Íme a cikk lényege videó formájában:

Új frissítések kerülnek hozzáadásra a történet alján…….

Az eredeti sztori (közzétéve: 2021. július 12.) a következő:

The Call of A Duty (COD) franchise a legjobb első személyű lövöldözős játékokat kínálja. A legújabb bejegyzésekkel, mint például a COD Modern Warfare, a Warzone és a Black Ops Cold War, a franchise egy újabb szintre emelte többjátékos univerzumát.

Azonban az ilyen, gyakorlatilag végtelen játékosbázissal rendelkező többjátékos játékok gyakran esnek áldozatul hibák és problémák.

Emlékezzünk vissza, a COD Warzone játékosai számos problémáról számoltak be, beleértve a „Dev error 5573”, „Error code RUGBY” és még sok mást.

A másrészt olyan problémák zavarják a COD Modern Warfare játékosait, mint a „Dev error 6034”, a Cruise és Predator rakéta lassú sebessége, és még sok más.

A Black Ops sorozat legújabb bejegyzése, a COD Black Ops is. A hidegháború olyan problémákkal járt, mint a „Bravo 433 pusztító gator” hiba és még sok más.

Összességében nehéz nyomon követni az ezekkel a játékokkal játszó felhasználók pontos számát. A többszereplős játékok fejlődésével az ilyen hibák és problémák egészen természetesek mindaddig, amíg gondoskodnak róluk.

Míg az ilyen játékokkal kapcsolatos számos jelentős hiba és probléma elsőbbségi megoldása megtörténik, néhányat meg kell oldani. máskor, vagy idővel el is felejtik.

Sőt, gyakorlatilag lehetetlen minden egyes problémát megoldani az ilyen hatalmas játékokban. Itt hasznosak lehetnek a megoldások, de még ezek sem garantálják a hibátlan játékélményt.

Az érintett játékosok csak annyit tehetnek, hogy naprakészek maradnak a hibákkal és problémákkal kapcsolatos legfrissebb információkkal. Az Activsion egyedi ismert problémák nyomkövetőit karbantartja a COD Warzone számára , Modern Warfare és Black Ops Cold War.

A játékosok azonban könnyen megtalálhatják a fent említett játékokban előforduló hibákat és problémákat, valamint a jelenlegi állapotukat és a lehetséges megoldásokat ebben az összevont nyomkövetőben.


Továbbá rendszeresen frissítjük az alábbi nyomkövetőt, amint új részletekre derül fény a COD hibákkal és problémákkal kapcsolatban. Tehát figyelje az időjárást a bejegyzésen.

Frissítés 1. (július 13.)

14:45 (IST): Josh Torres, a Treyarch közösségi menedzsere válaszolt egy felhasználó panaszára a zombik fagyási hibájával kapcsolatban a hidegháborúban minden egyes gyilkosság után, és megerősítette, hogy az információkat a jelentés. Remélhetőleg ez gyors megoldást eredményez.

14:55 (IST): Ezen kívül egy streamer hibát talált a Warzone-ban, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy a sebezhetetlen játékosok ejtőernyővel ugorjanak be a Warzone-ba. Gulag és ölje meg az ellenfeleket ellenállás nélkül a jelentés.

2. frissítés (július 15.)

13:22 ( IST): A legújabb frissítése rengeteg javítást és fejlesztést tartalmaz a játékhoz, beleértve az 5573-as fejlesztői hiba javítását és az Xbox One S összeomlását a Verdansk lejátszási listákba való betöltéskor.

14:16 (IST): A COD Black Ops Cold War (BOCW) Xbox Series X textúrák, tárgyak vagy hanganyag hiányzik, valamint szerverhibák az új „Mauer Der Toten” térképen Treyarch elismerte. Részletek itt.

3. frissítés (július 16.)

01:17 (IST): A Warzone játékosai megkönnyebbülnek, amikor megtudják, hogy a halotti csend nerfednek lenni a High Alert perk új módosításainak köszönhetően, amelyek lehetővé teszik a játékosok számára, hogy még akkor is léptekkel haladjanak, ha az ellenség rendelkezik a Dead Silence jutalmukkal. Végül! Egy nagyon szükséges változtatás.

Továbbá a Raven Software kiadott egy új javítást, amely megszünteti a letöltések szerkesztésének lehetőségét a játék előtti előcsarnokban, ideiglenes javításként a korlátlan számú halott csendben.

A Raven most kiadott egy javítást, amely egy végtelen halott csendhiba miatt megszünteti a letöltések szerkesztésének lehetőségét a játék előtti lobbyban. (Forrás)

Ezen kívül egy új Cold A háborús hiba a következő: állítólag ami azt eredményezi, hogy a felhasználóknak több mint 200 GB adatot kell letölteniük.

4. frissítés (július 17.)

IST 01:37: Míg a „Hibakód: Búvár” vagy a „Hibakód: 6” probléma kijavításra került, azok, akik még mindig szembesülnek a problémával, megpróbálhatják a megkerülő megoldások, például a játék újraindítása, vagy próbáljon meg statikus IP-címet beállítani, és engedélyezze a Port Forwarding funkciót a WiFi útválasztó beállításainál.

Ezen kívül a Raven Software támogatása azt mondta, hogy kiadott egy javítást egy olyan problémára, amely miatt a játékosok hosszú sorban állást tapasztalnak a meccseken.

Tisztában vagyunk azzal, hogy a játékosok hosszú időt látnak soridők az egyezésekhez.

Most telepítettünk egy javítást, és az egyezési várólistáknak normalizálódniuk kell.

IST 16:00: Több jelentés szerint a COD Black Ops Cold War játékosai hibával néztek szembe a Mauer der Toten Easter Egg térképen, ahol nem tudnak uránból készült eszközöket készíteni. Az említett hibát azonban hivatalosan is elismerték. További részletek itt.

IST 20:53: A hidegháborús játékosok arról számoltak be, hogy a Tier V öszvér kirúgás nem működik a Wunderfizzzel. Látogasson el ide, hogy mindent megtudjon a problémáról.

Frissítés 5. (július 19.)

IST, 18:15: Több jelentés szerint az irányzék menüje COD-ban a Modern Warfare nem működik a legújabb frissítés után. Látogasson el ide az üggyel kapcsolatos további részletekért és a lehetséges megoldásért.

IST 19:35: A népszerű YouTuber JGOD szerint a 4x a C58-on meglehetősen tönkrement. Ugyanezt azonban a Raven Software azonnal elismerte, és hamarosan várható a javítás. További információ itt.

Frissítés 6. (július 21.)

IST 01:45: Több jelentés szerint a Mauer der Toten (Easter Egg) ) zombitérkép a Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold Warban teleport hibával rendelkezik. Az üggyel kapcsolatos további részletekért látogasson el ide.

Frissítés: 7. (július 22.)

IST 13:36: Egy új frissítés jelenik meg. hibajavításokat tartalmaz a C58 (BOCW) Royal & Kross 4x optikai visszarúgáshoz, a végtelen halott csendhez és még sok máshoz. További részletekért látogasson el ide.

IST 14:24: Több felhasználó panasz érkezett egy helytelen XP-hiba miatt, amely miatt az emberek nem kapnak teljes XP-t. Sajnos egyelőre úgy tűnik, nincs hivatalos elismerés.

Frissítés 8. (július 22.)

IST 16:05: Treyarch Studios úgy döntöttek, hogy a 12v12 moshpit módot visszahozzák a Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War-ba. Ha többet szeretne olvasni, kattintson erre a linkre.

Frissítés 9. (július 23.)

IST 12:33: COD Modern Warfare szerk. A játék közepén a Multiplayer vagy Edit loadout leállt, és a statisztika száma is megszakadt egyeseknél. A részletekért látogasson el ide.

Frissítés 10. (július 27.)

IST 23:20: Több játékos követelte, hogy a játék távolítsa el a villog és elkábít, amikor a Gulagban harcol.

A játékon belüli villanások és kábítások körülbelül 7 másodpercig tartanak, és szinte garantáltan halálosak, ha helyesen találja meg őket.

Nagyon reméljük, hogy a fejlesztők eltávolítják vagy nerf őket valamilyen formában, mivel egy sok felhasználó ez csalódott.

A játékosok ráadásul 19-1793-as memóriahiba. Azt mondják, ez befolyásolja a játékmenetüket, néha többször összeomlik a játék. Mindkettőt érinti PS5 és Xbox Series X.

Számos felhasználó arról is beszámolt, hogy fekete képernyőn ragadnak, amikor megnyernek egy játékot. Ez a játék összeomlásához vezet, és nem rögzíti a győzelmet, ami közvetlenül befolyásolja a ranglista statisztikáit.

Reméljük, hogy a Raven Software a lehető leghamarabb mindezeket a játéktörő hibákat tartalmazza.

Frissítés: 11. (július 29.)

IST 15:10: A COD Warzone rajongói újabb hibákat jelentettek. A játékosok arról számoltak be, hogy nem sikerült megváltoztatni a kezelő bőrét, a játék visszadobja őket a főképernyőre.

Úgy tűnik, hogy a Special Ops Pro csomaggal is probléma van a játékosok bejelentésével hogy csak az alapértelmezett felszínt látják a Portanova operátor skin.

A hasonló hiba teszi a köröket, ahol a játékosok egy másik skint látnak a Hypersonic skin helyett.

Frissítés 12. (július 30.)

IST 12:00: A 4. évad újratöltött frissítésének megjelenése óta a felhasználók hiba a ChainSAW Stock ViewModel-jében. Úgy tűnik, hogy a COD Warzone fejlesztői elfelejtették a probléma megoldását. A hiba a Finn LMG-t érinti.

Alapvetően blokkolja a játékos látását, ami megnehezíti az ellenség megtalálását vagy célzását még ADS használata esetén is.

A játékosok azt is mondják, hogy a A Finn LMG elromlott abban az értelemben, hogy csak a fegyver csövét mutatja. A hiba lehetővé teszi a felhasználóknak, hogy úgy tüzeljenek a fegyverrel, mintha csípőből lőnének.

14:13: A COD irányzékhibáját hivatalosan is elismerték, és mint ilyen csak idő kérdése, mikor foglalkoznak vele. Erről itt olvashat bővebben.

Ezen kívül van néhány új megoldás is, amelyeket kipróbálhat arra az esetre, ha problémákba ütközne a PS5 többjátékos csomagjaival. Tekintse meg őket itt.

Frissítés: 13. (július 31.)

IST 13:20: A Raven Software javítottuk az 5476-os fejlesztői hibát, amely megakadályozta, hogy a játékosok belépjenek a COD Warzone-ba.

14. frissítés (augusztus 3.)

IST 11: 32 óra: A Call of Duty játékosok egy része állítólag egy 6-os búvárhiba kóddal néz szembe, amely megakadályozza, hogy hozzáférjenek a játékhoz a legutóbbi frissítést követően.

problémák próbálnak visszatérni a tőkehalba: warzone játék. Hibakódot kapok: DIVER Többször megpróbáltam kikapcsolni a ps4-emet, és megpróbáltam kihúzni az útválasztót, és hagyni, hogy újrainduljon, de úgy tűnik, hogy nem oldja meg a problémát. Tehetek még valamit?

A Raven Software azóta elismerte ezt a problémát, de ennek ellenére továbbra is érkeznek jelentések az érintett felhasználóktól.

Frissítés: 15. (augusztus 6.)

IST 09:43: A Raven Software most azt mondja, hogy kiadott egy javítást a Call of Duty játékosai által tapasztalt probléma megoldására, mivel nem látják online barátaikat.


Frissítés 16. (augusztus 7.)

IST 23:20: A Raven Software nemrégiben elindította a Blueprint Blitz eseményt, amely a játékosokat jutalmazza tervrajzok ha teljesítenek egy sor kihívást.

Néhány órával az esemény kezdete után a játékosok elárasztották a Twittert és a Redditet olyan jelentésekkel, amelyek azt sugallják, hogy az esemény nem úgy osztja ki a jutalmakat, ahogy kellene.

A fejlesztők tudomásul vették a problémát, és ideiglenesen letiltották, amíg nem találnak megoldást.

17. frissítés (augusztus 13.)

IST 1:32 pm: A Raven Software, a Call of Duty készítői, kijöttek, hogy értesítsék a felhasználókat hogy a High Alert Perk váltás, ahol a játékosok hallhatják a Dead Silence-t használók lépteit, még nem élesben.

A vállalat nem közöl értelmes ütemtervet arra vonatkozóan, hogy mikor lesz elérhető ez a funkció.

Frissítés: 18. (augusztus 14.)

IST 01: 17:00: A legújabb jelentések szerint a Call of Duty: Warzone játékosai késéssel és akadozási problémákkal néznek szembe, miután megszerezték az 5. évados javítást. Látogasson el ide, ha többet szeretne megtudni az ügyről.

Frissítés: 19. (augusztus 20.)

IST, 14:15: COD: Black Ops Cold War játékosok problémákkal kell szembenézniük a Marshal 16 Dragon’s Breath tartozékkal kapcsolatban, de ennek javítását ütemezték. További részletek itt.

IST 15:32: Az Activision három további ismert hibát vett fel az ismert problémák listájára, megjegyezve, hogy a tervek szerint mindhárom hibát kijavítják. Ezek a problémák a következők:

– A Beck’s Season Five Operator Mission negyedik célkitűzése nem számít.
– A Kitsune „Biztonsági szakértői” operátori küldetésének harmadik célja nem számít.
– Powers „Plusible Deniability” operátori küldetésének első célja nem számít.

20. frissítés (augusztus 26.)

IST 11:25: A Raven Software hivatalosan is elismerte a problémát, amikor a Call of Duty játékosai arról számoltak be, hogy problémákkal találkoztak a tervrajzok alkalmazása során. A cég azt állítja, hogy dolgoznak a javításon. Erről itt olvashat bővebben.

Frissítés: 21. (szeptember 11.)

IST 17:00: A COD után: a Warzone fejlesztői végre megvásárolták a várva várt Zombiest Mastery Camo skinek a játékhoz, a játékosok arról számoltak be, hogy bizonyos fegyvereken nem érhetők el.

A fejlesztők azt mondták, hogy tisztában vannak a problémával, és jelenleg is folyik a vizsgálat. Erről itt olvashat bővebben.

Frissítés: 22. (szeptember 14.)

IST 18:35: A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare játékosai továbbra is megkapják a Átviteli hiba miatt megszakadt, állapot: VIGOROUS üzenet. További részletekért és a lehetséges megoldásért látogasson el ide.

Frissítés: 23. (szeptember 25.)

IST 12:30: A COD Warzone játékosai szerint a legutóbbi frissítés hatalmas fps-csökkenést okoz a navigációs menüben.

Néhányan arról is beszámoltak, hogy nem tudnak feloldott operátorokat választani a játékban. A Raven Software még nem ismeri el a fent említett problémákat. Bővebben itt.

IST 15:46: Úgy tűnik, hogy a játékosok egy része (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) problémákkal szembesülnek a Warzone és a Modern Warfare áruházzal kapcsolatban, mivel nem tudnak hozzáférni az üzlethez vagy vásárolni termékeket.

A frissítés időpontjában még nem érkezett hivatalos visszaigazolás.

24-i frissítés (szeptember 28.)

IST 12:00: > A Warzone-játékosok fps-jét sújtó probléma a front-end menüben véget ért y elismerték. A cég azt állítja, hogy jelenleg vizsgálatot folytatnak.


25-i frissítés (szeptember 29.)

IST 18:54: A fegyverhibákhoz hiányzó Zombies Mastery bütyök javítása megtörtént. További részletekért látogasson el ide.

Frissítés: 26. (szeptember 30.)

IST 16:20: A Numbers esemény hangjával kapcsolatos probléma végre megoldódott címezve.

Frissítés: 27. (október 1.)

IST 17:20: Kijavították azt a hibát, amely miatt a Dragon’s Breath tartozék nem működött a kettős fegyverzetű marsallokon. További részletek itt.

Frissítés: 28. (október 7.)

IST 18:15: Ha nemrégiben észrevette, hogy hiányzik COD-pontja Warzone, ne izgulj. Az Activision megerősítette, hogy tisztában van a problémával, és hogy ez csak egy vizuális hiba. Ezért COD-pontjai biztonságban vannak.

Frissítés: 29. (október 8.)

IST 10:20: Néhány COD-játékos ismét panaszkodik a Warzone-ra összeomlási probléma az Xboxon a legutóbbi frissítés után. További információért látogasson el ide.

10:51 (IST): A Raven Software most azt mondja, hogy egy javítás arra a problémára, amikor a játékosok teljesítményproblémákat tapasztalnak a frontendben, például az alacsony FPS-t és a kapcsolódást: ütemezve.

Érdemes megjegyezni, hogy ezzel nem foglalkoztak a új frissítés a 6. évadhoz.

12:25 (IST): Ez Úgy tűnik, COD: A Warzone játékosai nem férhetnek hozzá az Armoryhoz a 6. évad frissítése után, de a problémát elismerték, és a javítást is ütemezték. További részletek itt.

Frissítés: 30. (október 14.)

17:22 (IST): A menü késéssel vagy akadozásával kapcsolatos probléma végre megoldódott javítva a Raven Software legújabb információi szerint. További információ itt.

31-i frissítés (október 16.)

10:59 (IST): A Warzone legújabb frissítésével a Raven Software megerősítette, hogy orvosolta azt a hibát, amely miatt az egyéni fegyvermódosítások kizárják a játékosokat a fegyvertárból.

32. frissítés (október 18.)

10:40 (IST): A COD: Warzone játékosainak jelentései most azt mutatják, hogy a Plunder módot ismét eltávolították a lejátszási listákról, a játékosok nagy csalódására.

32-i frissítés (október 19.)

13:40 (IST): Call of Duty Warzone hatodik évad Patch Notes felfedi, hogy az Incorrect XP hibát, amely miatt az emberek nem kapnak teljes XP-t, azóta kijavították.

17:00 (IST): A COD Warzone fejlesztői azt mondják, hogy eltávolítjuk a Scopes and Scatterguns játékmódot a lejátszási listáról egy folyamatban lévő probléma miatt.

Sok jelentett hogy nem tudtak belépni a játékba, mert a visszaszámlálás kezdete után a játék elkezdett hátrálni.

Frissítés: 33. (október 21.)

10:32 (IST ): Megoldódott egy probléma, amely miatt az Emblems for Prestige 8 és újabb verziói nem jelentek meg az Emblems menüben.

34-i frissítés (október 22.)

02:30 pm (IST): Sok COD Warzone: Ghost of Verdansk játékos arra kéri a fejlesztőket, hogy neveljék ki a Kali Sticks, a Melee és a Stun játékokat.

A Raven Software elismerte a hírhedt Ghost Perk hibát is, amely sokak számára használhatatlanná tette. További információ itt.

35-i frissítés (október 23.)

10:48 (IST): A Warzone legújabb frissítése láthatóan javította a menüt kapcsolódási vagy késleltetési probléma. További részletek itt.

12:00 (IST): Egy javítást adtak ki arra a problémára, amely miatt az Armory játékosok visszakerültek a játékmenübe.

12:30 (IST): Az új Ghost of War fizetős felület sok COD: Warfare felhasználó számára nem jelenik meg. A Raven Software tisztában van a problémával, és vizsgálat alatt áll.

17:00 (IST): A tervek szerint javítani kell a Ghost-perk-problémát, amely zavarja a játékosokat a privát beszélgetések során. nyilvános mérkőzések. Tehát a következő frissítéssel javítani kell. Erről itt olvashat bővebben.

36. frissítés (október 25.)

10:32 (IST): A Warzone problémája, ahol a Kitsune harmadik célkitűzése A „Security Expert” Operator Mission nem számított azóta javítva.

IST 11:32: Most egy YouTube-felhasználó megtalálta a módját a háború szellemének bőrhibájának kijavítására, az alábbiakban pedig egy videó ugyanaz.

37. frissítés (október 26.)

12:23 (IST): A COD: Warzone Ghost of War bőrkiadás, ahol ez nem jelenik meg sok játékos számára, már kijavítottuk.

38. frissítés (október 29.)

10:40 (IST): A barátlista hibája ismét visszatér, és a játékosok nem láthatják barátaikat, akik online vannak a Warzone-ban. További részletek itt.

39. frissítés (november 5.)

14:43 (IST): A COD Warzone játékosai arról számoltak be, hogy a Dark Aether Camo textúrája hibásan jelenik meg, kevesebb részlettel és fényes 3D üveghatás nélkül. A Raven Software már tudja.

40. frissítés (november 9.)

16:24 (IST): Egyes COD Vanguard játékosok a Dev hibát kapják 5573 üzenetet, és olyan közösségi platformokra mentek át, mint a Twitter és a Reddit (1, 2, 3, 4), hogy segítséget kérjen a probléma kezelésében.

Szerencsére úgy tűnik, van néhány megoldás (1, 2), amelyet kipróbálhat, ha Ön is beleütközik a problémába.

41. frissítés (november 10.)

12:47 pm (IST): Úgy tűnik, hogy a Call of Duty: Vanguard legújabb részében van egy probléma, ahol a A bomba hatástalanítási hibája megszakítja a keresési és megsemmisítési módot.

12:52 (IST): Egy másik probléma, amely a játékosokat sújtja A Call of Duty: Vanguard csomagfeltörést vagy csomagvesztést foglal magában. A megoldás a következő hibaelhárítási lépéseket tartalmazza.

– Ellenőrizze az internetkapcsolatot. Ha az internet nem stabil, ez a legegyszerűbb módja a probléma azonosításának.
– Ha a kapcsolat rendben van, de WiFi-t használ, váltson Ethernet-kapcsolatra, ha elérhető. Ez biztosítja a közvetlen kapcsolatot.
– Ha nem az internetkapcsolat a probléma, távolítson el minden más internethasználatot.
– Állítsa le az összes letöltést, győződjön meg arról, hogy senki sem streamel filmet, vagy bármit, ami eltömítheti az internet sebességét.
– A hibaelhárítással továbblépve kikapcsolhatja a Call of Duty: Vanguard „On-Demand Texture Streaming” opcióját. Ez a Beállítások menü Grafika lapján található. Ez eddig számos játékosnál megoldotta a problémát.
– Az utolsó megoldás a Call of Duty: Vanguard eltávolítása és újratelepítése. Ezután indítsa újra a konzolt vagy a számítógépet, és tartsa az ujjait. Az „On-Demond Texture Streaming” beállítás módosítása után mindenképpen újra kell indítania.

12:57 (IST): A COD: Vanguard megszakadt spawn-probléma miatt a Vanguard most arra készteti a játékosokat, hogy ellenségeikre spawnjanak.

13:02 (IST): A Call of Duty: Vanguard játékosainak jelentései azt mutatják, hogy az álcázás és az irányzék feloldásával kapcsolatos kihívások nem haladnak megfelelően vagy nem a várt módon.

1:04 pm (IST): A COD egy része: A Vanguard játékosai a Forrás

43. frissítés (november 12.)

12:00 (IST): A Vanguard játékosai arról számoltak be, hogy megkapják a hírhedt Dev-t hiba 5573 és hibakód Vivacious. Úgy tűnik, hogy a fejlesztők tisztában vannak ezekkel a problémákkal, és javasoltak néhány megoldást.

12:19 (IST): A Call of Duty Vanguard problémája, ahol a Reticles nem oldódik fel azután a kihívások teljesítése hivatalosan megtörtént nyugtázva.

12:31 (IST): A COD Vanguard játékosait egy másik probléma a játékosok ütköznek egymással. Ezt nem ismerik el.

12:33 (IST): A Sledgehammer Games mostantól megígérte , hogy kijavítja a bosszantó Vanguard Search and Destroy bombahibát, amely zavarja a játékosokat.

12: 41:00 (IST):A Sledgehammer Game megerősítette a> a COD Vanguard törött fegyveres bütyök kihívásainak javítása. Azonban az ismert problémák oldal nem lett frissítve, hogy ezt tükrözze.

44-i frissítés (november 13.)

03:15 (IST): Kalapács kiadott egy új javítást, amely kijavítja a Reticle Unlock Progression hibáját. Megoldja azt a problémát is, amely a FOV csúszkát zárolná.

45. frissítés (november 16.)

12:54 (IST): A COD játék A gyártók most arról számolnak be, hogy frissítést vezettek be , amely a következő problémák megoldására szolgál.

• Zsákmányos inkonzisztencia Verdanskban.
• Túl sok szerződéses spawn.
• Vásároljon olyan állomási ikonokat, amelyek nem jelennek meg a Tac-térképen.

1:02 pm (IST): After Action Report has reportedly been displaying incorrect Prestige Levels and Player Levels. This is being looked into.

1:05 pm (IST): Also acknowledged and under investigation is the Dark Aether issue where Camo is displaying an incorrect texture across multiple Weapons.

1:08 pm (IST): The Buy Stations bug that caused icons are not to appear on the Tac Map as a result of the Contracts issue has been fixed.

Update 45 (November 18)

5:30 pm (IST): A fresh report has highlighted a tweet from Sledgehammer gamers which confirms that a nerf for Shotguns is incoming.

Apart from that, the official issues tracker indicates that the developers are also aware of the game launch issue on PS5 and the Prestige icon not matching the current level.

Update 46 (November 25)

5:58 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games has confirmed that they are investigating widespread crashing issues in Vanguard. But there’s no ETA for a resolution.

🚨We’re investigating widespread crashing issues in #Vanguard. Maradjon velünk! (Source)

Meanwhile, reports of the issue continue flooding Twitter and other social platforms.

Have they fixed the ‘crashing problem’ yet? (Source)

Is anybody else having a hard time playing Vanguard? I can barely find games and it keeps crashing (Source)

Update 47 (November 26)

2:32 pm (IST): COD Mobile players on BlueStacks are suffering from a ban issue. The v5.4 update was supposed to solve this, but the problem persists.

At the moment, it is best to avoid playing COD Mobile on BlueStacks until there is news about it. The BlueStacks team is investigating to try to find a solution.

Update 48 (December 06)

5:30 pm (IST): Many Call of Duty: Vanguard players are reporting that they are getting kicked out at the end of a round with the game showing a server snapshot error. More on that here.

Update 49 (December 07)

1:40 pm (IST): COD: Vanguard servers are actually down or not working properly. Players are still waiting for an official statement from the developers on this.

Update 50 (December 09)

10:23 am (IST): Reports of widespread performance issues are making the Warzone Pacific a pretty underwhelming launch day experience for players on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Some of these bugs include:

– Warzone Weapon model bug, aka the polygon explosion glitch
– Audio cutting out
– LoD loading issue
– Warzone Pacific crashing
– Game/Voice Chat Not Working
(Source 1,2)

12:15 pm am (IST): COD: Modern Warfare i ssues keep popping up after Pacific update. Now, many players report sharp drops in performance and freezes during matches.

Also, other players can’t even enter multiplayer mode due to missing data pack glitch. However, there is a workaround for this particular bug.

Update 51 (December 10)

10:23 am (IST): The makers of Call of Duty Warzone have come out to acknowledge issues plaguing players. They note that the fix for the Voice Chat bug that causes players not to be able to communicate across platforms is scheduled.

Additionally, the audio issue where players are facing intermittent dropouts is currently under investigation.

11:15 am (IST): The ‘Server snapshot error’ bug that was kicking players out of the game in Vanguard has finally been fixed with the latest update. More on that here.

Apart from that, Warzone players who are facing an issue where the loadout menu keeps opening while playing should find some solace in knowing that the bug has been acknowledged and a fix is already planned.

11:38 am (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that it’s aware of a bug where Warzone crashes when players use the Predator missile killstreak. More details here.

Update 52 (December 11)

06:25 pm (IST): The Dark Aether bug where the camo was displaying incorrect textures has been resolved. More on that here.

Update 53 (December 11)

10:28 am (IST): Some COD Vanguard players are reporting (1, 2) that the recently added Paradise and Radar 24/7 HC playlists are missing.

A section of users is bothered by a radar spawn glitch in Vanguard. As per reports, after spawning, players get stuck in the map where they are unable to move or see enmeis and their teammates. More on that here.

Warzone devs are also aware of issue where XP earning rate is very slow and players have mentioned that they barely gain any battle pass even after spending hours in the gameplay. Meanwhile, the issue with Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies camos has been fixed.

Moreover, the game maker is also looking into several other reported issues of COD Vanguard including known Camo issues and Seasonal challenges being displayed inconsistently, while the issue with Polina Battleprepped skin has been fixed.

Known COD Warzone issues: Devs have confirmed splash screen issue which is warning them of upcoming maintenance.

Also, they are investigating the issue where players can easily exploit, peek, or shoot through various spots on the map.

07:02 pm (IST): COD: Warzone players are upset due to Raven Software’s decision to disable Top Secret contracts.
The game developers made the decision due to an exploit that some players took advantage of to obtain more XP and Cash than normal.

But, COD: Warzone players point out that the exploit was used because weapon leveling through Vanguard is very low and no real progress is felt.

Update 54 (December 13)

06:04 pm (IST): It appears that many Xbox users (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) playing Warzone have been getting the error code “GOLDFLAKE” while trying to load into the game.

You can try generic workarounds like restarting the game, reconnecting to Wi-Fi, and others as potential workarounds.

Update 55 (December 15)

06:05 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games confirmed that they fixed the tracking issue with the STG and M1 Garand Camo.

A fix for the STG and M1 Garand Camo tracking issue is rolling out! All affected players should experience proper challenge tracking by the end of today. Thank you for your patience while we squashed this one. (Source)

Update 56 (December 16)

11:35 am (IST): Warzone picked up a new update a few hours ago, however, there aren’t any major bug fixes. Instead, the update focuses on various weapon adjustments.

Apart from that, many players are still troubled with the graphics issues in the new Pacific Caldera map as highlighted by a report.

Further, confirmation from Treyarch’s community account on Twitter, revealed that the Weapon Progression fix in Vanguard will require a major update and there’s still no ETA for it.

04:14 pm (IST): COD: Warzone players are facing a longshot tracking issue on Panzerfaust Challenges, even after the latest pacth. SG are aware and investigating.

Update 57 (December 17)

09:45 am (IST): Raven Software took to Twitter to announce that they are currently investigating an issue where some players who didn’t subscribe to Xbox Live Gold are unable to connect to Warzone.

12:30 pm (IST): The latest COD: Warzone update mentions that the initial and scaling rewards for the Top Secret contracts are reduced. More on that here.

04:46 pm (IST): COD: Modern Warfare latest patch (1.50, December 15) reportedly causes the game to crash and get seriously stuck. There is no official acknowledgment from the developers yet.

07:43 pm (IST): COD: Warzone on consoles does not allow to configure invert mouse controls. Meanwhile, Warzone maintains multi-kill tracking problems and its free-access is not working.

Update 58 (December 18)

10:30 am (IST): Raven Software said they have temporarily removed COD: Warzone Rebirth Resurgence Trios to investigate an issue. More on that here.

12:06 pm (IST): Raven software is investigating an issue where the Festive Deals discount is not applying when gifting a Store Bundle to another player.

12:25 pm (IST): Sledgehammer confirmed that the Panzerfaust Longshots tracking issue has been fixed.

Moreover, Raven Software also announced that 2XP Plunder in COD: Warzone has been disabled. However, there is no ETA been provided as to when it will be back.

Additionally, the team will share more details in the coming days. To know more about the issue caused by Incendiary Granades, head here.

Update 59 (December 20)

11:03 am (IST): CoD Warzone just received a new update that comes to address a bunch of bugs and issues as outlined in the following changelog. This includes the Festive Deals discount not applying issue.

– Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
– Fixed an issue causing the Festive Fervor Event Challenges to not track progress.
– Fixed an issue causing additional placeholder images to appear in various Store Bundle previews and/or purchases.
– Fixed an issue causing placeholder text to appear on various Store Bundles.
– Fixed an issue causing placeholder text to appear underneath Unlock Criteria XP Bar for locked Vehicles.

– Fixed an issue causing some Store Bundles to appear with the incorrect Rarity label.
– Fixed an issue causing the Festive Deals discount to not apply when gifting a Store Bundle to another Player.
– Fixed an issue causing visually incorrect pricing on some Store Bundles.
– Fixed an issue where the “Space Issue” Submachine Gun Charlie (VG) Blueprint was incorrectly displaying Vital instead of the Brace Gun Perk.

2:00 pm (IST): COD Warzone players are reporting that the recent update has broken melee for them. Head here to know more.

Update 60 (December 21)

11:44 pm (IST): Some COD: Warzone players are complaining that the game is getting stuck at Buy Station during loadout in Rebirth Island. Moreover, the game lags and freezes. More on that here.

Update 61 (December 23)

12:24 pm (IST): Player of Call of Duty Warzone on the PlayStation (1,2,3) now report that they’re facing an issue that causes the game to freeze.

One of the affected players, however, has a workaround. He says that going into the PlayStation settings and turning off 120FPS and setting the resolution to 1080P helped.

Update 62 (December 24)

11:41 pm (IST): Players of Call of Duty Warzone have swarmed social platforms (1,2), asking to have shotguns to be nerfed in the game. This hasn’t been acknowledged.

Also coming to light is the fact that a section of players is facing error codes Dev error 6661 and 6039 (1,2,3).

Once again, there has not been any acknowledgement for these 2 dev errors, at least not on the official page. For users facing error 6039, there might be a workaround to try.

Update 63 (December 25)

1:00 pm (IST): COD Vanguard players are reporting that they are unable to unlock the Mastery Card even after completing all seasonal challenges.

Update 64 (December 27)

05:48 pm (IST): Several COD: Warzone players are now reporting an issue where they are getting a ‘BLZBNTBNA00000012’ error when they launch the game.

Luckily, this is a known issue and there’s a workaround that the affected players can try in order to overcome this bug.


1. Go to Warzone in the Battle.net Launcher.

2. Select the gear icon in the Play button and select Options.

3. Select Game Settings.

4. Uncheck the box next to “Additional command line arguments” and delete any text in the field below it.

5. Select Done.

6. Relaunch the game. (Source)

Update 65 (December 28)

05:59 pm (IST): Fresh reports suggest that most, if not all, Call of Duty titles such as Vanguard, Modern Warfare, Warzone seem to be down and not working.


Bro are all the cod servers down? Warzone down, CW down, and Vanguard wtf. Lizard Squad gotta be up to this (Source)

Apart from social media, Downdetector also indicates a potential outage with Call of Duty. We’re yet to come across an official confirmation.

Update 66 (December 29)

01:10 pm (IST): After the Pacific update, many players are facing freezing or crashing issues on PS5. But, there are a couple of workarounds that reportedly help mitigate the issue.

Apparently, if you turn off 120Hz and texture streaming demand, the crashing stops. However, this means having to play with worse performance while an official fix arrives.

Update 67 (December 30)

11:15 am (IST): Warzone players have been reporting a server disconecting bug that constantly expels them from games after the Caldera map update.

Raven Software is aware and they decided to reduce the maximum player counter during matches to try to mitigate the issue while they resolve it.

Update 68 (December 31)

2:30 pm (IST): Warzone players say that the game is crashing or freezing for them after the Pacific update. If you are experiencing the same issue, head here for some potential workarounds.

Update 69 (January 3)

12:03 pm (IST): A bunch of COD Warzone players (1,2,3,4) are asking the game developers to address the issue where the akimbo double-barrel shotgun is broken.

Update 70 (January 4)

9:30 am (IST): Sledgehammer games said that their break is finally over and that they will be bringing some changes to COD Vanguard.

Changes to help with the completion of Panzerfaust Challenges Do g face
Black small square Perk adjustments to help counter all things fire Fire
Black small square A weapon balancing pass (Sniper buffs and Shotgun nerfs!)
Black small square A tweak to Mortar Barrage to reduce duration

Update 71 (January 5)

10:30 am (IST): The makers of Call of Duty have since acknowledged the issue where players are experiencing freezes when attempting to access a Buy Station.

1:07 pm (IST): Activision is reportedly seeing a company that is known to be distributing Call of Duty cheats.

Also, the company is promising to fix the issue with the game’s overpowered fire.

Update 72 (January 6)

09:50 am (IST): Raven Software is investigating several issues bothering COD: Warzone players. It includes an issue where console players are unable to invert mouselook.

It also includes issues such as throwing knife bug, unable to switch voice chat, Vanguard Weapons missing pieces of their model with certain equipment attached, and game freezing when attempting to access a buy station.

Update 73 (January 7)

09:00 am (IST): It looks like Raven Software has finally decided to make some adjustments to the overpowered Akimbo Shotgun. More on that here.

11:21 am (IST):The game makers have released a patch so that now in Vanguard Modes, the Firesale Public Event will last for the entire duration of the respective Circle that it starts with.

A few other fixes have been incorporated including:

– Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
– Fixed an issue causing every Loadout Drop to spawn at the exact same XY coordinates.
– Fixed an issue causing the “Awoken” Francis Operator Skin to appear invisible beyond a certain distance.

11:36 am (IST): A former Call of Duty Series developer has since been quoted saying that the game needs ‘Revitalization’ After Vanguard.

Update 74 (January 8)

11:15 am (IST): Raven Software released a new patch on January 07 that addresses the issues where various elements across Caldera allow players to exploit them.

Moreover, it also makes adjustments to the Akimbo decreasing damage multiplier and move speed and increasing the Damage Range Multiplier and Hip Spread.

04:15 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games took to Twitter to announce that they are nerfing the Incendiary Grenades by reducing the overall damage dealt. This means that players will recover in Core Modes, but it’ll still be painful.

Moreover, the team is also planning to reduce the area affected by Incendiary Grenades’ smoke and flame, possibly in a future update. This way they will be ideal for blocking lines of sight in doors and lanes in small maps.

Update 75 (January 10)

01:40 pm (IST): Raven Software announced on Twitter that they are decreasing base ADS speeds across all titles. This will slightly increase the time to kill. But more importantly, it will provide developers to emphasize the differences between Weapon classes.

Update 76 (January 11)

11:34 am (IST): Severall players have been reporting an issue where Packet burst is making the game unplayable and are demanding a fix for the same. This issue makes the game randomly lag for a few seconds.

On the bright side, Raven Software has acknowledged the issue where players are reporting that certain skins are appearing as invisible when encountered in-game and said that they are currently investigating it.

Update 77 (January 12)

10:46 am (IST): Raven Software said that they will release an update for Xbox and PlayStation tomorrow that will be aimed to fix several ongoing issues on these platforms and may also fix the freezing and crashing issues.

1:00 pm (IST): Vanguard players say they are unable to play multiplayer and zombie mode because of Dev Error 6036. It looks like th e issue surfaced after a recent update.

03:48 pm (IST): Even after a bug fix was released a few days ago, players are still reporting the Panzerfaust Longshot challenge tracking issue in COD: Vanguard.

Also, Sledgehammer Games announced on Twitter that they are aware of the issue where some players are still not seeing STG Challenges tracking after the latest update. Moreover, a fix has been released and it can be fixed by restarting the game.

Update 78 (January 13)

11:29 am (IST): Raven Software has released a fix for Dev Error 6036 & errors with ‘_ffotdd_mp.ff’. So, the COD: Vangaurd players now won’t get these issues with the game.

12:57 pm (IST): Some COD players on Xbox are reporting an issue where pressing the Home button twice may cause instability or lag in the game. Luckily, the devs are already investigating this issue.

Moreover, another issue is also under investigation where typing non-ASCII characters (eg: ©, ®, ™, ∅) during the game may also cause instability.

02:27 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games acknowledged a set of glitches present in COD: Warzone. These include dog kills not tracking, party matchmaking, flame audio and High Alert perk issues.

Recent reports suggest that the bug related to dog kills not tracking is resolved. But, this is not yet officially confirmed. Also, it is not known when the other bugs will be resolved.

03:36 pm (IST): Raven software recently released a new mid-season software patch that brings a bunch of bug fixes for both Xbox and Playstation.

It fixes the crashing issue on Xbox and also fixes several issues causing instability on both Xbox and PlayStation 5. Additionally, the issue with the Double Barrel (VG) where its Akimbo Gun Perk was not properly decreasing Damage is also fixed.

Update 79 (January 14)

11:06 am (IST): Warzone players are reporting issues related to the Welgun (VG). First, the challenge to unlock the weapon is not tracking correctly.

In addition to the above, there is a bug with the Welgun camo that causes players to be unable to equip it, as it cannot be selected.

12:16 pm (IST): Many Warzone players are suffering from a ‘WHITELIST FAILURE’ error message that does not allow them to access matches after a recent update.

Apparently, players from certain regions were ‘blacklisted’ from the Warzone servers. So, they are unable to access them. At the moment, there is no official acknowledgment from Raven Software.

Update 80 (January 14)

05:44 pm (IST): Call of Duty team on Twitter assured its users that they are working hard to resolve the ongoing issues with the game.

Moreover, the devs are also investigating an issue where controller settings are being switched to Mouse and Keyboard occasionally on Xbox.

Additionally, an update has been deployed in COD: Vanguard that brings bug fixes and feature improvements. Here’s what’s new in the update:

– CDL ruleset has been updated for Private Matches
– Fixed bug in Champion Hill that would make upgrades unavailable after a teammate disconnect
– 3-Line Rifle can now be reloaded with the ZF4 3.5X Rifle Scope equipped (Source)

Update 81 (January 15)

11:10 am (IST): Raven Software confirmed that it’s aware of the controller disconnecting bug on Xbox and PC while playing Warzone.

Further, the issue with Xbox Live where players get the error ‘A required network service has failed’ has also been listed in the official known issues page. Head here for more details.

04:30 pm (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that they have deployed a hotfix in Warzone to restore access to CDL Pack content.

So, the player who purchased the pack should now have access to their Operators, Emblems, Stickers, and Calling Cards.

Activision support has also listed some known bugs in COD: Black Ops. It includes issues where some of the camos or attachments they’ve unlocked are relocking.

Also, an issue where Xbox Series X shut down while playing Zombies and displays ventilation error message has also surfaced. Luckily, there’s a workaround for this issue.

Until this issue is resolved, it is recommended to disable Ray Tracing within the game’s Settings.

1. Open the Settings menu.

2. Navigate to the Graphics tab.

3. Find the Ray Tracing setting and disable it.

Moreover, there are some know issues that are bothering some COD: Vanguard players. Some players have reported Polina’s Battleprepped operator skin remains locked after purchasing the Battle Pass.

And lastly, an issue with Prestige progression tracking has also come to light where Prestige rank doesn’t match in different parts of the game.

05:21 pm (IST): Raven Software is also investigating an issue where ‘Connecting to Online Services’ can take up to 30-40 after the 1.5 Update for some players. However, no ETa for fix has been provided.

Update 82 (January 18)

04:46 pm (IST): Here’s a video that shows how RICOCHET’s anti-cheat tool prevents hackers/cheaters from dealing any damage to players in the game.

Update 83 (January 20)

01:17 pm (IST): Due to the ongoing issues, Raven Software has delayed season 2 of Vanguard and Warzone until February 14.

We’ve deployed a number of updates, but more needs to be done. Thank you for being patient while we delay the release of Season Two in #Vanguard and #Warzone to prioritize ongoing work to balance and optimize your current gameplay experience. (Source)

Update 84 (January 21)

10:19 am (IST): COD: Warzone players are now complaining about an issue that causes a black screen after using a Stim Shot and throwing them into the shadow realm. However, Raven Software has now yet acknowledged this glitch.

12:26 pm (IST): Raven Software has released an update for COD: Warzone that brings several bug fixes. Here’s the changelog of the update.

– Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

– Fixed an issue causing the menu screen to flicker when attempting to join a friend or queue with a party.

– Fixed an issue with reload animations allowing certain Weapons to fire continuously.

– Fixed an issue causing Private Lobby hosts to crash.

– Fixed an issue causing the regular/Advanced UAV rewards from Big Game Bounty and [TOP SECRET] Contracts to not trigger if the player was in a vehicle or anti-air gun. (Source)

01:11 pm (IST): The new Legendary Historia Sten Blueprint from the Attack On Titan Bundle is broken on Warzone and Vanguard, as players are unable to use it. Issue acknowledged.

Update 85 (January 22)

11:22 am (IST): Raven Software has acknowledged two new issues with Warzone which include the issue with the game freezing and restarting when interacting with the Xbox Guide while in the Multiplayer menus.

Moreover, the issue with the “Whitelist: Timeout” error is also acknowledged. And while both these issues are said to be fixed in the upcoming update, here are the temporary workarounds to try. Check here.

Update 86 (January 25)

09:49 am (IST): A fix has been released for Warzone Caldera server disconnection issue and it should be fixed for the players on all the platforms.

Update 87 (January 27)

01:15 pm (IST): Raven Software has released an update for COD: Warzone that brings a bunch of bug fixes. It fixes the Xbox home button issue and instability issue when typing non-ASCII characters.

Here’s the complete changelog:

– Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

– Fixed an issue causing instability when pressing the Xbox home button twice while in-game.

– Fixed an issue causing instability when typing non-ASCII characters (eg: ©, ®, ™, ∅).

– Fixed an additional issue causing the menu screen to flicker.

– Fixed an issue allowing Players to respawn via buy back with part of their original Loadout.

– Fixed an issue causing additional placeholder images to appear in various Store Bundle previews and/or purchases.

– Fixed an issue causing live matches to crash.

– Fixed an issue causing Players to fall into a bottomless pit of despair when attempting to take a dip in the pool.

– Fixed an issue causing the second Loadout Public Event t o not occur in core Battle Royale modes. (Source)

Moreover, Raven Software has also reduced the frequency at which Players freeze while accessing the Buy Station. More on that here.

Update 88 (January 28)

04:00 pm (IST): Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players say that they are unable to unlock several weapons. More on that here.

Update 89 (January 29)

11:53 am (IST): The issue where the game freezes or crashes interacting with the Xbox Guide button has been fixed.

05:29 pm (IST): The well-known packet burst issue suffered by many COD: Vanguard players continues to affect player matches to this day.

However, the SG team claims that they have resolved some of the sources of packet burst. But, they continue to work on achieving a definitive solution.

Update 90 (January 31)

09:56 am (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that a fix has been released for the issue where players who were subscribed to Xbox Live Gold were unable to connect to Warzone.

Update 91 (February 01)

01:43 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games released a new update for COD: Vanguard players that brings some bug fixes.

After installing it, the Xbox players will get better connectivity when loading into matches. Moreover, the issue with Mouse and Keyboard settings is also resolved.

We’ve dropped a small update to #Vanguard! Xbox players should experience better connectivity when loading into matches. We also squashed a bug that resulted in Mouse & Keyboard settings after an Xbox controller disconnect. (Source)

Update 92 (February 02)

09:49 am (IST): Raven Software is investigating an issue with COD: Black Ops Cold War where weapons do not unlock even when the requirements and Player level are met.

03:31 pm (IST): Raven Software is working to address the issue causing players to crash when using contents from Tracer Pack: Year of the Tiger. Moreover, they have disabled the Store Bundle in COD: Warzone until further notice.

Update 93 (February 04)

09:44 am (IST): A COD: Vanguard issue where planting and defusing bombs in SnD is audible to enemies is currently under investigation with Raven Software. This means a fix for the same should arrive soon, however, no ETA has been provided.

1:00 pm (IST): Some Vanguard players are reporting that the game is crashing at the menu screen. It looks like the issue surfaced after the recent Battle.net maintenance. More on that here.

3:30 pm (IST): COD Warzone players say that they are getting a ‘Content package is no longer available’ error. Head here for a potential workaround.

Update 94 (February 11)

11:30 am (IST): COD Vanguard players on Xbox are reporting that they are unable to get into the game after the latest update. Head here for a potential workaround.

Update 95 (February 12)

01:28 pm (IST): A ‘Fetching Online profile’ error message prevents some COD Vanguard players from enjoying the online mode as it causes a crash. The issue affects players on PC and Xbox, and developers are already aware.

05:00 pm (IST): Vanguard players are now reporting that Combat Pacing is missing on Hardcore mode. Head here for a potential workaround.

Update 96 (February 14)

04:21 pm (IST): Some players have reported crashing issues with COD: Vanguard when ‘fetching online profile’. Sledgehammer Games has now confirmed that they have released a fix for the same.

Update 97 (February 15)

11:30 am (IST): Many Vanguard players say that Prestige levels are displaying incorrectly after the start of Season 2 while others about spawning on the enemy side. More on that here.

11:55 am (IST): After the Season 2 update, the death count or death tracking is missing from the scoreboard in COD Vanguard. Sledgehammer Games is working on a fix for the issue.

01:32 pm (IST): COD Warzone players are facing a curious visual glitch since the Season 2 update with the ‘Bundle Up’ Wade operator skin where the character appears headless. Raven Software is aware of the problem and working on a fix.

06:22 pm (IST): Raven Software has acknowledged the issue where the Redeploy Balloons may not show up on the Tac Map. And the fix for the same is expected to release soon.

Update 98 (February 16)

09:51 am (IST): Raven Software is investigating the issue with COD: Vanguard (1, 2) where Ball Turret Gunner does not count towards the score in Free For All. However, they did not provide any ETA for the fix.

01:47 pm (IST): COD: Vanguard issue where players may not have the Season Two cinematic play for them when booting Vanguard has been addressed by Raven Software.

Moreover, they have scheduled a fix for this issue which is expected to arrive soon.

02:40 pm (IST): Vanguard players are reporting that the aim assist is not working or is inconsistent. More on that here.

Update 99 (February 17)

12:09 pm (IST): A fix has been scheduled for the issue where Prestige levels are not being displayed accurately in COD: Vanguard.

Also, another Vanguard issue that is causing some players to cash in mid-match has been addressed and the fix for this issue is expected to arrive soon.

Moreover, Sledgehammer Games has also acknowledged the issue on COD: Warzone which is causing crashes on Xbox when attempting to join a match in Caldera.

04:18 pm (IST): Some COD Vanguard players are having issues with a couple of skins. The Beatrice Parisian skin is bugged and not displaying correctly when equipped.

Also, players are unable to unlock the Diamond Operator skin even after the Season 2 update that was supposed to fix it.

Update 100 (February 18)

05:59 pm (IST): Some COD: Black Ops Cold War players have reported an issue where weapons are not unlocking even after meeting the requirements.

Fortunately, this issue has been addressed by Activision and it’s on the list of known issues. This means that it is either under investigation or scheduled to be fixed.

Update 101 (February 19)

02:24 pm (IST): Some COD Vanguard players are facing a couple of issues that directly affect the online mode. First, the create-a-class (CAC) personal loadouts are not working as the players cannot choose them.

The second issue is a ‘Dev error 6144’ message that appears during Ranked matches and prevents them from continuing the match. The developers are already working on a fix for both problems.

03:30 pm (IST): Warzone players say their weapon camos gets unequipped after exiting the gunsmith. The issue has been acknowledged but has no fix in sight.

Update 102 (February 21)

02:17 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games is investigating an issue with COD:Vanguard where Armory Perk is not working for equipment. However, they did not provide any ETA for the fix.

Update 103 (February 22)

07:00 pm (IST): Many COD: Warzone players report that PPSH and Bren weapons are breaking the game, so they demand a nerf for them. Both deal great damage, have good long range, low weight and more advantages.

Update 104 (February 24)

11:16 am (IST): Raven Software is currently investigating an issue with COD: Warzone where the damage profile of Light Machine Gun Charlie (VG) is higher than expected.

6:00 pm (IST): Call of Duty Vanguard players say the game is freezing, crashing, or disconnecting from the server when playing Kill confirmed matches. More on that here.

Update 105 (February 25)

11:27 am (IST): The latest COD: Warzone Season 2 patch is now live with various bug fixes. It includes a fix for PPSh-41 (VG) weapons where damage intensity is more than intended.

Moreover, it also addresses the issue that causes certain Weapon Camos to unequip.

11:50 am (IST): Sledgehammer Games on Twitter informed COD: Vanguard players that they have temporarily removed Kill Confirmed from rotation in all playlists as they investigate the issue with server disconnection errors.

06:53 pm (IST): A fix has been released for the COD: Vanguard issue where Beatrice Parisian skin is bugged and not displaying correctly when equipped.

Update 106 (February 26)

09:55 am (IST): A COD: Vanguard glitch letting players see other players through walls after using Glide Bomb killstreak is currently under investigation.

Update 107 (March 01)

09:38 am (IST): Raven Software is investigating an issue in COD: Warzone that unintentionally allows players to have weapon attachments on weapons.

Update 108 (March 03)

11:31 am (IST): Many COD Vanguard players feel that the weapon or gun leveling system feels too slow and cumbersome. So, they demand from the developers a buff that allows to improve the Vanguard guns faster.

11:31 am (IST): Raven software released a new patch for COD: Warzone. It brings various bug fixes and some changes in player health and Buy Stations.

The latest patch also fixed an issue that causes Wade Bundled Up Operator Skin to appear headless. You can check the full changelog here.

Update 109 (March 04)

10:28 am (IST): Raven Software has released a fix for the issue in COD: Warzone where the damage intensity of Light Machine Gun Charlie (VG) is more than intended.

Also, another COD: Warzone issue where Redeploy Balloons may not show up on the Tac Map has been fixed.

11:58 am (IST): Raven Software has now added some more bug fixes and adjustments in Vanguard Royale. This addition also brings back the Iron Trials to Rebirth Island. You can check all the new changes here.

Update 110 (March 05)

09:55 am (IST): An issue with COD: Warzone is under investigation where Marksman Rifles (VG) is causing unintended damage in Rebirth Iron Trials.

Moreover, another COD: Warzone issue where players may get stuck when trying to use an Ascender is also under investigation.

11:55 pm (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that they have temporarily disabled Fighter and Bomber Planes in COD: Vanguard Royale modes as they investigate an issue.

06:34 pm (IST): Raven Software is aware of the issue where some players are unable to equip the FerroFluid Weapon Blueprint and they are currently investigating it.

Update 111 (March 8)

01:00 pm (IST): COD Warzone players say the ping system is not working correctly and that the map pins are inconsistent around Redeploy Balloons. Raven Software has acknowledged the issue and scheduled a fix with no ETA.

Update 112 (March 10)

01:04 pm (IST): Raven Software released a new patch for COD: Warzone which brings various bug fixes. Check the complete changelog of the patch below.

– Fixed an issue allowing Players to retain Weapon Perks from a previous Loadout.

– Fixed an issue causing the Vargo 52 (BOCW) to not refill ammunition after reloading.

– Fixed an issue causing the Nebula V Bomb to prevent the use of other elements including Killstreaks, Vehicles, and Equipment.

– Fixed an issue causing deployment of the Nebula V Bomb to be interrupted if another Player started to deploy one as well.

– Fixed an issue causing visual overexposure while using the Krewe Leader Blueprint.

– Fixed an issue causing Halima’s Operator Unlock requirements to not display correctly.

Update 113 (March 11)

12:00 pm (IST): Call of Duty Vanguard players say they are unable to access the Barracks tab after the March 10 update. More on that here.

Update 114 (March 15)

4:00 pm (IST): COD Warzone players are reporting isssues with Polina ‘Cloaked in Combat’ and Astrakhan skins. More on that here.

Update 115 (March 16)

6:00 pm (IST): COD Black Ops Cold War players are saying the game is not awarding them Prestige Keys for prestiging. More on that here.

Update 116 (March 17)

12:57 pm (IST): Raven Software has scheduled a fix for the issue where the Barracks menu is not accessible in COD: Vanguard.

Update 117 (March 18)

6:15 pm (IST): COD Warzone are reporting a parachute glitch where some operators are slower than others. Others say they are unable to cut or pull their chute. More on that here.

Update 118 (March 19)

3:30 pm (IST): Warzone players are complaining that the Season 2 Battle Pass is taking too long to level up. More on that here.

Update 119 (March 22)

06:16 pm (IST): Raven Software will release an update for COD: Warzone players that will include fixes for several issues including FerroFluid Blueprint bug, ping not working near Redeploy Balloons, and issue with Polina ‘Cloaked for Combat’ skin.

Moreover, Activision has also acknowledged the issue where players in Ground War are unable to interact with ammo caches near flag capture points.

Update 120 (March 23)

10:05 am (IST): Sledgehammer Games has informed COD: Vanguard players that the issue with Aim Assist has been fixed. Also, a fix for Aim Assist in Warzone may arrive soon.

04:48 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games has acknowledged the issue where stats are not properly displayed in Gunsmith. It is currently under investigation.

Update 121 (March 24)

02:28 pm (IST): Raven Software is investigating an issue in COD: Vanguard where Microphone indicators are missing from the scoreboard. Moreover, an issue with degraded performance and crashes on Tuscon is also under investigation.

05:41 pm (IST): COD: Warzone players are receiving a new patch that brings a bunch of bug fixes and improvements to the game.

It includes fixes for the issues such as Vargo 52 FerroFluid blueprint not working, ping not working near Redeploy Balloons, Polina ‘Cloaked for Combat’ skin issue, and Deployable Cover Field Upgrade issue.

Update 122 (March 25)

05:30 pm (IST): COD Warzone players are saying that the game launches in windowed mode after the Season Two Reloaded update. More on that here.

06:57 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games on Twitter has informed players that Kill Confirmed is back to COD: Vanguard with the latest update. Also, they have fixed the Aim Assist issue.

07:32 pm (IST): Many COD Vanguard players are facing ‘Quick Play and Combat Pacing resetting’, ‘Mastery challenges not tracking’ and ‘Armaguerra 43 no audio con silencer’ issues. SG team has acknowledged all of them.

Update 123 (March 26)

01:30 pm (IST): Vanguard developers have acknowledged another issue where the Mindgames Camo Category Challenges for the Armaguerra 43 are not tracking correctly for some. More on that here.

Update 124 (March 28)

06:59 pm (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that the issue with Combat Pacing in COD: Vanguard has now been fixed.

Update 125 (March 30)

07:00 pm (IST): COD Vanguard players are saying that the Zombie Survivalist camo progression os not tracking. The developers are investigating the issue. More on that here.

Update 125 (March 31)

02:32 pm (IST): Warzone players are experiencing an issue where the Buy Station menu cursor is automatically resetting or returning to top selection. Raven Software is already aware of the issue and investigating.

06:42 pm (IST): Treyarch support has informed players that the Prestige Keys are now being awarded correctly after every 50 Season Levels in COD: Black Ops Cold War. Also, they are rolling out a fix to bring back missing keys.

Update 126 (April 01)

12:38 pm (IST): Battle Pass XP progress is broken, reduced or stuck for many COD Warzone players. Raven Software has acknowledged the issue and is investigating.

Update 127 (April 02)

03:57 pm (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that the issue with parachutes in COD: Warzone, where some operators are slower than others, is now fixed. More on that here.

Update 128 (April 04)

09:50 am (IST): Raven Software has acknowledged an issue in COD: Black Ops Cold War where players are getting error code Bravo 831 Invisible Gator. Moreover, support says that they are currently investigating the issue.

Also, they have warned users regarding a workaround on Play Station that involves disabling the network while in-game. This may have a negative impact on a player’s progress and stats.

06:28 pm (IST): According to Raven software’s official Trello board, the issue where Mindgames Camo Category challenges for the Armaguerra 43 are not correctly tracking has been fixed.

Update 129 (April 05)

10:09 am (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that a fix has been released for the Battle Pass XP issue in COD: Vanguard. More on that here.

3:15 pm (IST): Vanguard players say they haven’t received the Snake bite Camo that was a part of the Major 1 CDL rewards. Sledgehammer Games has acknowledged the issue.

Update 130 (April 07)

01:22 pm (IST): According to Raven Software’s official Trello board, the issue in COD: Warzone where the game is launching in Windowed mode has been resolved. More on that here.

Update 131 (April 08)

12:40 pm (IST): Raven Software is investigating an issue in COD: Warzone where ground loot is missing in Plunder mode.

Update 132 (April 09)

06:49 pm (IST): Many COD: Warzone players are receiving an ‘Account Verification’ prompt that requires receiving an SMS code from Battle.net, but the SMS is not getting through. Anyway, there is a workaround.

Update 133 (April 11)

10:09 am (IST): Many COD: Vanguard players are now reporting that plunder mode is missing from the game. More on that here.

Update 134 (April 12)

03:56 pm (IST): Raven Software has informed players that they have temporarily disabled vehicles in Rebirth Island as they are investigating an issue.

Update 135 (April 14)

10:47 pm (IST): Raven Software is investigating an issue in COD: Warzone where Combat Shield Blueprints do not appear correctly when equipped in a Loadout.

Update 136 (April 15)

6:30 pm (IST): Vanguard players say they are unable to rename Custom Classes if a weapon with Atomic camo is equipped. Head here for a workaround.

Update 137 (April 16)

05:16 pm (IST): Raven Software has confirmed that the issue where some COD: Vanguard players are not getting Snake Bite Camo has been fixed.

Update 138 (April 19)

12:51 pm (IST): Sledgehammer Games has confirmed on their official Trello board that the issue where targeting UI elements persists after using a Glide Bomb has been resolved.

Update 139 (April 20)

11:52 am (IST): According to the official Trello board of Raven Software, a fix has been released for an issue in COD: Warzone where Buy Station gets reset to top selection when using a controller.

Update 139 (April 23)

05:16 pm (IST): Raven Software has confirmed on its official Trello board that they have disabled Most Wanted Contracts in COD: Warzone as they are investigating an issue.

Update 140 (April 26)

06:12 pm (IST): Raven Software is investigating an issue in COD: Vanguard, where certain Reticles unlocked via Zombies, are missing a center dot.

Update 141 (April 27)

05:29 pm (IST): One of the most serious issues that COD: Warzone players have been facing for months now is directional footstep audio.

The issue causes players to be unable to hear the footsteps of enemies around them. While the Season 3 update was expected to bring a fix for the issue, it appears that the fix was delayed.

Update 142 (April 28)

12:24 pm (IST): COD: Warzone players on Xbox with Live Silver accounts are currently unable to access the game. They only get a ‘The current profile is not allowed to play’ message if they don’t have an Xbox Live Gold account.

Raven Software is already aware of the issue, but there is a potential workaround.

01:35 pm (IST): Raven software is investigating an issue in COD: Warzone where players notice that Daniel ‘Ancestral Spirit’ Operator Skin is causing their vision to be obscured in-game.

07:07 pm (IST): COD: Warzone Contracts and loot were missing for many players after the Season 3 Update. Also, the new Contract Sabotage had mechanics that made it frustrating.

Raven Software listened to user complaints and disabled all Solo Contracts temporarily while they investigate the issues.

Update 143 (April 29)

05:36 pm (IST): COD: Modern Warfare issue where players are unable to install the Multiplayer Packs on PlayStation 5 has been addressed by the team and they are working on a fix. More on that here.

06:30 pm (IST): COD: Warzone Crossplay is frustrating many console players who consider it unfair to face PC players during matches. They consider that the keyboard + mouse and the additional PC settings offer a great competitive advantage.

Xbox players are especially affected as Warzone for Xbox does not allow the crossplay option to be disabled. However, while PlayStation players can disable crossplay, it appears that the most recent update ‘broke’ the option.

So, Warzone console players are asking developers for a console-only matchmaking option for crossplay.

New updates will be added in the section below and the tracker follows after that:

COD Warzone Issues
Bug/issueStatus Visibility and clarity issues Unacknowledged live ping/pinging tool broken or disappearing Unacknowledged Error: Unknown Function Unacknowledged Prestige Emblems missing or not appearing in menu Fixed Deployable Cover Field Upgrade removed and Stadium under map Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Te ammates getting killed by friendly vehicles Fixed Settings reset to default on PS4 and PS5 Acknowledged Battlenet stuck at “Playing now” and launching on PC after Season 3 update Fixed Crossplay not working Unacknowledged Mini Gun spawning from Supply box and Xbox One crash/black screen during exfiltration Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Hunt for Adler event not working Fixed Invulnerable players can kill opponents in Gulag Unacknowledged Unlimited Dead Silence bug Acknowledged Forced to download over 200 GB Unacknowledged Incorrect XP bug wherei n folks are not getting full XP Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Stats count broken Acknowledged Memory Error 19-1793 Unacknowledged (refer Update 10 above) Black screen after winning a match Unacknowledged (refer Update 10 above) Unable to change operator skin Unacknowledged (refer Update 11 above) Special Ops Pro Pro pack Portanova skin glitch Unacknowledged (refer Update 11 above)
Bug/issueStatus Special Ops Pro Pro pack Hypersonic skin glitch Unacknowledged (refer Update 11 above) Finn LMG Viewstock ChainSAW Stock’s ViewModel Unacknowledged (refer Update 12 above) Finn LMG Barrel View Unacknowledged (refer Update 12 above) Dev Error 5476 Fixed Error code 6 and Diver error Acknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Unable to see online friends Persists Blueprint Blitz event bug Acknowledged Lag and stuttering after Season 5 patch Unacknowledged The fourth objective in Beck’s Season Five Operator Mission isn’t counting Fix in the works The third objective in Kitsune’s “Security Expert” Operator Mission isn’t counting Fixed
Bug/issueStatus The first objective in Powers’ “Plausible Deniability” Operator Mission isn’t counting Fix in the works Warzone Blueprint blitz not showing or working Acknowledged Zombies Mastery Camo not available for some weapons Fixed FPS drops in Warzone menu Fixed Unable to select operator Unacknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Unable to access Store Unacknowledged (refer update 23) Audio issue in Numbers event Fixed COD points missing Acknowledged Armory not working Fixed Plunder mode removed from playlists once again Reported
Bug/issueStatus Scopes and Scatterguns gamemode removed Acknowledged Ghost Perk bug Fix in the works Armory players getting kicked back to play menu Fixed COD: Warzone Ghost of War skin not showing for many players Fixed COD: Warzone Dark Aether Camo texture appearing incorrectly Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Error code ‘GOLDFLAKE’ Acknowledged Invert mouse setting not working on consoles Acknowledged Rebirth Resurgence Trios temporarily removed to investigate an issue Unacknowledged Festive Deals discount is not applying Fixed 2XP Plunder has been temporarily disabled Investigating
Bug/issueStatus Getting BLZBNTBNA00000012 error Workaround (Refer update 64) Server disconnection bug, max player count temporarily reduced Fix released Debug text elements in the game Investigating Some Vanguard Weapons are missing pieces of their model with certain Attachments equipped Investigating Collision issues with various elements across Caldera Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Throwing knife bug Investigating Unable to switch Microphone from the Default System Device Investigating Akimbo Shotgun nerf Coming s oon Issue causing every Loadout Drop to spawn at the exact same XY coordinates Fixed Issue causing the “Awoken” Francis Operator Skin to appear invisible beyond a certain distance Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Pressing the Xbox home button twice while in-game may cause instability Fixed typing non-ASCII characters causes instability Fixed Welgun (VG) unlock challenge not tracking, Welgun camo bugged Aware ‘WHITELIST FAILURE’ error Unacknowledged Unable to access CDL Pack content Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Screen goes black when using a Stim Shot and throwing them into the shadow realm Unacknowledged Players unable to equip Legendary Historia Sten Blueprint (Attack On Titan Bundle) Acknowledged Game freezes or restarts when interacting with the Xbox Guide in Multiplayer menus Fixed Packet burst issue Partially fixed
Bug/issueStatus “Whitelist: Timeout” error when attempting to launch the game Workaround Players aren’t subscribed to Xbox Live Gold are unable to connect to Warzone Fixed Players crashing when using contents from the Tracer Pack: Year of the Tiger Investigating Content package is no longer available error Workaround ‘Bundle Up’ Wade operator skin is missing head Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Redeploy Balloons may not show up on the Tac Map Fix released Players on Xbox experiencing crashes when attempting to join a match on Caldera Investigating Weapon camos gets unequipped after exiting Gunsmith Fixed PPSH and Bren reportedly overpowered, nerf callef Fixed for PP SH Damage intensity of Light Machine Gun Charlie (VG) is higher than normal Fix released
Bug/issueStatus Weapon Attachment Perks unintentionally transfer between weapons Investigating Slow gun leveling system for Vanguard weapons Unacknowledged Marksman Rifles (VG) causing unintended Headshot damage in Rebirth Iron Trials Investigating Players may get stuck when attempt ing to use an Ascender Investigating Players are unable to equip the FerroFluid Weapon Blueprint Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Ping not working or inconsistent map pins Fixed Polina Cloaked in Combat and Astrakhan skins bugged Fixed Parachute glitch making some operators slower than others Fixed Slow Season 2 Battle Pass progession Unacknowledged Players unable to open Ammo crates in Ground War Acknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Game launching in Windowed mode after Season Two Reloaded update Fixed Buy Station menu cursor resetting to top selection Fixed Battle Pas s progress XP broken, reduced or stuck Fixed Ground Loot missing in Plunder mode Investigating Players not receiving the Battle.net account Verification SMS code Workaround
Bug/issueStatus Daniel ‘Ancestral Spirit’ Operator Skin causing vision to be obscured Investigating Solo Contracts temporarily disabled to investigate issues Investigating Crossplay against PC players frustrating console players Unacknowledged
COD Modern Warfare Issues
Bug/issue Status Dev error 6034/6065/6066/6068 Workarounds Cruise and Predator Missiles slow speed and no boost Unacknowledged Multiplayer or split-screen invisible gun Workarounds Reticle menu not working Acknowledged Edit class mid game on Multiplayer or edit loadout not working Workaround
Bug/issueStatus ‘Disconnected due to transmission error, status: VIGOROUS’ message Workaround Unable to Access store Unacknowledged (refer update 23) Game crashing and getting after 1.50 patch Unacknowledged
COD Black Ops Cold War Issues
Bug/issueStatus Mauer Der Toten freezes whenever train arrives Acknowledged Mauer Der Toten Uranium bug Acknowledged Mule kick Tier V not working with Wunderfizz Workaround Mauer der Toten teleport glitch Acknowledged High Alert Perk of hearing footsteps for users in Dead Silence Acknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Marshal 16 Dragon’s Breath attachment not working while dual wielding Fixed Zombies Camos issue Fixed Some unlocked camos or attachments are relocking Investigating An issue causing the Xbox Series X to shut down while playing Zombies Workaround Unable to unlock several weapons Investigating
COD Vanguard Issues
Bug/issueStatus Graphical bug due to 120Hz setting on Xbox Improved Reticles not unlocking after completing challenges Fixed Dev error 5573 Workaround Das Haus playlist broken Unacknowledged Bomb Defusing Glitch Breaks Its Search & Destroy Mode Acknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Player collision Comes to light Buy Station icons are not appearing on the Tac Map Fixed Dark Aether: The Camo is currently displaying an incorrect texture across multiple Weapons. Acknowledged AR is displaying incorrect Prestige Levels and Player Levels Acknowledged Game not launching on PS5 Workaround
Bug/issueStatus Prestige icon doesn’t match current level Acknowledged Game crashing randomly A cknowledged Server snapshot error Fixed Server down or not working Unacknowledged Radar & Prestige 23/7 playlist missing Unacknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Unable to unlock Master Card after completing all Seasonal challenges Acknowledged Incendiary Grenades nerf Fix in works Dev Error 6036 Fix released Dog not tracking, party matchmaking, flame audio and High Alert perk issues Acknowledged Controller settings are being switched to Mouse and Keyboard occasionally Fixed
Bug/issueStatus Polina’s Battleprepped operator skin won’t unlock Investigati ng Prestige rank doesn’t match in different parts of the game Investigating ‘Connecting to Online Services’ can take up to 30-40 after the 1.5 Update Fixed Players unable to equip Legendary Historia Sten Blueprint (Attack On Titan Bundle) Acknowledged Packet burst issue Partially fixed
Bug/issueStatus Prestige levels not displaying accurately after Season 2 update Fix coming soon Spawning with enemy team on Casablanca Investigating Death count missing from scoreboard Fix in works Ball Turret Gunner does not count towards score in Free For All Investigatin g Season Two cinematic play not available for some players when booting Vanguard Fix coming soon
Bug/issueStatus Aim assist not working in Season 2 Fixed Issue causing some players to crash mid-match Fix coming soon Beatrice Parisian skin bugged Fixed Players cannot unlock Diamond Operator skin Acknowledged Ranked Play ‘Dev error 6144’ and create-a-class (CAC) issues Acknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Armory Perk is not working for equipment Investigating Game freezing, disconnecting or crashing during Kill Confirmed matches Investigating Kill Confirmed temporarily removed from rotation in all playlists Intended behavior After using a Glide Bomb, enemies can be seen through walls Fixed Slow weapon or gun leveling system Unacknowledged
Bug/issueStatus Quick Play and Combat Pacing resetting Acknowledged Mastery challenges not tracking Acknowledged Armaguerra 43 no audio with silencer or suppressor equipped Acknowledged Armaguerra 43 Mindgames Camo Category challenges not tracking correctly Fixed Zombie Survivalist Camo progression not tracking Under investigation
Bug/issueStatus Snake Bite Camo locked for some Fixed Cannot rename Custom Classes when Atomic camo equipped Workaround So me Reticles unlocked via Zombies are missing center dot Investigating
COD Mobile Issues
Bug/issueStatus Ban issue on BlueStacks emulator Acknowledged
COD Warzone Pacific Issues
Bug/issueStatus Multiplayer not working after Pacific update, missing data pack, or crashing Fix in the works (PS5) Caldera map graphics/texture issues Fixed Freezing or crashing on PS5 after Pacific update Fixed Freezing or crashing on Xbox after Pacific update Acknowledged

Categories: IT Info