Android 11 は、9月に発表されました。 、Google独自のデバイスはすでにこの新しいバージョンのAndroidを実行しています。
新しいAndroidバージョンは毎年9月から10月に発表されることが多いため、Android 12はまだ1年先にあるため、現在わかっていることはすべて一粒の塩で処理する必要があります。
では、これまでのところAndroid 12について何を知っていますか?ええと、最近公開された資料が何であれ、GoogleがそれをAndroid12と呼ぶことを私たちは知っています。
一部の開発者から、デバイスに別のアプリストアをインストールするためのユーザーエクスペリエンスをさらに向上させる方法についてフィードバックが寄せられました。そのフィードバックに応えて、Android 12(来年のAndroidリリース)に変更を加え、デバイスで他のアプリストアをさらに簡単に使用できるようにします…
Android 12について私たちが知っているすべての情報が以下に追加されますので、ご期待ください。
Android 12は、インクリメンタルファイルシステムをサポートするように設定されています。インクリメンタルFSは、「バイナリファイルとリソースファイルがネットワークやUSBなどを介して遅延ダウンロードされている間にプログラムを実行できる特別な目的のLinux仮想ファイルシステム」です。
Narzo 10は、Androidの次のバージョンへのアップデートに向けて準備が整っている可能性があります。その詳細
07:00 pm(IST): Android 12により、ようやくシステムの更新が簡単になる可能性があります。 Googleのエンジニアは、同社がAndroidランタイム(ART)をAndroid S/Android12の更新可能なメインラインモジュールにすることを計画していることを明らかにしました。
午前10時15分(IST): XDA は、AOSPに送信されたいくつかのコード変更を発見しました。これにより、GoogleはAndroid12のアプリ休止機能に取り組んでいるようです。
06:37 pm(IST): Android 12 Developer Previewが間もなく登場し、レポートが表示されています( 1 、 2 )Android12に付属する可能性のある新機能。
基本的に、これにより、ユーザーは分割画面モードでペアになっている2つのアプリを失うことなくアプリケーションを切り替えることができます。 Googleも
午前10時55分(IST): 9to5Google は、GoogleがAndroid12を搭載したPixelのダブルタップジェスチャーを復活させる可能性があることを示唆しています。ジェスチャー(コード名「Columbus」)は、Android 11 Developer Previewで最初に発見されましたが、安定版リリースでは表示されませんでした。
– Googleアシスタントを有効にする
午前11時50分(IST): Androidソースコードの新しいコードは、システムをアップグレードしなくてもAndroid12のシステムフォントと絵文字を更新できることを示しています。これを可能にする変更の詳細については、ここ。
午前10時5分(IST): Android 12は、サポートされている場合、システム全体に適用される原色とアクセント色をユーザーが選択できるネイティブシステムテーマを提供するようです。 。
01:08 am(IST): Googleは、Android 10とともに、ユーザーがバグトラッカーのWebサイトにアクセスしなくてもバグを報告できるようにするAndroidベータフィードバックアプリを導入しました。
そのアプリはしばらく休止していましたが、バージョンを2.11から2.15に上げる新しいアップデートを袋に入れました。これは、Android 12の開発が開始され、プレビュービルドがまもなく開始されることを示しています。詳細情報
午前10時50分(IST): Android12がどのように見えるかについてラウンドを行っているという新たな噂があります。 XDAの人々が管理Google自身が作成したとされるドキュメントのドラフトを手に入れるため。
その中には、本当に根本的な設計変更がいくつか見られます。 UIは、はるかに丸みを帯びたモダンな外観です。さらに、実際の場合、これらのスクリーンショットは、上記で説明したAndroid12のテーマ機能の最初の外観である可能性があります。
1つのUI3.0 と
06:50 pm(IST): Android 12に関する最近の開発に続いて、新しい色を変更するUIやその他の申し立てられた変更にどの程度気に入っているかを尋ねる投票を実施しています。 OS。詳細
03:21 pm(IST):最初の開発者プレビューリリースの時期が近づくにつれ、Androidの最新のイテレーションに関する最新の詳細が明らかになり続けています。
午前8時21分(IST): Android 12 Developer Preview 1のリリースに近づくにつれ、予想されるニュースやリークが浮上し続けます。最新のものの中には、ついに片手モードのサポートが追加されました。
09:31 am(IST): Android 11のアップデートにより、PiPウィンドウのサイズを変更できるようになりましたが、この機能を試してみると、中途半端な状態であることがわかります。 。
さらに良いのは、Android 11に付属していた問題のあるバブル通知が、新しいアニメーションでおもてなしされる可能性があることです。
午前10時21分(IST): Googleは
しかし、おそらく最近の過去からの最も重要な開発は、Android 12のデザート名です。どうやら、OSはSnowConeデザート名を取得する可能性があります。
午前11時37分(IST): 9to5Googleによるレポート、Android12はGooglePixelデバイスに顔ベースの自動回転を導入します。
午前11時23分(IST): Googleには
実際のOSがここにあるので、ついに噂や憶測を後回しにすることができます。そして、Android 12がパックする新機能や改善点に飛び込むよりも良い方法はありますか?
Android 12には、Android 11の会話、アプリ通知、サイレント通知を分離する透明なスペースから引き継ぐ明るいオーバーレイを備えた新しい半透明の背景があります。
クイック設定メニューにもいくつかの調整があり、非アクティブなタイルの灰色が水色に置き換わります。 Android 12では、クイック設定タイルの最初のカードから場所の切り替えも削除されます。
Android 12では、Googleはユーザー補助設定メニューも刷新し、メインページの主要オプションに簡単にアクセスできるようにしました。フォントや表示サイズなどがカテゴリに表示されるようになりました。
Android 12は、Android 11の明るいテーマと暗いテーマに青のような色合いを追加します。ただし、この時点では、色を変更するUI がしばらく前にリークされたのはまだ疑わしいです。
噂が示唆しているように、Android 12のPiPは、ユーザーがピンチしてPiPウィンドウをズームインおよびズームアウトできるようになりました。新しいOSでは、ユーザーはディスプレイパネルの一方の端にあるPiPウィンドウを「隠して」おくこともできます。
Android 12では、UIの画面上部に大きな空きスペースがあるため、アクセスしたいものはすべて下端に向かって押し出され、親指で簡単にアクセスできます。
これがAndroid12の片手モードです–完全に機能します。悲しいことに、それはほとんどのOEMソフトウェア(水平方向と垂直方向の両方のダウンサイジング)のOHMではなく、Appleの到達可能性(垂直方向のダウンサイジング)に似ています。 pic.twitter.com/IznRVHTgPu
— Mishaal Rahman(@MishaalRahman) 2021年2月18日
明らかに、Android 12には、有効にしたときに簡単にアクセスできるようにページアイテムをさらに下にプッシュすることを目的とした、「シルキーホーム」と呼ばれる機能(現時点ではまだフラグのみ)があります。
かなり前からここにありましたが、Android 12のおかげでAOSPにのみ登場する別の機能は、スクリーンショットのスクロールのサポートです。
新しい通知のスヌーズボタンを有効にするには、 [設定]> [アプリと通知]> [通知]> [通知のスヌーズを許可する] に移動します。
Android 11が去ったところからピックアップすると、新しいOSはより洗練されたメディアコントロールを追加し、より大きなメディアアートワークのおかげでプレーヤーはより多くのスペースを占有します。
Android 12では、ユーザーは [設定]> [音とバイブレーション]> [メディア] に移動して、メディアコントロールに表示されるアプリを選択することもできます。
Androidはウィジェットに関しては常にAppleを一段と高めてきましたが、最近iOS 14に動的ウィジェットが導入されたことでテーブルが変わりました。GoogleはAndroid12へのアップデートでその王冠を取り戻すことを目指しています。
スクリーンショットのまま、Android 12へのアップデート後のマークアップメニューで、ユーザーはメモや落書きに加えて絵文字を追加できるようになりました。さらに、共有シートで画像の編集や注釈付けが可能になりました。
Android Qは、QRコードをスキャンするだけで同じWi-Fiに接続できるようにしました。 Android 12では、GoogleはNearbyShareを介してWi-Fiパスワードを共有できるようになりました。
さらに優れているのは、Android 12ユーザーが通常の911または112に加えてカスタムSOSヘルプライン番号を追加できることと、最初の応答者が簡単にあなたを見つけられるようにアラームを鳴らすことができることです。
Android 12の新機能とOSに含まれるすべての視覚要素の詳細については、こちらの XDAの記事。
06:39 pm(IST): Android12ではさらに多くの機能が発見されています。
Android警察、カメラの切り欠きを非表示にできるようになりましたGoogle Pixel 4a、4a 5G、Pixel5。
この機能にアクセスするには、[設定]> [システム]> [詳細]> [開発者向けオプション]> [カットアウトの表示]に移動しますが、開発者向けオプションを有効にする必要があります。
11:23 am(IST):最近のリークに基づくと、Android 12のアップデートは、UIの調整と、内部の改善。
Nonetheless, Google is finally doing something for this major hindrance and it involves the clever usage of machine learning. It will be used to intelligently predict when the user intends to use the back gesture.
For details, head here and as for the full gallery of images showing the new theming system, see images below.
03:10 pm (IST): Check out a list of all the devices from OnePlus that will be eligible for the Android 12 update and other details by heading here.
Update 20 (February 22)
05:58 pm (IST): In case you’re wondering if your Samsung device is eligible for the Android 12 update, you can head here to check out the list of eligible devices from Samsung as well as other details regarding the upcoming Android version.
Update 21 (February 23)
12:07 pm (IST): Reports coming in can confirm that Android 12 developer preview 1 enables Dual SIM Dual Standby (DSDS) on the Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5, a feature that was previously limited to 4G networks.
04:40 pm (IST): New features have been discovered in Android 12 DP1. Folks at 9to5Google can confirm that the Pixel 5 now supports the double tap on the back gesture, but it’s not active yet.
The gesture will be used to trigger one of several actions namely:
– Open Assistant
– Take screenshot
– Play and pause media
– See recent apps
– Open notificationsBelow is a screenshot of the feature.
The same 9to5Google also reports that
06:09 pm (IST): Android 12 also comes with support for new audio-coupled haptics and if you want to see the feature in action, XDA has all the details here. Below is one of the videos shared by the publication.
The publication has also dived deeper into the previously highlighted App Pairs feature now that the OS is here, but of course, it is incomplete at this stage.
Further deeper into the first developer preview version also lies a hidden Gaming Toolbar that floats on your screen, XDA has determined. Like other hidden features, though, this one is still in its early stages.
The previously leaked Conversation widget is also present in the first Android 12 build and if you’d like to see it in action, the guys at XDA also have you covered. Below is a screenshot of the widget.
Update 22 (February 24)
02:47 pm (IST): We’ve now come up with a list of devices from Realme that may be eligible for the Realme UI 3.0 update based on Android 12 that should be available later this year. Head here to check out the list and other details.
Update 23 (February 25)
03:12 pm (IST): According to XDA, Google Pixel 3 and above may gain support for custom lock screen clocks with the update to Android 12. See details here.
Update 24 (March 04)
11:26 am (IST): Google has released a new version of Android 12 developer preview 1.1, the first incremental update. Below is a list of the bugs Google has fixed:
– Fixed an issue where on some devices, the device intermittently disconnected from Wi-Fi even when the Wi-Fi signal was strong.
– Fixed an issue where on some devices, the device displayed a “System UI keeps stopping” message if the user tried to take a screenshot by pressing Power + Volume Down from the Lock screen.
– Fixed an issue with partial wake locks that could cause excessive battery drain.
– Fixed an issue where a device’s fingerprint reader could become unresponsive when the device was suspended, requiring the user to unlock their device using another method.– Fixed an issue where the Settings app could crash if the user tried to access app notification settings.
– Fixed an issue where the system UI could freeze after the user updated the device.
– Fixed an issue where the CellBroadcastReceiver app could not obtain the android.permission.BROADCAST_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS permission, causing emergency alerts to crash.
– Fixed an issue that could cause some devices to reboot intermittently.
– Fixed an issue that could cause some devices to reboot after the user unlocked the device using their PIN.
SourceUpdate 25 (March 06)
05:31 pm (IST): Android 12 is slated to bring support for an entirely new image format called AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) which will store the same information as a WebP image but with a 50% reduced size or even a third of typical JPGs.
It will also allow both static images and animated ones to be stored inside it, just like GIFs do. One can say that it will be a cross of sorts between GIF and JPG. More info here.
Update 26 (March 08)
10:02 am (IST): We’ve curated a list of Motorola smartphones that we believe will get the update to Android 12. Head here to check it out.
Update 27 (March 12)
05:17 pm (IST): Android 12 DP 1.1 has a small addition that 9to5Google discovered. Apparently, the “PIN required after devices restarts” warning message that pops when you attempt to unlock your phone via the fingerprint scanner after restarting it has changed colors from white to red, making it more prominent.
Details here.
Update 28 (March 18)
12:51 pm (IST): Android 12 developer preview 2 is among us and as expected, it brings along improvements and optimizations as well as some new features too.
Some of the notable additions are the improvements to notification security and picture-in-picture, but this currently affects app developers, as highlighted here.
Below are some of the new stuff you get.
New dark theme
As far as user-facing changes are concerned, Android 12 DP2 brings what looks like a lighter shade of the new dark theme introduced in DP1.
Custom one-handed mode
Like other players that have been focusing on easing the use of one hand on the ever-growing big screens, Android 12 DP2 has added one of its own too.
Android 12 DP2 one-handed mode
Google Pixel users on Android 12 DP2 can enable One-handed mode via the Gestures settings. Once enabled, users can swipe down towards the bottom of the screen to trigger it.
To make it even better, Google has included timeout options of 4 seconds, 8 seconds, 12 seconds, and never, allowing users to pick when to exit the mode.
New notification swipe-down gesture
Google has also added a new swipe-down gesture to pull down the notification bar from within any app and not just the home screen, like it is today.
I found another gesture – swipe down for notifications. You know how the Pixel Launcher lets you swipe down on the home screen to pull down the notification shade? Yeah, this does that – but in any app. pic.twitter.com/VpmRESJkkM
— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) February 19, 2021
New widget picker
Besides the new notification gesture, the Pixel Launcher is also getting a new widget picker in Android 12 DP2.
Other changes discovered in DP2 include the ability to “pick and choose which apps a Notification Listener (like Wear OS app) service can intercept”, smart forwarding calls, a new “Turn screen darker” setting page, lockscreen tweaks to PIN and Pattern locks, media player matching the accent color, and more.
As you’d expect from a developer preview version, there are a bunch of hidden features as well. As per XDA, these features include:
– A new Search widget for the Pixel Launcher
– Taskbar for large screen devices
– Face-based autorotation
– Game Dashboard
– Conversation/People Space Widget Picker
– Revamped PIN view
– Enhanced Monet Theming System
– New Toast Message UI
– A Quick Setting tile to show the Device Controls menu is in the works
SourceUpdate 29 (March 20)
07:24 pm (IST): The new Gboard themes have still not rolled out even after several months of A/B testing and Android 12 could be the one to blame. For more details, check this out.
Update 30 (March 23)
02:11 pm (IST): Earlier, we reported about the privacy indicators that Android 12 is coming with. And now in a related development, a dev has managed to enable the redesigned indicators.
As seen in the screenshot below, the privacy indicators now sit inside a green pill and when you tap on it, you get to see the apps currently using the camera, location, and microphone.
Update 31 (March 30)
12:19 pm (IST): The latest Android 12 developer preview 2.1 is now out with fixes for WebView crashes. The update carries build number SPP2.210219.008.A1 and Play services version 21.06.13.
Below is the brief changelog shared by Google.
[Android 12 Developer Preview 2.1 — March 2021]
– This minor update to Android 12 Developer Preview 2 updates WebView to fix an issue that caused some apps to crash.
SourceUpdate 32 (April 02)
11:59 am (IST): Android 12’s recent panel is now testing a translation suggestion button designed to conveniently translate text from the recents itself. More details here.
Update 33 (April 05)
10:41 am (IST): Android 12 may finally let third-party launchers have better search capabilities with Universal device saerch, similar to what we get on vanilla Android search.
Nova current search results
With Android 12 there may appear a comprehensive list of elements from the existing apps on the device.
For example, when searched for a song, results from apps (Spotify/Youtube Music) will also appear in the search results.
11:01 am (IST): LG, even after bowing out from the smartphone industry, may still continue to push Android updates for some time.
The company, in its latest schedule, has assured to continue the Android 11 rollout and may even push the Android 12 update for a few eligible devices.
Update 34 (April 06)
11:05 am (IST): Android 12 has brought about a set of new emojis and even alters several of the existing ones. These emojis can be set on any rooted device running Android 11. For more details, head here.
Update 35 (April 08)
10:58 am (IST): The Google Pixels are now receiving a new Android 12 developer preview version 2.2 that brings April security patch alongside a bunch of bug fixes. See details here.
05:35 pm (IST): Folks with LG smartphones who’re looking for more details regarding the upcoming update to Android 12 can check out our dedicated tracker to be informed on all the latest developments.
06:24 pm (IST): Google I/O 2021 just went official. The event will be held virtually and will be streamed live and free for all. It will also talk about the Pixel 5a and Android 12. The I/O developer conference will be held on May 18-20.
Update 36 (April 17)
12:01 pm (IST): 1. It looks like Google is working on adding a new entry to Settings > Storage with Android 12 to show how much storage space all trashed items use up. This could be a good indicator that Android 12 will finally permit users to access the hidden Recycle Bin.
2. Google may be working on a framework to help translate an app’s UI to the user’s native language with Android 12. Details here.
Update 37 (April 19)
06:00 pm (IST): For all developments regarding the availability of Android 12 for Asus smartphones, you can now check out our dedicated tracker for the same.
Update 38 (April 20)
01:16 pm (IST): 1. Android 12 will hibernate unused apps to free up space automatically. This will be done by clearing app cache. More details here.
2. Android 12 also deprecates the RenderScript API for GPU compute tasks that was introduced way back with Android 3.0 Honeycomb.
01:25 pm (IST): A bunch of Android 12 features have been revealed by XDA Developers thanks to an upcoming leaked build. Some of the highlights include:
1. Functional changes: Improvements to Scrolling Screenshots, Hold power button to call Google Assistant, search bar, Wi-Fi & Internet changes, Quick Setting tile for Device Controls, Cards and Passes.
2. Design changes: The volume panel has been re-designed entirely. The brightness slider has also been tweaked. You also get a bunch of new animations.
3. Privacy features: These include all new iOS-like Clipboard Access Prompts combined with enhanced notification permissions and more.
For further details on all of the above, head here.
Update 39 (April 22)
05:49 pm (IST): Android 12 DP3 just went live and brings along a bunch of new features and UI tweaks. Some of these have been discussed below:
1. Rounder corners: Almost every UI element in Android 12 is now rounder and more aesthetically pleasing than before.
2. Smarter link opening: Android is now getting smart enough to bug users regarding the app they wish to use a particular link as the system will decide that itself. Details here.
3. Updated Settings app design: The DP3 has brought about some pretty significant design changes to the Settings app which although looks prettier is now way less informative.
4. Screenshot markup updates: The Android screenshot editor now supports text addition in several new fonts.
Of course, there are many more other changes that you can access from here.
Update 40 (April 23)
04:02 pm (IST): Another day, another bunch of feature revelations on Android 12. These include:
1. Shortcut for accessibility menu: In previous Android versions, you could activate the accessibility menu by swiping up with two fingers from the bottom of the screen. DP3 does away with that option in favor of a dedicated button.
2. ‘Open by default’ new UI: The Open by default option available under the App info of supported apps has seen some significant improvements on DP3. It will also display a bunch of links that will be opened through that particular app.
3. Dynamic widgets: Android 12 DP3’s latest widgets now dynamically change color based on the current wallpaper.
4. Screenshot swipe change: Android 12 DP3 lets you swipe away screenshots either left or right. Previously, that was limited to the right side alone.
5. Extra dim mode: This feature can be accessed via Settings-> Accessibility-> Extra dim and helps reduce the screen brightness to an even lower level of your choice.
6. Android ‘Accounts’ page changes: The old “Accounts” page in settings has now been renamed to “Passwords and accounts” in DP3 along with some tweaks.
Update 41 (April 24)
02:45 pm (IST): 1. Android 12 DP3 makes some more changes to the notification panel. The notification counter at the bottom right corner has now been moved up and also gets a colored background (Source).
2. Toast notifications on Android 12 DP3 are now dynamically themed depending on the light/dark mode in use. Also, the new universal splash screens were found to change background colors similarly (Source).
3. The new 4×4 home screen grid differs slightly from the existing one – the app icons aren’t as large. It instead retains the icon size of the default 5×5 layout (Source).
Update 42 (April 29)
12:55 pm (IST): The first list of I/O 2021 sessions was released today and we now have our first glimpse at what to expect from Google’s developer conference. The program is set to talk about Wear, Android 12 widgets, and the integration of Assistant and Android. More details here.
Update 43 (April 30)
10:08 am (IST): The guys over at Android Police have a pretty detailed list of features that have popped in the developer preview versions so far — and are expected in the stable release too.
You can check it out here.
Update 44 (May 05)
05:55 pm (IST): If you’re looking for more information regarding the availability and status of Android 12 for Sony Xperia phones, you can now check out our dedicated tracker.
Update 45 (May 06)
06:36 pm (IST): Those looking for more information about the availability of Android 12 for smartphones purchased through U.S. carriers such as AT&T and Verizon can now check out our dedicated tracker.
Update 46 (May 11)
05:48 pm (IST): The latest Google App beta – version to be precise – is testing a new way to trigger Google Assistant. This can be done via a long press of the power button.
Update 47 (May 14)
04:24 pm (IST): Google seems to be testing a new UI for the Assistant that will be synchronous with Android 12’s theming system. More details here.
Update 48 (May 17)
12:00 pm (IST): A new Android 12 video leak has emerged right before the commencement of I/O 2021 highlighting some of the really radical changes the OS update has in store. You may check it out from the video below:
Update 49 (May 18)
06:14 pm (IST): The Android 12 update’s new privacy control could include a Privacy Dashboard where users can more easily restrict apps’ ability to access some permissions.
Update 50 (May 19)
12:11 pm (IST): Xiaomi has the most non-Google devices in Android 12 Beta 1, but all betas come with bugs, and the builds for the Mi 11 and Mi 11X series are no different. For a list of bugs to expect and download links, head here.
12:11 pm (IST): The Android 12 Beta 1 update just went live for Google Pixel devices all the way back to Pixel 3 and for several more devices from OEMs that participated in the beta program like Xiaomi and OnePlus.
The update has now given us the best insight yet into what the final stable version of Android 12 is going to look like. We have mentioned all of the highlight features and developments brought along by the Android 12 Beta 1 update below:
1. Visual overhaul: From the Beta 1 update onwards, the OS has broken free from the shackles of Android 11 and has begun to look completely unique whether it’s the lockscreen, quick settings, apps, widgets and more.
2. Android 12 beta GSI: Following the Google I/O, the Android 12 GSI is now available for download. Head here for download links and flashing instructions.
3. Android 12 as car key: Android 12 will officially let “select Pixel and Samsung Galaxy phones” natively act as a car key later this year. For details, head here.
4. As it stands, Android 12 and all of its cool new goodies will be first made available for the Google Pixels following which most of it should be merged into AOSP. More details here.
5. App shortcuts updates: App shortcuts haven’t exactly been convenient to access till now since they’re hidden behind a long press on the app icons on the launcher. However, with Android 12, they will receive a renewed utility thanks to their integration into Google Assistant. Details here.
12:55 pm (IST): TCL has kickstarted their Android 12 beta program for the TCL 20 Pro 5G. For download link and flashing instructions, head here.
01:22 pm (IST): Android 12 adds APIs for Bluetooth LE Audio, paving the way for better Bluetooth audio along with app hibernation as a way to free the OS from unused app storage space.
Update 51 (May 20)
01:29 pm (IST): XDA has found that Android 12 will finally let alternative app stores update apps without bothering the user.
Usually when you sideload an app on Android, you have to first grant the install unknown apps permission, but that is now set to change.
01:33 pm (IST): Android 12 has made some changes to the Battery settings menu where the Screen-on time data is no longer shown. For details, head here.
Update 52 (May 21)
02:40 pm (IST): It appears that Google is finally fixing the Google Photos issue on Samsung phones where screenshots would get backed up automatically with other images from the camera roll:
If device implementation have screenshot or screen recording functionality, including by way of hardware shortcut or software button, they:
MUST save the image or video file generated in a directory called “Screenshots” which is automatically generated under “Pictures” on onboard memory or a SD card in a reliable port. It is accessible by using DIRECTORY_SCREENSHOTS.
MUST NOT save screenshots and screen recordings in DCIM, Pictures, Videos, or a custom directory.
Source02:50 pm (IST): Pixel 6 may use Android 12’s audio-coupled haptics feature for ringtones. This will help create custom vibration effects for ringtones. For details, head here.
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