.S. After this, a public beta version will be made available for folks in the UK, China, Germany, India, and Poland.

Public beta testing should last a month or two before the wider rollout begins, probably somewhere in September. As always, we will be here to let you know when the update is ready for your specific unit, so stay tuned to PiunikaWeb.

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